Lesson 4 - Provide Housekeeping Requests PDF

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Lesson 4: Provide Housekeeping Requests

Site: TESDA Online Program

Course: Providing Housekeeping Services (Beta) 1 of 6 Updated
Book: Lesson 4: Provide Housekeeping Requests
Printed by: Ruby Exconde
Date: Sunday, 22 March 2020, 12:04 PM
Table of contents
Topic 1: Liaise with other staff to obtain and/or deliver identified service or items
Topic 2: Locate and deliver required items to guest room
Set up equipment in guest rooms
Topic 3: Collect Items from guest rooms as required

As we have learned previously, guests and staff may have requests that have to be
addressed. In some instances, you can do this by yourself while at other times, it has to
be done with the help of another hotel staff.

Guests have no concern over who handles their request. As long as their request is given
at an appropriate time, they will be satisfied.
Topic 1: Liaise with other staff to obtain and/or
deliver identified service or items

The Need for Teamwork

On some requests, there would be a need for teamwork among housekeeping personnel
or other departments.

For example, a high volume of spillage in a room may be better dealt with two (2) Guest
Room Attendants rather than just one. This will speed up the time of cleaning and
disturbance to the guest.

Another example is when furniture has to be moved. This definitely requires a team
effort in lifting and moving the furniture.

Whenever you feel like you are unable to comply with a request by yourself, ask others
for help. Just keep in mind that you have to be willing and ready to help others as well.

Safety and Security

The safety and security of staff are just as important as the guests’.

If the guest looks annoyed, angry, upset or intoxicated while servicing a room, it is wise
to seek help from another staff.

The key point here is to let others know where you are headed.

While doing regular service of a room assigned to you, other staff members can easily
locate where you are because of the room assignment sheet. However, when you answer
a call to deliver an item or service to another room, it may be difficult for you to be
located in case you encounter an emergency.

A quick call to the housekeeping office or other staff members would suffice. Inform
them of your whereabouts or location such as the floor and room number and the time it
would take you to return.

Regardless if the request is assigned to another staff, you have to make sure that the
request is acted upon in a timely manner.

Monitor the progress of the request, and advise the guest of the progress once in a while
and inform the guest the expected time of completion.

After the request is done, it is a good idea to check on the guest if he/she is satisfied with
his or her request.
Topic 2: Locate and deliver required items to
guest room

Locate and Deliver Required Items

Housekeeping, most of the time, would respond to guest requests they receive. This is
relatively easy because most requests are just delivery of items that housekeeping staff
has ready access to.

In other instances, some requests may require more time and effort to accomplish.

“It’s not my job”

This is one of the phrases that should never be used by any hotel staff when responding
to guests’ request.

In the tourism/hospitality industry, it is always YOUR job to assist guests.

If the request being made is outside of your usual duties and responsibilities:

Write down the details of the request and confirm it with the guest.
Pass the details of the request to the appropriate person for proper action.

Never forward the guest to another person or department. It is important for the guest to
know that the establishment is taking action now rather than passing them around to
different offices.

Action is the key to responding to a request

After a request is received, it must be acted upon as soon as possible or within the
timeframe agreed with the guest.

The key to any request is to simply take action on the request.

Guests’ requests usually are not that complicated. You may just need to go to your trolley
or the housekeeping storeroom to pick up some items requested and then give it to the

Passing on Requests

Some requests are already outside of your usual responsibilities. In these cases, the
relevant person must be notified of the guest’s request for proper action.

Important points:

Pass on important details of the request like the name and room number of the guest.
Ensure that the person you are passing the request to understands the request.
Confirm if they have understood the request by asking them to repeat it.
If there is a deadline agreed with the guest, emphasize this to the person you are
passing the request to.
Always confirm from guest if the request has been delivered to their satisfaction.

Requests for Information

Sometimes, it takes more time to provide information to guests than some other requests.

These can cover:

Information on the products and services available to the guest.

Use your own product knowledge about the establishment. If you are unable to
provide accurate information immediately, apologize to the guest and tell them you
will get back to them as soon as you know the information they need.
Availability of services, hours, the location of meals, services and equipment – If there
are ice machines or water refilling stations available at the hotel, operating hours of
the spa, location of the restaurant etc.
How equipment works – All Housekeeping staff are expected to know how every
equipment works in the guest room. However, there may be equipment outside of the
guest room that a guest might want to know about like gym equipment. In this case,
look for the relevant person and endorse the guest.
Information about local attractions, activities, entertainment places and restaurants –
Although this is really part of the Reception of Concierge’s job.
Guests might still ask you, because to them, you are the local person.
In these situations:
Never say that you don’t know and just leave the guest hanging. It is okay that you do
not know, your job is to help the guest know the answer.
Again, never tell the guests that giving information is not your job.
Never tell the guests to look up the information from the in-room information
Never make the guest feel like asking a question is a stupid thing to do.
Set up equipment in guest rooms

Set up Equipment

There will be times when housekeeping staff would be asked to help set – up equipment
borrowed by a guest in the guest room.

