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The home of the turntable THE VINYL énGine For more turntable manuals and setup information please visit INTRODUCTION ‘Your Alphason pickup arm isa precision instrument and must bo ‘handled carefully. In ordero realise the performance capabiitieso this ‘unique product, itis importani thatthe erm is mounted accurately ‘and rigidly, according tothe following instructions. Note: Take care rot to twist the outer ring as this willafect the pe-foadingof the besrings or even cause damage, rendsring the guarantee vid. (MOUNTING THE ARM Proceed in accordance witn the instructions printed on the mourting template. Only one pillar lockng screw needs tobe secured at this ‘stage, previous to height adjustment. ‘AUDIO LEADS: ‘After mounting the arm, rim the audio leads to ersure that they do not interere wth any deck suspension systems. The cablemayneecto be looped to ensure maximum sub-chassis isolation The lead wit red identification is forthe rightchannel. The ground wire must be connected o the pre-ampifier ground terminal andto a suitable terminal or screw on the turntable chassis. To avold hum the system must be connected tomain ground by one path only, usually {rom the ampitier tthe third pin ofthe mains. Muttple earth paths wit Jncrease hum. Capacitance ol leads is approximately 950F. FITTING OF CARTRIDGE ‘To prevent damage, remove stylus trom cartidge or ensure styus is (guarded. Fit cartridge to headshell using twoM2.5 screws. Loave ‘Serews finger ight. Check tha! screws do nottouch therecord surface. ‘Sometimes itis conwenienttoinver the screws, placing the nuts on top ofthe headshel Fit the pinjacks to the cartridge terminals using a small pair of fine nosed plies - Whita to let channek: Recto right channel: Blue to lft ground: Green to right ground. To accommodate variations interrinal ameter, the jacks may have to be closed down wit the pliers or opened out with screwdriver blade as required. Connections tothe cartridge terminals must never be soldered. TRACKING ADJUSTMENT (OTHER THANHR-100S MODEL) Fit the counterweight on to the thimble and adust until te arm is balanced. Increase tracking force by siding counterweight along the thimble towards the pivot; one division provides 269 tracking force with the etanderd counterweight. os ‘TRACKING ADJUSTMENT : HR-100S MODEL ONLY ‘Screw outihe counterbalance thimble until the black rng just visible Fitthe counterweight to the thimble and adjust unt amis balanced. Tighten the countorwoigh locking eorew. Apply the racking lrce by screwing inthe courterweightoounterweigh thimble. Che complete tum provides 0.259 racking force wih the standard counterweight aeons aea sgt) secret ne cent we acamnet =a | ee (Provided win arm) oe a * rete menses | 35885 | sien | nse freee | og | eet | 2 Seas aaa aa a cea Maia ‘Adjust the height of the arm by loosening the wo lecking screws on ‘the mounting bush. Adjust the height ofthe arm uni the top ofthe cartridge ie parallol with tho rocord eurface with the stylus in contact with the record. Secure the two pila: locking screws. CARTRIDGE ALIGNMENT lace the alignment protractor over the centre spindle and acjust the cartridge or arm mounting postion until the sfylus accurately follows the curve. Align the cartridge body with the markings on the protractor ‘and re-check that the stylus follows the curve, Tighien cartridge mounting screws firmly. BIAS FORCE ‘As bias force required varies according to type of stylus and between ‘records, the following chait ie meant as a guide and futhor aduuetmont ‘may be required. POSITIONALONG TRACKING BIAS TORQUE ARM WEIGHT(a) 1. (closesttopivot) 10. 2 125 3, 15. 4 175, 5. 20 6 225 7. 25 8 275 (CUE HEIGHT ADJUSTMENT ‘The eve device may be adusted by means of he lockscrew whichis ‘accessible on the side ofthe cue support. A hexagon ‘wrench is provided for this adjustment. HA-1005 139, Opal 139, Xenon 12g, Detta 159, ‘sutable for cartrigges with compliances up to 35cu. GUARANTEE Hyouhave a problem concerming the operation or repair ofthe arm, ‘rite to the address below quoting serial number. DO NOT SEND THE ARM TOUS UNLESS REQUESTED 0 D0 SO. Your Aiphason pick-up arm is guaranteed againe!faully metorial ‘and workmanship. “The nominal period ofthe guarantee is twelve months, but is liberaly interpreted at our discretion, subjectto the following ‘ondions being observed:- 1. Any claim arising should be made inthe fist instance by lettor to ‘Abphason direct quoting the serial number below. Do.nct forward the arm untl asked todo so. 2. Ame returned must be: 2) Carefully packed in the original carton. IMitis not available we will supply one forthe purpose. b) Sent only by postor airmail not airreight, ©) Adequately insured by the owner. Alphason are unable to accept liailiy forloss.or damage in ranst. 3. Defective parts willbe replaced freeof charge. The cost of labour and roturn poet may be charged at the diecration of Alphason. 4. This guarantee expressly excludes:- a) Damage by any cause whatever. 'b)_ Contingent and third party abit ‘Alphason Designe Ltd; 190/102 Wigan Road; Euxton; Nr. Chorley; Lancs. PR7 6JW; England. ‘Telephone: (02572) 76626 TRANSCRIPTION PICK-UP ARM NA 9 OCTOBER 1985 NOTICE TO DEALERS/DISTRIBUTORS RE: OPAL DELTA AND XENON PICK-UP ARMS Dear Sir, It has come to my attention that the instruction leaflet for the new pick-up arms is in error regarding tracking force values. With the standard counterweight fitted, each division on the counterweight thimble represents 0.5g and not 0.25g as printed in the instruction leaflet. I would be obliged if you would kindly replace the instruction leaflet supplied with your Opal, Delta or Xenon pick-up arm with the modified instruction leaflet enclosed. Future deliveries will have modified instruction leaflets supplied. I apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused you. Yours faithfully, te MW KNOWLES B ENG (HONS); C ENG; MI PROD E DIRECTOR Alphason Designs Limited, 190-192 Wigan Road, Euxton, Nr. Chorley, Lancs. PR7 6JW Telephone: Chorley (025 72) 76626 Registered in England No. 1883644 - Registered Office: § Park Road, Chorley, Lancs.

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