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ERP ID : 0191PGM127


DATE : 5.06.2020

Q1  Our data analytics efforts are supported by senior leadership:

Please tick only one option *

 Strongly Agree
✓  Agree ✓
 Strongly Disagree

. Q2 The executive with overall responsibility for data analytics is:

Please tick only one option

 Chief Executive Officer
 Chief Analytics Officer
 ✓Chief Information Officer✓
 Chief Operating Officer
 Chief Financial Officer
 Chief HR / Corporate Affairs Officer

3. We make use of analytics to support the following functions:

Please tick as many options as is relevant
 Accounting & Finance
 Audit, Compliance & Risk
 Customer Service
 Human Resources
 Information Technology
✓  Operations ✓
✓  Research & Development✓
✓  Sales & Marketing ✓
✓  Strategy Development & Execution✓
 Supply Chain & Logistics
 None of the above
4. The types of analytics we perform include:
Please tick as many options as is relevant *
✓  Discriptive Analytics - answering the question "what happened"✓
 Diagnostic Analytics - answering the question "why did it happen"
✓  Predictive Analytics - answering the question "what's likely to happen" ✓
✓ prescriptive answering the question "what should we do given what's happened or likely to happen✓"

5. Our data analytics are based on good quality data which is trusted throughout the organization:
Please tick only one option *

 Strongly Agree
 Strongly Disagree

6. In our analytics, we make use of the following types of data:

Please tick as many options as is relevant *

 Structured internally sourced data

✓  Unstructured internally sourced data✓
 Structured externally sourced data
✓  Unstructured externally sourced data✓

7. The data we use in our analytics is:

Please tick only one option *

 Sourced from a data warehouse that integrates data from multiple sources
 ✓Sourced from multiple data sources/ applications but is not integrated✓
 Sourced from a single application
 Sourced from spreadsheets

8. We make use of the following tools in our analytics:

Please tick as many options as is relevant *
✓  Simple analytics tools such as spreadsheets
 Bespoke, purpose built analytics tools
✓ Built in analytics modules in our Enterprise Resource Planning or other management software
✓  Widely available analytics tools offered by software vendors
✓  Online / cloud based analytics platforms

9. We consume the output of our analytics using the following formats:
Please tick as many options as is relevant *
✓  Spreadsheets
✓  Text based reports
 Presentation applications such as Powerpoint
✓  Dashboards and visualisations

10 Data analytics are performed by:

Please tick only one option *

✓  A central analytics team✓

 By multiple teams throughout the organisation
✓  A combination of centralised and decentralised teams
 We do not have an analytics team
11 Our data analysts are:
Please tick as many options as is relevant *

✓  Specialists trained in analytics

✓  General employees with analytical capabilities
 External consultants


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