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Contracts II

6 Marks

1. What is a contract of indemnity

2. Define bailment
3. What ae the different kinds of agents
4. Define the term goods
5. What is unpaid seller’s right of Lien?
6. Explain Caveat Emptor
7. Can a minor be admitted to partnership?
8. What is dissolution of a firm?
9. Discharge of surety
10. Distinguish between condition and warranty
11. Termination of agency
12. Continuing guarantee
13. Right of Lien
14. Sub-agent and substituted Agent
15. Partnership-at-will
16. Doctrine of holding Out
17. Pledge
18. Nemo dat quad non habet
19. Liability of surety
20. Contract of bailment
21. Registration of firm
22. Dissolution of a firm
23. Rights of a seller to stop the goods in transit
24. Termination of agency
25. Sub-agent
26. Define sale
27. State exceptions to Caveat emptor
28. Partnership at will
29. Co-surety
30. Gratuitous bailment
31. Undisclosed principle
32. Unpaid seller
33. Discharge of surety
34. Define agent
35. Warranties in a sale
36. Rights of unpaid seller
37. Effect of pledge by non-owner
38. Personal liability of agent
39. General lieu of bankers
40. Liability of estate of deceased partner
41. Agreements in restraint of trade
42. Del credere agent
43. The property of a firm
44. Compulsory dissolution of a firm
45. Rights of surety
46. Conract of guarantee
47. Pawnee
48. Nemodat wuat non habet
49. Sale by non-owner
50. Factor
51. Agency by stopper
52. Effects of non-registration of partnership firm

15 marks
1. State the circumstances in which a surety is discharged from liability
2. What a contract of agency? Explain different modes of termination of agency
3. Define contract of sale and explain distinction between a sale and an agreement to sell
4. Define partnership; explain the effects of non-registration of a partnership firm.
5. Explain the difference between a contract of indemnity and a contract of guarantee
6. What are the implied conditions and warranties in a contract of sale of goods?
7. Explain how a partnership firm is registered? What is the effect of a non-registration of firm
8. Explain the rule of nemodat quod on habet with reference to sale of goods
9. What are the duties of a Bailee? What rights does he enjoy under a contract of bailment
10. Define unpaid seller. What are the rights of an unpaid seller
11. Discuss various methods by which a partnership firm is dissolved
12. What is agency by ratification? State the conditions that must be fulfilled to make this doctrine
applicable to the act of an agent
13. Define contract of indemnity and distinguish it from contract of guarantee
14. Who is an unpaid seller
15. Define conditions and distinguish ti from warranty
16. Discuss the circumstances in which a partnership firm may be dissolved? What are the rights of
creditors after dissolution?
17. Define contract and guarantee. Discuss the rights of a surety against the creditor, principal debtor and
18. Describe various odes by which an agency may be terminated. When is an agency irrevocable
19. Explain the maxim nemo dot quod non habet and state the exceptions to the maxim.
20. Define partnership. Examine its essentials. What is the true test in determining the existence of a
21. Define pledge. Explain the rights and duties of pledger and pledgee
22. Explain the nature of agency. How is it created? Discuss the rights and duties of agents
23. Explain the rights and duties of seller and buyer before and after the sale.
24. Discuss the definition and nature of partnership. Explain the rights and duties of partners.
25. Define guarantee. Explain the essential conditions of contract of guarantee. Distinguish guarantee from
26. What is a contract of agency? Explain the rights and duties of agent
27. Define and distinguish conditions and warranties
28. Define partnership. Explain the rights and duties of partners
29. Discuss the rights and liabilities of the surety, when surety is discharged from his liability
30. What is agency by ratification? State the conditions in which doctrine of ratification applicable to the
act of an agent
31. Define contract of sale and discuss the essential elements of contract of sale
32. Define partnership contract and discuss the rights and duties of the partners
33. What are the various methods by which a surety is discharged
34. Discuss the rights and duties a Bailee
35. Explain the effect of death, insanity and insolvency of the principal or the agent on a contract of
36. A buyer cannot get a better title than what the seller had it. What are the exceptions to this rule?
37. What are the essential characteristics of contract of guarantee? Distinguish between indemnity and
38. Explain the rights of agent against principal
39. What are implied conditions and warrantees in a contract of sale
40. Tate the essentials of partnership and distinguish partnership from a joint stock company
41. Define a contact of indemnity. What are the rights of indemnity holder when sued?
42. Discuss the law relating to dissolution of the partnership firm.
43. Discuss the rights of the unpaid seller
44. What is a contract of sale? State its essential characteristics
45. Define contract of bailment. Discuss the essential requisites of bailment
46. Define conditions and warranties and what are implied conditions and warranties.
47. Define contract of agency and discuss the relations of principal and agent with third parties
48. Define the contract of partnership and discuss the law relating to dissolution of firm

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