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4. JEE-2007 Paper 2 1 In the experiment to determine the speed of sound using a resonance column, (A) prongs of the tuning fork are kept in a vertical plane (B) prongs of the tuning fork are kept in a horizontal plane (€) in one of the two resonances observed, the length of the resonating air column is, close to the wavelength of sound in air (D) in one of the two resonances observed, the length of the resonating air column is, close: ta half of the wavelength of sound in ait anew @ OOO O @ & O 2. A student performs an experiment to determine the Young's modulus of a wire, exactly 2 m long, by Searle's method. In a particular reading, the student measures the extension in the length of the wire to be 0.8 mm with an uncertainty of £0.05 mm at a load of exactly 1.0 kg. The student also measures the diameter of the wire to be 0.4 mm with an uncertainty of £0.01 mm. Take g¢ = 9.8 m/s" (exact). The Young's modulus obtained from the reading is (A) (2.00.3) x 10" N/m? (B) (2.00.2) x 10" Nim* (Cy (2.00.1) x 10" Nim? (D)_(2.0+0.0) x 10" Nim? owe @ OOO “” @® Oo O OR O@e@co0 A B® oO O 3. A particle moves in the X-¥ plane under the influence of a force such that its linear momentum is pit)= Alf cos(Rt)-Jsin(kt) |, where A and & are constants. The angle between the foree and the momentum is (A) oF (B) 30° (C) 45° (DB) 90° weer OO ®8 iB) Oo am (A) nly'Fak' xakasanne +: 4. 4. A small object of uniform density rolls up a curved surface with an initial ial 2 velocity v, It reaches up to a maximum height of a with respect to the i position, The object is (A) ring {B) solid sphere (C) hollow sphere (D) disc wer OOO @ (a) eB © Mm 5. Water is filled up to a height A in a beaker of radius R as shown in the figure. The density of water is p, the surface tension of water is T and the atmospheric pressure is Py Consider a vertical section ABCD of the water column, through a diameter of the beaker, The force on water on one side of this section by water on the other side of this section has magnitude (A) [2% Rh+eR* peh-2RT| (B) [2% RA+Rpgh*-2RT| (©) |P,2R*+Rogh?-2RT| (D) |Py#R?+Rpgh® +2RT| wer BOO Aa @ «© oi Hrowided he: nly'Fak' xakasanne +: 4. 6. Aspherical portion has been removed from a solid sphere having a charge distributed uniformly in its valume as shown in the figure. The electric field inside the emptied space is (A) zero everywhere (3) non-zero and uniform (C) non-uniform: «D) zero only at its center Answer O80O0 (Ay BG 7. Positive and negative point charges of equal magnitude are kept at (a 0, $) and. (0 0, 2), respectively. ‘The work dono by the olectric fiold when another posi point charge is moved from (a, 0, 0) to (0, a, 0) is (A) positive (B) negative (C) zero (D) depends on the path connecting the i wer (O80 (Ay (By (C) iD) tial and final positions nly'Fak' xakasanne +: sae WwW 8 A magnetic field = B,j exists in the region g, +-— a 04 o> ooo Column I (p) The object executes a simple harmonic motion. fq) The abject does not change its direction (r) The kinetic nergy of the object keeps on decreasing. (s) The object can change its direction only once. 4. 21. ‘Two wires each carrying a steady current J are shown in four configurations in ‘Column 1. Some of the resulting effects are deseribed in Column MH. Match the statements in Column I with the statements in Column II and indicate your nawer by darkening appropriate bubbles in the 44 matrix given in the ORS, Column I ‘Column I (A) Point P is situated ---——>>——--- (p)_ The magnetic fields (B) midway between the --- ——" 3 at P due to the currents wires. in the wires are in the same direction, (B) Point P is situated at the mid-point of the ine joining the centers of the circular wires, ‘which have same radii. (q) The magnetic fields (B) at P due to the currents in the wires are in opposite directions. (C) Point P is situated at (0) There is no magnetic the mid-point of the field at P. Tine joining the centers of the circular wires, which have same radii “7 (D) Point P is situated at (s) The wires repel each the common center of QO ‘other. the wires, Answer rs sO8B8O 8000 en Bm he) rLO@OO OR a (OBO »(}@O00 (sOeBO riOeO®e WwW 22. Column I gives some devicos and Column II gives some processes on which the functioning of these devices depend. Match the devices in Column T with the