Objective: 205 Broilers Cobb-500 Breed Were Reared in Intensive Housing System (Deep Litter System)

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The report is prepared for the purpose of evaluating the managemental and economic aspects of
the broiler hen rearing. All the samples were collected by the students of the HICAST from the
HICAST Integrated Animal farm located in Kritipur. This report holds complete details on the
housing management and health aspect of broiler hen rearing of the farm.


To be familiar with the housing management, and health aspect of poultry (broilers) present in
the HICAST farm, Kritipur.


Farm Name: HICAST Integrated Animal farm

Location: Kritipur, Kathmandu



205 broilers cobb-500 breed were reared in intensive housing system (deep litter system).

Area of the farm = 296 sq.ft

Length = 19.7 feet

Breadth = 15 feet

Height = (in Centre) = 10.9 feet , (at Side ) = 7.9 feet

It is made up of concrete floor and wire surrounds the farm side by side and there is proper
ventilation as well. Based on this area, farm can hold 512 layers because one laying hen requires
1.5 sq. feet area. There was 603 chicks into the farm. The plastic surrounding the farm helps to
control temperature by blocking the direct sunlight, wind, rainwater etc.

In date 2076/03/27, 205 broiler chicks were introduced. On the first day chicks are kept on the
newspaper over the soft litter materials (rice husk) in small space. There was one electric bulb
suspended over the chicks with a gas brooder to maintain temperature at 95 °Fahrenheit in 1 st
week. Temperature was gradually decreased in 2nd week by 5 °F. At first feed was given in
newspaper and gradually as chick grows, small feederer and waterer were added (one feederer
for every 50 chicks). Feed and water were given in adlibitum during brooding.


Chicks were fed feed and water all day and night. The 6 th day old chick consumed 19.5gm feed
and 24.5ml water and the 30th day broiler consumed 150.8gm feed and 402ml water.

A day old chicks to 2nd week = B0 (starter feed)-22%

From 2nd week to 3rd week = B1 (grower feed)-18%

From 3rd week onwards = B2 (finisher ration)-16%

Age(days) Amount of feed consumed (per chick)

1-8 20gm

9-16 49-70gm

17-20 85-90gm

21-26 100gm

27-32 150gm


Water was provided ad-libitum during brooding. 10 waterer were provided.


Broiler was vaccinated as follows:

Age Vaccine Vaccination date

Day one Marek’s or f1 vaccine Ashar 27th

5th day New castle disease (lasota strain) Ashar 31th

9th day Inclusion body hepatitis Shrawan 4th

12th day IBD (intermediate plus strain) Shrawan 7th

22th day IBD (intermediate plus strain) Shrawan 17th

28th day ND (B1 strain) Shrawan 23th

Vaccine route:

 New castle disease vaccine was given intraocular on 5 th day and in 28th day in drinking
water of B1 strain.
 IBH vaccine was given subcutaneous.

IBD vaccine in 12th was given intraocular and in 22nd day in drinking water.
VI. Biosecurity

Not well maintained. There is very small distance between broiler farm and goat farm, cattle
farm and layer farm. Contamination chance is more even though some biosecurity measures are

 Whole farm is surrounded by wire fences so that outside animal cannot enter the
 Calcium carbonate powder is spreaded on the floor below rice husk to kill the surface

Chemical disinfectant (Virkon s) is used to spray around the farm and on the foot of people
entering the farm.


Not done.


The procedure of flotation technique for faecal examination was followed.
Procedure: -

i. Fresh faeces was collected in zip lock plastic from randomly 10 chicks.

ii. 2gm faeces was mixed in 10ml of 10% Nacl solution and filtered via sieve.

iii. The test tube is filled with this filtered faecal solution and coverslip was put on
the top and left for 20 minutes.

iv. Finally, the coverslip was put on the microscope and observed the result.

v. This procedure was followed for 10 different samples.

Laboratory work done results:

 At 2nd week age: test done direct fecal examination floatation test
Result: negative
 At 3rd week age: test done direct fecal examination floatation test
Result: positive (coccidia oocyst +++)

 Blood sample for HA/HI:

 Serum sample was collected.

