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‘ + \ ‘STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA REQUEST FOR BEST AND FINAL OFFER (BAFO#1): Bid #201400844 Department of Administration Offers will be received until 2:00 PM September 26, 2014 Division of Purchase and Contract Coniract Type: Open Market Services Refer iLL Inquiries to: Margaret Serapin Issue Date: September 18, 2014 Teleptme No. (919) 807-4529 ‘Commodity: 958-56 Management and Operation of the NC Veterans Homes E-Mail Margaret. Using Agency Name: Division of Veteran Affairs ‘Agency Requisition No. ROT7797466 NOTICETO VENDOR Offers, subject to the conditions made a part hereof, wil be received at this office (116 W. Jones St, FRaléjh, NC) until and up to 2:00 p.m.. Eastern Time on the day of opening and then opened, for furnishing and "ihe goods and services as described herein. Refer to page 2 for proper mailing instructions. EXECUTION Incompince with this Request for Best and Final Offers (BAFO), and subject to all the conditions herein, the undersiged offers and agrees fo furnish and deliver any or all goods and services which are offered, at the prices agreed upor aniwithin the time spectied herein, The undersigned Vendor certifies that this offer has not been arrived at collursivesor otherwise in violation of Federal or North Carolina law and this offer is made without prior understanding, fgreemet, or connection with any firm, corporation, or person submitting an offer for the same commodity, end isin all respeectshir and without collusion of fraud. Failvareb execute/sign offer prior to submittal shall render BAFO invalid, Late offers are not acceptable. EMAIL NPraRGoRAteaTn oom VENDOrPratiTealin Veteran Sontoas Nor Garoina, Ine | STRREETIOORESS: 1628 Jaurgens Cout FO.BOK aF TELEPHONE NOWBER: | TOLL FREE TEL. NO: CHPY EUATER DP: NECORs, GA SOOT 770-806-6893 VBE GIPRINT NAME & TITLE OF PERSON SIGNING! ROL. Prult Ir, Gharman | FAX NOMBER: 7705254018 and CED EPO) i Offer- vat for forty-five (45) days front ate of opéning unless otherwise stated here: _days ACC EPIANCE OF BEST AND FINAL OFFER Ifthe Stie accepts any or all parts of this offer, an authorized representative of the Department of Administration (DOA), Divis iond! Veteran Affairs shall affix her/his signature to the Vendor's response to this Request for BAFO. The ‘ace ptace shall include the response to this BAFO, any provisions and requirements of the original RFP which have not beers syprseded by this BAFO and the General Terms and Conditions for Goods and Services. These documents shal then conitule the written agreement between the patties. A copy of this acceptance wil be forwarcied to the successful Venctoré. 1 DATE! OTRO lct awarded this {7 day of _OCToRet. 2014, as indicated on attached corti (Authorized representative of DOA/Veteran Affairs) MAILING INSTRUCTIONS: Mail one fully executed original and one copy of the response. Address package and insert BAFO control number as shown below. tis the responsibilty of the vendor to have the BAFO in this office by the Specified time and date of opening. You may fax to (919) 807-4510 or email to Marcaret. a copy followed by the originals, DELIVERY BAFO NO. #1: (Bid 4201400844) NC Department of Administration Dhuision of Purchase and Contract 116 West Jones Street, Room 4062, 4" Floor Attn: Margaret Serapin Raleigh, NC 27603-8002 SOLICITATION REQUEST FOR BEST AND FINAL OFFER (BAFO) “This request is to acquire @ Best and Final Offer (BAFO) from PruittHealth Veteran Services ~ North Carolina, Inc. (PHVS — NC) for the Management of the NC State Veteran Homes. Your offer should integrete the previous response to the Request for Proposal (RFP) and any changes listed below. Any individual Vendor can receive a different number of requests for BAFOs than other bidders, Please Note: This proposal is stil in the evaluation period. During this period and prior to award, possession of the BAFO, original proposal response and accompanying information is limited to personnel of the NC Department of ‘Administration, Division of Veteran Affairs, an¢ to agencies responsible for participating in the evaluation. Bidders who ‘attempt to gain this privileged information, or to influence the evaluation process (Le. assist in evaluation} will be in Violation of purchasing rules and their offer will not be further evaluated or considered. ‘The purpose of this request to BAFO i ‘The Department of Administration, Division of Veteran Affsirs (NCDVA) adds the following Technical Requirement: 1) During any renovation or construction project(s) that are undertaken at any of the four (4} licensed Veteran Homes in North Carolina, during the contract term, NCDVA agrees to pay PHVS-NC full management fees for a percentage of beds taken out of service. The percentage of beds taken out of service that the management fee will applied as follows: First, the total number of beds taken out of service will be established. Next, the average occupancy rate for the entire facility for the preceding twelve (12) months wil be retrieved, Finally, the total number of beds taken out of service wil be multiplied by the preceding twelve (12) month average occupancy rate to determine the total number of beds that management fees will bo paid on. The bed count numbers will be rounded to the nearest whole number. As an example, if 20 beds were taken out of service due to a renovation at 1 of the 4 Veteran facilties, and it was determined that the occupancy rate for the entire facility for the preceding 12 months at that facility had been 93%, PHVS — NC would be paid full management fees on 19 of the 20 beds (0.93 x 20 = 18.6; 18.6 rounds up to 19) for the entire amount of time the beds remained out of service ) ) 2) The State encourages PruittHealth Veteran Services — North Carolina, inc. to supply more competitive prices. PruittHealth Veteran Services - North Carolina, Inc. should submit its most competitive price below. 3) In addition, the State incorporates all negotiations, as stated in the letler dated September 3, 2014, and issued by Nell L. Pruitt, Jrof PruittHealth BAFO CosT: Cost to menage the NG Stato Veterans Homes at 9.25% of net revenues (gross revenues less contractual) for management fees, ‘excluding performance bond. EXECUTION OF PROPOSAL By submitting this proposal, the potential Contractor certifies the following X__ This proposal is signed by an authorized representative of the firm. X__ Itcan obtain insurance certificates as required within 10 calendar days after notice of award. X_ The cost and availabilty of all equipment, materials, and supplies associated with performing the services described herein have been determined and included in the proposed cost. X_Alliabor costs, direct and indirect, have been determined and included in the proposed cost. X__ The Offeror can and will provide the specified performance bond or alternate performance guarantee, X_ The potential Contractor has read and understands the conditions set forth in this RFP and agrees to thern with no exceptions. X_The Offeror is registered in NC E-Procurement @ Your Service or agrees to register within two days after notification of contract award. X_As required by G.S. §143-48.5 (Session Law 2013-418), the Bidder cerlifes that It, and each of its ‘subcontractors for any contract awarded as a result ofthis solicitation, complies with the requirements of Article 2 of Chapier 64 of the NC General Statutes, Including the requirement for each employer with more than 25 employees in North Carolina to verify the work euthorization of its employees through the federal E-Venty system. ‘Therefore, in compliance with this Request for Proposals, and subject to all concitions herein, the undersigned offers and agrees, i this proposal is accepted within 90 days from the date of the opening, to furnish the subject services. OFFEROR: PruittHealth Veteran Services ~ North Carolina, In ADDRESS: 1626 Jeuraens Court CITY, STATE, ZIP: Noroross, GA. 30093 7 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (770) 806-6893 FAX: (770) 925-4519 E-MAIL: Principal Place of Business i different from above (See General Information on Submitting Proposals, tem 18.) Will any of the work under this contract be performed outside the United States? (yes [XINo {if yes, describe in technical proposal.) By: (TLE: Chairman and CEO. DATE: August 5, 2044 Neil L. Pruitt J (Printed name) ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL (Using Ageifdy i” BY: qiTle: Dees pate: yo/z 226. ‘THIS PAGE MUST BE SIGNED AND INCLUDED IN YOUR PROPOSAL. Unsigned proposais will not be considered. RFP #201 400844 ManagementOperation of Licensed Nursing Facies Poge 28 EXECUTION OF PROPOSAL ~~} submiting ths proposal, the potential Contractor cortifes the folowing X_ This proposalis signed by an authorized representative of the firm ied within 10 calendar days after notice of award. X__ It can obtain insurance certificates as req __X_The cost and avatlabiiy ofall equipment, materials, and supplies associated with performing the services described herein have been determined and included in the proposed cost. X__Alllabor costs, direct and indirect, have been determined and included in the proposed cost. X_The Offeror can and will provide the specified performance bond or alternate performance guarantee. __X_ The potential Contractor has read and understands the conditions set forth in this RFP and agrees to them with no exceptions. X_The Offeror is registered in NC E-Procurement @ Your Service or agrees to register within two days after notification of contract award, _X_As required by G.S. §143-48.5 (Session Law 2013-418), the Bidder certifies that Il, and each of its ‘subcontractors for any contract awarded as a result ofthis solicitation, complies with the requirements of Article 2 of Chapter 64 of the NC General Statutes, including the requirement for each employer with more than 25 employees in North Carolina to verify the work authorization of its employees through the federal E-Verity sysiem. ‘Therefore, in compliance with this Request for Proposals, and subject to all conditions herein, the undersigned offers and agrees, if this proposal is accepted within 90 days irom the date of the opening, to furnish the subject services. FFEROR: _PruittHealth Veteran Services ~ North Carolina, Inc. ADDRESS: 1626 Jeurgens Court CITY, STATE, ZIP: Norcross, GA, 39083 TELEPHONE NUMBER: (770) 606-6893 FAX: (770) 925-4619 E-MAIL: NP% Principal Place of Business if different from above (See General Information on Submitting Proposals, Item 18.) ‘Will any of the work under this contract be performed outside the United States? [_] Yes DJNo (ifyes, describe in technical proposal.) aA, TLE: Chamman snd. CEO DATE: Auguats, 2014 Neil L. Pruitt Jr (Printed name) ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL (Using Agency Namo) a TITLE: DATE: ‘THIS PAGE MUST BE SIGNED AND INCLUDED IN YOUR PROPOSAL. Unsigned proposals will not be considered. RFP #201400844 ManagementOperation of Licensed Nursing Facies ) ) 8:04 WHERE SERVICE CONTRACTS WILL BE PERFORMED In accordance with NC General Statule 143-59.4 (Session Law 2005-169), this form is to be completed and submitted ‘with the Offeror's (technical) proposal/oid. Issuing Agency: Department of Adininistration ‘Solicitation # 201400844 ‘Agenoy Contact Person & phone #: Margaret Sorapin (919) 807-4829 Solicitation Title / Type of Services: MANAGEMENT AND OPERATION OF LICENSED NURSING FACILITIES OFFERO} : PruittHealth Veteran Services — North Carolina, inc. City & State: Norcross, GA Location(s) from which services will be performed by the Contractor: Service CityiProvidence/State Country Management Services for VA Homes NorerossiGA USA Location(s) from which services are anticipated to be performed outside the U.S. by the Contractor: NA NA Location(s) from which services will be performed by subcontractor(s): Service Subcontractor __CityiProvidence/State Country Phormsey PruttHeath Cansuling Norcross, GA USA Mesical Equipment Prathoath Medical Norcross, GA USA ohsbiltatve Services Pratteath Rehab _Nomznss. GA _____USA Monagement relates Senieos Protea Norcross, GA. ust Sinica sarvens Rutten Consuting —_Noreross, GA us Location(s) from which services are anticipated to be performed outsive the U.S. by the suticontractor(s) NA RFP #201400844 Managenere/Operation of Licenses Nursing Faces (Attach adcitional pages if necessary.) RFP 2201400846 ManagomeniOperaton of Licensed Nursing Facitios *) (Attach additional pages ifnecessary.) Re 920140084 ManagerOperation of Licesad Nursing Facies a Bi x PruittHealth VETERAN SERVICES North Carolina Department of Administration Division of Purchase and Contract 116 West Jones Street Room 4062 4" Floor Raleigh, NC 27603-8002 ‘To Whom it May Concern: Please accept this Transmittal Letter in response to Section 6.02 Minimal Proposal Requirements as part of Pruittlfealth Veteran Services - North Carolina, Inc.’s response to the Technical Proposal for RFP # 201400844. By submitting this proposal, the Offeror certifies the following: |. The Offeror is a North Carolina corporation wholly owned by United Health services of North Carolina, Inc. which also owns other entities that operate other licensed skilled nursing facilities Jicensed by the State of North Carolina and through other affiliated entities operates licensed skilled nursing facilities licensed in three other states, Georgia, South Carolina and Floride. 2. The Offeror has submitted, with the proposal, the name adcress, and telephone number of the person(s) with authority to bind the firm and answer the questions or provide clarification concerning the firm's proposal. 3. The Offeror certifies that no attempt has been made or will be made to induce any other person (or firm to submit or not submit a proposal. 5. The Offeror secepts all terms and conditions set forth in this RFP. 6. The Offeror is a subsidiary of United Health Services, Ine., which, through its family of providers, operates 94 skilled nursing facilities in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina and Florida. This organization has been operating nursing facilities since 1969. Its veteran services affiliates have been operating State Veterans Homes in both Georgia and North Carolina since 1996. During that time, the Offeror and its Georgia veteran services affiliate have both successfully sought and continuously maintained JCAHO acereditation for all ofits Veterans facilities operated in both states. Furthermore, itis in good standing with all State and Federal regulatory agencies and has no outstanding deficiencies. a. The biggest difference between a NC State Veterans Home and other nursing homes is the shared experiences of its residents. At the NC State Veterans Home, residents all share the ‘commonality of having served their county, whether it’s a combat vet reminiscing with another, ora former military wife recalling her travels and life on base. This kind of camaraderie can only be found in the service. Additionally, the NC State Veterans Homes offer a private pay rate that ‘typically half of what eivlian skilled nursing homes offer, close proximity to a military base with its hospitals, commissary, PX, et., military organization meetings and close proximity toa national cemetery. b, The North Carolina Sate Veterans Homes currently receive an average per diem rate for their geographical area. Itis difficult to gauge the benefit of the 70% veteran, in part, due to the fact they can be awarded this benefit retroactively (often times in excess of a year) which does not allow utilization of the current procedures for consolidated billing and can impact the accuracy of the calculation related to cost of care for the retroactive months. Superficialy, it appears that the prevailing rate (which is an all-inclusive per diem) will cover the cost of care for the 70% veteran; however, depending on the acuity of the veteran, in some instances, that per diem is woefully inadequate and can pose a financial burden to the center. Conversely, the per diem could be more than adequate if there is minimal acuity. Whether this is a benefit or liability is all predicated on the tix of acuity levels for the 70% veterans in the center. The admission of these veterans should be accomplished on a case by case basis with ‘consideration for the ability of the center to manage their care within the financial confines of the center c. As with the previous questions related to the 70% veteran, the admission of these veterans should be accomplished on a case by case basis with consideration for the ability of the center to manage the care of the veteran within financial confines of the center. The limitation could/would be different for each building. It would need to be evaluated on a routine basis and adjustments made as appropriate, This would include how many vacant beds are currently in the building; what isthe cost of care for veterans currently residing in the building with this payor source; and the number and type of current referrals, 70% and others. 