processes in Column II and indicate your answer by darkening appropriate bubbles inthe 4.4 matrix given in the ORS, Column 1 Column TL (A) Bimetallic strip (p) Radiation from a. hot body (By Steam engine (q)_ Energy conversion (C) Incandescent lamp () Melting @D) Electric fuse: (8) Thermal expansion of solids Answer A- ‘sq’ OR ‘s' alone B-‘@ c- OR ‘p' alone OR. D-"qr eal 23. Consider a titration of potassium dichromate solution with acidified Mohr’s salt solution using diphenylamine as indicator. The number of moles of Mohr's salt required per mole of dichromate is (A) 8 (B) 4 5 @) 6 mr OOO ®@ A) Bp (> by 24. Arhong the following metal carbonyls, the C-O bond order ia lowest in. 8) Mn(COjg]' CB) [Feti0},] «) [CrICO),) fy [CO),]" anew ) OO @ Aa 8 © 25, Acolution of « metal ion when treated with KI gives a red precipitate which dissolves in excess KI to give a colourless solution. Moreover, the solution of metal ion on treatment with a solution of cobalt(II) thiocyanate gives rise to a deep blue crystalline precipitate. The metal ion is (A) Pb (B) Hg” «C) Cu” (D) Co wer OOOO () (B) «ec 6 amt i 28. Cyclohexene on ozonolysis followed by reaction with zinc dust and water gives compound E. Compound E on further treatment with aqueous KOH yields compound F. Compound F is a) oo ® 0 ‘CO © aoe @) : COM G8 OOO (Ay (B) (cy (D) 27. The number of staresisomers obtained by bromination of #rans.2-buvene is (Al 1 B) 2 (3 «D) 4 re @OO0 a 8 © @ 28. Among the following, the least stable resonance structure is oe? & oO tay 3 ee By AON | 4 : 29. 4. A positron is emitted from {}Na, The ratio of the atomic mass and atomic number of the resulting nuclide is (A) 220 (B) 2/11 «) 230 @) 2312 mer OO O80 8) o 30. B® © For the process H,0(/) (1 bar, 873 K) > H,O(g) (1 bar, 373 K), the correct set of thermodynamic parameters is (A) AG =0, AS =4ve (B) AG=0, AS =-ve (C) AG= 4ve, 85-0 @) AG=-ve, AS=+ve vee @ OOO a1. B ic MO Consider a reaction aG-+bH — Products. When concontration of both the reactants G and H is doubled, the rate ineroases by eight times, However, when eaneentration, of G is doubled keeping the concentration of H fixed, the rate is doubled. The overall order of the reaction is (a) 0 (Bo. © 2 (BD) 3 mer OO 8 ‘Ay @) © ©) WwW 32. STATEMENT-1: Alkali metals dissolve in liquid ammonia to give blue solutions. because STATEMENT-2: Alkali metals in liquid ammonia give solvated species of the type IMONH,),)' (M= alkali metals) (A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-; for Statement-1 a correct explanation (B) Statement-1 is True; Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1 (C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False (D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True wer OOOO (Ay @) iC) DD) 33. STATEMENT-1: Glucose gives a reddish-brown precipitate with Febling’s solution. because STATEMENT-2; Reaction of glucose with Fehling’s solution gives CuO and gluconic acid, (A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1 (B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1 (C} Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False (D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True wer OO O80 (Ay (B) KC) (D) WwW 34, STATEMENT-1; Molecules that are not superimposable on their mirror images are chiral. because STATEMENT-2: All chiral molecules have chiral contres. (A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1 (B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-L (C) Starement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True war) O80 mw 8 © oO 35. STATEMENT-1: Band gap in germanium is small, because STATEMENT-2: Tho energy spread of each germanium atomic enorgy level is infinitesimally small (A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1 (B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1 (GC) Statoment-1 is True, Statoment-2 is False @) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True mmr O @oo B® © mM esky Boia’ xaiaceonien examt imi 36. Among the following, identify the correct statement. (A) Chloride ion is oxidised by O, (B) Fe (C) Iodide ion is oxidised by chlorine (D) Mn” is oxidised by chlorine wer OO @O (Ay ©) (Dp) s oxidised by iodine 37. While Fe® is stable, Mn’ is not stable in acid solution because (A) 0» oxidises Mn* to Mn’* (B) 0, oxidises both Mn®™ to Mn* and Fe** to