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Sample Lesson Plan (No.1)

For the teaching points of Prospect 2
Teacher's Name: Lesson No:1 (My Nationality)
Class Name: Lesson Start Time:
Date: 5/7/94 Length of Lesson:

Teaching Point(s) Conversation & Practice

Main Lesson Aims Helping students to listen, understand read, and speak about their
nationality and ask other persons' nationality

Target Language Items Key language: Are you from….? Are you ……? Where are you
Vocabulary: countries/ nationalities/….
(what you will do to Using a world map to engage the Students
engage students Asking which city they are from &telling them we are all from Iran
cognitively, affectively, Showing some pictures showing different landmarks or people
and socially)
Entry Behavior Knowing their own city and country
(what your students Knowing am, is, are
already know about the Knowing a little about the world geography
subjects) Where-questions

Assumptions Social Interactionist View

(ideas based on which Social Emotional Learning(SEL),
you choose your Learning is to bemeaningful,applicable, interactive, communicative,
methodology) needs-based.
Compassion-based Interaction

Evaluation Formative assessment (formal/ informal/ self-assessment)

(how you make sure Question and answer,monologue, dialog, pair work, role play,group
your students have work,…..
achieved the aims) Summative assessment (at the end of the semester)
Time Warm up: 5
Practice 1:10
Practice 2:10
Practice 3:10
Assigning homework: 5
Predicted Problems Ss ignore the preposition "from"
Ss Ignore "not"
Ss may confuse "countries" and "nationalities"
Ss may have wrong pronunciations of countries & nationalities

Material needed Student book, Workbook,Teacher Guide, CD player,( smart board),

flash cards, pictures, white board(blackboard), world map,( some
landmark pictures),…

Sample Lesson Plan(No. 2)

for the teaching points of Prospect 2
Teacher's Name: Lesson No:1 (My Nationality)
Class Name: Lesson Start Time:
Date: Length of Lesson:

Teaching Point(s) Teaching literacy skills

Main Lesson Aims Helping students to read , listen, write and say words having
diagraphs(ch, sh) and blends(fr,br,sp)
Target Language Items Teaching digraphs (ch, sh) and blends(Fr, Br, Sp)
Key Vocabulary: China,French, Spain, Brazil, Chinese, Spanish, …..

(what you will do to Using students' name for lead in
engage students Underlining words having "sh, ch" in the previous parts.
cognitively, affectively, Using a world map
and socially)
Knowing the alphabets (single sounds)
Entry Behavior Knowing some example words
(what your students (China,French, Spain, Brazil, Chinese)
already know about the Providing some easier examples
Assumptions Social Interactionist view
(ideas based on which Social Emotional Learning(SEL),
you choose your meaningful ,applicable, interactive, communicative, needs-based
methodology) Compassion-based interaction

Formative assessment (formal/ informal/ self-assessment)

Evaluation Doing the exercises in the workbook, writing the key words having
(how you make sure the digraphs and blends under the study,…..
your students have Question and answer, pair work, group work, filling in the map, …..
achieved the aims) Summative assessment (at the end of the semester)

Time Warm up: 5

Checking homework: 5
Digraphs(ch 10, sh 10)
Blends(fr 10,br 10, sp 10)
Assigning homework: 5

Predicted Problems Not finding blends in Persian

Wrong Pronunciations
Finding wrong examples (for example "school" for "ch" ).
Problems with teaching aids
Material needed Student book, Workbook,Teacher Guide, CD player,( smart board),
flash cards, pictures, white board(blackboard), world map,( some
landmark pictures), sight words,….

Sample Lesson Plan (No.3)

for the teaching points of Prospect 2
Teacher's Name: Lesson No:1 (My Nationality)
Class Name: Lesson Start Time:
Date: Length of Lesson:

Teaching Language Skills

Teaching Point(s)
Main Lesson Aims Helping students to listen, read, write and speak about nationality

Target Language Items Vocabulary (names, countries and nationalities)

Key language (where is/are …… from, He/Sheis from,… Are you
from ……? Are you ………?)

(what you will do to Introducing people from different nationalities,
engage students Establishing a context by using Q&A
cognitively, affectively,
and socially)
Entry Behavior Knowing language functions
(what your students Knowing blends(fr, br,sp) and digraphs (ch, sh)
already know about the
Assumptions Social Interactionist view
(ideas based on which Social emotional learning(SEL),
you choose your meaningful ,applicable, interactive, communicative, needs-based
methodology) Compassion-based interaction
Evaluation Formative assessment (formal/ informal/ self-assessment)
(how you make sure Q & A, monologue, dialog, pair work, group work,…..
your students have Checking students' understanding in filling the chart
achieved the aims) Checking students' cards
Checking whether Ss can do the role play
Summative assessment (at the end of the semester)
Time Warm up: 5
Checking homework: 10
Listening & writing: 10
Reading ,speaking & writing:10
Role play: 10
Assigning homework: 5
Predicted Problems Weakness in listening
Problems in digital devices
Problems in working with cards
Problems in writing (writing needs more time than other skills)

