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NDA & NA EXAM(;:2018 DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO T.B.C. : SRCY-S-ADN Test Booklet Seri Seria No (MN L425 TEST BOOKLET MATHEMATICS Time Allowed : Two Hours and Thirty Minutes Maximum Marks : 3 INSTRUCTIONS lL IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE COMMENCEMENT OF THE EXAMINATION, YOU SHOULD CHECK THé THIS TEST BOOKLET DOES NOT HAVE ANY UNPRINTED OR TORN OR MISSING PAGES OR ITEM ETC. IF SO, GET IT REPLACED BY A COMPLETE TEST BOOKLET. 2. Please note that it is the candidate's responsibility to encode and fill in the Roll Number and Te Booklet Series Code A, B, C or D carefully and without any omission or discrepancy at tl appropriate places the OMR Answer Sheet. Any omission/discrepancy will render the Answ: Sheet liable for rejection. 8. You have to enter your Roll Number on the Test Booklet in the Box provided alongside, DO NOT write anything else on the Test Booklet. 4, — This Test Booklet contains 120 items (questions). Each item is printed both in Hindi and Englis. Each item comprises fonr responses (answers), You will select the response which you want to mat on the Answer Sheet. In case you feel that there is more than one correct response, mark th response which you consider the best. In any ease, choose ONLY ONE response for each item. 5. — You have to mark all your responses ONLY on the separate Answer Sheet provided. See directior in the Answer Sheet. 6. All items carry equal marks. 7. Before you proceed to mark in the Answer Sheet the response to various items in the Test Bookle you have to fill in some particulars in the Answer Sheet as per instructions sent to you with yor ‘Admission Certificate. 8. After you have completed filling in all your responses on the Answer Sheet and the examination hs concluded, you should hand over to the Invigilator only the Answer Sheet. You are permitted | take away with you the Test Booklet. 9. Sheets for rough work are appended in the Test Booklet at the end. 10. Penalty for wrong answers : THERE WILL BE PENALTY FOR WRONG ANSWERS MARKED BY A CANDIDATE IN TH OBJECTIVE TYPE QUESTION PAPERS. () There are four alternatives for the answer to every question. For each question for which a wrong answ has Ge given by the candidate, one-third of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted ; penal (ii) Ifa candidate gives more than one answer, it will be treated as a wrong answer even if one of the give answers happens to be correct and there will be same penalty as above to that question. (ii) Tha question is let blank, ie., no answer is given by the candidate, there will be mo penalty for th question, DO NOT OPEN THIS TEST BOOKLET UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO swam @: sree a fed eon ga gfeiar & fied ye we ou 81 ‘SRCY-S-ADN (1-A) SRCY-S-ADN Ifne N, then 121” — 25" + 1900" - 4) is| 4, divisible by which one of the following ? (a) 1904 (b) 2000 () 2002 (@ 2006 If n= (2017)!, then what is 1 il A 1 5. + + tot log, logy Tog 9x7 2 log, equal to? (a) 0 ) 1 (©) wis (dd) on In the expansion of (1 + x)*, if the coefficients of (2r + 1)" and (r + 2) terms are equal, then what is the value of r (r #1)? (a) 5 (b) 14 () 21 (@) 22 (2-A) What is the principal argument of (-1 - i), where i= /-1? (a) x/4 9/4 () -38n/4 (a) 8n/4 Let @ and B be real numbers and z be a complex number. If z? + az + B = 0 has two distinct non-real roots with Re(z) = 1, then it is necessary that (a) Be (1,0) (bo) [BJ =1 (©) Be (1,~) @ Be, Let A and B be subsets of X and © =(ANB’) U(A’ 1B), where A’ and B’ are complements of A and B respectively in X. What is C equal to? (a) (AUB’)-(ANB) (b) (A'UB)-(A' NB) (©) (AUB)-(ANB) (d) (A UB)-(A' NB’) ‘SRCY-S-ADN af ne N@, Gl 121” — 25" + 1900" - © 4)"|4. frafetad 4 8 fread feiss 2 2 (a) 1904 (b) 2000 (©) 2002 (d) 2006 aff n =(2017)! 