Fe** (C) Fe** oxidises H,O to O, (D) Mn** oxidises H,O to O, wer OOO ®@ (A) By © OM 48. Sodium fusion extract, obtained from aniline, on treatment with iron(II) sulphate and H,SO, in presence of air gives a Prussian blue precipitate. The blue colour is due to the formation of (A) Fe,[Fe(CN), 15 B) Fe, [Fe(CN),], (©) FeFe(CN),), (D) Fe, [Fe(CN)ey ee @ O00 (Ay (BC) (Db) 39. Which one of the following reagents is used in the above reaction? (A) aq.NaOH + CH;Cl (B) aq.NaOH + CH,Cl, (C) aq.NaQH + CHCl, @) ag.NaQH + CCl, wer OO8O (Ay dy (Cy (Dy WwW 40. The electrophile in this reaction is (A) :CHCL (B) *CHUL; () :CCl, @) CCl, Omen me) (Ay CB) Cy DD 41. The structure of the intermediate I is. (ay NA w one uw CHCl, CH, CH, () ONa (D) ONS 7 Cal, CH,OH CH, CH, Anmaee: (3) e ‘e oO (Ay BD WwW 42 Match the reaction: ‘Column IL, Indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles. of the 44 matrix given in the ORS. in Column I with nature of the reaetionsitype of the products in Column 1 Columa I (A) 0; 90, +0} (p> redox reaction B) Crop +H (q one of the products has trigonal planar stracture (©) MnO; +NOj+H' (r) dimeric bridged tetrahedral metal jon. (D) NO; +11,80, + Pe" + (3). disproportionation Answer 2 4 .8oce /OCe@O © @@00 j@COO 43. Match the compoundstions in Column I with their properties/reactions in Column I Indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles of the 4d matrix given in the ORS. Column 1 Column I “ 0 (P) gives precipitate with 2-dinitrophenylhydrazine ®) cHC=cH (q) gives precipitate with AgNO, (cy cn (2) is a nucleophile or (=) is involved in eyanohydrin formation Answer Pt ,8O00e Oe@00 «O@6e8e »1O@eecd on -Bea" ea /.examtime 44, Match the crystal system/unit cells mentioned in Column I with their characteristic features mentioned in Column Il. Indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles of the 4 x 4 matrix given in the ORS. Column 1 ‘Column IT (A) simple cubic and face-centred —{p}_ have these cell parameters cubic asb=c anda =f =y (B) cubic and rhombohedral (q) are two erystal systems (€) cubic and tetragonal (7) have only two crystallographic angles of 80° (D) hexagonal and monoclinic (8) belong to same crystal system Answer po 5s |@O0e »\@@O00O c(lO@O°O elLOC@@O 45. Let O(0, 0), PX3, 4), Q(6, 0) be the vertices of the triangle OPQ. The point R inside the triangle OPQ is such that the triangles OPR, PQR, OQR are of equal area. The coordinates of R are a) G. 3) @) (3 3) a) m3 Omen Me) Ww 8 © Ww 46, Uf|z|=Land ¢ 71, then all the values of ~ 2 lie on (A) a line not passing through the origin ®) {z|=v2 (©) thex-axis (D). the y-axis wr OO ®@ (Ay) w 47, Tet E* denote the complement of an event B, Let EZ, F,G be pairwise independent ‘events with P(G)>0 and PUB AF AG)=0. Then P(E vF* |G) equals (a) P(E*)+ P(e") @) P(e )}-P(F*) ©) Ple)-P) @) P(E)-P(F*) rrr OOOO ty @ ©) (Dd) dx 48. 2 equals Ho sas fester cad (3) ®) () (2) iy apy yas @ (2)E) o {2 (2) wer (OO ®@ a 8 © © oi Hirenieded’ Bes z 49, The differential equation & = doterminos a family of circles with y (A) variable radii and a fixed centre at (0,1) (B) variable radii and a fixed centre at (0,—1) (C) fixed radius 1 and variable centres along the x-axis (D) fixed radius 1 and variable centres along the y-axis vr OO @ 0 fy ( @) (b) 50. Let a, 8, be unit vectors euch that a+ +e =0. Which one of the following is correct? 51. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral with area 18, with side AB parallel to the side CD and AB=2CD, Let AD be perpendicular to AB and CD. If a circle is drawn inside the quadrilateral ABCD touching all the sides, then its radius is w 3 B) 2 @ 3 @) 1 reer BOO tay @) (© (Dy) oi Hirenieded’ Bes 4. x 62. Lat fx)=7—* for n22 and g(z)= (fafe of) (x). Then fx" gtx) dz Gee)” Feocuaw faane equals ® oR (B) a yllens yr 6K 1 pet 4 noamets) 4K (Dy Diftinst}"! +K = ° OO0 eB © @ 53. The letters of the word COCHIN are permuted and all the permutations are arranged in an alphabetical order as in an English dictionary, The number of words that appear before the word COCHIN is (A) 360 (By 192 © 96 (Dy 48 wor OO @ 0 ay 1) (DD 54. Consider the planes 3x ~6y~ 22 =15 and 2x+y~22=5. STATEMENT-1: ‘The parametric equations of the line of intersection of the given planes are x=3+14t, y=1+20, 2-150. because STATEMENT-2: The vector 147 +2] +158 is parallel to the line of intersection