Food Drop

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Executive Summary
FOODDROP​ is a unique proposition which will look into the meal needs of
people who like to have home-cooked food and also are highly conscious
of their nutritional value of the meal that they are having and the calorie
count of the same.

It will initially be launched on a subscription basis, wherein customers will

be able to subscribe to our services on either weekly or monthly basis. We
aim at making tasty and healthy food available at your fingertips and
providing you with a food ordering experience as easy as watching your
favourite shows on Netflix.

Our primary target audience will be people who love cooking and students
who love home made food but don't have the resources and don't know
how to cook. Our meal kits that contain vegetables, spices, optional
confectionaries and a recipe, are perfect for anyone irrespective of whether
they know how to cook or they don't. .

Food drop will be positioned as the perfect solution to avoid ordering your
favourite food from your restaurant and helping boost your culinary skills.
Since our primary target audience are the youth and millenials, we will be
primarily making use of social channels like Instagram, Facebook and
Twitter to reach out to our TG and create an impact.

Since we do not have a competitor in the market,and since we aim to

maintain our positioning as a semi premium product, we will keep our
pricing linenant and focus on semi urban and urban areas.

Our Services
In this fast moving world, having food that is healthy, while taking care of the nutritional
intake is something we fail to take care of. People open their eyes with an official email
from the office, and often end up spending far more time working than the are supposed
to. In course of keeping our work as first priority, we often end up compromising our

health. Hence, the only thing can creates a major impact on our health, is having
wholesome meals. Meals that not only fill your stomach but also ensure that all the
necessary nutrients the body requires, reaches the body. As we all are aware, food
plays a major role in deciding our moods throughout the day. Thus having proper food
keeps us motivated to achieve our goals more.

FOODROP is one such initiative that will provide meals at your doorstep. We plan to
provide the raw material required to make your daily meal, thereby ensuring that the
food you eat is home cooked and also reducing the time required to cook. Consumers
need not worry about the hygiene conditions of the restaurant you are ordering from and
whether the food delivered has been properly cooked or not.

Since we are a pioneer in this space, we do not have any direct competitors in the
market. Our close competitors could be food delivery services like Swiggy & Zomato.

In our research, we found that out of the 54.5% of the people who like ordering food
from outside, 45.5% of the people have food more than twice a week and 11.7% have
food for more than four times a week. Based on this, we can say that there are a lot of
people who don’t like or are willing to have food from outside. We plan to cater to that

segment of the people who look for different options for their meals other than ordering
from outside due to factors like the quality of the food, the desired taste amongst others.
Since having food delivered always comes with a price, and since it is not always
economical to go out for your meal, Food drop will solve all these problems. At the end
you get healthy and tasty freshly prepared food while keeping your nutrition intake in
check, fresh out of your kitchen.

But having food outside comes at a cost and it is always not economical to go out for
your meal and also who loves to have the cold food that Is brought to them by their
delivery partners. So a home cooked food which gives u the taste of restaurant is what
we plan to offer.

Keeping in mind that almost 71.4% of the population likes to cook and almost 41.6% of
the people don’t love to go for grocery shopping, the USP of our product is that we offer
meals that are not only fresh from the farms, but also keep your nutritional needs in

The main impact will be created only from the demographic factor, as our primary target
will be the working class or college students staying away from their homes. We aim to
attract the audience with attractive packaging and the ease of cooking a home cooked
meal within no time. We plan to make our product available in the semi-urban and urban
cities where the per-capita income is high so people will be ready to pay for a new
quality service provided to them.

Moving on to economic factor as


In our Problem recognition stage, we will make our customers aware of the unconscious
problems that they have been facing when it comes to food and create a gap in the
minds of the consumers. Fooddrop will be launched as a solution to the above
mentioned problem.

In the Information search stage, we will create an awareness about our services and
products and other relevant details through use of social and direct channels, thereby
creating a sense of curiosity among people.

Post purchase feedback will be taken on periodic basis and the services will be
customised as per the need.

it will be easy to make changes in the services offered and can also is fully
customisable according to the need.

Primary Objective: To promote and aid in creating a healthier lifestyle among people.

Secondary Objectives:

● To reach our primary objectives, we will initially start off as a subscription based
service, aimed to take care of the nutritional needs of our consumers.
● We would have to create awareness among the Target Audience on the need to
eat healthy. This will be done through various channels, including the creation of
a hashtag, “#gharkakhana”, that will utilise user generated content to spread the
word amongst the people.
● We will aim at generating 1 lakh regular subscription within a span of 7 month,
which will thereby help and create the first step in establishing ourselves as a
leader in the nutrition sector.
● Our KPI’s (Key Performance indicators) would involve generation of orders
worth Rs 12 lakhs in a span of 4 months. We plan to initially start our services in
Delhi as there are a lot of universities, thereby making it easier to tap into the
youth population.
● As further expansion plans, we would like to expand into the 4 metros Next step
would be expanding in the other 4 metros within a span of one year.

Our primary segment would be the youth or the millenials, or anyone in the age group of
19-32, especially people who are working and students who are staying away from
home, as usually they look for home cooked food.

Talking about segmentation our service is planned to primarily serve the youth or the
millennials demographic. We plan to start our operations from Delhi, because of the
huge student and the office going crowd that we can tap into. As we plan to position our
product as a semi premium product which will lie somewhere between a going out
restaurant and ordering food online, our products will be price sensitive. We won't be
able to price our product high as then go out restaurants will be able to gain competitive
advantage over us and if we price it low, it will create the image of a low quality product
in the eyes of the consumer. Therefore a semi premium image will be optimal for us.