4, Utilization of the person centered model of care would be an advantage in providing better care. This model focuses treating each patient as an individual and meeting his/her individual needs. Person-Directed Care (PDC) retums decision making and choices to the person; it ‘enhances the primary caregiver's capacity to engage with the person and respond to the needs; and it establishes a home environment (1on-institutionl). ‘We would propose that the newer buildings (Black Mountain and Kinston) adopt the neighborhood concept of care, ‘This model utilizes a universal worker who provides care, in addition to the housekeeping, laundry and meal prep/serving. There are opportunities to utilize technology that could reduce staff time and decrease errors. One such item would be check scariners for the business office. ‘The current method is time consuming not only in preparation of the deposit but as well as the time spent out of the home by the person making the deposits. Furthermore, this would allow the business office to focus more ‘time on insurance filing and collections, activities that would lead to increased cash flow. ¢, Respite care is a value added service to the community that provides an alternative to families ‘who need an ephemeral break from caring for a love one at home. While providing a much needed service it can be a referral source for a potential long term admission, Market demand ‘would determine the need and whether it isa viable option for the center. ‘We would suggest having a single episode of respite care be limited to ten (10) days. During that time, the patient/family should be billed at the full private pay rate. If the patient/family desires to extend their stay, the home would need to evaluate on a case by case basis. with its hospitals, commissary, PX, etc., military organization miectings and close proximity to a national cemetery. b, The North Carolina Sate Veterans Homes currently receive an average per diem rate for their geographical area. Its difficult to gauge the benefit of the 70% veteran, in par, due to the fact they can be awarded this benefit retroactively (often times in excess of a yeat) which does not allow utilization of the current procedures for consolidated billing and can impact the accuracy of ‘the calculation related to cost of care for the retroactive months, Superticially, it appears that the prevailing rate (which is an all-inclusive per diem) will cover the cost of care for the 70% veteran; however, depending on the acuity of the veteran, in some instances, that per diem is woefully inadequate and can pose a financial burden to the center, Conversely, the per diem could be more than adequate if there is minimal acuity. Whether this is a benefit or libility is all predicated on the mix of acuity levels for the 70% veterans in the center. The admission of these veterans should be accomplished on a case by case basis with consideration for the ability of the center to manage their care within the financial confines of the center. «c. As with the previous questions related to the 70% veteran, the admission of these veterans should be accomplished on a case by case basis with consideration forthe ability of the center to ‘manage the care of the veteran within financial confines of the center, The limitation ‘could/would be different for each building. Tt would need to be evaluated on a routine basis and adjustments made as appropriate. This would inctude how many vacent beds are currently in the building; what isthe cost of care for veterans currently residing in tho building with this payor source; and the number and type of current referrals, 70% and others. 4, Utilization of the person centered model of care would be an advantage in providing better care. This model focuses treating each patient as an individual and meeting his/ber individual needs, Person-Directed Care (PDC) returns decision making and choices to the person; it ‘enhances the primary caregiver's capacity to engage with the person and respond to the needs; and it establishes a home environment (aon-insttutional). ‘We would propose that the newer buildings (Black Mountain and Kinston) adopt the neighborhood concept of care. This model utilizes a universal worker who provides care, in addition to the housekeeping, laundry and meal prep/serving. ‘There are opportunities to utilize technology that could reduce staff time and decrease errors. One stich item would be check scariners for the business office. The current method is time ‘consuming not only in preparation of the deposit but as well as th time spent out of the home by the person making the deposits, Furthermore, this would allow the business office to focus more time on insurance filing and collections, activities that would lead to increased cash flow. ©. Respite care is a value added service to the community that provides an altemative to families ‘who need an ephemeral break from caring for a love one at home. While providing a much needed service it can be a referral source for a potential Jong term admission, Market demand ‘would determine the need and whether it isa viable option for the center ‘We would suggest having a single episode of respite care be limited to ten (10) days, During that time, the patient/family should be billed at the full private pay rate. Ifthe patient/family desires to extend their stay, the home would need to evaluate on a case by case basis. 7. The Offeror has received and continuously maintained JCAHO Accreditation at two of its North Carolina Veterans Nursing Facilities and is in the process of attaining JCAHO ‘Accreditation at the other two facilities that it operates. Furthermore, 11 of its parent company’s facilities have received JCAHO Accreditation. The Offeror has provided, in its proposal, a Clinical Competency Coordinator for each facility (listed in the staffing chart of the Salisbury facility) who will be charged with providing the necessary direction and education in order to censure each facility’s continued accreditation. ‘ 8, ‘The Offeror has developed an extensive network of institutional and eommuni suppliers and providers. The Offeror is committed to coordinating its care with other high quality providers in the health care delivery system to ensure that the residents of its Veterans facilities fre able to readily access all levels of the community's health delivery continuum of services. The Offeror’s relationship with PruittHealth and its affiliated sister companies enhances its ability to deliver quality care services within a coordinated, integrated health care system. 9, The Offeror has an extensive amount of knowledge and experience operating under North Carolina regulations and guidelines as well as USDVA regulations and guidelines. The Offeror hhas operated the Salisbury and Fayetteville Veterans facilities for more than 15 years and the Kinston and Black Mountain Veterans facilities for more than 2 years. During that poriod, it thas demonstrated a mastery of the North Carolina rules and regulations as well as the USDVA rogulations and guidelines. The Offeror has no outstanding compliance issues with either the ‘State of North Carolina or the USDVA. The Offeror’s Georgia veteran services affiliate has also ‘operated the Georgia War Veterans facilities and isin full compliance with all regulations in those facilities. 10. The Offeror has access to the cash flows of its parent company, United Health Services Ine., which maintains cash flows in excess of $9 million for the operation of the four North Carolina State Veterans Homes, Please sce Attachment 9 ofthe proposal for the most recent audited financial statements of United Health Services, Inc. 11, The Offeror has operated four skilled mursing homes in the past three years while its parent company, United Health Services Ine, has operated 94skilled nursing homes in the past three years. 12. The Offeror has not received any “J” tags in the past three years. Iis parent company, United Health Services Inc, received 24 “I” tags in fiscal year 2012, 14 “J” tags in fiscal year 2013 and 7 “J tags in fiscal year 2014 through its subsidiary homes. ‘With Kindest Regards, T am LL. Pruitt, Jr. ‘Chairman and CEO 7 Solicitation RFP No. 201400844 Bidder/Offetor: PruittHealth Veteran Services = North Caroling, Inc THIS PAGE IS TO BE FILLED OUT AND RETURNED WITH YOUR BID. FAILURE TO DO SO MAY SUBJECT YOUR BID TO REJECTION, ATTENTION, Federal Employer identification Number or alterate identification number (eg., Social Security Number) Is used for internal processing, including bid tabulation, Enter ID number here: 56-2334535 Pursuant fo N.C.G.S. 132-1.10(b) this identification number shall not be released to the public ‘This page will be removed and shredded, or otherwise kept confidential, before the procurement file is made available for public inspection, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP # 201400844 TITLE! Operation and Management of Licensed Nursing Faciities (Veteran Homes in NC primarily forthe use of Veterans only) USING AGENCY: Department of Administration; Division of Veteran Affairs ISSUE DATE: June 28, 2014 ISSUING AGENCY: Department of Administration ‘Sealed Proposals subject to the concitions made @ part hereof will be received until 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, August 6, 2014, for furnishing services described herein. SEND ALL PROPOSALS DIRECTLY TO THE ISSUING AGENCY ADDRESS AS SHOWN BELOW: DELIVERED BY US POSTAL SERVICE DELIVERED BY ANY OTHER MEANS/SPECIAL {REGULAR/STANDARD MAIL ONLY) DELIVERY/OVERNIGHT (BY ANY OTHER CARRIER) RFP NO, 201400844 RFP NO. 201400844 NC DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION NC DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION DIVISION OF PURCHASE AND CONTRACT DIVISION OF PURCHASE AND CONTRACT 1305 MAIL SERVICE CENTER 146 WEST JONES STREET Room 4062 4" Floor RALEIGH NC 27699-1305 RALEIGH NC 27603-8002, vrssannasnnasnnnnseneennseiseestonve SPECIAL NOTE = PLEASE READ**+tsttintvtatenstetannianenanaannasanes ‘The US Postal Service DOES NOT deliver any mail (US Postal Express Mail, Cortified, Priority, Overnight, etc.) to our physical address of 116 West Jones Stroot. IMPORTANT NOTE: Indicate firm name (Technical Proposal’ or “Cost Proposal’) and RFP number on the front of ‘each sealed proposal envelope or package, along with the date for receipt of proposals specified above. Bids submitted via telegraph, facsimile (FAX) machine, telephone, and electronic means, including but not limited to e- rail, in response to this Request for Proposals will not be acceptable. Direct al inquiries concerning this RFP to; Margaret Serepin Division of Purchase and Contract ‘Administration Building, 4” Floor 116 W, Jones St itp ew Raleigh, NC 27603 Telephone: (919) 807-4529 Fax (919) 807-4510 Prohibited Communications: FROM THE ISSUANCE DATS OF THIS RFP THROUGH THE DATE THE CONTRACT IS AWARDED, EACH OFFEROR (INCLUDING ITS SUBCONTRACTORS AND/OR SUPPLIERS) IS PROHIBITED FROM HAVING ANY COMMUNICATIONS WITH ANY PERSON INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE USING AGENCY, ISSUING AGENCY, OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY OFFICE, OR BODY (INCLUDING THE PURCHASER NAMED ABOVE, DEPARTMENT SECRETARY, AGENCY HEAD, MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND/OR GOVERNOR'S OFFICE), OR PRIVATE ENTITY, AND THE COMMUNICATION DISCUSSES THE CONTENT OF OFFEROR'S THIS PROVISION SHALL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM CONTRACT AWARD, UNLESS IT 18 DETERMINED THAT THE BEST INTEREST OF THE STATE WOULD NOT BE SERVED BY THE DISQUALIFICATION. AN OFFEROR'S PROPOSAL MAY BE DISQUALIFIED IF ITS SUBCONTRACTOR AND SUPPLIER ENGAGE IN ANY OF THE FOREGOING COMMUNICATIONS DURING THE TIME THAT THE PROCUREMENT IS ACTIVE (LE, THE ISSUANCE DATE OP THE PROCUREMENT TO THE DATE OF CONTRACT AWARD). ONLY THE DISCUSSIONS, COMMUNICATIONS OR TRANSMITTALS OF INFORMATION AUTHORIZED BY THE ISSUING AGENCY IN THIS RF! OR GENERAL INQUIRIES TO THE PURCHASER REGARDING THE STATUS OF THE CONTRACT AWARD ARE: EXEMPT FROM THIS PROVISION. Within two days after notification of award of a contract, the Offeror must register in NC E-Procurement @ Your Sorvice ( RFP #20140084¢ Monagemenvperaion of Licensed Nursing Facies Pages probibited Communications: FROM THE ISSUANCE DATE OF HIS REP THROUGH THE DATE Tt CONTRACT IS Fad RACH OFFEROR (NCLUDING ITS SUBCONTRACTORS AND/OR SUPPLIERS) Te PROHIBITED FROM Sere A COMMUNICATIONS WITH ANY PERSON INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE USING, ACT, ISSUING i NOY, OTSER GOVERNMENT AGENCY OFFICE, OR BODY (INCLUDING THE PERCHA NAMED ABOVE, AGENCY ey SECRETARY, AGENCY HEAD, MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY. ANSI ‘GOVERNOR'S cern) OR PRIVATE ENTITY, AND THE COMMUNICATION DISCUSSES, THE, CONTE OF OFFFROR'S Sere OGR QUALIFICATIONS, THE CONTENTS OF ANOTHER OFFEROR'S PROPOSAL: POTEER, OFFEROR'S. QUALIFICATIONS OR ABILITY TO PERFORM THE CONTRACT, AND/OR TH ‘TRANSMITTAL OF ANY OT! SOMMUNICATION OF INFORMATION THAT HAS THE EFFECT OF DIRECTLY OR INDIRECT Y INFLUENCING THE oe TION OF PROPOSALS AND/OR THE AWARD OF THE CONTRACT. OFFERORS ROY Mt COMPLIANCE WITH FAIS PROVISION SHALL BE DISQUALIFIED FROM CONTRACT AWARD, UNLESS IT Mt DETERMINED THAT THE THIS PROVISION OF THE STATE WOULD NOT BE SERVED BY THE DISQUALIFICATION. AX OFFEROR'S Ree ee aY BE DISQUALIFIED IF ITS SUBCONTRACTOR AND SUPPLIER ENGAGE, “N ANY OF THE Faeroe COMMUNICATIONS DURING THE TIME THAT THE PROCURENENT IS ACTINE (2 ‘THE ISSUANCE, coe C ONC fie PROCUREMENT TO THE DATE OF CONTRACT AWARD) ONY TO DISCUSSIONS, oe oe ae ONS OR TRANSMITTALS OF INFORMATION AUTHORIZED BY THE ISSUING ACZNCY TN THIS REP a eT INQUIRIES TO THE PURCHASER REGARDING THE STATUS OF THE CONTRACT AWARD ARE EXEMPT FROM THIS PROVISION. Within two days ator notification of award ofa contract, the Offeror must register in NC E-Procurement @ Your Service (htta:/ REP #201200844 MenagementtOperation of Lleansed Nursing Falibot Pages Inc. believes that all persons should be treated with digalty 0 all services delivered to the residents of the 1a, Ine. provides, staff orientation, including extensive training regarding the rights and dignity of our veterans and thelr spouses and training and in-services 45 times per year. Patient's rights hand outs and brochures are provided to all new residents and families of the facilities, and an 800 customer service line is provided to permit residents to report any failure to adhere {0 the company's policies regarding patients rights. Job descriptions for the facilities’ ensed Social ‘Workers include the responsibility to serve as advocates for the residents ofthe facilities, Develop, implement, and operate all necessary administrative systems including, but not limited {0, accounting (biling, collections, tracking of residents income, and personel funds), Personnel, réporting administrative records, medical records, purchasing, et. 4. Allresident records shall remain with each respective faci, 2 All records of each facilly and all of the Contractor's records shall be available for review as allowed under law, for a period of 10 years after death of resident. Response: The Offeror has read provision 5.01 F. of the RFP in relation to general responsibilities of the contractor/operator and agrees to this provision. ‘PruittHealth Veteran Services ~ North Carolina, Ine, utilizes a sophisticated accounting system to perform electronic billing, manage accounts receivable, manage resident trust, and personal funds, payroll, accounts payable, and financial reporting. PruittHealth Veteran Services - North Carolina, Ine will maintain all resident records in ench respective facility and ensures their safety and confidentiality. ‘Security of Medical Records is provided in Attachment 11, PruittHealth Veteran Services ~ North Carolina, Ine. will maintain and make available for rev allowed under law, all records of each facility for a period of 10 years, after the death ofa resident G. Prepare and provide to NCDVA routine reports and any reasonable information, which may. from time ote, be epectialy requested. Such repors and information shall include but not 1. Monthly Revenue and Expense Report with Fiscal Year ending June 30. 2 Complaints and grievances 3. Incident Reports 4, Nursing Hours per resident per day by employee type on the Census Report 5. Quality Assurance 8 Infection Control 7. Family surveyisatisfactoryinotin compliance 8 Annual Budget - must be approved by the State Program Manager in advance of implementation 9% Dally Summarized Census Report 10, Monthly Accounts Receivable Aging Report; submitted with monthly invoice 11, Actual operation compared to budget 12. Month and year to date operating statements. 13, Information to prepare Medicaid/Medicare Cost Reports and includes any and all regulatory agencies. iD 14. Copies of all contracts entered into between the NC State Veterans Homes, to Include ‘any and all enfties (included and not limited to management corporation owned related ‘REP #201400844 Mansgomen¥Opeaton of Licensed Nursing Factios Page 44 ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 5.01 B. of the REP in relation to general responsibilities of the contractor/operator and agrees to this provision, ‘As it has in the past, the contraetor/operator will provide all services, elther directly or through approved sub-contractors, associated with the operation and management ofa licensed nursing facility. It will comply ‘with applicable laws, rules, regulations, standards, and policies, of Federal, State, and local governments and any other entity that has relevant jurisdiction. ©. Establish and implement policies and procedures to provide 24-hour a day licensed nursing faciity care that meets or exceeds licensure and certification standards of the most current versions of tne following standards: 1. US Department of Veterans Affairs Standards for Nursing Home Care ‘a. VA Publication M-1 Part, Chapter 3 b. VA Publication M-5 Part Vill, Chapter 2 ©. Guide for Inspections of State Veterans Homes 2. Title 38 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 17 3. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Rules of Governing for Licensing of Nursing Home 10 ANCAC 13D 5. 42CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) Health Insurance Portabilty and Accountabilty Act (HIPAA) 7. Affordable Care Act (ACA) Response: The Offeror has read provision 5.01 C. of the RFP in relation to general respon: contractor/operator and agrees to this provision. D. Prepare all materials and employment procedures necessary to maintain State licensing, VA Certification and MedicareltMedicaid Certification for the provision of comprehensive, licensed i rd ble. Failure to maintain the roper license or to meet the criteria of any accredting agency is a material hi ‘and contract, ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision $.01 D. of the RFP in relation to general responsibilities of the contractor/operator and agrees to this provision. PruittHealth Veteran Services ~ North Carolina, Inc. prides itself on the quallty of care that it provides and ‘on its ability to operate skilled nursing facilities in full compliance with all state and federal regula PruittFfealth Veteran Services — North Carotina, Inc. has consistently maintained the licensure certification status of the facilities with all government regulatory and licensing agencies, It has also sought and received JCAHO accreditation for three of the NCDVA facilities it currently manages and is ‘completing the application process for JCAHO Accreditation for the remaining Veterans facility. Further, of the three facilities that do have JCAHO Accreditation, those facilities’ accreditation has been consistently held during the course of the current contract. PruittHealth Veteran Services ~ North Carolina, Ine. ‘warrants that it wll continue to operate all four facilities in accordance with the highest standards of care. E. Manage and operate the faciities in a manner that respects the rights and dignity of the residents, the residents’ rights to nursing care services, and the survey requirements. ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 5.01 E. of the RFP in relation to general responsibilities of the contractor/operator and agrees (o this provision. [RFP 201400644 ManegementOperaton of Lcensed Nursing Facog Poge 42 PruittHeakth Veteran Serviees ~ North Carolina, Inc. prides itself in the delivery of high quality care and Delieves that its performance improvement process, staff training, experience, and other quality initiatives will assure that consistent, high-quality care is delivered at each facility. All aspects of care delivery will be Provided in accordance with State and Federal rules. The systems, procedures, and training developed by ProittHealth Veteran Services ~ North Carolina, Ine. and its affiliates have resulted in a combined 58 ‘Veterans facilities and affiliated facilities having deficiency free surveys within the past 3 years, 403 Penalties: Ifa survey receives one Level J finding on resident(s) care, Contractor's feo will be reduced by % of 1% for the previous 12 months and wil be deducted on the next invoice. Any survey that receives more than two (2) Level G's and higher finding on residents) care, Contractors fees will be reduced by 2% for the previous 12 months and wil be deducted on the next invoice. Legal fees and expenses incurred by the Contractor to remove fines and penalties are the Contrctor’s sole responsibilty and will not be reimbursed by NCDVA. Any loss of revenue due to admission hold wil be reimeursed fo NCDVA by the Contractor based on actual census fr the average ofthe thee prior weeks to this admission hod. : The Offeror bas read provision 4.03 of the REP in relation to penaities and agrees to this It should he noted that Level G tags are as unacceptable to the Offeror as to the NCDVA and every effort will be made to avoid Level G tags. 4.04 Star Ratings: AA Star Rating of 5.0 is the desired goal for each NC State Velerans Home, minimum of a 3 Star is acceptable. Facilities that receive this 5.0 star rating will receive special recognition by NCDVA, Response: The Offeror has read provision 4.04 of the RFP in relation to star ratings and agrees to this provision. It should be noted that currently both the Salisbury and Fayetteville facilities have achieved a $ star rating under the current Offeror. 4.05 Inspection of Facility: Periodic, scheduled and unannounced inspections of the facies shall be conducted during the term of the contract by NCDVA, ils representatives, USDVA, and other state end federal agencies, ‘Response: The Offeror bas read provision 4.05 of the REP in relation to inspection of facilities and agrees to this provision ‘The Offeror commits to work collaboratively with the NCDVA or its representatives to make the facility and its records available upon request. v. ‘SQOPE OF PROPOSAL 5.01 General: ‘The Contractor/Operator Solected Shall: ‘A. Assume full responsibilty for management and supervision of the dally operations for the NC ‘State Veterans Nursing Homes. Response: The Offeror has read provision 5.01 A. of the RFP in relation to general responsibilities of the contractor/operator and agrees to this provision. ‘The Contractor/Operator has successfully operated the facilities for 15 years and, if selected, will continue to provide the highest quality service to the NCDVA and the veterans for whom it s responsible, B. Provide all services associated with operational and management ofa licensed nursing faciity 2 required by all applicable laws, rules, regulations, standarés and pollies, of Federal, State and local governments, and any other entity that has relevant urisiction. [RFP #2014084 Menegement/Operation &f Licensed Nursing Facities Page a2 403 408 498 fined ag Ownership (individuaig oF legay Sntities with individuat Mnership) of rat doing business oot Cortactor ander Of ans Sethty OF Seater th oN nueS OF the eta arty e sine vee pee il be substi i st be preperred by ine business 28 Census for the facitties are to be included as doing Related party 880 defined as genie’ by any fe and Or Federal * Penalties, or. seeek 10 the Stare or Federal agencine WH require P8CH NC State Veterans Home" that same @mount. re Federal Agency that a bi al transactions to the 888 oF cost wii Veteran Services eit Coron, tn. y Anumber of srelude but may nor limited to Pruittbesith, Prana Comsentting ledical Services, aot thse sub-conieaee se es are identitieg pefore invoices sare "f submassion, These adjustments nay austen, Penalties or ‘simburse exch Nott ‘srolina State Of the facities, Any denier Pte Contractor ae, Contractor ' Management oq reductions, or dana’ ~ North. Corot, 402 The Contractor shell submit @ Performance Bond in the amount of three mition dollars ($3,000,000.00) as a guaraniee of its performance under the terms and conditions of the ‘contract. The Bond shall be suamitied and acceptable to NCDVA, Breach of contract by the ‘Contractor wil result in forfeiture of the Bond, The Bond shall be for the entre contract period and shall be renewable for any subsequent extension of the contract. “The Bond must be in {force for a minimum of six (6) months folowing the termination ofthe contract, Response: The Offeror will obtnin a $3,000,000 performance bond prior to commencement of the contract. A ler from our Senior Viee President of Treasury Mansgement and Treasurer is provided in ‘Attachment 7. D. Fidelity Bond: ‘The Contractor shall submit a Fidelty Bond in the amount of one milion dolars ($1,000,000.00) as a guarantee against employee dishonesty and acts of others. Such policy shall ensure for comprehensive perils including, but not limited to dishonesty, theft. and burglary by principals and employees of the Contractor as well as third parties. The Bond shall be submitted to and acceptable to NCDVA. Breach of contract by the Contractor wil resutt in forfeiture of the Bond. The Bond shall be for the entire contract period and shall be renewable for any subsequent extension of the contract. The Bord must be in force for a minimum of six (6) months following the termination of the contract. Response: The Offeror agrees to this provision, A copy of the Contractor's current insurance certificate is displayed in Attachment 8. , The above section covering insurance requirements shall control aver the North Carolina + General Contract Terms and Conditions, Compliance with Laws, Section 18, Vi PAYMENTS 4.01 Goneral Provisions: ‘A. The Contractors required to submit to NCDVA as soon as possible after the close of books for ‘each month an invoice based on the year to date percentage of Net Revenues (Trial Balance stiven invoice tied to financials by cost centers). The monthly invoice shall be accompenied with documentation substantiating services, and any ather amounts specifically rembursable lnder this contract as established by NCDVA. The invoice will incorporate expenses and management fees, (Se Appendix A), Prior payments will be removed to leave a management fee for the month under review. The ‘monthly invoice to NCDVA cannot be submitted unless all required management reports are included with the monthly invoice. The State will not be cesponsible for costs or expenses such as penalties, legal fees and as denoted as non-payabie in the polices and procedures and such should not be included on the Invotce, ‘The Contractor has been and will continue to submit to NCDVA, as soon as possible after the close of books for each month, an invoiee based on the year to date percontage of Net Revenues. The monthly invoice is accompanied with documentation substantiating services and charges submitted in accordance with the procedures established by NCDVA. The invoies incorporates expenses and management fees. A sample of ‘the monthly invoice is displayed as Attachment 10, ‘The Contractor and the NCDVA have developed procedures regarding Invoicing which are consistent with ‘he statement above. PruittHealth Veteran Services - North Caroling, Inc. has been and will continue to follow these procedures, PruittHealth Veteran Services ~ North Carolina, Inc. has been and will continue to {include all required management reports with each invaice. Sample reports are displayed as Attachment 10. ‘The Contractor will also publish all reports to is secure business to business website so authorized persons ‘from the NCDVA are able to view the reports at their convenience. PruittHealth Veteran Services - North Carolina, Ine: and its sub-contractors currently comply and will ‘continue to comply with this provision. Costs or expenses such as penalties, legal fees and other such REP #20 400544 mERSMSh AM Sa AOEd MELISS AA ORERILANCDV A involee, Page 40 ‘The Contractor shall submit a Performance Bond in the amount of three milion dollars ($3,000,000.00) as a guarantee of its performance under the terms and conditions of the contract. The Bond shall be submitted and acceptable to NCDVA. Breach of contract by the Contractor will result in forfeiture of the Bond. The Bond shall be for the entire contract period ‘and shall be renewable for any subsequent extension of the contract. The Bond must be in force for a minimum of six (6) months following the termination of the contract. Response: The Offeror will obtain a $3,000,000 performance bond prior