of given planes. (A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1 (B) Statement-1 is True, Statoment-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct ‘explanation for Statement-1 (C) Statement-l is True, Statement-2 is False (D) Statemont-1 is False, Statomont-2 is True wer DOO ®@ & © wD) 56. WwW STATEMENT-1 £41 is symmetric with respect to the line because STATEMENT-2: A parabola is symmetric about its axis. (A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is Truc, Statement-2 is a correet explana| for Statement-1 (B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-I (C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False. (D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True wr @ OO°0 ay @ i Let f(z) = 2+ cosx for all real x. STATEMENT-1: For each real ¢, thore existe a point © in [t+ fle)= because STATEMENT-2: f(¢) = f(t +27) for each real 2. (A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is n correct explanation for Statement-1 (B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is Truc; Statement? is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1 (C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False (D) Statement-1 is False, Statement-2 is True wer OO OBOO Oy © mM 4. 87, Lines iy:y-x2=0 and [y:2x+y=O intersect the line y:7+2=0 at P and Q, respectively. The bisector of the acute angle between Z; and Ey intersects Ly at R. STATEMENT-1: The ratio PR: RQ equals 2V3 :/3. because STATEMENT-2: In any triangle, bisector af an angle divides the triangle into two (Ay B) © ©) similar triangles. Statement-1 is True, Statement. is True; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1 Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1 Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False Statoment-1 is False, Statement-2 is True war YO O89 A) 8 © 58, Which one of the following statements is correct? a) B) © @) G,>G,>G,>—- G, G,=G,=G, G, G,>G,> Answer (~) Oo oO “~ ® ¢ fie) 59. Which one of the following statements is correct? fA) (B) ©) Ay>A,>A,> Ay < Ay < Ay < Aj> Ag > As >> and A, Ay> Ay > mer @ OOO mr) (Ay (By amt i 60. Which one of the following statements is correct? (A) Hy > Ha > Hs >-- (B) Hy H,>H,>--and Hy Hy >Hy>~ ‘Moras: Paragraph for Question Nos. 61 to 68 Ifa continuous function f defined on the real line R, assumes positive and negative values in Ri then the equation f(z)=0 has a root in R. For example, if it is known, that a continuous funetion f on R is positive at.some point and its minimum value is negative then tho equation /(x)=0 has a root in R. Consider (x)= ke* -x for all real x where A is a real constant. rer (OOOO a @ © Oo 61. The line y=x meets y=he* for k<0 at (A) no point (B) one point (C)_ two points (D) more than two points a 7 “OO @OO (Ay (B) 62. The positive value of k for which ke* —-x =0 has only one root is ca 4 (4 © (D) 10g,2 ew @ OO 0 @ @® © MO @3, For A> 0, the set ofall values of & for which te” x = 0 has two distinct rovis is (a) (2 2) we ha) © |}, w 00 e ke’ J ke rm @ OO 0 i) & © mM 64. Lot fle) 2 845 Ae) x? 5x46 Match the expressions/statements in Column I with expressions/statements in Column II and indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles in the 44 matrix given in the ORS. Column I (A) If-1O feed 65, Let (x,y) be such that sin "tax)+ cosy) + cas “(bx y) = 4. Match the statements in Column J with statements in Column II and indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles in the 4 x 4 matrix given in the ORS. Column I (A) Ifa=l and b=0, then (x, y) (B) Ifa=1 and b=1, then (x,y) (©) Ifa=1 and b=2, then (x, y) (D) Ifa=2 and b=2, then (x,y) Answer p q r 5 ss@eoood 8}O @0OO0 (|@O00 rlOOoO®e @ «) ) Column IT lies on the circle x? + y?=1 Ties on (x? ~1}(y? -1)=0 lies on y =x lies on (42? -1)ly*-1)=0 4. examt ime 66, Match the statements in Column I with the properties in Column IT and indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles in the 4 x 4 matrix given in the ORS. Column 1 (A) ‘Two intersecting circles (B) Two mutually external circles (©) Twocireles, one strictly inside the other (D) ‘Two branches of a hyperbola Answer OO e@ @- ee0e0e- @@00- OOOO fp) @ «) &) Column Il have # common tangent have a common normal do not have a common tangent do not have a common normal

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