8, & 1 i 1 SS ogyn ” log,” log, n fare STE 2 2 (a) 0 (b) 1 n (c) a @) on (+083 war F, ae Gr + a at r+ 2d wal & ye aa 2, Pros ) A eT a? (a 5 (b) 14 (ce) 21 (d) 22 (3-A) G1-a ae i= 1 2, ae ae aT a? (a) 4/4 (b) -n/4 (ec) -8n/4 (a) 8n/4 FM effi o ait p aeafas dem & ait uh wiry em @ | ae 2? + 02+ =0% Rez) =1 % a 2 fia saraiee qe 2, at ae ora af (a) Be 1,0) (by [Bl =1 (ce) Be (1x) (@) BeOD am dfifim a sit B, xX & soaqe 2 ait C =(A0B) U (A NB) a, Jet A’ tt B’ WAT: AM BS, Xt qH ec fees aa a? (a) (AUB’)-(ANB’) (b) (A'UB)-(A'N B) (©) (AUB)-(ANB) (da) (A'UB)-(A' NB’) SRCY-S-ADN How many numbers between 100 and 1000/10. can be formed with the digits 5, 6, 7,8, 9, if] the repetition of digits is not allowed ? @ 3 &) Be @ 120 @ 60 bie iicaber Ge rnontser anteeeal eol@tienk of the equation |1-2i|*= 5" is (a) Zero (No solution) (b) One (©) Two (@) Three If the ratio of AM to GM of two positive|!2 numbers a and b is 5: 3, then a:b is equal to (a) 3:5 (b) 2:9 fe) 9:1 dd) 5:3 (4-A) If the coefficients of a™ and a” in. the expansion of (1 + a)™*" are a and , then which one of the following is correct ? (a) a=2p () a=B (© 24=6 (d) a=(m+n)p If x + logy, (1 + 3%) = x logy,5 + logy, 12, where x is an integer, then what is x equal to? (a) -3 ) 2 @ 1 @) “3 How many four-digit numbers divisible by 10 can be formed using 1, 5, 0, 6,7 without repetition of digits ? (a) 24 ) 36 © 44 (@) 64 SRCY-S-ADN 100 Hk 1000 % a4, sat 5, 6,7, 8,98 fart dom a aad &, af ist A graf zat Ft aI? (a) 3 (bh) 58 (© 120 @ 60 aaa |1-2i|* = 5" yer qubfia eet A] 1t tem fart 22 (a) 3 (#8 ea FE) &) & © & @ dF af at amram Wemsit a sit b AM (Ariat Area) @ GM (WINN HIeq) HI aqua 5: 32, Ta: b frat ara 8 2 (a) 3:5 (b) 2:9 () 9:1 @ 5:3 (5-A) 10. af (1+ a)" & yan F a™ sit a" & WU oat p, at Peifatad 4 a stam adi 2 2 (a) a =2p (b) a=6 (©) 20=8 (@) a=(m+n)p wg x + logy, (1 +3") =x log,, 5 + log,, 12, Wei xUm Yori &, ct x fea saree 8 2 (a) -3 (b) 2 @ 1 fd) 3 aise Al gragfer feaq fear 1, 5, 0, 6, 7 aT wei HS 108 farnfsa aa are aK sist At fear tent ag a1 aad 8 2 (a) 24 () 36 @ 44 (a) 64 Consider the information given below and|16. The equation |1-x| +x"=5 has answer the two items (02) that follo In a class, 54 students are good in Hindi only, (a) rational root and an irrational root 68 students are good in Mathematics only and 41 students are good in English only. There (b) two rational roots are 18 students who are good in both Hindi and Mathematics. 10 students are good in all (©) _ two irrational roots three subjects. (dno real roots 18, . What is the number of students who are good in either Hindi or Mathematics but not in English? (a) 99 17. The binary number expression of the decimal acuity number 81 is hone (@) 11 (@ 130 (b) 10111 14. What is the number of students who are good in Hindi and Mathematics but not in English ? cone (Or (@) 1111 (b) 12 ©. 10 @ 8 18. What is {1000 + 1001 4 ;1002 5 ;1003 equal to (where i= (-1)? 15. If and B are different complex numbers with || = 1, then what is |"—E} equal to? oie (b) i (a) |B) () 2 © 0. 89. What is the period of the function fix) = sin x? (a) nf/4 tb) nf2 © (a) 2x é dx 90. What is equal to? oP (a) In(QQ¥-D+e Ind -2™) 0) Sse InQ@* -1) ey ee ome Ind+2*) (d ye 8 SRCY-S-ADN 91. 