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Question Bank For ECE/6TH semester


1. What is Gibb's phenomenon?

2. Differentiate floating point and fixed point number system?
3. What is the function of MAC in DSP processors?
4. State scaling property of z transforms?
5. Determine the z-transform of the following signal and sketch the pole zero
a. pattern: x(n) = (-1)n.(2)-n.u(n).
6. What is a linear phase filter?
7. Explain causal and non-causal LTI systems. Give examples of each? , ,
8. Explain sampling function or sinc function.
9. What is the relation between z transform and laplace transform?
10.What are the various methods to find out inverse z transform?
11.What is the system impulse response if the input and output are x(n)=(1/2)n
u(n), y(n)=(1/2)n u(n) respectively?
12. Determine the circular convolution of the sequence x1 (n)={1,2,3,1}, x2
13. What are the advantages and disadvantages of FIR over IIR filter?
14. Convert the non-recursive system H (z) = 1 + z-1 + z-2 + z-3 + z-4 into
recursive system.
15.Determine the direct form realizations for the filter h (n)={1,2,3,4,3,2,1}
16. What is the effect of product Quantization due to finite word length?
17. Where will you place zero & poles in a filter to eliminate 50 Hz frequency
in a sampled signal at sampling frequency F=600Hz?
18.Find x(n) for X(Z) by using Cauchy residue theorem.
19. What is Linearity property for DTFT.
20.Find Z transform of:-
21. What are the various methods of finding Inverse Z transform.
22.What are basic elements of Digital Signal Processing?
Determine the z-transform and ROC of the signal :-
x(n) = [3{2n)-4(3n)] u(n).
23.Plot: - x (n) = u (n) – u (n-6)
24.What are the features of TMS series of processor?
25.State 3 properties of z-transform and give examples.
26.What is Modified Harvard Architecture?

27.What are the constraints on the transfer function if it were to represent a

casual LTI system?
28.What is the relationship between the Z-transform and the discrete Fourier
29.In what respect does DFT differ from continuous Fourier transform?
30.Explain the symmetry properties of DFTs which provide basis for fast
31.State the final value theorem of Z-transform.
32.Mention two symmetry properties of FIR filters for obtaining linear phase.
33.State the desirable characteristics of windows in the design of FIR digital
34.What is frequency warping in Bilinear transformation?
35.What is the difference between Butterworth and chebyshev filters in terms of
frequency response.
36.Explain the concept of pipelining in DSP processor.
37.What are the advantages of representing a digital filter in the block diagram
38.Why folding of signals are required in convolution of two signals ?
39.Why the ROC of Z-transform can not contain any pole ?
40.Define periodic and aperiodic signals with the help of examples.


1. What are the advantages of FIR filters over IIR filters?

2. State and prove convolution property of z transform?
3. Obtain the cascade realization of the system characterized by transfer
H(z) = 2(z+2) Iz(z-O.I)(z+O.5)(z+O.4)
4. State five properties of Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)?
5. Given an analog transfer function as
1-I(s)= 1 / (s+1)(s+2)
6. Obtain H(z) using impulse invariant method. Take T= Is.
7. Define convolution theorem as applied to discrete time signal. Find IZT of :-
Using convolution.
8. Determine Z transform and draw pole - zero pattern of :- x(n)= (-1)2n . u


9. Determine Z transform and draw ROC of: - x (n) = (2) n+1 .u (n-1).Is signal
is causal.
10.Determine the causal signal x(n) if its z-transform x(z) is given by:
(please see the attachment)

12.Use residue method to obtain x(n) from:- X(Z)=Z(Z+1) / (Z-1)2
13.Find IZT of: - X(Z)=log(1+aZ-1 ) ‫׀‬Z‫׀ >׀‬a‫׀‬
14.What is the frequency response of a discrete LTI system? Derive the
frequency response of a system whose impulse response is given by h(n) =
an U(n-1) for a <1
15.Find the inverse of Z-transform of the function. X(z) = (z- 4) / ( z-1)(z- 3)2
for IzI >2
16.Which is more sensitive network to finite word length?

(a) Direct form-II

(b) Cascade form
Justify tour answer

17.Compute the convolution of x  n   0,1, 4, –3 and h  n   1,0, –1, –1

N –1
18.Verify whether the given system is linear or non-linear y  n  
 x  n – m .

19. (h) Write the desirable features of DSP processors.

20. (i) What do you mean by product quantization error ?


1. Find the inverse DFT of X(k) = {l,2,3,4}

2. Draw the architecture of TMS 320C5x?
3. (a) Show that for LTI discrete-time system to stable, all the poles should lie
Within the unit circle?
4. (b) Write a short note on Bilinear transformation method?
5. Using FFT algorithm compute the output of linear filter described by h
(n)={1,2,3,2,1} and input x(n)={1,1,1,1}
Design a Chebyshev digital low pass filter with the following specifications.

pass band ripple <= 1 dB, pass band edge = 4Khz,stop band attenuation >= 40
dB, stop band edge = 6Khz & sampling rate = 24Khz. Use bilinear
6. Design a Butterworth IIR filter by Using Impulse Invariant method.
7. Design an FIR digital filter whose frequency spectral samples are
H (k) = e-j16pk/17 0 <= k <= 4
= 0 5 <= k <= 12
= e-j16p (k-17)/17 13 <= k <= 16
Use Hanning window.

8. The transfer function for an FIR filter is given by H(z)=1-1.334335z-1 +

0.9025z-1 Draw the realization diagram for each of the following cases. (i)
Transversal structures (ii) a two-stage lattice structure. Calculate the values of
the coefficients for the lattice structure.
9. Consider the signal x (n)=anu (n), |a|<1.Determine the spectrum X(?).The signal
x(n) is applied to a decimator that reduces the rate by a factor of 2. Determine
the output spectrum. Discuss the design criteria for anti-aliasing filter.
10.Calculate 8-point DFT of:-

X(n)={ 1,2,1,2}

11.Find inverse z-transform of:


1. ROC =z>1
2. z < 3/5
3. ROC =3/5 <\z <1.

12. With neat block diagram explain the architecture of ADSP Processor .How it is
different from architecture of microprocessor.

AN IIR low-pass filter is to be designed to meet the following specifications:

(a) pass-band frequency: 0 to 1.2 k Hz
(b) Stop band edge: 2 k Hz
(c) pass-band attenuation = 0.5 db
(d) Stop band attenuation G 15 db


Using butter worth approximation and bilinear transformation obtain the desired
IIR digital
13. A LTI system is described by y(n) = y(n-1) – 0.24 y(n-2) + x(n)
Find the response of this system for an input of x(n) = 10 cos(0.05p n).
14.With the help of a block diagram, explain the architecture of a TMS processor.
15.Determine the inverse Z-transform of X  z   if
1–1.5 z  0.5 z –2

(a) ROC : z  1 OC
(b) ROC : z  0.5
16. Obtain the parallel form realization of the following IIR digital filter transfer
3z  5 z – 2 
function H  z  
 1
 z    3z –1
 2
17.Derive and explain the signal flow graph for N=8-point, radix-2 decimation-in-
frequency FFT algorithm.
s  0.1
18.The system transfer function of analog filter is given by H a  s   .
 s  0.1  16

Obtain the system transfer function of digital filter using bilinear transformation

which is resonant at r  .
19. Write short note on the following
(a) Quantization of filter coefficients.
(b) Architecture of TMS series of digital signal processors.

20. Determine the zero input response of the system described by the homogenous
second order difference equation y  n  – 3 y  n –1 – 4 y  n –1  0 .

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