These requests should be attended to immediately because guests who usually request
for assistance are waiting to use these items.

What items might be involved?

The items that may need setting-up could include:

Table and chairs – for meetings or to assist with the provision of room service meals
Internet connection
DVD player
Data projector
Rollaway bed
Baby crib/ cot

In-room Meetings

Guest rooms are sometimes rented by companies for their business needs like conducting
a meeting, presentations, or exposition of products. It would be the housekeeping
department’s job to move furniture and equipment around before these events take

Coordinate with the renting company for directions on how they want the room to be
Elderly People

Sometimes, elderly people would have trouble using technology– based items in the guest

It is important not to make them feel stupid while assisting them in using the equipment.
Take time to explain to them how to operate an equipment they are having trouble using.
Before leaving them, make sure they have already learned how to operate the equipment
by showing you how it is done

Remember to check on them after a while to see if they are still having trouble. This
simply shows your concern to the elderly guest and is clearly an example of excellent

Elderly people might also seek assistance for the following:

Moving heavy items

Getting items from high places
Obtaining items from low places
Getting a wheelchair

Rollaway or Extra  beds and Baby crib/ cots

This is probably the least favorite tasks housekeeping staff likes to do.

They are difficult to move and set up which oftentimes result in injuries,

If possible, set them up in the guest rooms before the guest arrives so that you would no
longer disturb them when they arrive.

Be careful in setting up, watch your fingers
Practice setting up the bed - it would be embarrassing for you and the establishment if
you will struggle to set up the bed in front of the guest.
Follow the instructions
Do not rush
If setting up for the first time, have an experienced staff assist you and show you how
it is done
May result to damage or theft
To free up space in the room – guests may need the space in their room that is
occupied by the equipment
To allow other guests to use the equipment who might need it

The arrangement to pick up the item should be made as a suggestion and not as a
requirement – the idea is to provide service and not limit the guest on the use of items
Guests should be advised to contact Housekeeping if they want an extension with
their loan
In case it is already picking up time and the housekeeping staff who made the
arrangement with the guest is already off – duty,  then another staff in the next
shift should be assigned to pick up.

Log Books

A record of items loaned should be kept in a log book.

It should include:

Who the item was loaned to

Room number of the guest
When the item should be picked up
Name of the staff who delivered the item
Name of the staff who recovered the item
Date of Delivery
Date of pick up

Each time an item leaves and returns to the housekeeping department, the staff who
delivers or recovers the item should sign in the logbook.

Upon delivery of an item, the guest has to sign an On – loan items form (3 copies) front
office, guest, housekeeping,
Topic 3: Collect Items from guest rooms as
Although most requests are items being taken to the room, there are requests which
require for items to be taken out of the room.

These items will be discussed in the succeeding sections.

Types of Items for Collection

As part of effective guest service, housekeeping staff may need to take items from the
guest room.

These items may include:

Furniture, appliances, or amenities that are not used by the guest

Housekeeping items left behind by staff
Soiled linen, towels, bath maths that needs to be replaced
Replacement items – anything that would replace a non-operational item
Previously requested items that are no longer needed
Guest items that require further action such as dry cleaning, repairs, etc.

Keys in Collecting Items

Being on time is important. If you agreed with the guest to pick up an item at a certain
time, the guest would of course be expecting you to arrive at the agreed time.

Guests might have arranged their schedules considering the pick-up time and this should
be respected. It is a big deal to make a guest wait and should be avoided. Guests can
become frustrated and leave them with a bad impression about the establishment.

The key is to arrive when you are supposed to.

In case you would be late:

Arrange for someone else to pick up the item and make sure that they arrive on time
Contact the guest and make an apology, then arrange for a new timeline
Always notify the guest if you are going to be late
If the item to be picked up is heavy, ask someone to help you carry the item or bring a

Upon your arrival to pick up the item: 

Knock on the door and announce “Housekeeping”
Greet the guest by name
Tell them why you are there – “I’ve come to pick up the …"
Ask for permission to enter the room
Thank the guest for their permission to do so
Respect the privacy of the guest
Pick up the item and walk to the door
Make arrangements for a replacement item, where appropriate and a time for its
Thank the guest again
Depart the room.

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