92, 93. (32-A) The order and degree of the differential equation y’=4a(x—a), where ‘a’ is an arbitrary constant, are respectively @ 1,2 ) 21 © 22 @ 41 wt What is the value of (sin x - tan x) dx ? ~WA @ () (@) .0 @ V2 » » if J x8dx = 0 and ‘ x?dx = —, then what are the values of a and b respectively ? (a) -1,1 ) 41 (©) 0,0 (d) 2,-2 88. frefefad sana adieu #8 feta stadi|gy, wie? ax (a) an reno ax ey) Sen eas0 dx SS puto (e) =p eu ax d) = = @ Fi tmt=0 wei p>0 81 89. WH f(x) =sin x 1 Sadar FA a? (a) 0/4 (b) 0/2 (©) © (d) Qn o [ape (a) In@*-1)+e frat aera 2 ? ina -2™) (b) =a in™* -1) (e) “fa In@+2) (a) as SRCY-S-ADN (33-A) y? = 4a (x - a), Fel a UH Sew ore a, wane ane at ifs (sige) ait ara (feat) ar: & (2) 1,2 (b) 2,1 @) 2,2 @ 11 wh J (sin x — tan x) dx 1 WH FT 2? We (a) (b) (c) 0 @ v2 b b we [ varom [tant ea aot’ bas mm amar #2 (a) -1,1 (b) 1,1 (© 0,0 (d) 1 94, Whatis J x(1-x)° dx equal to? ° (a) 1/110 () 1/132 @ 1148 (@) 240 tanx 95. What i al to? Ce aitag oe @) 12 @) 1 @ 2 (@) Limit does not exist [2x+ 8h - J2x 964 Whabs alia ROR SIE hoo 2h Gy. 22x 3 ) = vax 3 © ie 2V2x 3 @ 4N2x SRCY-S-ADN 98. 99. (34-A) If f(x) is an even function, where flx) # 0, then which one of the following is correct ? (a) f(x) is an even function (b) f(x) is an odd function (©) f(x) may be an even or odd function depending on the type of function (@) f(x) isa constant function ay ity equal to? sin 2x, then what is — at x ge @) dene™ zo (b) 2ne’ © 2 @ & What is the solution of (1+ 2x) dy ~(1—2y) dx = 0? (a) x-y—2xy=e b) y-x-2xy=e (© y+x—2xy= (@) x+y+2xy=c 1 94, jf x(1-x)9 dx, fra ara 8 2 0 (@) 1110 (b) 1/132 © 1/148 @ 1/240 95. tim PS, frets ara 8 2 x30 sin 2x (a) 2 ) 1 © 2 (a) etn ar siferca wet @ 96, im DPEFSR VEE tas rae 8 2 hoo 2h a (a) ” Bite 3 o vox 3 © Bax 3 @ 42x SRCY-S-ADN 97, 98. 99, (35-A) af ft) Te am wer 2, wet fx) 402, a fiefefiad 4 8 aan ad 2 2 (@) SQ) aH Fee (>) foo faeH Fer a (©) faa ar faye Ger St aaa 2, a per & war a Pek poe @) FOR Ha Gee 2 aft y = &* sin 2x % a Yar xe nA, ix frak area 2 2 @ (sneer ) ne 2 (©) 2e" @ ® (1 + 2x) dy - (1 = 2y) dx = 0, 1 al FAB? (a) x-y-2xy=6¢ (b) y-x-2xy=c © y+x-2xy=c @) x+y+2xy=0 100. What are the order and degree, respectively, of the differential equation 2 \5 (le dx’ dx, (a) 4,5 (b) 2,3 () 3,2 @) 5,4 101. In a Binomial distribution, the mean is three times its variance. What is the probability of exactly 3 successes out of 5 trials ? (a) 80/243 (b) 40/243 (© 20/243 (@) 10/243 102. Consider the following statements : 1. P(A UB)=P(A)+P(B)-P(A NB) 2 P(ANB)=P(B)-P(ANB) 3. P(ANB)= PCB) P(A|B) Which of the above statements are correct ? (a) Land 2only (b) and only (©) 2and 3 only (a) 1,2and3 SRCY-S-ADN (36 108. If the correlation coefficient between x and y is 0:6, covariance is 27 and variance of y is 25, then what is the variance of x? (a) 9/5 (b) 81/25 @ 9 q@) 81 104. The probabilities that a student will solve Question A and Question B are 0:4 and 0:5 respectively. What is the probability that he solves at least one of the two questions ? (a) 06 tb) 0-7 ©) 08 @ 09 105. Let ¥ be the mean of x, X5, X5 oy Xy If x, = a + cy; for some constants a and ¢, then what will be the mean of yy, Yo) Ygy- Yq? (a) atcx (b) a () @) = yy 2 @y) _ a, (av? 100, sere ater [EE] yt (2), wife (atét) aft are (fest) sa: er 8 2 (a) 4,5 (b) 2,3 @ 3,2 (a) 5,4 101, wm feag dea 4, area, vee ar fe aT (FeeAT) 215 TE (Ghat) Fa deste 3 weet amy At wena aa 2 2 (a) 80/243 b) 40/248 (© 20/243 Ce ina 102, frfefiad ert a