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ELEC 3202

Electric Circuits I

Dr. Hazem N. Nounou

Department of Electrical Engineering

United Arab Emirates University

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Chapter One
Basic Concepts
• This course basically deals with the analysis of electric circuits.
• The most basic quantity used in the analysis of electrical circuits
is the electric charge (electron).
Basic Quantities
(1) Electron :electron is a mobile charge carrier.
•The electron is measured in coulumb [ C ]
• e = 1.6*10-19 C
• Multiple of electrons constitute charge (q).

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

•The movement of charge (q) over time causes current.

(2) Current :
the time rate of change of charge produces an electrical current

dq(t) t
i(t) = Or q(t) = ∫ i( τ ) d τ
τ = −∞
• the electric current is measured in Amper [A]

1 A = 1 C / 1 sec
•.current convention.
e- e
- -e

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

There are 2 types of currents
1. Direct current (DC)


2. Alternating current (AC)

i (t)


UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

(3) Voltage :
The voltage is defined as the work or energy (in Joules) required
per unit charge to move a test charge though an element
W 1J
V = And 1V =
q 1C

• Since we are dealing with a changing charge and energy, we have

v =
(4) Power :
Power is the time rate of change of energy.

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

P(t) =
dw(t) dw(t) dq
P (t ) = = ⋅
dt dq dt

P ( t ) = V(t) i(t)

•The unit of power is Watt [W].

• 1 W = 1 V * 1A
(5) Energy: energy can be expressed as
t2 t2
w(t) = ∫ p(t) dt = ∫ v(t) i(t) dt
t = t1 t = t1

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Passive sign convention
Current flow from the positive to the negative terminal.



• Power can be absorbed or supplied by an element.

• Power is absorbed (or dissipated) by an element if the sign of
power is (+)
• Power is supplied (delivered or generated) by an element if
the sign of power is (-)

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Circuit Active Elements:
There are 4 types of active elements (sources):

1. Independent voltage source:
It is a 2-terminal sources that maintains a specific voltage
across its terminals regardless of the current through it

2. Independent current source:

It is a 2-terminal sources that maintains a specific current
through it regardless of the voltage across it terminals.
3. Dependent voltage source:
It is a 2-terminal sources that generates a voltage that is
determined by a voltage or current at a specified location
in the circuit.

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

4. Dependent current source:
It is a 2-terminal sources that generates a current that is
determined by voltage or current at a specified location in the
Example :
Compute the power that is absorbed or supplied by each of
the elements in the following circuit
1 Ix
Ix = 4 A R1

+ 12 V - I R2
I R3=2 A
+ +

R2 28 V
Vs = 36 V 24 V

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

P vs = V s I x = (36)( − 4) = − 144W (supplies )
P R1 = V R1 I x = (12)(4) = 48W (absorbs )
PR2 = VR2 I R2 = VR2 (I x - I R3 ) =
(24)(4 - 2) = 48W (absorbs)
PDs = VDs I R3 = (1 I x )(I R3 ) = (4)(-2) = - 8W (supplies)

PR3 = V R3 I R3 = (28)(2) = 56 W (absorbs)

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Important Units
Length l meter m
Current I, i ampere A
Temperature T kelvin K
Mass m kilogram kg
Time t second s

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Important Units

Voltage V, v, volt V
Charge Q, q coulomb C
Resistance R ohm Ω
Power P, p watt W
Capacitance C farad F
Inductance L henry H
Frequency f hertz Hz
Magnetic Flux Φ weber Wb
Mag. Flux Density B tesla T

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Unit Conversions


in 0.0254 m
ft 0.3048 m
mi 1.609 km
lb 4.448 N
hp 746 W
kWh 3.6 x 106 J
ft-lb 1.356 J
UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou
Prefixes For Engineering Notation
1012 tera T
109 giga G
106 mega M
103 kilo k
10-3 milli m
10-6 micro µ
10-9 nano n
10-12 pico p

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Chapter 2
Resistive Circuits
Ohm’s law :
The voltage across a resistor is directly proportional to the current
flowing through it.
v (t)
V (t) = R i(t) R≥0 R
The symbol of ohm is (Ω ) 1
i (t)

1Ω =

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

The instantaneous power P (t):
P(t) = v(t) i(t) = R i(t) i(t)
v(t) v 2 (t)
= R i (t) = v(t)
v (t)
∴ P(t) = v(t) i(t) = R i (t) =

Note: Last equation says that the power at a resistor is always
Resistors always absorb power.
The inverse of resistance is conductance

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

The unit of conductance is Siemens (S)
1S =
The current can be also expressed as
i(t)= G V(t)
And the instantaneous power is
i(t) i 2 (t)
P(t) = v(t)i(t) = i(t) =