 Alseiver solution plus blood is collected in 1:1 ratio for making 1% chicken RBC.
 HA property of ND virus was observed by using vaccine as antigen.
 Blood smear was prepared and stained with leisman stain. (done at the age of 21th day)
Result: negative

3)Water sample:

To observe the water contamination by microorganism we have cultured the water

sample in nutrient agar and Muller Hinton agar.


 Water was collected on the sterile plastic vial.

 Nutrient agar and Muller Hinton agar were prepared.

 Water sample was inoculated in the solid agar by swabbing.

 Incubated at 37degree centigrade for 24 hours.

 Microbial colony was observed.


Record till date 2076/4/27; mortality was 7 out of 205.

Age Mortality Flock size

5th day 1 204

11th day 1 203

13th day 1 202

17th day 2 200

23th day 1 199

31th day 1 198

 The dead chicks of 17th day were diagnosed to be infected by coccidiosis disease
according to intern veterinary doctors of HICAST. Coccidia oocyst were found in fecal
examination of 17th day old chick.


 Bio-Anticoc (Sulfadimidine and Diaveridine)

Sig: 2 gm/liter of drinking water for 3 days.

 Immunocare liq. (Immune booster)

Sig: 10 ml/2 liter of water continue for 5 days.

 Sharcopherol P (Haematinics and growth promoter)

Sig: 25 gm/100 birds continue for 5-7 days.

 The dead chick of 23th day was diagnosed to be infected by Colibacillosis diseases by


 Dimoxan (Colistin Sulphate-1200000 IU + Amoxycillin trihydrate-200 mg)

Sig: 2 gm/liter of DW continue for 5 days.
 Aqua Rrect (water acidifier with chelating agent)
Sig: 1 gm/10 liter of DW daily for 7 days.
 Aqua clean (water sanitizer and biocide)
Sig: 1 ml/10 liter of DW daily for 7 days.
2. Chicken dead on
31th day was
diagnosed to be Hydropericardium syndrome (HPS) or litchi disease.

 CRD (Chronic Respiratory disease) was also seen.


Some of the antibiotics, water purifier, enzymes and probiotics are administrated to the chicken
to prevent the disease and to treat the disease and to promote the growth of the chicken faster.

1. Aqua R rect: water acidifier with chelating agent. It stimulates the activity of digestive
enzyme, removes biofilms and dissolves metallic ions, potentiates the action of chlorine
and improves growth and feed conversion making it an excellent feed supplement.
(1ml/10 ltr of drinking water).

2. Ozolyte (Sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium bicarbonate, sodium acid

phosphate, sodium citrate, calcium lactate, magnesium sulphate, ascorbic acid, lactose,
dextrose): 1g per 2 litre water for 5 days.

3. Dimoxan: It contains colistin and amoxicillin water soluble powder. It is also a

prophylactic antibiotic used to prevent GI, respiratory and urinary tract infections.

4. Prozon (probiotic supplement).

5. Sharcopherol -p (Malt based Fe, vitamin, Cu and Ca supplement).

6. Lefox (levofloxacin oral solution10% w/v)

Dose: 1ml/1 litre DW for 3 days.

7. Bio-anticoc( sulphadimidine, diaveridine, Vit A, Vit k3)

Dose: 1gm/1 litre DW for 3 days.

8. R Min vit (Amino acid, vitamin, mineral liquid supplement @ 1ml/litre of DW.

9. Coli-4800 (colistin sulphate) @ 100 g per 500 – 1,000 litres of drinking water for 5 days.

The fecal sample collected were devoid of any oocyst at 2 nd week but in the 3rd week, the fecal
sample was found positive with coccidian oocyst.

The blood of the broilers was taken at random and tested for proper antibody production by
HA/HI test. In the test, we found out that the vaccination was properly working in their bodies
and antibodies were produced at pronounced level.

The housing system is not well managed although it is deep litter system. The housing is open
from all the upper sides, so the disease transmission is easy by other avians. The disinfectant
used in the housing system is not so effective.

The temperature was maintained properly but litter was not changed so the birds were exposed to
ammonia from their own feces.

The bird’s physiology was at peak and gained proper weight. The vaccinations were on proper
time and the blood showed proper antibody production by HA/HI test. The mortality rate was
low due to proper vaccination and medication and isolation of diseased birds. The most
disappointing thing is the poor biosecurity.


 Proper effective disinfectant can be used.

 Changing of litter in time to time can be done.
 Distance from other farms can be maintained.

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