Material needed Student book, Workbook,Teacher Guide, CD player, (smart board),

flash cards, pictures, white board(blackboard), world map,( some
landmark pictures),…

Sample Lesson Plan( No.4)

for the teaching points of Prospect 2
Teacher's Name: Lesson No:2(My Week)
Class Name: Lesson Start Time:
Date: Length of Lesson:
Teaching Point(s) Conversation & Practice
Main Lesson Aims Helping students to listen, read, write and speak about their daily

Target Language Items Key language: What do you do on ………..?When do you …..? What
days do you ………….?
Vocabulary: weekdays/daily activities/ time expressions/…..
(what you will do to Using a calendar or a weekly schedule to engage the Students
engage students Showing some pictures showing different daily activities
cognitively, affectively, Using the chart on page 20
and socially)
Entry Behavior Knowing weekdays
(what your students Knowing some activities from Prospect 1
already know about the (watch TV, do homework, go to school, go to work, ….)

Assumptions Social Interactionist View

(ideas based on which Social Emotional Learning(SEL),
you choose your Learning is to be meaningful, applicable, interactive,
methodology) communicative, needs-based.
Compassion-based Interaction

Evaluation Formative assessment (formal/ informal/ self-assessment)

(how you make sure Question and answer, monologue, dialog, pair work, role play,
your students have group work,…..
achieved the aims) Summative assessment (at the end of the semester)
Time Warm up: 5
Practice 1:10
Practice 2:10
Practice 3:10
Assigning homework: 5

Predicted Problems Problems with teaching aids

Problems inusing weekdays
Confusing time expressions

Material needed Student book, Workbook,Teacher Guide, CD player,( smart board),

flash cards, pictures, white board(blackboard), calendar,( some
pictures showing daily activities),…
Sample Lesson Plan(No. 5)
for the teaching points of Prospect 2
Teacher's Name: Lesson No:2 (My Week)
Class Name: Lesson Start Time:
Date: Length of Lesson:

Teaching Point(s) Teaching literacy skills

Main Lesson Aims Helping students to read , listen, write and say words having
diagraphs(ee, ay) and blend(st)
Target Language Items Teaching digraphs (ee,ay) and blend(st)
Key Vocabulary: week, study, student, weekend, days of the week,

(what you will do to Using students' name for lead in
engage students Underlining words having "ee,ay"and "st" in the previous parts.
cognitively, affectively,
and socially)
Knowing the alphabets (single sounds)
Entry Behavior Knowing some example words
(what your students (week, weekdays, weekend, days of the week,…. )
already know about the Providing some easier examples
Assumptions Social Interactionist view
(ideas based on which Social Emotional Learning(SEL),
you choose your meaningful ,applicable, interactive, communicative, needs-based
methodology) Compassion-based interaction

Formative assessment (formal/ informal/ self-assessment)

Evaluation Doing the exercises in the workbook, writing the key words having
(how you make sure the digraphs and blends under the study,…..
your students have Question and answer, pair work, group work, filling in the map, …..
achieved the aims) Summative assessment (at the end of the semester)

Time Warm up: 5

Checking homework: 5
Digraphs(ee 10, ay 10)
Blends( st 10)
Assigning homework: 5

Predicted Problems Not finding blends in Persian

Wrong Pronunciations
Finding wrong examples for "ee"and "ay"

Material needed Student book, Workbook,Teacher Guide, CD player,( smart board),

flash cards, pictures, white board(blackboard), calendar,( some
landmark pictures), sight words,….

Sample Lesson Plan (No.3)

for the teaching points of Prospect 2
Teacher's Name: Lesson No:1 (My Nationality)
Class Name: Lesson Start Time:
Date: Length of Lesson:

Teaching Language Skills

Teaching Point(s)
Main Lesson Aims Helping students to listen, read, write and speak about nationality

Target Language Items Vocabulary (names, countries and nationalities)

Key language(where is/are …… from, He/Sheis from,… Are you
from ……? Are you ………?)

(what you will do to Introducing people from different nationalities,
engage students Establishing a context by using Q&A
cognitively, affectively,
and socially)
Entry Behavior Knowing language functions
(what your students Knowing blends(fr, br,sp) and digraphs (ch, sh)
already know about the
Assumptions Social Interactionist view
(ideas based on which Social emotional learning(SEL),
you choose your meaningful ,applicable, interactive, communicative, needs-based
methodology) Compassion-based interaction
Evaluation Formative assessment (formal/ informal/ self-assessment)
(how you make sure Q & A, monologue, dialog, pair work, group work,…..
your students have Checking students' understanding in filling the chart
achieved the aims) Checking students' cards
Checking whether Ss can do the role play
Summative assessment (at the end of the semester)
Time Warm up: 5
Checking homework: 10
Listening & writing: 10
Reading ,speaking & writing:10
Role play: 10
Assigning homework: 5
Predicted Problems Weakness in listening
Problems in digital devices
Problems in working with cards
Problems in writing (writing needs more time than other skills)

Material needed Student book, Workbook,Teacher Guide, CD player, (smart board),

flash cards, pictures, white board(blackboard), world map,( some
landmark pictures),…

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