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

P(t) = v(t) i(t) = v(t) G v(t) = G v 2 (t)
i 2 (t)
⇒ = v(t) i(t) = = G v 2 (t)

Open and short Circuits

Open circuit ( R = ∞ ) G=0

circuit R= ∞ circuit Open circuit

v(t) v(t)
i(t) = = =0
R ∞
UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou
Short circuit ( R = 0) G= ∞

circuit R= 0 circuit Short circuit

v(t) = Ri (t ) = 0 * i (t ) = 0

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Example : I
Consider the circuit:
vs=12 v R= 2kΩ

Find the current and power absorbed by the resistor

v s 12 v
I= = =6mA
R 2kΩ

P = v R I = (12) (6 m) = 72 m w

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

The power absorbed by a 10 k Ω resistor in the circuit is 3.6 mW.
Find voltage and current in the resistor. I

P = Vs I = I 2 R

vs R=10kΩ

I2 =

= (3.6 *10 ) (10 *10 )
−3 3

I = 3.6 *10 −7 = 0.6 mA

V = I R = (0.6 m A) (10 kΩ)

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou
Example :

Find the value of the voltage source and the power absorbed
by the resistance I=0.5 m A


G = 50 µ S

G = 50 µ S R=1/G =2*104

Vs = I R = (0.5 m A) (20 * 10 4 Ω) = 10 V
PR = IV = (10 V) (0.5 mA) = 5 m W

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Example :

Find R and the voltage across

The resistor?
Is=4mA P=80mW R

P = V Is
P 80 *10 −3 W
V= =
Is 4 *10 −3 A
V = 20V .
V = I R = (4 *10 −3 A) R
V 20 V.
R= = −3
= 5kΩ
I 4 *10 A

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Kirchoff’s Laws:

(1) kirchoff’s current law (KCL) :

the sum of all currents entering any node is zero.

k =1
k (t) = 0

Where N= number of currents.

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Write the KCL equation
R2 50 i2
+ i3
Here we have (4) nodes: Vs

At node (1) : i (t) + i (t) = i (t) i5

1 2 5
At node (2) : i 2 (t) + 50 i 2 (t) = i 3 (t)

At node (3) : 50 i 2 (t) + i 4 (t) = i1 (t)

At node (4) : i 3 (t) + i 4 (t) = i 5 (t)

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

(2) Kirchoff’s voltage Law (KVL):

The sum of the voltage around any loop is zero.


k (t)= 0 N = # of voltage

Example: R1
Vs2= 5 V

Find VR3 ? using KVL VR1=18 V

Vs1=30 V
VR2= 12 V R2

-30+18-5+12-15+ VR3 = 0 -- VR3 +

Vs3= 15 V

VR3 = 20 V R3

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Example :
Find the KVL equation for the two paths abda and bcdb

Path abda:
v R1 + v R2 − v s = 0

Path bcdb: 20 VR1

+ - b
a c
20 v R1 + v R3 − v R2 = 0 VR1
+ +

Vs VR2 R2 R3 VR3

- - -

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Single Loop circuits
We will discuss (2) issues :

1. Voltage divider rule:

Voltage is divided between resistor in direct proportion to
their resistance
R1 How?
v1 (t) v(t)
R1 + R 2
R2 v1 = R 1 i = R 1 ( )
v 2 (t) = v(t) R1 + R 2
R1 + R 2 +
V1 R1 R1
v1 = v
- R1 + R 2


V2 R2

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Multi Sources / resistors :
•Source can be added v=v1+v2+……
•Resistors can be added R= R1+R2+…..
R1 v2
- + R2


v1 V R


v = v1 + v2

R = R1 + R2 + R3

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Single Node-Pair circuits :

We will discuss (2) issues:

i1(t) i2(t)
1. Current-divider Rule .
R2 i (t) R1 R2
i1 (t) = i (t)
R1 + R 2
i 2 (t) = i (t)
R1 + R 2

Why ?? v = i1 R 1 = i 2 R 2
∴i1 = i2
i = i1 + i 2 ⇒ i 2 = i − i1

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

i1 = 2
(i − i 1 )
R 1

R2 R
i1 (1 + )= 2
R1 R 1

R + R R
i1 ( 1 2
)= 2
R1 R 1

i1 = i
R1 + R 2

2. Multiple sources/resistors :

•Current source can be added.