to commencement of the contract, ‘A letter from our Senior Vice President of Treasury Management and Treasurer is provided in Attachment 7. D. Fidelity Boni: ‘The Contractor shall submit 2 Fidelty Bond in the amount of one millon doliars {($1,000,000.00) as a guarantee against employee dishonesty and acts of others. Such policy shall ensure for comprehensive perils including, but not limited to dishonesty, theft, and ‘ourglary by principals and employees of the Contractor 2s well as third parties. The Bond shall bbe submited to and acceptable to NCDVA. Breach of contract by the Contractor will result in forfeiture of the Bond, The Bond shall be for the entire contract period and shall be renewable for any subsequent extension of the contract, The Bond must be in force for a minimum of six (8) months following the termination of the contract. Response: The Offeror agrees to this provision. A copy of the Contractor's current insurance certificate is splayed in Attachment 8. E, The above section covering insurance requirements shall control over the North Carolina General Contract Terms and Conditions, Compliance with Laws, Section 15. PAYMENTS: 1 General Provisions: A. The Contractor is required to submit to NCDVA as soon as possible after the close of books for ‘each month an invoice based on the year to date percentage of Net Revenues (Trial Balance ‘tiven invoice tied to financials by cost centers). The monthly invoice shall be accompanied with documentation substantiating services, and any olher amounts specifically reimbursable under this contract, as established by NCDVA. The invoice will incorporate expenses and ‘management fees. (See Appendix A) Prior payments will be removed to leave a management fee for the month under review. The monthly invoice to NCDVA cannot be submitted unless all required management reports are included with the monthly invoice. ‘The State will not be responsible for costs or expenses such as penalties, legal fees and as denoted 2s non-payable in the policies and procedures and such should not be included on the invoice. ‘The Contractor as been and will continue to submit to NCDVA, as soon as possible after the close of books for each month, an invoice based on the year to date percentage of Net Revenues. The monthly invoice Is accompanied with documentation substantiating services and charges submitted in accordance with the procedures established by NCDVA. The invoice incorporates expenses and management fees. A sample of ‘the monthly invoice is displayed as Attachment 10. ‘The Contractor and the NCDVA have developed procedures regarding invoicing which are consistent with ‘he statement above. PruittHfealth Veteran Services North Carolina, Inc. has been and will continue to follow these procedures, PruittHlealth Veteran Services — North Carolina, Inc. has been and will continue to include all required management reports with each invoice. Sample reports are displayed as Attachment 10. ‘The Contractor will also publish all reports to its secure business to business website so authorized persons from the NCDVA are able to view the reports at their convenience. PruittHealth Veteran Services - North Caroling, Inc: and its sub-contractors currently comply and will continue to comply with this provision. Costs or expenses such as penalties, legal fees and other such fr szorsconauSARGESSA ASS FMLSLONEE BOBERLNCDVA nv rages 7] ($1,000,000.00) per individual claim and two milion dollars ($2,000,000.00) per ‘occurence for bodily injury and property damage. Response: The Offeror will maintain in force General Liability Insurance In accordance with provision 3.06 A. 1. of the RFP, A copy of the Offeror's current insurance certificate is displayed in Attachment 8. 2. Commercial Genoral Liability: General Liabilty Coverage, on a Comprehensive Broad Form, on an accurrence basis in the minimum amounts of $1,000,000/85,000,000 Combined Single Limit (C.S.L). (Defense cost shall be in excess of the limits of liabilty). In addition, there shall be subsimits of $1,000 premises medical payment per person; $10,000 premises medical payment per accident; and $100,000 care, custody and control per occurrence, Response: The Offeror will maintain in force Commercial General Liability Insurance in accordance with provision 3.06 A. 2. of the REP. A copy of the Offeror’s current insurance certificate is displayed in Attachment 8, 3. Professional Liability: Insurance with a combined single limit of not less than one milion dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence and three million dollars ($3,000,000.00) aggregate limit, This is to cover damages caused by error or negligent acts related to professional services provided by this contract. ‘Response: The Offeror will maintain in force Professional Liability Insurance in accordance with provisi 3.06 A. 3. ofthe RFP. A copy of the Offeror's current insurance certificate ls displayed in Attachunent 8, 4. Medical Liabunty: Professional Medical Liablity Coverage on a Comprehensive Broad Form in the ‘minimum amounts of $1,000,000/$3,000,000. (Defense cost shall be in excess of the limits of liability), Response: The Offeror will maintain in force Medical Liability Insurance in accordance with provision 3.06 A. 4. of the REP. A copy of the Offeror's current insurance certificate is displayed in Attachment 8. 5. Commercial Automobile: Insurance with a combined single limit of not jess than two milion dokars ($2,000,000.00) combined single limit and tree milion dollars ($3,000,000.00) per ‘each accident for bodily injury and property damage, including uninsured, hired and non-owned auto abit, Response: The Offeror will maintain in force Commercial Automobile Insurance in accordance with provision 3.06 A. 5, of the RFP. A copy of the Offeror’s current insurance certificate is displayed in Attachment 4. B. Workers Componsation and Employees Liability: ‘The Contractor shall take out and maintain during the life of this contract Worker's Compensation Insurance as required by law for all of his employees. The Contractor shall require each Subcontractor to provide Worker's Compensation Insurance as required by law {or all its employees, unless such employees are covered by the protection afforded by the Contractor. Employers Liability (Workers Compensation and Employees Liabiliy, Workers Compensation, Section B, 1) of kits of $1,000,000. Response: The Offeror will maintain in force Workers Compensation Insurance in accordance with provision 3.06 B. of the REP. A copy of the Offeror's eurront insurance certificate is displayed in Attachment 8, ©. Performance Bond: RFP #201400844 ManagemendOperaion of Liensed Nurshy Facies Pogo 30 3.05 Termination: In no event shall Contractor terminate this contract until NCDVA State Veterans Homes Program Manager has designated a replacement Contractor and the State of North Carolina, NC Division of Veterans Affairs has at least 180 days after this date for the replacement Contractor to start operations. A, Upon delivery by certified mail to the Contractor of a Notice of Termination, the Contractor shall: 1, Prepare a complete inventory of all assets and submit to NCDVA State Veterans: Homies Program Manager within thirty (30) days of termination, Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.05 A. 1, of the RFP inrelation to termination and agrees to this provision, 2. Stop work under the contract on the date and to the extent specified in the Notice of Termination. Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.05 A. 2. ofthe RFP in relation to termination and agrees to this provision, Cooperate with NCDVA State Veterans Homes Program Manager and any replacement Contractor for a smooth transition in operations. Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.05 A, 3, of the RFP in relation to termination and agrees to this provision, 4, Permit access to the premises for any replacement Contractor and allow any replacement Contractor to communicate with Contractor's employees, Subcontractor’s ‘and Subcontractor's employees without any threat, legal action, or liability. ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.05 A. 4, of the REP in relation to termination and agrees to this provision. " B. For Convenience: NCDVA may terminate performance of work under the contract in whole for any reason NCDVA determines, including but not limited to, termination is in the best interest of NCDVA, and the State of North Carolina, In the event of termination for convenience, Contractor shall not be ented to recelve any amount for lost revenues or anticipated profits or for any expenditures associated with this oF any other contract. Likewise, Contractor shall not be liable to NCDVA for any costs associated with NCDVA as procurement of similar services, Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.05 B. ofthe REP in rdation to termination and understands this provision. 3.06 Insurance: The tits of coverage under all such insurance polices shal! be as set forth in this section and shall, ‘not be reduced or modified without prior written approval from NCDVA, State Veterans Home Program Manager and compliance with all legal requirements. State Properly Fire Fund shall insure Stato coved buildings, contents, and business personal property. This section controls over the North Carolina General Contract Terms and Condtions, Affirmative Action, Section 8.06, Paragraph 16. A. Property: 4. General Liability: insurance with a combined single limit of not fess than one milion dollars [REP #201200846 ManagementOperaion of censed Nain Faction Page 28 3.05 Termination: In no event shall Contractor terminate this contract until NCDVA State Veterans Homes Program Manager has designated a replacement Contractor and the State of North Carolina, NC Division of Veterans Affairs has at least 180 days after this date for the replacement Contractor to start operations. ‘A. Upon delivery by certified mail to the Contractor of a Notice of Termination, the Contractor shal! 1. Prepare a complete inventory of all assets and submit to NCDVA State Veterans Homes Program Manager within thirty (30) days of termination Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.05.1. of the RFP in relat provision, nto termination and agrees to this 2. Stop work under the contract on the date and to the extent specified in the Notice of Termination Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.05 A. 2. ofthe RFP in relation to termination and agrees to this provision. 3. Cooperate with NCDVA Stale Veterans Homes Program Manager and any replacement Contractor for a smooth transition in operations. Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.05 A. 3. of the RFP in relation to fermination and agrees to this provision. 4, Permit access to the premises for any replacement Contractor and allow any replacement Contractor to communicate with Contractor's employees, Subcontractors ‘and Subcontractor's employees without any threat, legal action, or labilty Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.05 A. 4. of the RFP in relation to termi this provision. tion and agrees to B. For Convenience: NCDVA may terminate performance of work under the contract in whole for any reason NCDVA determines, including but not limited to, termination is in the best interest of NCDVA and the State of North Caroiina, In the event of termination for convenience, Contractor shall not be entitled to receive any amount for lost revenues or anticipated profits or for any expenditures associated with this or any other contract. Likewise, Contractor shall not be lable to NCDVA for any costs associated with NCDVA as procurement of similar services. ‘The Offeror has read provision 3.05 B. of the REP in relation to termination and understands this provision. 3.06 Insurance: ‘The limits of coverage under all such insurance policies shall be as set forth in this section and shall not be reduced or modified without prior written approval from NCDVA, State Veterans Home Program Manager and compliance with all legal requirements. State Property Fire Fund shall insure State ‘owned buildings, contents, and business personal property. This section controls over the North Carolina General Contract Terms and Conditions, Affirmative Action, Section 8.06, Paragraph 16. A. Property: Gor | Liability: Insurance with @ combined single limit of not less than one milion dollars RFP #2010084 ManagemenOperaton of Lcensod Nursing Facies Page 28 Site Visit~ Fayetteville Wednesday, 71/2014 ~2:00 pm Site Visit Salisbury Thursday, 7/1072014 — 8:00 am. Site Visit— Black Mountain ‘Thursday, 7/10/2014 — 2:00 pm, Deadline for Questions fom Offers Monday, 7/14/2014 ~ 12:00 noan ‘Addendum Posted with Questions/Answers Monday, 7/21/2014 ~ 2:00 pm. Proposals Due “Tuesday, 8572014 — 2:00 pm. Projected Contract Award ‘Tuesday, 79/2014 Current Contract Termination Sunday, 110/14 New Contract Effective Date Monday, 12/1/2014 Termination of Contact— Saturday, 11/90/2019 Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.02 of the REP in relation to limitations of the Offeror and agrees to this provision. 3.03 Conflict between Guidelines and Regulatior When there is @ conflict between State and Federal Guidelines and Regulations, the stricter of the ‘guidelines will prevail. Any conflict between the North Carolina General Contract Terms and ind specific conditions ang. tated in is REP, th i cor {terms will control, North Carolina State Law will prevail when issues/matters are not addressed in Contract, ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.03 of the REP in relation conflit hetween guidelines and ‘regulations and agrees to this provision More importantly, the Offeror has demonstrated its ability to both ‘minimize conflicts and to promptly resolve any contficts that do arise. PruittHealth Veteran Services — North Carolina, Inc. and its sub-contractors have developed a strong working relationship with the NCDVA and the NCDVA Veterans Service Officer and will continue to work collaboratively with both. There are currently no outstanding conflicts between PruittHealth Veteran Services ~ North Carolina, Ine. and the NCDVA, 3.04 NCDVA Reserves the Right NCDVA will reject any offer that does not tie fo responses to sactions/sub-sections reference by restating what trie RFP indicates is needed and address their response to that particular section only. Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.04 1. of the RFP in relation te NCDVA‘s reserved the rights and understands this provision. 2, Reject any and all offers or portions of offers that do not meet mandatory requirements ‘andor when such rejection is deemed to be in the best interest of the State of NC. Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.04 2. of the RFP in relation to NCDVA's reserved the rights and understands this provision, 3. Withdraw this RFP at any time and for any reason. Receipt of the proposal materials by NCDVA or submission of @ proposal to NCDVA confers no rights upon the Offeror or obligates NCDVA in any manner. Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.04 3. of the REP in relation to NCDVA's reserved the rights and understands this provision, 4. Waive any minor irregularity, informality or non-conformance with the provisions or procedures of this RFP, and to seek clarification from the Offerors, if required, Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.04 4. of the RFP in relation to NCDVA’s reserved the rights and understands this provision, 5 If all proposals are rejected, then the State may negotiate Best and Final Offers from Offerors that submitted proposals for a final contract based on the scope of work set forth in the REP. Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.04 5. of the REP in relation to NCDVA’s reserved the rights ‘and understands this provision. REP #2014008 Menagemen/Operaton of Licaneed Nursing Facktes Page a7 Response: The Offeror’s current charting and records system hasbeen approved and meet all of the conditions ofthis provision. E. No interest exsense from Management Company shall be charged to NC State Veterans Homes. Interest expense on cash flow must be a part of the bid process included as part of revenue. Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.01 E, of the RFP in relation to limitations ofthe Offeror and agrees to this provision, F. Systems in ‘place to produce financial reports/medical reports and other required reporing requirements. Response: The Offeror already has approved systems in place to produce financial reports/medical reports and other required reporting requirements. G. is projected that the cost per month for 4 (four) facies is $2.6 milion. Based on history atter receipt ofthe invoice on the 15" ofthe following month the State hes 30 daye for revew and to approve for payment. It generally takes up to 30 days for the payment process. Thus, $9 f0 $10 milion cashflow must be available by the Contractor. Response: The Offeror, through its approved afliates, maintains a eash flow in excess of $10,000,000. Further, the Offeror has demonstrated through its past operation ofthe four Veterans facilities that itis able to fund all expenses until payment is received. A copy of the Organization's most recent audited financial statement is available in Attachment 9. H. With the addition of any NC State Veterans Homes, the cash flow of $8 fo $10 millon may increase and must be avallable by Contractor. Response: The Offeror, through its approved affliates, maintains a cash flow in excess of $10,000,000 and ‘will be able fo accommodate and possible increases. Further, the Offeror has demonstrated through its past ‘operation of the four Veterans facilites that ft is able to fund all expenses until payment is received. A copy of the Organization's most recent audited financial statement is available in Attachment 9, 1 The administrators salary and related expenses shall be part of the management fees. ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.01 I. ofthe RFP in relation to limitations ofthe Offeror and agrees to this provision. J. Define Management Fee is a percentage of net revenue See Invoice Appendix A Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.01 J. of the REP in relation to limitations ofthe Offeror and understands this provision. K. Define Operational Costs is the cost of operation of the home which excludes management fee and Administrator’ salary and benefits. See Invoice Appendix A. Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.01 K. of the RFP in relation to limitations of the Offeror and understands this provision. An Offeror’s proposal shall be rejected if it fails to comply, demonstrate and/or salisty any of the foregoing femtations. 3.02 Procurement Timetable ‘An pslimated timetable nas been provided as a reference to Orferors. This tmetable is only a reference and no guarantees will be made of how srcty it is folowed. ‘The estimated timetable, for ‘obtaining and evaluation of proposals is 2s follows REP Issued Thursday, 6/26/2014 Pre-Propoeal Conference Wednesday, 7/8/2014 9-00 aim, jie Vist— Kinston Wecnesday, 7182014 — 930 am. RFP #201400844 Managemerf Operation ef Lcensed Nursing Facies ge 96 Response: The Offeror’s current charting and records system has been approved and meet all of the ‘conditions ofthis provision, , E. No inlerest expense from Management Company shall be charged to NO Stete Veterans Homes. Interest expense on cash flow must be a part of the bid process included as part of revenue Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.01 E. of the RFP in relation to limitations of the Offeror and agrees to this provision F. Systems in’place to produce financial reports/medical reports and other required reporting requirements. Response: The Offeror already has approved systems in place to produce financial reports/medical reports and other required reporting requirements. G. Its projected that the cost per month for 4 (four) faciities is $2.5 milion. Based on history after receipt of the invoice on the 15” of the following month, the State has 30 days for review ‘and to aporove for payment. It generally takes up to 30 days for the payment process. Thus, $9 to $10 millon cash flow must be available by the Contractor. Response: The Offeror, through its approved affiliates, maintains a eash flow in excess of $10,000,000. Further, the Offeror has demonstrated through its past operation of the four Veterans facilities that i is able to fand all expenses until payment is received. A copy of the Organization's most recent audited financial statement is available in Attachment 9, H. With the addition of any NC State Veterans Homes, the cash flow of $9 to $10 milion may increase and must be available by Contractor. ‘Response: The Offeror, through its approved affiliates, maintains a cash flow in excess of $10,000,000 and will be able to accommodate and possible iuereases. Further, the Offeror has demonstrated through its past operation of the four Veterans facilities that i is able to fand all expenses until payment is received. A copy of the Organization’s most recent audited financial statement is available in Attachment 9. 1. The administrators salary and related expenses shal be part of the management fees. Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.01 I. ofthe REP in relation to limitations of the Offeror and agrees to this provision. J. Define Management Fee is a percentage of net revenue ~ See Invoice Appendix A. Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.01 J. of the RFP in relation to limitations of the Offeror and understands this provision. K. Define Operational Costs |s the cost of operation of the home which excludes management fee ‘and Administrator's salary and benefits. See Invoice Appendix A. Response: The Offeror has read provision 3.01 K. of the RFP in relation to limitations of the Offeror and understands this provision. ‘An Offeror’s proposal shall be rejected if it fals to comply, demonstrate andlor satisfy any of the foregoing limitations. 3.02 Procurement Timetable: ‘An estimated timetable has been provided as a reference to Offerors. This timetable is only reference and no guarantees will be made of how sticlly itis followed. The estimated timetable, for obtaining and evaluation of proposals is as follows: ) RFP iseued ‘Thursday, 6262014 ‘ = Pre-Proposal Conference Wednesday, 7/82014 — 9:00 am. fait~ Kinston inesdey, 7/9/2014 — 9.30 am, RFP #201400644 ManegemendUparten of ssaroes Nursing Facies ui Page 36 2:08 will work cooperatively with the Manager. 4. The VSO prepares all reports required to be submitted to the USDVA for the Federal per diem. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2,07 B. 4. of the RFP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA and will work cooperatively with the Manager 5. The VSO schedules the quarterly meetings with the VAMC and notify the State Veterans Homes Program Manager and Administrator of the meeting. Response: The Offeror has read provislon 2.07 B. 5. of the REP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA and will work cooperatively with the Manager, 6. VSO is responsible for puting all fixed Asset Tags from State on all capital equipment. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 B. 6, of the RFP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA and ‘will work cooperatively with the Manager. Offeror's Point of Contact: ‘The Contractor wil designate individuals within the management company for the State to contact and, ‘they will be limited to 2 (two) contacts. This is to include preparalion of the monthly invoices and information for cost reports. Response: The Offero agrees to this provision, 5 Yead provision 2.08 of the REP in relation fo Offeror's point of contact and Limitations of Offeror: ‘The procurement process shall be limited to Heaithcare Management entities that: ‘A. Have not been forced to close a nursing home due to resident care Issues. Response: Neither PruittHealth Veteran Services — North Carolina Ine. nor any ofits affiliates has ever been. forced fo close a nursing home due to resident care issues, B. Can obtain a $5 milion dolars ($5,000,000.00) performance bond (See Execution of Proposal Page) Response: The Offeror can obtain a performance bond for SS million ($5,000,000) dollars. Please see Attachment 7 for an attestation letter from Dominic Romeo, Senior Vice President of Treasury Management and Treasurer of United Health Services, Inc. and its subsidiaries, indicating that the Offeror can obtain a performance bond In the amount of $5,000,000, ©. Can obtain sufficient liability insurance. (See North Carolina General Contract Terms and Conditions, Insurance, Section 8.06, Paragraph 17) Response: The Offeror can obtain sufficient lisblity insurance. Please see Attachment 7 for an attestation {etter from Dominic Romeo, Senior Vice President of Treasury Management and Treasurer of United Health Services, Inc. and its subsidiaries, indicating that the Offeror can obtain sufficient liability ‘insurance and Attachment 8 for each of the four Veterans homes’ eurrent lability insurance certificate D. The systems in the NC State Veterans Homes are curently being converted to American HeatthTech (Smart Charting). The Offeror must have an integrated ComputerAccounting and Resident Tracking System in place prior to submission of the proposal, This system must be operating in the Otferors homes pier to startup. Electronic Charting System must be RFP #201400844 ManagomecGOPIPAIER 8 WAN SAU TRRAAR EAE formation systems above, Page 38 ) y Contractor and the VAMC designated by the USDVA to have jurisdiction over the particular fact. of NCDVA and Response: The Offeror has rend provision 2.07 A. 5. of the RFP in elation to respon vill work cooperatively with the Manager, 6 The State Veterans Homes Program Manager will schedule four (4) management meetings yearly and additional if needed. Meetings will be conducted in-person, and . the schedule mutually agreed upon between NCDVA and the Contractor. ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 A. 6, of the RFP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA and ‘will work cooperatively with the Manager. 7. The State of North Carolina, NC Division of Veterans Affairs shail provide all installed equioment(building) other computers, software, supplies for the dally operations of the, home (except for accounting computers and software); and will retain ownership for the computers, software and any and all informatien stored on the computers as it pertains to the daily operation of the home. ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 A. 7. of the REP inelation to responsibilities of NCDVA and will work cooperatively with the Manager, ‘The State shall purchase all equipment, except in areas where the parties agree that it is advantageous for the Contractor to supply the equipment fo the State. In such cases, upon receipt of a copy of the invoice for such equipment, the State Veterans Home Program Manager must approve such purchases and the State will remburse » the Contractor the actual cost of the equipment. . Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 A. 8. of the RFP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA. and will work cooperatively with the Manager, 8. Contractor will not contact the VAMC's unless designated by palicy (Sentinel Everts). The Liaison for the VAMC is the Veterans Senice Officer and Program Manager. The Program Manager wil sign all MOU (Memorandum of Understanding) contracts with the VAMC. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 A. 9. of the RFP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA and ‘will work cooperatively with the Manager, 10, _ NCDVA\s responsible for the cost of daily operations of all four State Veterans Homes. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 A. 10. of the REP is relation fo responsibilities of NCDVA and will work cooperatively with the Manager. B, _NCDVA Veterans Service Officer: 1, The VSO at each facility shell provide appropriate assistance to veterans seeking ‘admission to the NC: State Veterans Homes. Work closely with the Contractor (Admission Director) in soliciting applicants with the goal of achieving and maintaining full eceupancy. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 B. 1. of the RFP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA and ‘will work cooperatively with the Manager. 2 ‘The VSO at each facilty shall prepare and execute resident claims for all VA benefits or entitlements from the USDVA. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 B, 2, ofthe RFP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA and will work cooperatively withthe Manager. 3, ‘The VSO is responsibie for miltary service verifcation for the Admission Director. a aosacooes BORER CTBR QMTHFPSIRI TES BE HNR.2-07 B. 3. of the RFP in elation to responsbltis Qf NCDVA and Contractor and the VAMC designated by the USDVA to have jurisdiction over the particular facility. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 A. 5, ofthe RFP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA and ) will work cooperatively with the Manager. 6. The State Veterans Homes Program Manager will schedule four (4) management meetings yearly and addtional if needed. Meetings will be conducted in-person, and the schedule mutually agreed upon between NCDVA and the Contractor. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 A. 6, of the REP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA and ‘will work cooperatively with the Manager. 7. The State of North Carolina, NC Division of Veterans Affairs shall provide all installed equipment(bullding).other computers, software, supplies for the daily operations of the home (except for accounting computers and software); and will retain ownership for the ‘computers, software and any and all information stored on the computers as tt pertains to the daily operation of the home. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 A. 7. of the RFP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA. and will work cooperatively with the Manager 8, The State shall purchase all equipment, except in areas where the parties agree that it is advantageous for the Contractor to supply the equipment to the State. In such ‘cases, upon receipt of a copy of the Invoice for such equipment, the State Veterans Home Program Manager must approve such purchases and the State will reimburse the Contractor the actual cost of the equipment. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2,07 A. 8. of the REP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA and will work cooperatively with the Manager. Contractor will not contact the VAMIC’s unless designated by policy (Sentinel Events), ‘The Liaison for the VAMC is the Veterans Service Officer and Program Manager. The Program Manager wid sign all MOU (Memorandum of Understanding} contracts with the VAMC, } Response: ‘The Offeror has read provision 2.07 A. 9. of the RFP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA and will work cooperatively with the Manager. 