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Good morning mam and my dear friends, Today I Rahul Rai from group 11 will be presenting on the topic

Selling process and Selling skills. The company that we’ve selected from our SIP is Data IQ School of Analysis,
which is an educational vertical of BRICS CCI and deals in Certification courses, Live projects, Webinars etc.

Selling process include all things which a salesman do to sell his product to his customer. There are total of 8
steps in selling process and the foremost step in process is Prospecting.  It consists of identifying potential
customers, aka prospects. The goal of prospecting is to develop a database of likely customers and then
systematically communicate with them in the hopes of converting them from potential customer to current
customer. The first step of Data IQ is to identify the people who are interested in the product and service. They
use the social media platform to get the Prospects lead and conduct webinars also.

The second step in the process is Pre-Approach. The pre-approach is used for preparing for the presentation
through customer research and goal planning for the presentation. In Data IQ the company see the needs of
the prospects and according to that they offer the Product and services to them, which were Courses and Live

The third step in the process is Approach, during this stage, the salesman comes in actual contact with the
prospect or likely customer with its services or products. In this case, the organization shoots the mail and cold
call them after that so that they first go through the mail and through call they get the full clarification
regarding the Courses and Live projects which builds a repo for the company in the leads mind.

The fourth step is Discovering & Understanding, in this step the salesperson tries to discover or understand
their buyers' needs or problems. During the SIP, it was come to the attention that there are particular sub-
topics that students wanted to get in their finance course but the topics weren’t available at that time.

The fifth step includes Presentation & Demonstration, under which the person demonstrates to the customer
the need-satisfying characteristics of the products being offered for sale. In this step the team members of
Data IQ present some insights of the Live Projects and Courses, the prospects leads are invited for the
webinars to have some insights of the courses as well as Brochures were sent to them to get a clear view of
the information regarding the courses and Live projects.

The sixth step includes Objection handling, Objection handling is when a prospect presents a concern about
the product/service a salesperson is selling, and the salesperson responds in a way that alleviates those
concerns and allows the deal to move forward. The team member of data IQ also handles and answer the
queries of the prospects clients and solve their queries in very short span of time and assure them that what
they are choosing is worth of price.

The seventh step is Closing the sale, the term refers to the process of making a sale. After having answered and
overcome objections. In Data IQ The answering of the queries raised from the lead help them in trusting the
company and they are ready to pay for the course if they are satisfied with the answers and as their needs are
fulfilled. During calling the leads and pitching them the products and solving the queries helps in converting
those leads in prospects clients.

The last step under the process is Follow up, Follow ups make customers feel special and therefore this
increases reliability process for the customers. A regular follow up always gives customers a chance to be
heard and engage effectively. In Data IQ after the sales is made the member from the School of analysis team
call the prospect client after few days and take the feedback of the client regarding the products and service
they are pursuing through and it puts a great image of the organization in the client’s mind and assure them
the after sales service is well provided from the company.

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