We would be more focused with concentrated targeting as our first two major focus will

1. The people of the taken age group

2. Location at which we will be operating.

This section will talk about the most integral part of the whole marketing plan as here we
will be looking into all the constraints that can come up while setting up the business.

We will be basically looking into the 4 P’s of marketing, that is:

· Product

· Price

· Place

· Promotion


We plan to establish our service as a speciality product as it is totally a new and unique
concept that people would love to try. As a speciality product is something in which

people are willing to spend some time as well as the give a spend a lot of time towards
as an engagement with the product. As a speciality product we plan that our customers
develop a different attachment with our company. Vis-à-vis our product will be highly
heterogeneous in nature.

With this new concept, to be a standalone brand in our segment in the market. As our
service will be totally generic in nature the brand will also carry its own image. We want
our service to be positioned as one of the top food providing brands of the country with
an image of high nutritional value provider.

In our BRAND AUGMENTATION strategy, we look forward to position our brand as a

value provider. The identity or the main BRAND EQUITY of our product will be the
nutritional value that we will be offering and the differentiated service from any other
food service provider of the country. The uniqueness will be the home cooked food and
the taste with nutritional value of a meal to our customers. As already mentioned the
POSITIONING will be done as a semi-premium product amongst the crowd as all will
not be looking for nutritional value in their food and all don’t want to have the online
delivered food.

Other brand elements of the company like the name and the logo are just focused to
give a simple identity to a new brand.

Service Augmentation: -

Along with our product, we we plan to provide an ease of navigation on our website,
ease of choosing the desired menu from a wide range, free of cost trials that will be
offered for the first order which is made by any customer looking for our service as an
option. The delivery option will be made as per the time frame provided to us by our
customers according to their convenience. As a post purchase service any further
customisation to the order hence forth will be taken into account.

PLC (Product Life Cycle) of our product.

According to the product category that we are choosing that is online food delivery
service, we e see that this will be in the growth phase of the PLC as being a new

product introduced in the market with a completely new service, it will be gaining a lot of
popularity easily in the market and we look forward to a growth driven by innovation.


The success of the business depends upon how well it is priced in the market, as the
price of any product plays a very important role in deciding the success of the business.
The price determines if the consumer will be willing to pay the amount or not, and
whether the consumer feels that the price is worth the value of the services he/she is
getting in return.

With pricing objective we plan to go for a MARKET PENETRATION pricing policy. As in

this the price of our services will be priced relative to the other potential competitors
present in the market. We also plan to go for this policy of pricing because in the
beginning we need to gain a lot of market shares in order to meet our target of

As we plan to go for a market penetration pricing we can't do the quite opposite by price
skimming or charging a premium price. As we have already mentioned that we plan our
product to be a semi-premium product the penetration pricing won't do much of harm to
the image of the product. We can also look upto to the perceived value pricing as we
already know from the survey that how much people are ready to pay for meals of the

To fix the base price of our product the easiest and the most convenient way is to
consider the fixed and variable cost which we will be incurring in the business and
adding a margin to it. This strategy suits us best because with absence of competition
we don’t have the challenge of our prices being compared to anything. Our nearest
competitors will be the online food platforms, but since we work on a fairly different
concept it will not be much of an issue.

Moving further into the business with time we also plan to incorporate other pricing tools
such as:

· Loyalty card: As with time we will be having regular customers, identifying them and
getting them extra benefits will help us retain them for a longer period of time.

· Special customer pricing: We can have different pricing categories such as:

i)​ People with bulk order.

ii) People who are willing to pay more for any extra service they want.

iii) People who regularly order from us.

· Psychological discounting: This can be applied when we launch any new item in our
menu and keep the price as 199, 299 flat for a platter.


As here we will be the assembler of the service, we plan to have a very simple
distribution channel, i.e Producer à Consumer. This direct channel will not only help in
reducing the price and keeping it to the minimum but will also help in maintaining a
perfect balance for quality control.

Distribution channel is very important because a proper designed distribution channel

help to know the customer needs as per the target market.

As we follow the step we need to look into some aspects such as:

· Market classification: We have chosen Delhi as our first operational area and then
we plan to move into the 4 major metros. We chose delhi as it has the highest
number of universities thus making it a student crowded place. It is easy to pull
attention of this crowd as well its same with other metros where the crowd consist a
very large working population who will love the idea.

· Objective of our distribution channel would be AWARENESS and working on the

FORM UTILITY of a product. We would be offering food in a new form and therefore
knowing the form utility awareness is very much needed.

· We will be following an EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTION channel as we will be

operating wholly on our own in the beginning as we will be operating in a defined
geographical area.

As we will be dealing with fresh and perishable good some important things we need to
consider such as :-

•​ Short delivery times

•​ Assessment of accurate demand

•​ Dedicated transport and storage services


The last P in the list but for this stands to be the most important P for you for major two
reasons: 1) we are a startup based wholly over the internet 2) for awareness of a
completely new idea.

So for our communication we will basically take the following into account.

The benefits that we will be offering: We will be offering the required raw materials to
you, so that you can cook your favourite food without the hassles of standing at a
supermarket in long queues to buy groceries and vegetables.

Advertising appeals:

1.​ ​Innovation appeal : Since we are the first of its kind in the market to introduce such
a service, we can easily use innovation appeal to attract our audience. Fooddrop
aims to create solutions to problems that was always considered mundane and

2.​ ​Nutritional appeal: Using the nutritional appeal would mainly be used to tell people
that fooddrop brings to the table that is fresh and nutritious. Consumers need not
worry of the conditions in which the food is prepared and if the raw materials that
were used were fresh or not, like incase of ordering food online.



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