•Resistors can added as reciprocals

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

i1(t) i2(t)
R1 R2 R3

i(t) = i1 (t) + i 2 (t)

1 1 1 1
= + + R
R R1 R 2 R 3 i (t)

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Series and parallel resistors :

Series : R = R1 + R 2 +K+ R N ⇒ Rs =∑Rk

k =1

Parallel 1 1 1 1
= + +K+
R P R1 R 2 RN
1 1
R P k =1 R k

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Example :
Find equivalent resistance
2kΩ 2kΩ 10 k Ω

4kΩ 6k Ω
1k Ω

9kΩ 2kΩ
R 1 = {[(1 k Ω ) + (2 k Ω ) ] || 6k Ω} + 10 k Ω
2kΩ 2kΩ

4kΩ 6kΩ R 1 = 12 k Ω


UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

R2 = [12 k // 6 k ] + 2 k = 6k

2k Ω

4k Ω 6k Ω R2= 6 k Ω


R 3 = (6 k // 6 k ) = 3k Ω

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

2k Ω

4k Ω R3 = 13
2 kkΩ


R eq = (12 k || 4 k ) + 2 k = 5 k

R eq = 5 k Ω

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Example :
Find all currents and voltages

I1 9 k Ω I3 3 k Ω 9 k Ω I5
I2 I4
+ + +
6k Ω

12 V Va 4 k Ω Vb 3k Ω

- - -

The equivalent circuit is :

I1 9kΩ

12 V Va R eq

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

R eq = [[(3 k + 9 k ) // 4 k ] + 3 k ] // 6 k
= 3 kΩ

12 V
I1 = =1 m A ⇒ Va = R eq I i = 3 V
9 k + 3k
Va 3 1
∴ I2 = = = mA
6kΩ 6k 2

1 1
I 3 = I1 − I 2 ⇒ I 3 =1 m A − m A = m A
2 2

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

V3 k Ω = I 3 (3 k Ω ) = ( m A) (3 k Ω ) = 1.5 V

∴ Vb − Va + V3 k Ω = 0
Vb − 3 + 1.5 = 0 ⇒ Vb = 1.5 V

Vb 1.5 1
I5 = = = mA
9 k + 3 k 12 k 8

1 3
Vc = I 5 (3kΩ ) = m A (3kΩ ) = V
8 8

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Example :
Find the source voltage Vo if I4=1/2 m A ?
Vb = I 4 (6k) = ( m A) (6 k Ω) = 3 V
Vb 3
∴ I3 = = =1 m A I1 6k 3 k Ω I5
3k 3k
1 +
I 2 = I 3 + I 4 = 1 m A + m A = 1.5 m A Va
2 1k


3k Vb


UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

V0 = (6 k Ω ) I1 + Va + Vb + 4 k (I1 ) =10 k(3 m) + 3 + 3
V0 = 30 + 6 = 36
V0 = 36 V

∴ Va = 2 k Ω I 2 = (2 k) (1.5 m) = 3 V
Va + Vb 3 + 3
I5 = = = 1.5 m A
3k + 1k 4k I1 6k 3 k Ω I5
∴ I1 = I 2 + I 5 = 1.5 m A + 1.5 m A = 3 m A I2
+ 2k
Va 1k


3k Vb


UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Example :
Find V0 ? Using KVL
2000 I1
3k ohm

I1 +
Vs1 + R2
Vo 5k ohm
12 V -

− 12 + 3 k (I1 ) − 2000 I1 + 5 k (I1 ) = 0

6kI1 = 12 ⇒ I1 = 2 m A
V0 = (5 k Ω) (I1 ) (5 k) (2 m)
V0 =10 V

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Find V0 using KCL:
10 m A 2k
4 I0
3k VS
4k V0 I0 -

Vs V V
10 m + + s −4( s )=0
6k 3k 3k
 1 1 4 
Vs  + −  = − 10 m A
6 k 3k 3k 
V s = 12 V
4k 2
V0 = V s = (12) = 8 V
2k+4k 3

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Find V0 using KVL
3k 2 V0
12 V

1k V0

− 12 + (3 k) I − 2 V0 + V0 = 0
− V0 + (3k) I − 12 = 0
 V0 
− V0 + (3k)   = 12
 1k 
− V0 + 3 V0 = 12
V0 = 6 V

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

Find V0 in the network
i1 i2

6kΩ R1 1 k Ω R2
V0 2mA
2000 +
2kΩ V0

− i1 − i 2 + 2 m A = 0
R 1 i1 = (R 2 + R 3 )i 2
Also (6 k Ω ) i1 = (3 k Ω ) i 2
∴ i1 = i 2
UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou
V0 1
∴ − i2 − i2 + 2 m A = 0
2000 2
V0 3
− i2 + 2 m A = 0
2000 2
Q V0 = R 3 i 2 ⇒ i 2 =

V0 3  V0 
∴ −   + 2 m A = 0
2k 2  2k 
1  V0 
  = 2 m A ⇒ V0 = 8 V
2  2k 

UAE University Department of Electrical Engineering Dr.Hazem N.Nounou

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