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Republic of the Philippines

Region I
San Manuel, Pangasinan
January 9 - 10, 2020

NAME: __________________________ RATING: ___________

GRADE: ________________________ SECTION: __________

Mutiple choice: Circle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. What feature of Microsoft®Word allows you to efficiently create documents that have the
same general content but may have different recipients or purpose?
a. mail merge c. send merge
b. print merge d. view merge

2. Which of thefollowing is not a component of the mail merge?

a. address c. form document
b. filename d. data file

3. What are the steps in creating a simple mail merge?

a. Create form document; preview; insert place holders; print
b. Preview; insert place holders; create form document; print
c. Create main document; create data source; insert place holders; preview
d. Create data source; insert place holders; preview; print

4. Where can you find the Start Mail Merge button?

a. file tab c. references tab
b. mailing stab d. home tab

5. What tells Microsoft® Word exactly where to place the information coming from the data file
to the main document?
a. data source c. placeholder
b. insertion line d. insertion tag

6. What types of document can you create using mail merge?

a. envelopes c. posters
b. letters d. labels

7. What button allows you to see the result of your mail merge even before you print or
send it out?
a. preview results c. address block
b. insert merge field d. greeting line

8. What file contains the information you need to merge with your, main document?
a. address block c. data file
b. contact list d. directory

9. What essential component of mail merge is required from users when generating
a. data file c. placeholder
b. form document d. merge field
10. What image compression/file type is capable of displaying simple animation?
a. .bmp c. .jpg
b. .gif d. .png

11. Among the text wrap options, which one allows you to place an image or external
material in line with the text, treating the image just like how a text is treated?
a. inline with text c. through
b. square d. tight

12. Which image compression type allows you to display images in full color just like in
digital pictures?`
a. .bmp c. .jpg
b. .gif d. .tiff

13. Under what ribbon group does ''Insert Smart Art" fall?
a. apps c. media
b. illustrations d. pages

14. When inserting charts on your document, what Microsoft® Office application pops
up to allow you to enter and manage the parameters of your chart? .
a. Access c. Note
b. Excel d. Word

15. What external material allows you to insert organizational or structural templates like
organizational charts and flow charts on your document?
a. chart c. screenshot
b. pictures d. smart art

16. A web page that allows interaction from the user

a. tatic c. social
b. dynamic d. comment

17. This refers to the feature where users are able to categorize and locate information
through tagging.
a. hashtags c. taxonomy
b. folksonomy d. rich user experience

18. A feature of a dynamic website that allows users to put their own content
a. rich user experience c. user participation
b. long tail d. mass participation

19. It provides a common framework to allow data to be shared and reused across
platform, enterprise, and community boundaries.
a. W3C c. Web 1.0
b. Semantic web d. .Web2.0

20. According to this magazine, two Philippine cities are part of the top 10 in their research
about ''The Selfiest Cities around the world."
a. People c. Reader's Digest
b. Time d. Candy

21. This is the operating system for blackberry phones.

a. Blackberry OS c. Windows Mobile
b. Symbian d. iOS

22. Pinterest is a social media website that can be classified as

a. bookmarking site c. microblogging
b. media sharing d. blogs and forums
23. Currently, this is the fastest mobile network.
a. 2G c. 4G
b. 3G d. 5G

24. This media is designed to help people who have visual and reading impairments.
a. assistive c. bookmark
b. social d. accessibility

25. This type of social media website focuses on short updates posted by the user.
a. blogging c. social media
b. microblogging d. hashtagging

26. Which of the following is an example of a social media site? A.

  a. Slide share  b. Soho  c. Tumblr  d. Wix

27. Jaybe created a website for social change. He uploaded different photos and videos to
the content. However, his ICT instructor told him to change the font color of his
website title. What would be the appropriate technique he must apply in order to finish
his work? 
a. Designing  b. Sharing  c. Text Editing  d. Uploading

28. Describes World Wide Web sites that emphasize user-generated content, usability,
and interoperability. Known as “dynamic web”.
a. Web 2.0 b. Web 1.0 c. Web 3.0 d. Social Media

29. This is done by sending you an email that will direct the user to visit a website and
be asked to update his/her username, password, credit card, or personal information.
a. Spam b. Phishing c. Virus d. Malware

30. A malicious program that transfer from one computer to another by any type of
means. Often, it uses a computer network to spread itself. For example, the
ILOVEYOU worm (Love bug Worm)
a. Virus b. Adware c. Trojan d. Worm

31. Where can you find the Start Mail Merge button?
a. File Tab b. Mailings Tab c. References Tab d. Home Tab

32. The minimum number of rows and columns in MS Word document is

a. 1 and 1 b. 2 and 1 c. 1 and 2 d. 2 and 2

33. How many columns can you insert in a word document in maximum?
a. 40 b. 45 c. 50 d. 55

34. What is the smallest and largest font size available in Font Size tool on formatting
a. 8 and 72 b. 8 and 68 c. 6 and 72 d. 6 and 68

35. A character that is raised and smaller above the baseline is known as
a. raised b. outlined c. capscript d. superscript

36. Selecting text means, selecting?

a. a word c. whole document
b. an entire sentence d. any of the above

37. MS-Word automatically moves the text to the next line when it reaches the right edge of the
screen and is called?
a. carriage return c. word wrap
b. enter d. none of the above
38. Which key should be pressed to start a new paragraph in MS-Word?
a. down cursor key c. shift + enter
b. enter key d. ctrl + enter

39. Which bar is usually located below that Title Bar that provides categorized options?
a. menu bar c. tool bar
b. status bar d. scroll bar

40 What is the function of Ctrl + B in Ms-Word

a. It converts selected text into the next larger size of the same font
b. It adds a line break to the document
c. It makes the selected text bold
d. It applies Italic formatting t the selected text

II. Identify the basic parts of the MS-Word. Write your answer in the box provided.

“ If the wind will not serve, take to the oars.”

--- Latin proverb

Prepared by : Checked by:


Subject Teacher Principal II

Signature of Parent/Guardian

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