Objectives: Topic: Airport Announcements

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Topic: Airport Announcements

After this class students will be able to:
1. Understand common airport announcements.
2. Understand in-flight announcements.
3. Understand the airline safety video.

Lesson 1

Key Vocabulary and Phrases

1. attention 6. leaving 12. ground crew
7. slight 13. in process of
2. passenger
8. delay 14. deicing
3. bound for 9. due to 15. patience
10. inclement weather 16. approximately
4. departure gate
11. weather conditions 17. identification
5. changed 18. proceed to

Formative Assessment
(For this part, teacher guides the student to practice the scripts based on the student's need.)

Airport Announcement
Gate Changing: Attention please. Passengers of flight BE123 bound for Beijing, with a stop in Chicago. …

…The departure gate has been changed to Gate 23A.

…the flight will now be leaving from Gate 23A.
Departure Delay: …There will be a slight departure delay due to inclement weather / bad weather conditions.
The ground crew is in the process of deicing the wings in preparation for departure. We
should be boarding at about one thirty pm. Thank you for your patience.

…Our new departure time is 11:05 am.

Pre-Boarding: Good morning passengers. This is the pre-boarding announcement for flight BE123 to
Beijing. Boarding will begin in approximately fifteen minutes. Please have your boarding pass
and identification ready. Thank you.
Final Boarding: Attention passengers. This is the final boarding call for flight BE123 to Beijing. Please
proceed to gate 23 immediately. The gate will be closed in approximately five minutes. I
repeat. This is the final boarding call for flight BE123 to Beijing. Thank you.

Attention passengers for Flight BE123. We are now ready for boarding. / Attention please.
This is the final call for China Air flight BE 123 to Beijing. Departing passengers should
proceed to gate No. 16 immediately.
Summative Assessment
(For this part, teacher assigns homework and gives feedback based on the student's performance.)

1. Teacher encourages the student to answer the following questions in order to reinforce and evaluate the
student's learning.
1) 选任意一段广播,试着播报一下?

Lesson 2

Key Vocabulary and Phrases

1. on board 6. emergency 13. underneath
7. frequent flier 14. overhead compartments
2. committed to
8. currently 15. table trays
3. depart 9. take-off 16. upright
10. fasten 17. electronic devices
4. brief
11. seatbelts 18. prohibited
5. presentation 12. secure 19. duration

Formative Assessment
(For this part, teacher guides the student to practice the scripts based on the student's need.)

In-flight Announcement
Welcome on board and thanks for flying with us. We are committed to make your flight safe and
comfortable. So, before we depart, we’ll show you a brief safety presentation. This information can
help you, if there’s an emergency. So, it’s important to pay close attention, even if you are a frequent

In-flight Announcement

Pre-Flight: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome onboard Flight BE123 with service from New York to
Beijing. We are currently third in line for take-off and are expected to be in the air in
approximately seven minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts and secure all baggage
underneath your seat or in the overhead compartments. Please make sure your seats and
table trays are in the upright position for take-off. Please turn off all personal electronic
devices, including laptops and cell phones. Smoking is prohibited for the duration of the flight.
Thank you for choosing China Airlines. Enjoy your flight.

Summative Assessment
(For this part, teacher assigns homework and gives feedback based on the student's performance.)

1. Teacher encourages the student to answer the following questions in order to reinforce and evaluate the
student's learning.
1) 在飞机平稳飞行后,如何向空乘人员询问是否可以使用笔记本电脑?
Lesson 3

Key Vocabulary and Phrases

1. Flight attendants 7. lunch 13. entertainment program
2. prepare 8. seat pocket 14. channels
3. Cabin crew 9. in front of 15. snacks
4. comfort and safety 10. meal 16. beverage
5. assistance 11. duty free 17. serve
6. announce 12. booklet 18. refer to
19. in-flight magazine
Formative Assessment
(For this part, teacher guides the student to practice the scripts based on the student's need.)

Take-Off: Flight attendants, prepare for take-off please.

Cabin crew, please take your seats for take-off.

