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Virtual Program & Remote Learning Plans for

DPS continues to work closely with local and state
health experts to create a safe plan for the new
school year. That planning includes starting the
school year with fully remote learning, with the
hope of offering in-person learning to families in
early September. We are preparing for a school
year that will offer a fully virtual learning option for
families who want it, in addition to as much in-
person learning as conditions allow, based on the
guidance of our health partners.
To help families in their decisions for the new
school year, this is a summary of how the DPS virtual learning option will work and how it would fit into
the different school options that we are planning for in the new school year.

Virtual Program
Virtual partnerships with your school and schools in your community: We will make every effort to
assign your virtual student with a virtual teacher in your school so that virtual school feels like an extension
of your school community. In some cases, virtual program students will be assigned to a class with another
virtual DPS teacher from a different school in your region, based on class sizes and staffing availability. We
will work to place your student with virtual DPS teachers with experience in the content areas that they are
teaching. These teachers will receive additional training and support on delivering a virtual education

Virtual program classes: As much as possible, virtual program teachers will try to make their classes just
like in-person learning. Most classes will be held live -- meaning that there will be dedicated times for
students to engage directly with their teachers and classmates. DPS curriculum experts are building
coursework that is culturally relevant for our diverse Denver community.
Virtual program student services: If your student is on an individualized education plan (IEP), 504, or
advanced learning plan, your school team will work with you on whether and how your student's services
can be provided in the virtual environment. Students in the virtual program who are English Language
Learners will continue to receive support services. Students in the virtual program who participate in a Highly
Gifted and Talented magnet program will continue to receive support services. Virtual program students will
also continue to have access to their school’s social-emotional health resources, such as psychologists,
social workers, counselors, or other support staff, who can provide social-emotional support, as we know
that many students will need support for their mental health and well-being during this time.

Virtual program commitment: K-12th grade families who opt into the virtual program commit to a full-time,
online program from Aug. 24 at least through December. School leaders may allow students to transfer
programs at their discretion should they have the ability to do so. If multiple schools have partnered for a
virtual program, there will be a process for reviewing mid-year transfers for special circumstances. Students
will not lose their spot in their school while attending the fully virtual program. (If you’re enrolled in a charter
school, please check with your school leadership, as some details may be different.)

Please note: the virtual program is not available for preschool students for the fall semester.

Three Learning Scenarios for Upcoming School Year

In addition to the “Virtual Program” (detailed above) for those who choose fully remote instruction, DPS is
preparing for three learning scenarios that we will likely need to transition between throughout the school
year as health conditions and guidance change:

● Remote - School buildings will not be open. Learning takes place through a completely online

● Hybrid - School buildings will be open with reduced class sizes on an AA/BB schedule, with an
additional in-person day for students with disabilities and students in the early stages of learning
English. Siblings will be assigned the same schedule. The hybrid scenario would not apply to
students in the virtual program.

● In-person - School buildings will be open. All students will return to school for in-person learning,
except those who are in the virtual program.

While we know that school during COVID-19 will take some getting used to, we are committed to
transitioning students between our three scenarios without significant learning disruptions. Regardless of
whether students are in-person, hybrid, remote, or in the virtual program, DPS will ensure they receive the
academic support they need. We will re-engage students who need the most academic support, including
those who did not participate in remote learning in the spring. And we will address learning loss and mental
health challenges related to the COVID-19 crisis through Whole Child supports and culturally responsive
educational practices and curriculum.
Improvements to Remote Learning for 2020-21
Based on the feedback families and educators shared in our May survey, we are planning several
improvements to remote instruction, whether it’s in the virtual program, as part of the district’s fully remote
instruction for all students, or as part of a mix of in-person and virtual school.

● Strengthening teacher-student relationships through live daily instruction that requires less at-
home adult assistance.

● Supporting families with consistent expectations for attendance, instruction, and grading
across grade levels and schools.

● Simplifying technology for students and families by using consistent learning management
systems -- Seesaw for K-5th grades and Schoology for 6-12th grades.

● Ensure we are reaching all students by closing the gaps in internet and device access, providing
tech support opportunities and tutorials in multiple languages.

● Ensuring students continue to receive special education services outlined by their Individual
Education Program (IEP) during remote learning. School teams and parents will collaboratively
develop plans to ensure that the student receives a Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).

● Ensuring students learning English continue to receive English language development services
during remote learning.

Creating a Plan That is Safe and Responsive

We believe that in-person learning has significant benefits for students, not only academically, but also for
social-emotional development and overall health and well-being. Our hope is always to return to in-person
learning as much as is safely possible. And our plans will always be based on the COVID-19 rates in the
community at the time, to ensure the safety of our students, families, and staff. We appreciate our
community’s involvement and understanding as we work to provide the best schooling and support we can.
Together, we will do everything we can to make the 2020-21 school year a positive learning experience for
all of our students.

Visit our return to school web page to learn more about how DPS is preparing for the 2020-21 school year.

Click here to read DPS’ full Remote Learning Plan.

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