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SECTION A [45 Marks]

Answer all questions in this section.

Answer all questions.

1 Function f is defined by
(x – 2)2, x ≤ 2
f(x) = − h
1 x, x > 2
(a) If f is continuous at x = 2, determine the value of h. [3 marks]
(b) Sketch the graph of f. [3 marks]

2 The parametric equations of a curve is given by x = ln (tan t) and y = cos2 t, where 0 < t < 2 .
Find the equation of the tangent to the curve at the point where x = 0. [8 marks]

3 Show
sin (2x) dx = ( −2). [5 marks]
0 4

4 Show that the differential equation dy + 2y = xe− 2x may be reduced by means of the substitution

z = ye to dz = x . [4 marks]
Hence, find the solution of the differential equation satisfying the condition dy = 1 when x = 0. Give
your answer in the form y = f(x). [5 marks]

5 Given that y = ln (1 + cos x).

2 2 −y
(a) Show that e
y dy = − sin x . Hence, show that
d y
=e − 1. [5 marks]
dx dx dx
(b) Find the Maclaurin’s series for ln (1 + cos x), up to and including the term in x2. [3 marks]
(c) Hence, find the Maclaurin’s series for sin x , up to and including the term in x. [2 marks]
1 + cos x

6 Show that the equation ex + x = 3 has a real root between x = 0 and x = 1. Given that x0 = 0.8 as
an initial approximation, use an appropriate iterative formula, find the root correct to three decimal
places. [7 marks]


SECTION B [15 Marks]

Answer only one question in this section.

7 Figure below shows a solid which is a rectangular block with a semicylindrical top.

Given that the total surface area of this solid is 2400 . Show that
[3 marks]
If the volume of this solid is , express in terms of . Hence, show that
[9 marks]
attains its maximum when .
[3 marks]
Find this maximum volume.

x+1 d2y dy
8 Given that y = e , show that 4 (1 + x ) + 2 = y.
[4 marks]
dx dx
By further differentiation of this result or otherwise, show that the series expansion for y in
1 1 3 4
ascending powers of x up to and including the term in x is y=e 1 + x+ x + kx , where k

2 48
is a constant. Hence, state the value of k and find lim e x+1− e . [11 marks]
x →0 x


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