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Things to be NOT done while solving RC passages:

1. Never skip reading the content of the RC passages

2. Never read without comprehending even if it takes more time
3. Never read the answer choices before reading the passage
4. Never brood too much over a word which is unknown to you
5. Never evaluate an option which is outside the scope of the passage

3 types of mistakes one can commit in RC passages and how to avoid them:

1. Falling for an option which has been constructed shrewdly by tweaking some content and
inserting some keywords from the passage – can be avoided by reading the content thoroughly
2. Choosing an option which has been constructed by inserting some word out of scope of the
passage – can be avoided by comprehending the content instead of going word by word
3. Wasting time on reading some RC passage of which one is not being able to make head or tail of
– can be avoided by bravely leaving passages which one is not familiar or comfortable with in
terms of content, type of language used etc.

Understanding the Questions Setter’s perspective:

1. The question setter’s objective is to create an option which is most akin to the content given in
a passage and creates an option for the same
2. The next task is to frame three very convincing yet incorrect options to confound the
3. One option is almost always to set an option which has enough content from the passage but
some twist lying somewhere within, which will be conveniently ignored by a lazy test taker for
the purpose of solving the question quickly
4. Another option is to create an option by extending or narrowing down the scope of the
passage keeping the basic theme and tone same which will again be conveniently ignored by a
test taker who is a little on the careless side
5. One more option will be to keep the basic theme and tone of the passage in the option while
inserting something which is also not mentioned in the passage and this will be a definite
faltering step for someone who is a little on the under-confident side

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