In-Flight Service: Ladies and gentlemen, this is your head flight attendant, Vivi speaking. For your comfort and
safety, there are 12 flight attendants on board today. If you need any assistance, please
contact any of them. Now I would like to announce our services today. In a few minutes, we
will be serving red wine and soft drinks, followed by lunch. Our lunch menu is in the seat
pocket in front of you. After meal, duty free service will start. Please refer to the duty free
booklet in the seat pocket as well. Our entertainment program will be 7 movies at different
channels. Two hours before arrival, snacks and beverage will be served. For further details on
the service today, please refer to your in-flight magazine. Any question, please let us know.
Thank you for flying China Airline. Enjoy your flight.

Turbulence: “Ladies and gentlemen, we are going through an area of turbulence. We ask all passengers
remain seated with your seat belts fastened. Thank you.”

Summative Assessment
(For this part, teacher assigns homework and gives feedback based on the student's performance.)

1. Teacher encourages the student to answer the following questions in order to reinforce and evaluate the
student's learning.
1) 当飞机受到气流颠簸时,您会听到的广播内容应该是?
If the student is interested:

(Delta) Safety Video: 优酷视频链接:http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XODk2MDI3NzI=.html?from=s1.8-1-1.2

All carry- on items, should now be stored securely. Either in an overhead bin or under the seat in
front of you. And all aisles, exits and bulkhead areas should be clear. Your mobile phones and other
electronic devices should be turned off. Once airborne, we’ll let you know when you can use
approved electronic devices. But note that some items such as phones may not be used in flight at
any time. You’ll find a list of approved electronic devices in the in-flight information section of Sky
Magazine. If this plane features Wi-Fi onboard, Internet access will be available while we’re above
10,000 feet. If you are seated at an emergency exit, please review the responsibilities for
emergency exit seating on the back of the safety information card, which in your seat pocket. If you
are unable or prefer not to perform these functions, just let us know and we’d be happy to find you
another seat. As you leave the gate, make sure your seatbelt is fastened. To fasten, insert the metal
tip into the buckle and adjust the strap, so it’s low and tight across your lap. To release the belt, lift
the top of the buckle or press the latch to release. Please remain seated with your seatbelt securely
fastened, if the seatbelt sign is on. Even if the sign is off, keep your seatbelt fastened in case we
experience unexpected rough air. For everyone’s safety, federal regulations require passengers to
comply with the posted placards and lighted signs located throughout the cabin as well as any
crew member instructions. Smoking is not allowed on any Delta flight and federal law prohibits
tampering with, disabling or destroying a restroom smoke detector. There are 8 exits on this
plane. 4 doors, 2 on each side. And 4 window exits over the wings. Each door has a detachable
slide that can be used for flotation. Life rafts are located in ceiling compartments at the front and
center of the plane. All exits are clearly marked with an exit sign. However, if there is a loss of power
and cabin visibility is reduced. White emergency lights near the floor will lead you to red lights
which indicated an exit. Please take a moment to find the exits closest to you. And remember they
might be behind you. It’s unlikely, but cabin pressure changes the panels above your seat will open
revealing oxygen masks. If this happens, reach up and pull a mask toward you until the tube is
fully extended. Place the mask over your nose and mouth, slip the elastic strap over your head
and adjust the mask if necessary. Breath normally and note that oxygen is flowing, so don’t worry, if
the bag doesn’t inflate. Be sure to adjust your own mask before helping others. A water evacuation
is also unlikely. But, just in case, life vests are located under your seats in the economy cabin. In the
first or business cabin, life vests are either between your seats, under your seats or in a
compartment under your armrest. To use, pull the tab to remove the vest from its container and
then open the pouch. Slip the vest over your head, fasten the two straps to the front of the vest and
then adjust the straps loosely around your waist. If you vest has one strap, wrap it around your
waist and attach it to the buckle in front. As you leave the plane, inflate the vest by pulling down on
the red tabs at the bottom of the vest. Or manually inflate it by blowing into the tubes at shoulder
level. You can activate a light by pulling down on the tab in front. If your vest doesn’t have a tab, the
light will activate automatically in the water. If necessary, we’ll distribute infant life vest or other
floatation devices. For children who weigh 35 pounds or less. Also, most seat cushions can be used
for flotation. Now, before we take off, be sure your seat is upright and locked, your tray table is put
away and all carry-on items are properly stowed. As we come through the cabin, for our final safety
checks, please let us know, if you have any questions. And now finally, it’s a good time for everyone
to review the safety information card, which is in your seat packet. Thanks for your attention, enjoy
your flight.

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