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The ideal student 

   There are several criteria for a student who ideal.dan not all students can be said
could be an ideal student in my universitas.menurut there are several criteria to be a
student who ideal.Mahasiswa ideal are those who can recognize, understand, and
perform roles given to those with the best. 
       I think there are several criteria to be an ideal student include: 
The first is: on time 
We must be always present in class on time before the professor went into
kelas.karena by showing things like that, at least we can show the attitude that we
really mean it intends to seek knowledge or want to get ilmu.dari timeliness may
also the attitude that we are part of the people who have a high discipline. 
The second is: relegion 
    We as students should be able always to obey beribadah.kita can take advantage
of time on the sidelines of our routine to always beribadah.agar we always remember
the supreme god peekuliahan kuasa.misalnya before starting the activity at least we
gave time to perform ritual prayers Duha. as a manifestation of our gratitude to
tuhan.dan not forget that we must always do tahajud pray for us given the ease in
their studies. 
Which in turn is able to be creative students 
      This means we can make things that are not beneficial to the things that
bermanfaat.paling not we can use part-time for bekerja.jadi we can also well be
students who can live with creative mandiri.berfikir can also make us of the change
in the way of thought maju.kita independent and can also be a person full of initiative
in doing any work without being told. 
The fourth is open minded 
     This means we must be open-sets new things and always receptive
perubahan.sabar in the face of all the trials and rintangan.selalu positive minded to
anything for our soul always sehat.dan can accept criticism in any form. 
And the next that is progressive 
      as we all know that, students and the qualities that had occupied the elite in his
generation. Pioneering nature, courage and critical is the hallmark of elite groups in
the younger generation, namely the students themselves. Pioneering nature,
courage and critical based on the objective that must be played by students could be
performed well if they are in the free atmosphere of free and democratic objective
and rational. This attitude is a progressive (forward) as a characteristic of an
intellectual. The attitude of honesty fairness and objectivity. 
The sixth is humorous 
    Humorous is one of the characteristics of students ideal.menjadi students who are
too serious in dealing with college activities are also less bagus.apalagi we rarely
laugh and tersenyum.untuk deal with boredom in lectures should we fill it with jokes
and laughter with our friends, so we do not look too serus. 

Maybe that's all I can to make about to be a student who ideal.mungkin perhaps be
among the friends who wanted to ask. 

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