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G present perfect or simple past?

V biographies
P word stress, brl


biographies, word stress, hrl
a 25 »)) Look at th e hi ghlighted words in the list below. \Vhich
syllable is stressed? Liste n and check.
Events in your life
o be born o go to college D get divorced
D marry somebody / D graduate from college D retire
get married
D go to elementary school D separate C fall in love
o have children 0 get a job C die
D go to high school D graduate from high school
b Number the expressions in what YOll think is the most logical
order. Compare with a partner. 00 you agree?

c 26 »)) Listen and repeat the words and sound.

~ horse bo rn divorced four

d Practice sayi ng th ese words. Circle the o nes with the I';)r ' sound.
more work world boring door worse
sports wear form near score word

e 4 27 »)) Listen and check. What rule can you see for words with
wor + consonant? LI1o..LI_-.JI He and three of his brothers and
Sisters formed a band called The
MeLody Makers, and they pLayed at
2 READING their father's funeraL

a Look atthe photos of Bob and Ziggy Marley and read the 121 I He had eLeven children with severaL
introd uctio n. H ave you heard their music? Do you like it? '-=-'-_-.J different women. However, he only
married one of them, Rita Marley in
b Read ten facts about the li ves of the two men. In pairs, decide 1966.
which five are abo ut Bob Marley (BM) and whic h five are about
Ziggy Marley (ZM). LI3~1_-.J1 He has been a musician since he
was ten, when his father bought him
c Work in pairs. A reread the facts about Bob Marley. B reread the his first guitar.
ones about Z iggy Marley. C lose your books and tell your partner
what you ca n remember. L14c..L1__I He has lived in Miami for many
years with his wife Orty, and they
have three children.
3 GRAMMAR present perfect or simple past? (2)
a A nswe r the questions. 151 IHe has won four Grammy awards for
L.:::.L_-.J his music, including Best Reggae
Look at the five facts about Bob Marley. \Vhat tense are all the Album.
ve rbs? \Vhy?
2 Look at the five facts about Ziggy Marley. What three tenses are LI6::.J.1_......J1He injured his foot playing soccer,
there? \Vhy? and he later became Sick with
cancer. He died four years (ater at
b > p.142 Grammar Bank 9C. Learn more about the difference the age of 35.
between the prese nr perfect and the simple past, and practice it.
a Look at rhe pharos of another famolls
father and son, Julio and E nrique , who are
both s ingers. What's their la st name?
\Vha do yo u think is more fa mous?

1 Madrid 1975 - - - - - ,

2 Miami ------,.~ 5 "Escape" 2001

3 Enrique M,,,tine;, - - - Kournikova

4 "Enrique Iglesias" 19'95-- - ' 100 million

b YOll are going to li sten to a radio program about En ri que . Look at

the information. Before you liste n, guess what the co nnection is
0hink he was born in Madrid in 1975.

c 29 ))) Now li sten and make nores. Compare with a partner.

d Do you think Ziggy and Enrique have been successful because

of their last names, or because they are genuinely talented?
Do you think it's common for children to want ro do the sa me
job as ~h ei r parents?


a Think about an older perso n, a fri end or a member of your family,
who is alive and who you know well. Prepare to answer the
questions below about hi s or her life and ro tell your partner any
other interesting info rm at io n about him or her.

The past The present

[7 [ [ He was born in a small village in When / born? Whe re / live now?
L-"-_-' Jamaica. His father was a captain in
Where / born? How long / live there?
the British army.
What / do after (he / she) What! do? Gob)
[e[ [ He was born in Kingston, Jamaica in graduate school? (e.g., get How long ...?
'-"-'---' 1968, and he was 13 years old when a job, go to college, get What / do in (his/ her) free time?
married, have children, etc.)
his father died. His father's last
words to him were "Money can't Do you think (he / she) has had a good life? Why (not)7
buy you life."
b Interv iew your partner about his I her person. Ask fo r mo re
[9[ 1 His music was very influenced by infor matio n. Do your two people have any thing in common?
'-'--'-----' social problems in his homeland,
Jamaica. I'm going to tell you about my grandmothe~ 0hen was she born?

c[l.::.0LI_--,I With hi s band, The Wailers, he c > p.116 Writing A biography. Write a biography of a perso n YO ll
made eLeven albums. His most kn ow or a famous person.
famous songs included No Woman,
No Cry, Three Little Birds, and
I Shot the Sheriff 6 30 »)) SONG You're f\.1y #1 JJ
On line Practice
a Ke dd 11'l: hiogra phr o(Norah J''''~5 . T hen
co,er t he text and try TU rCIlH'mhcr th ree
things aoom her.
Nora h Jones
b I'ullllc verbs in paremheses in the simple
past or presellt ~ r fcc!. ora h Jones IS an America n Singer-songwriter and

P Writi ng a biography ~ use of t enses

N ac tress She lw.u.bOm_ (b e born) in 1979 in New York
City. Her father is Ravi Shankar. a famous Indian sit ar player.
If you wTlte Cl bIOgraphy of iI person who is and her mother is the concert producer Sue Jones. In 1986.
dead, the verbs will all be in the simpl. pas t .
her parents z (sepui!lte) and later gOt divorced.
If the person is alive. ell finished actions will and Norah went to live in Te)(as With he r mot he r.
be in the simple pes t (such as the person's
early life, e.g" was bom, went to college, _ _ (b e ) interested in music all her life . When
ete.. or specific actions in their life, e.g" got Norah J
married, moved to another town, etc.). she was young. she played the sa Kophone and she was in
two different choirs. She ~ (go) to the Univer sity
However. you must use the present perfect
for unfinished actIOns that started in the o f North Texas to study jazz piano. and wh ile she was there
past and are still true now (and which might she 5 (m ee t ) Jesse Ham s. She s tarted a band
dlartge), e.g., She has won nine Grammy wi th him a year later, and since then they ti (wo rk)
awards. She has appeared in sever81 movies.
together on many d ifferent prOJects.
use the simple pres ent {or prese nt
cont inuous] to talk about the present day, In 1999, s he 7 (move) to
e.g., She lives in New YOfk. She's working on a New York City. and 10 2001 she
new album.
Signe d a co ntra ct with Blue
c Write ,1 b i ,,~ rJphr of '<Ome-one ) <>u know. No te Records. Since then she
or of a fanlOU ~ person. who is s till alil·c. ' _ _ _ (m a ke) nve al bum s.
Wr ite threc pa rag raphs. Mak e not.:-s before and th ey have all been very
you begin. successful. She ~ _ _ _

F phl where and when t hey were

born. t heir early life
(simple past)
{win} nine Grammy
awa rds and ha s sold
over 37 miUlon i!llbu ms
worldwid e . She h as also
Paragraph 2 th eir life as a young adult appeared in several
(mostly simple i»stl movies. indu ding
pi!lri!lgC,c, cc,:-i
ph their later Ufe and their life now My Blueberry Nights.
(SImple past. present peffect.
Simple present I preseflt She has been in only
L _~,~,,=ntlnuo~'C':J__ on e rela tionship.
with Le e Alex ander. but
d Check yOll r biography for mist ake s they 10__ __ (b re ak
(g ra mmar. punctuat ion. and ~ pdJing). up) in 2007. She still live s
Show you r biogn phy to other ~tudent s 10 New York. Right now she
in rh.:- class. Which of your classmate~' IS work ing on a new album.
biographies is the most interc~t i ll g?

...( p.73

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