fran sfc : 1. P(A UB)=P(A)+P(B)-P(A NB) 2 P(ANB)=PB)-P(ANB) 3. P(ANB)=P(B) P(A|B) sie #8 ata wer ad 2 (a) Fart sik 2 (b) Haat 13it 3 (© Fat gait 3 @ 1,233 SRCY-S-ADN (37- 10s. af x ok y % ata weedy qm 06 2, were 27% sit y Ht yew 25 2%, A x aT we FT 8? (a) 9/5 () 81/25 @ 9 (@) 81 Loa, wm faenelf grr er A SiR HT BA eet TY ht siPtemeTe sa: 0-4 SAK 0-5 S| FAT MIReRAT 2 ff ae ahi sei Fa onda oe Fea am? @) 06 ) 07 (©) 08 (d) 09 105. HF ARIE x1, xo, Xs)... x, MET XB | ae x; =a +cy; 2, Set a atc ate aren 2, Vp Vor Vgy oon Vy, BT ATCT FAT BVT? (a) atex ) a-tz c © ix-a ¢ jw Zs A) 106. 107. SRCY-S-ADN Consider the following statements : 1. If the correlation coefficient r,, = 0, then the two lines of regression are parallel to each other. 2. If the correlation coefficient r,, = +1, then the two lines of regression are perpendicular to each other. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) Lonly (b) 2only (c) Both 1 and 2 (@) Neither 1 nor 2 If 4x — By + 88 0 and 20x —9y = 107 are two lines of regression, then what are the values of % and ¥ respectively ? (a) 12and 18 (b) 18 and 12 (c) 18and17 (@) 17and 13 108. Consider the following statements : 1, Mean is independent of change in scale and change in origin. 2. Variance is independent of change in seale but not in origin. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) Lonly (b) only (© Both 1and 2 (a) Neither 1 nor 2 109. Consider the following statements : 1. The sum of deviations from mean is always zero. 2. The sum of absolute deviations is minimum when taken around median. Which of the above statements is/are correct ? (a) only (>) 2only (©) Both 1and2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2 (38-A) 106. Prafefiad seri a fran afire : 107. SRCY-S-ADN 1 aR aed a ry=0 8, aA aH aera Yard wp-zat % aata z | 2 a weede ie r= +18, at aH wer Tard weeT ea Z| arden erii #8 ahaa wh 8/8? (a) Fae 1 (>) aret 2 (@ 13% 2dht @ THi7ae fe 4x — 5y + 38 = 0 it 20x - y = 107 eave tard #, a x sik y a a: eT a (a) 123% 18 ) 18312 @ 13317 (@ 17aitas 108. frafetian seri 1 fran fare : 109. (39-A) 1. el, aM H acer sik ye A aera @ waa | 2. Saw, ATER H aged kata 8 WI We Hager @ adi | waefaa 88 staan /A wer wei 8/8 2 () Fat 1 ) Fas 2 13it 2a4t (c) @ aHhizee Praferfiad seri a fran sftfare 1. Wer 2 freer ar dhrea eta yr an al 2, Rider Rraerit ar abreast va aH ear 2 ‘wa a onfeerer & farm ora 1 eda wert 38 aha-a/8 ad 2/8 2 (a) Baw (b) Hae 2 13it 23h @ amtayaa2 (c) 110. What is the median of the numbers 46, 0, 9-3, -48, 7-6, 23, 12-7, 35, 8-2, 6-1, 3-9, 527 (a) 38 (b) 49 ©) 5&7 @ 60 111. Ina test in Mathematics, 20% of the students obtained “first class”. If the data are ; represented by a Pie-Chart, what is the central angle corresponding to “first class”? (a) 20° (b) 36° (©) 12° (da) 144° 112, The mean and standard deviation of a set of values are 5 and 2 respectively. If 5 is added to each value, then what is the coefficient of| variation for the new set of values ? (a) 10 (b) 20 (c) 40 (d) 70 SRCY-S-ADN 113. 114, 115. (40-A) A train covers the first 5 km of its journey at a speed of 30 km/hr and the next 15 km at a speed of 45 km/hr. What is the average speed of the train ? (a) 35 km/hr (b) 37-5 km/hr (©) 395 km/hr (d) 40 km/hr ‘Two fair dice are rolled. What is the probability of getting a sum of 7? (a) 1/36 &) 1/6 © 712 @ 5/12 If A and B are two events such that 2P(A) = 3P(B), where 0 < P(A) < P(B) < 1, then which one of the following is correct ? (a) P(AIB)

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