40. NCDVA\s responsible for the cost of daily operations of all four State Veterans Homes. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 A. 10, of the RFP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA ‘and will work cooperatively with the Manager. B, _ NCDVA Veterans Service Officer: 1. The VSO at each facility shall provide aporopriate assistance to veterans seeking ‘admission to the NC State Veterans Homes. Work closely with the Contractor (Admission Director) in solcting applicants with the goal of achieving and maintaining full occupancy. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 B. 1. of the RFP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA and will work cooperatively with the Manager. 2. The VSO at each faclity shall prepare and execute resident claims for all VA benefits or entitlements from the USDVA, Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 B. 2. of the RFP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA and will work cooperatively with the Manager. 3. The VSO is responsible for miltary service verification for the Admission Director. nev azoraoos uf ROASTS NST CED TES REPISL?-07B. 3 ofthe RFP in relation to responsibiities gf NEVA and clinical system includes an Activities of Daily Living eapture module, Smart Chart ®. By request of the NCDVA, PruittHealth worked with American Health Tech ™ to integrate Caretracker®, the ADL capture ‘module currently used by the NCVA Hospital in two of the Veterans nursing facilities, with LTC ™ and ‘there are plans to convert the other two Veterans facilities to this system as well. ~ Am electronic charting system ‘The LTC™ product has an electronic charting module included. In addition, it has an electronic Medication Administration Record, (cMAR), module. Currently, PruittHealth in conjunction with American Health Tech ™and Softwriters Ine. the provider of te pharmacy information system, have integrated the pharmacy information system with the eMAR module via an HL7 interface. 2 Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining PM (preventive maintenance) for all warranties equipment and notify Program Manager immediately of all warranty service issues for follow-up. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.06 A. 2. of the RFP in relation to equipment and responsibilities ‘of the contractor and agrees to this provision, 3. Contractor shal! be responsible for routine maintenance on all equipment and maintain the faci Response: The Offeror has read provision 2,06 A. 3. of the RFP in relation to equipment and responstbilites of the contractor and agrees to this provislon. 2.07 Responsibilities of NCDVA: ‘A. NCDVA State Veterans Homes Program Manager: 1. The State Veterans Homes Program Manager shall contract with a third party entity to review records and perform aucits Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 A. 1. of the REP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA and will work cooperatively with the Manager. 2, The State Veterans Homes Program Manager/VSO shall have the right fo attend any committee meeting relating to the management operations of the facilties or meetings. to discuss healt care. ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 A. 2. ofthe RFP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA and will work cooperatively with the Manager. 3, The State Veterans Homes Program Manager/VSO shall have the right o schedule ‘meetings in the conference rooms. NCDVA State Veterans Homes Program Manager/VSO will exert every effort not to schedule meetings that will confict with the Contractor's needs. All scheduled requests shall be made by NCDVA, via email or phone call, to the Manager'VSO. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 A. 3. ofthe REP in relation to responsibilities of NCDVA. and will work cooperatively with the Manager, 4 The State Veterans Homes Program Manager shall, upon request, assist the Contractor in resolving resident care complaints and other Issues related to the facility Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.07 and will work cooperatively with the Manager. 4, of the REP in relation to respousibilities of NCDVA 5. The State Veterans Homes Program Manager/VSO shall be the liaison between the [RFP #201400844 Management!Opecation of censed Nursing Feces Page 32 explain the services available to veterans that wish to become residents. During the current contract period, Pruktialth Veteran Services - North Carolina, Ine. has develope relationships with various individ veterans regarding its services on its sub-contractor's, (PruittHealth), website. A copy of PruittHealth Veteran Services - North Carolina, In.’s Admission poliey, the Admission Directors Tepensiilies, and other information related to admissions ean be found ta Attachment 6, These po ‘have been approved by the NCDVA, © etbaly noity NCDVA State Veterans Homes Program Manager immediately when a faity iE notified of any abuse or suspected abuse of a resident, any unexpected or unexplained ur oF Geath of @ reskient, or any immediate threat tothe health or safely of a resident, and Cf other notations as required by al! Federal and State entities. Finalized notineaton eral be submitted in writing cuanet: The Offeror has read provision 2.06-C. ofthe REP in ration to administration and agrees to ‘his provision, Nemuicalth Veteran Services - North Carolina, In. will notify NCDVA or site service representative and NCDVA Program manager immediately of any abuse or suspected abuse ofa resident 205 Safety: ‘The Contractor will comply wth al Federal, State, and local ire, safety, and health regulations to either ‘meet or exceed requirements, GaxPomte: The Offeror has read provision 2.05 of the REP in relation to safety and agrees to this provision, Que of PruittHealth Veteran Services — North Carolina, Inc.'s approved sub-contractors, Pruittticelty Consulting Services, provides assistance and training in ths regard, In addition, Pruitivealth Veersy Serviees— North Carolina Inc. has achieved and will maintain, during the proposed contrat pried tal accreditation with the JCAHO, 2.06 Equipment Responsibilities of the Contractor ‘A. The following items shall be provided by the Contractor; 1. The Contractor shall provide the computers and software necessary for maintaining Contractors accounting system and Medical Records to Contractor's corporate office or such other location that Contractor uses to maintain is accounting systems), NCDVA does not PAY FOR TRAINING on the accounting system. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.06 A. 1. ofthe RFP i relation to equipment and responsibilities ofthe contractor and agrees to this provision. rdware and sofiware required to PruittHlealth Veteran Services — North Carolina, Ine. will provide the ‘maintain all accounting systems. Among the systems currently deployed in support ofthe fal ~ An integrated electronic accounting and patient care tracking system ‘One of rulitHenlt Veteran Services - North Carolin, Inc.'s approved contractors, Prlttealth provides ‘American Health Tech’s™ clinical system, LTC, The software includes integrated functionality foreach patient's ctincal, bling, and accounts receivable components. The pplication is integrated into the general L reporting application, PeopleSoft ™ via a middleware product from Microsoft &, ‘sed for all accounting an4 financial management, Including payroll accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, patent funds, and finaneal reporting The RFP #2014004 anagemenOperation of Licensed Nursing Facies Page 32 2.05 2.08 RFP #201 400044 ManagemectiOperation of Licensed Nursing Facies explain the services avallable fo veterans that wish to become residents, During the current contract period, PruittHeatth Veteran Services - North Carolina, Inc. has developed relationships with various individuals, agencies and businesses such as Council of Aging, Meals on Wheels, assisted living facilites, ‘community health centers, Veterans Conferences and State Fairs Festivals o make them aware ofthe facility's services. PrulttHealth Veteran Services - North Carolina, Ie. has also included information for veterans regarding its services om its sub-contractor’s, (PruittHealth), website. _A-copy of PruittHealth Veteran Service - North Carolina, Inc.'s Admission policy, the Admission Directors responsibilities, and other information related to admissions ean be found in Astachment 6, Thete policies hhave been approved by the NCDVA. C. Verbally notify NCDVA State Veterans Homes Program Manager immediately when a faclity js notified of any abuse or suspected abuse of a resident, any unexpected or unexplained injury or death of a resident, or any immediate threat tothe heath or safety of a resicent, and of other notifications as required by all Federal and State entities, Finalized notification shi be submitted in writing “The Offeror has read provision 2,04 C. of the RFP in relation to administration and agrees to this provision. Praitttlealth Veteran Services - North Carolina, Ine. will notify NCDVA or site service representative and NCDVA Program manager immediately of any abuse or suspected abuse of a resident, any unexpected or tinexplained death of resident, any imatediate threat to the health or safety ofa resident or any other otifcations as required by all Federal and State entities. Its the responsibility of each facility's de such notice. “The Contractor will comply with all Federal, State, and local fire, safety, and health regulations to either meet or exceed requirements, Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.05 ofthe REP in relation to safety and agrees to his provsion- Dee ot PeuittHfeatth Veterap Services - North Carolina, Inc.'s approved sub-contractors, PruitHealth ‘Consulting Services, provides assistance and training inthis regard, In addition, PralttHlealth Veteran Somes "North Caroling Ine has achieved and will maintain, during the proposed contract period fall accreditation with the SCAHO. Equipment Responsibilities of the Contractor: A. The following items shall be provided by the Contractor: 4. The Contractor shall provide the computers and software necessary for maintaining Contractor's accounting system and Medical Records to Contractor's corporate office ‘or such other location that Contractor uses to maintain its accounting system(s). NCDVA does not PAY FOR TRAINING on the accounting system. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.06 A ofthe RFP in relation fo equipment and responsibilles of the contractor and agrees to this provision. ruittHealth Veteran Services — North Carolina, ne, will provide the hardware and software required (o tunintain all accounting systems. Among the systems currently deployed in support ofthe facilities? are: ~ An integrated electronic accounting and patient care tracking system One of Pruitt leaks Veteran Services ~ North Carolina, ne's approved contractors, PruttHealth, provides ‘Ramerians Health Tech’s™ clinical systema, LTC™, The software incndes integrated functionality for exch patients elicial, bing, and acounts receivable components, The application i integrated ito te general Tedger and financial reporting application, PeopleSoft™ via 2 middleware product frm Microsot 8, Biull &. ‘The PeopleSoft application is used for all accounting and financial management, including payroll, accounts payable, accounts reelvabl, general ledger, patent funds, and financial reporting, The Page 82 S, 2.04 The Contractor shall ensure continued operation and staff coverage in the event of a labor dispute or strike Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.03 F, of the RFP in relation to personnel and agrees to this provision, PruittHealth Veteran Services - North Carolina, Ine. has adopted an Emergency Preparedness policy and Proceduré and has » safety committee which meets monthly to discuss, among other issues, providing for facility staffing due to work stoppage, abor strike, hurricane, tornado, or other disasters resulting in unforeseen staffing emergencies PruittHealth Veterans Services - North-Carolina‘s relationship to United Health Services and its affiliated companies allows it to all upon its affliated companies to help fl large scale vacancies should they ever oceur. Emergency Preparedness policies and procedures are available in Attachment §, G, All contracts established by the Contractor, above $10,000.00, must be maintained at the homes; and records must be available for immediate review by NCDVA at time of request. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.03 G. of the REP in relation to personnel and agrees to this provision, ‘Administration ‘The Contractor Shall: ‘A Develop, implement and maintain all standard policies and procedures necessary for maintenance of resident care in accordance with Federal and State standards. NCDVA State, Veterans Homes Program 1er_shall revi a all_policies and ures 0st inuse NC State Veterans Homes that afe nol healthcare related. All alicios and res shall in each facilly and will become eI BVA. The Cont I_submit the policies and procedures to NCDVA, within ninety (&¢ days after cont for approval before implementation, Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.04 A. of the RFP in relation to administration and agrees to this provision, PraittHfeatth Veterans Services — North Carolina, Inc. will provide policies and procedures to the NCDVA as requested for review and approval. As the current manager of the four, (4), NCDVA homes, all of the Contractor's current policies and procedures have heen approved in accordance with this section, B. Develop and msintain an admission policy fo admit new residents to each facility ad to make the veterans aware of the services and benefits available to veterans at each fa. Contractor's programs shail be subject io NCDVA Siate Veterans Homes Program Manager's ‘oprovai; in adtition shall have final approval of public information, metia releases, and informatonal materials cisseminated. The Contractor shall submit the polcies and procedures fo NNCDVA, within ninety (20) days after contract award, for approval before implementation ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.04 B. of the RFP in relation to administration and agrees to this provision. PruittHealth Veteran Services - North Carolina, Ine. has developed and maintained a NCDVA approved ‘admission policy to admit new residents to each faclty. It is PruittHealth Veteran Services - North Carotina, Inc.'s policy to make the veterans aware of services and benefits available to veterans of each. ‘aclity. PruittHealth Veteran Services - North Carolina, Inc. read and understands that the Contractor's Programs are subject to NCDVA State Veterans Homes Program Manager’s approval and that the NCDVA must give final approval of public information, media releases, and informational materials, Each Facitity's Admission Director is responsible for admitting new residents to each facility and for making the Public aware of the services and benefits available to veterans atthe facilities. PruittHfealth Veteran ‘Services - North Carolina, Inc's current brochures have been approved by the NCDVA. These materials RFP #2014008¢6 Managemen/Operaton of Licensed Nursing Facies Popes for cause, drehanee: The Offeror has read provision 2.03 A. 2, of the RFP in relation to malntenance and agress to ‘his provision. Fayetteville Facility: The Offeror will retain the current Medical Director, Dr. Michael Lawrence, who has ‘many years of experience and meets all credentialing requirements, Satisbury Facility: The Offeror wil retain the current Medical Director, Dr. Chet Amin, who has many years of experience and meets all credentialing requirements Black Mountain Faciity; The Offeror will retain the eurrent Medical Director, Dr. Rabi Kutob, who bas ‘many years of experience and meets all credentialing requirements. ‘Kinston Facility: The Offeror will retain the current Medical Director, Dt. Mohammad Iqbal, who has ‘many years of experience and meets all credentialing requirements The Contractor shail insure that all physictans practicing within each of the facies are credentialed according to USDVA requirements and that each physician maintains said ‘credentials. Response: Offeror has read provision 2.03 B. ofthe REP in relation fo personnel and agrees to this provision, ‘The Medical Director and all attending physicians will be credentitled according to USDVA + Fequirements and each physician will maintain said credentials. We will also credential the Medical Director ‘and all practicing physicians according to JCATIO requirements, ©. The Contractor warrants and represents that all persons assigned to perform work under this Contract shall be employees of the Contractor or an authorized sub-contractor. The Contractor shall ensure that licensure and certification requirements of both ful-time and parttime personne! meet both Federal and State specifications both in-kind and in number. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.03 C. of the REP is relation to personnel and agrees to thls provision, ‘The Offeror warrants aud represents that all persons assigned to perform work under this contract shall be ‘employees or an authorized sub-contractor, of the Contractor, The contractor shall ensure that both fulltime and part-time employees wit! meet both federal and state specifications. The Contractor has developed detailed policies and procedures which address both pre-employment and periodic verification of employee and sub-contractor compliance with all required standards, These include but are not limited to criminal background checks, drug screens, license verification, and full sanction check, The Contractor shall maintain on the premises verification that all employees are fully compliant with all federal and state requirements, D. The NCDVA State Veterans Homes Program Manager or any State or Federal governing agency with the approval to do so may require the Contractor to conduct more extensive investigations on key personnel. Personnel fles will be cpen to inspection by State Veterans. Homes Program Manager during the hours of 8:00 a.m, to 6:00 p.m. itrequired. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.03 D ofthe RFP in relation to personnel and agrees fo this provision, E, The Contractor shall not, as part ofits agreement with employees or sub-contractor, prevent any employees or sub-contractor from working at the NC State Veterans Homes in the event of Cancellation or termination ofthe contract for any reason. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.03 E. ofthe REP in relation to personnel and agrees to this provision. RFP #201400044 ManagemenvOperaton of censee Nursing cies Page 30 for cause. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.03 A. 2. of the REP in reaton (9m this provision. tenance and agrees 10 ‘Fayetteville Facility: The Oiferor will retain the current Medical snany years of experience and meets all eredentialing requirements. stor, Dr. Michael Lawrence, who has Salisbury Facility: The Offeror will retain the eurrent Medica! Director, Dr. Chet Amin, who las many years of experience and meets all credentialing requirements ‘lack Mountain Fai: The Offeror wil retain the current Medica Director, Dr, Rabi ‘Kautob, who has, ‘many years of experience and mects all credentialing requirements, “Kinston Facility; The Offeror will retai the current Medial Director, Dr. ‘Mohammad Iqbal, who has many years of experience and meets all credentialing requirements ‘The Contractor shell insure that all physiclans practicing within each cf the faclities are roe eearet fecording 10 USDVA requirements and that each physician maintains said credentials. Response: Offeror has read provision 2.03 B, ofthe RP in relation fe personnel and agroes to this provision. ‘the Mediea! Director and all attending physicians wil be credentialed according USDVA, Tevatrements and each phsicin wil maintin said credentials We wil iso credential the Medical Director Tau all practicing physicians according to JCAHO requirements, ¢. The Contractor warrants and represents that all persons assigned 9 perform work under this roe oor grall be empioyees of the Contractor of an authorized sub-contract ‘The Contractor cart ne that Tceneure and certification requirements of bown ftihe and parttime Seesonnel mest both Federal and State speciiations both in-kind and in number Response: The Offeror as read provision 2.03 C. ofthe REP in relation (2 personnel and agrees to this provision. ‘the Offeror warrants and repretens that all persons assigned fo perform work Wiiee tis contract shall be employees or an authorized sb-contractor ofthe Contractor, The ‘contractor shall ensure that both aaa yes parttime employees will meet both federal and sate specifications: The ‘Contractor has ‘Tovloped detailed policies and procedures which addres both pre-employment ‘and periodic verifiestion of mplayee and sub-contractor compliance with all required standards, He {include but are not limited to ao packground checks, drug seeens license verification, and fll sanctio® ‘cheek, The Contractor sean lintainon the premises a verification chat allemplayees ae fully compliant ‘with all federal and state requirements. D. The NCDVA State Veterans Homes Program Manager of State or Federal governing Y wath the approval to do so may require the Contracoy ‘conduct more extensive Personnel flies will be open to inspection by State Veterans the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pm. if required. “The Offeror has read provision 2.03 D. of the REP in relation to personnel \d agrees to this, Respons provision. . The Contractor shall not, as part of its agreement with erplcyess sub-contractor, prevent any empoyees or sub-contractor from working at te NC State Veterans Homes in the event of ancellation or termination ofthe contract for any reason. ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.05 B, ofthe REP aration fo personnel and agrees to this provision. Rep 4201400044 Mansgeman¥Operaon of Licensed Nursing Facies Page 20 Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.02 A. ofthe RFP in reltion to maintenance and agrees to this provision, arocking een the facies in good repair, the Offeror has purchased and will deploy a web-based asset Heeune and Preventive muntenance too! that tracks all plant assets and allows mavereee sean aintencece Sant workcorders from direct care stat, as well as daly assignments of mercer: B.uatze property ined andor certied in-house personel or third party personnel o maintain each Of the facity’s equipment, systems, and the feciy’s grounds incliging, bot no sees, to, 'andscaping, lawns, planted beds, gardens, and parking areas. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.02 B, of the RFP in relation to maintenance and agrees with this provision, One ofthe Offeror's subcontractors maintains a corporate stafof environmental and plant eonsultants who Teeter) inspect all owned and mansgedseased properties and insure thatthe preventative matenenes tre ‘and indentify areas that need fo be improved to stay i compliance wth alloca, sate, and vationsl Sanderds. Further, the environmental consultants provide periodic training and update the Offerer’s policy and procedure manual as necessary. Finally, the environmental consultants are able fo review the facility's Somplianee with the Offeror’s policies via the web based Building Engines™ application, We feel that this ew system will ead fo numerous efficiencies to all four of the facilites as ths ystem fs more robust thay similar systems being utilized in the industry. 2.03 Personnel for Each Facility: A. The Contractor Shall Designate: 1, A licensed aaminstrative officer for each fasity, (hereafter the “Administrator, who Maal operate the facity and its program. The State Veterans Homes, Program Manager shal have the final approval forthe hing or fring ofan administrator for any and all of the NC State Veterans Homes. NCDVA reserves the right to tervireto ‘administratoriirector, or any other employee, for cause. ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.03 A. 1. of the RFP in elation to personnel and agrees to this Provision, Fayetteville Facility: The Offeror will retain the current Administrator, Whitney Bell, who has over 10 ‘Years of experience and has been the admiastrator at tis facility since February 18,2011, The Offeror il retain the current Adminstrator, Sally Davis, who has worked in long, ‘term care for 17 years and has been the administrator forthe Salisbury facility since January 23,2006, Black Mountain Facility: The Offeror wil retain the current Adziistrtor, Kathryn West, who has over 20 years of experience in long ferm care and bas been the administrator atthe Black Mountain tect ‘June 25,2014. Ms, West ia veteran and served in the Military (Army) for seven years, Eiasion Faclty: The Offeror will retain the current Administrator, Dean Smith, who ls worked in long erm care 15 years and bas been the administrator forthe Kinston Facility since September 4,2012, Me ‘Smith isa veteran and served in the Military (Navy) for eight years. Pruittealth Veteran Services - North Carolina, Inc. doesnot anticipate any change in the current ‘Administration of any of the four facilities, 2 A Director of Health Services and Mecical Director for each fecilty. The State drterars Homes Program Manager shail have the fal approval forthe hiring or fring Cf a Director of Health Services for any and all of the NC State Veterans Homes, FP a14t086ianagemertOpratal GVA ISERIES INGAGM tO terminate administraterdretor, ot any othe: employee, 2.02 ey 's Involved in an accident while operating a State-owned passenger/non-passenger vehicle. (Contractor may have to obtain a rider or other document reflecting ts insurer's ‘acknowledgement hat its policy will be primary in the event of the specified accident.) ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.01 H. of the RFP in relation to the contractor responsibilities and agrees to this provision. ‘Response: The current Automobile Insurance Certificate is provided in Attachment 4. 1. The Contractor and management contract will be overseen by NC Veterans Affairs ‘Commission (NCVAC) and the State Veterans Homes Program Manager. Therefore, ll special ‘needs/services should be approved through the State Veterans Homes Program Manager. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.01 I. of the RFP in relation to the contractor responsibilities and agrees to this provision, J The Contractor will be responsible for collections of all past due receivables according to the Collections Policy in the NC State Veterans Home Hardbook. Collections shall be addressed Immediately and every effort should be made to collect the debis. ‘Contractor is responsible for keeping the non-payments to a minimum and closed outwithin 90 days Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.01 J, of the RFP in relation to the contractor responsibilities and understands this provision, Response: Collections will continue to be addressed immediately and every effort will be made to collect debts. The Contractor will remain responsible for keeping the nen-payments to a minimum and closed within 90 days, K, NC State Veterans Homes Medicare and Medicald Cost Reports are not 2 part of this contract. ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.01 K. of the RFP in relation to the contractor responsibiltes and understands this provision, L. NC State Veterans Homes Program Manager must approve all new type of expenses to the homes. This information must be approved prior to expense being ineluded on the books, ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.01 L, of.the RFP in relation to the contractor responsibiites and agrees to this provision. M. . The annual budget will include the number of positions and will be approved by the NC State Veterans Homes Program Manager. Any increases/decreases-in staffing must be approved by the State Veterans Homes Program Manager prior to implementation. Response: The Offeror hs read provision 2.01 M. of the RFP in relation to the contractor responsibilities and agrees to this provision. N. The Contractor's Management Regional person shall be fmited to 10 homes or less, to include the four (4) State Veterans Homes. There shall only be one Regional Person over the NC State Veterans Homes. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.01 N. of the RFP-in relation to the contractor responsibil id understands this provision, ‘Maintenance ‘The Contractor Shall: ‘A. Keep each of the faclities im good repair, with the exceotion of normal wear and tear, The Contractor shall maintain the facilities in the same condition, as noted at the inception of the Contract and shall return the faciities to the NCDVA in the same condition at contract termination, [RFP #20180084¢ Management Operation of Loensed Nursing Facies Page 28 ts involved in an accident while operating a State-owned passenger/non-passenger vehicle (Contactor may have to obtain a rider or owe! ‘document teflecting its Insurer's cRnowfedgementthat its potcy wil be primary the event ofthe specified accident.) Respoote: The Offeror has read provision 2.01 H, of the RFP in relation fo the contractor responsibilities ‘and agrees to this provision. ‘Response: The current Aufomobile Insurance Cerfifieate provided in Attachment 4 The Contractor and management contract: wil be overt by NC Veterans Affairs Cenmission (NCVAC) and the State Veterans Homes Progam Manager. Therefore, all special Commission (yehould be approved thraugh the State Veterans Homes ‘Program Manager. Response: The Offeror has rexd provision 2.01 I. of the REP {in relation to the contractor responsibilities ‘and agrees to this provision. 4J, The Contractor wil be responsible fr collections of =f past due receivables according to the Toe ore Paley in the NC State Velerans Home Hendboot, Collections shall be addressed Colletta) and every effort should be mae to collect the dete ‘Contractor is responsible for tacping the non-paymentsto a minimum and closed out ‘within 80 days. Response: The Offeror hus rad provision 2.01 Jy of the REP in relation to the contractor responsibilities ‘and understands this provision. ‘Response: Collections will continue to be addressed joumediately and every effort will be made to collet Response ¢ Contractor will remain responsible for keeping the non-payments o @ minimum and closed within 90 days. kK. NCState Veterans Homes Medicare and Medieald Cost Reports are not a part of this contract. Response: The Offeror has read provision 01 oft relation to the contractor responsibilities find understands this provision. L._NC State Veterans Homes Program Manager moe approve all new type of expenses to the Grnes. This information must be approved prior to expense ‘being included on the books. Response: The Offeror has read provision 20) L- ofthe [REP in relation to the contractor responsibilities ‘and agrees to this provision. i 1m, The annual budget wil include the number of postions and will be approved by the NC State The, annuftomes Program Manager. Any inereasesi decease" & ‘staffing must be approved bY WerState Veterans Homes Program Manager prior ‘implementation. ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 2:01 M- of he [REP in relation to the contractor responsibilities ‘and agrees to this provision. IN. The Contractor's Management Regional Pore hal be fited to 10 homes or less, to include The Contivlate Veterans Homes. ‘There shall ony be one Regional Person over the NC State Veterans Homes. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.01 N. of he REP jn relation to the contractor responsibilities ‘and understands this provision. 202 Maintenance: ‘The Contractor Shal A. Keep each of the faites in good renal, wi the exception of normal wear and tear. | The eeeE actor shall maintain the facilities in tre Sete condition, as noted at the inception of the corfast end shal return the facities tothe NCOVA In the same condition at contract termination. em uiagones MenagorenOperaton of cared Nursing Facing Page 28 ‘The Kinston Fucflty currently has a transfer agreement with Lenoir Memorial Hospital in Kinston, NC. D. Take all measures to pursue Medicare, Medicaid and any other third-party payment plan colecting ent eretuitements of this REP, Federal and State Law, tues ot regulations for Rede’ 274 accounting for thrparty payments, In the evert ine rectery 's a beneficiary of qeclcare or any other tia-party payment plan, all deducts, co-insurance, or charges and foes Sonam covered items and services shal be the responsiblity of he resident. The lability for lack of billing and collection efforts wil be the esponsibility of the Contractor and reimbursement wil be made to NCDVA. Nagbente: The Offer has read provision 2.01 D, ofthe REP in relation to the contractor responsibilities and agrees to this provision. F- _Frovide complete mortuary policies and procedures that ensure the sensitivity and expediency of death notification, documentation and disposition ofthe romans Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.01 E. of the REP in relation tothe contractor responsibilities ‘and agrees to this provision. ‘A copy of the Mortuary Policy ean be found im Attachment 1, {eeieh esidents. The Contractor shall provide an Actly Droste: ara noe Fe eenve 28 the Volunteer Services Coordinator to ensure inegiaton Volunteer service programs within the community, F. Implement a Volunteer Program that maximizes utilzation of ‘community resources to enhance the quality of life Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.01 F. ofthe REP in relation to the contractor responsibilities ‘and agrees to this provision. z 5 z 5 3 i i : : 2 7 : F 2 = S- Froect and hold all confidential materials and information to meet State and Federal ana eante The Offeror has read provision 291 G, of the REP in relation to the contractor responsibilities and agrees to this provision, “esponat: General Privacy Policy/Confdentalty Statement canbe found in Attachment 3. 4 Owns the state passenger vehicles including vans, All state vehicles are Insurance. The two 20-passenger vehicles Sate Vetere vers Heense. A request shall be submitted by the Contiones te oe NeDva, State Veterans Home Program Manager, in order fora driver to be pommnest drive the State Vehicles, Cae eauestshoulé Inch the folowing information and shall not be limited to: Current North Garoline driver’ license, social security card, drug test results, and me ‘Transportation Training Farag Must be dated and signed. tn order forthe Contractors emioyear ee operate State- ) owned passenger/non- it i RFP #201400046 WenagementOperation of ticonsod Nuving Hack ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 1.04 of the REP in relation to the contract term and agrees to this provision, 1.05 Contract Administrator: For the purpose of this contract, the NC Department of Administration, NC Division of Veterans Affairs (NCDVA), hereinafter Is referred to as the “Contracting Agency’. The Contract Administrator is Department of Administration, Division of Veterans Affairs, and the contact person will be James A. Woodard, State Veterans Homes Program Manager. Response: The Offeror has read provision 1.05 of the RFP in relation to the contract administrator and agrees to this provision, i. STATEMENT OF WORK 2.01 Contractor Responsibilities: ‘A. Nursing services are 24 hours per day, seven (7) days per Week to each facility, This exoudes: the director of health services and the assistant director of nursing. The mix and number of staff shall meet resident needs as set forth by USDVA, CMS and State Nursing Home regulation (OFS), whichever is more stringent. USDVA requires a registered nurse (RN) be on duty in each faciity at all hours of the day, every day. NCOVA requires a minimum dally f rage and vil 425 sing servic en {he need ofthe residents, Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.01 A ofthe RFP in relstion tothe contractor responsibilities and agrees to this provision B. Provide a primary care physician licensed by the State of North Carolina to be the Medical Director for each facilty. The Medical Director shall perform administrative duties and provide. medical supervision, at each facility, which will comply wih USDVA, CMS and State requirements, whichever are more stringent, Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.01 B. of the RFP in relation to the contractor responsibilities and agrees to ths provision. C. Maintain written transfer agreements with local cian and nedrby VAMC with NCDVA for acute care situations. Contractor shall arrange transportation in such events and maintain contact with tie receiving facility to ensure the retum of the resident to the NC State Veterans Home or any additional State Veterans Homes that are opened and managed under this contract at the earliest possible date. Obtain contract with outside ‘physicians, ambulance, radiology, labs, and others for 70% disabled residents. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.01 C, of the RFP in relation to the contractor responsibilities ‘and agrees to this provision. ‘The Salisbury Facility currently has transfer agreements with the VAMC and Rowan Regional Medical Center, in Salishury, NC and Northeast Medical Center in Concord, NC. ‘The Fayetteville Facility currently maintains transfer agreements with the VA Medical Center in Fayetteville, Cape Fear Valley Hospital which includes the Highsmith Rainey Hospital and Womack Army Hospital. ‘The Black Mountain Facility currently has transfer agreements with the Charles George VAMC and. Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC. [RFP #201400864 MeragomonvOperton of Licensed Nursing Facies Page 26 Response provision. he Offeror has read provision 1.04 of the REP in relation to the contract term and agrees to this 4.05 Contract Administrator: For the purpose of this contract, the NC Department of Administration, NC Division of Veterans Affairs (NCDVA), hereinafter Ie referred to as the “Contracting Agency’. The Contract Administrator is Department of Administration, Division of Veterans Affairs, and the contact person will be James A. Woodard, State Veterans Homes Program Manager. Response: The Offeror has read provision 1.05 of the REP in relation to the contract administrator and agrees to this pravision, ‘STATEMENT OF WORK 2.01 Contractor Responsibilit ‘A. Nursing services are 24 hours per day, seven (7) days per week to each facility. This excludes the director of health services and the assistant director of nursing. The mix and number of staff shall meet resident needs as set forth by USDVA, CMS and State Nursing Home regulation (DFS), whichever is more stringent. USDVA recuires a fegistered nurse (RN) be on duly in each facilty at all nours of the day, every day. NCOVA requires a minimum daily average and will not drop bel rs services per resident ‘the need of the residents. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.01 A, of the RFP in relation to the contractor responsibilities and agrees to this provision B. Provide a primary care physician licensed by the State of North Carolina to be the Medical Director for each facility. The Medical Director shall perform administrative duties and provide. medical supervision at each facility, which will comply with USDVA, CMS and State requirements, whichever are more stringent. Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.01 B. of the RFP in relation tothe contractor responsibilities and agrees to this provision. C. Maintain written transfer agreements with local civilan and nearby VAMC with NCDVA for acute care situations. Contractor shall arrange transportation in such events and maintain Contact vith the receiving facility fo ensure the return of the resident to the NC State Veterans Home or any addtional State Veterans Homes that are opened and managed under this contract at the earliest possible date. Obtain contract with outside physicians, ambulance, radiology, labs, and others for 70% disabled residents, Response: The Offeror has read provision 2.01 C. of the RFP in relation fo the contractor responsibil and agrees to this provision, “The Salisbury Factlity currently has transfer agreements with the VAMC and Rowan Regional Medical ‘Center, in Salisbury, NC and Northeast Medical Center in Concord, NC. ‘The Fayetteville Facility currently maintains transfer agreements with the VA Medical Center in Fayetteville, Cape Fear Valley Hospital which includes the lighsmith Rainey Hospital and Womack Army Hospital. ‘The Black Mountain Fachity currently has transfer agreements with the Charles George VAMC and Mission Hospital in Asheville, NC. [RFP 9201400844 Management/Operalin of Licensed Nursing Facies Page 26 The North Carolina Division of Veterans Affairs (NCDVA) is seeking proposals from experienced and Qualified entities desiring to manage and operate all North Carolina State Veterans Homes. The NC State Veterans Homes are Medicare/Medicaid and VA certified facilties, ‘These homes are located in Salisbury, Fayetteville, Kinston, and Black Mountain and any additional homes that are opened for business during this contract period. Additional homes will be inclucied in this contract regardless of the start-up dates. The terms of the contract and the contents of this RFP will require the successful Contractors to operate each home as a highly qualified Licensed Skiled Nursing Facility. ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 1.02 of the REP in relation to the purpose ofthis RFP process and agrees fo this provision. 1.03 Background: Pursuant to Federal Regulations, the United States Department of Veterans Affairs (USDVA) is authorized to make certain grants to states for construction and acquisition of state home facities. in 1089, the North Carolina General Assembly enacted legislature (CS 165-46) that authorizes the NCDVA\to consiruct, acquire, and operate veteran's homes. The NC State Veterans Home in Salisbury, NC, Is located on the VA Medical Center's campus (Building 10), is a 98-bed licensed skilled nursing facility and has been in operation for 10 years. ‘The Salisbury Faciity is a three-story brick buiiding (63,826 sq, feet) containing four (4) units of 22-30 beds. each, with ancillary support and mechanical space. The residents occupy the first and second floor. ‘The ground floor is used for dietary, laundry, staff locker rooms, storage, physical therapy and several offices. The State Veterans Home in Fayetteville, NC (Fayetteville Faciity) has been in operation for 15 years. \ ‘The Fayetteville Facility is located adjacent to the Fayeitevile Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC), Itis a one story building (62,000 sq, ft) comprised of 180 beds with ancillary support and mechanical ‘space. There are three (3) wings with fifty (50) beds in each unit. One of the wings’ includes an MSU 20-bed unit, and one 30-bed unit, ‘The State Veterans Home in Black Mountain (Black Mountain Facility) has been in operation since. October 2012. The Black Mountain Facilty is located at 62 Lake Eden Road, Black Mountain, NC. Itis ‘a one story building (111,000 sq. ft) with 100 private rooms. It is comprised of 4 residential buildings, ‘and one administrative building The State Veterans Home in Kinston (Kinston Facility) has been in operation since March 2013, This facility is located at 2750 Hull Road, Kinston, NC. It ie a mirror image of the Black Mountain faclity. ‘The cutrent contract for the North Carolina State Veterans Homes in Fayettevile, Salisbury, Black Mountain, and Kinston expires November 30, 2014. ‘The North Carolina Division of Veterans Affairs Commission (NCVAC) Is vested under NCGS 165-50 with the authority to select and recommend for award a contrect to an Offeror whose proposal it deems. ‘most advantageous to the veterans and the State. The Commission operates under the supervision ‘and direction of the Secretary of NC Department of Administration (NCDOA). The Commission will monitor performance of the successful Offeror through the NCDVA State Veterans Homes Program Manager. Response: The Offeror has read provision 1.03 of the RFP in relation to the background and agrees with to provision, 1.04 Contract Term: ‘The effective term of the contract established for this RFP shall be for five (5) years, beginning ) December 1, 2014 and ending November 30, 2019; with the option of a yeatly renewal up to an a adcitional 5 years. . The Fayetteville, Salisbury, Black Mountain, Kinston, and any new facilty that opens during this contract period will begin December 1, 2014. RFP #2014008¢4 ManagemenOperatlon of Licensed Nursing Facies Page 25 4 INTRODUCTION 4.01 Definitions: cms: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Contractor: The entity selected by NCVAC to manage the Stale Veterans Home Five-Star Rating: The fivestar rating system is comprised of three components: 1. Health inspections; 2 ‘Staffing; and 3. Qualily Measures. These three relings are combined to ealculate an overall rating by CMS. JCAHO: ‘Join’ Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations Licensed Skilled Nursing Faclity: Licensed nursing facity by the Department of Heath and Human Servicés, as defined by the North Carolina Division of Medical Assistance NCDOA: North Carolina Department of Administration Nevac: North Carolina Veterans Affairs Commission is the governing authoiy for the facies under "NC General Status 165.46, Establishment. The Stato of North Caroline shal ‘construct, maintain, and opereie veteran's homes for the aged and inf veteran's resitont 's Stato under the edminisrative authority and cortrol of the Division of Veterans Affairs of the Department of Administration. There is vested in such DWvision any and all ‘powers and autharty that may be necessary to enable It to establish and operate the homes end to Issue rules necessary to operate the homes in compliance with apolicable ‘State and federal statutes and regulations” . Nepva: North Carolina Division of Veterans Affairs i a State agency authorized to cary out the day today activities for NCVAC, NCDVA Representative: State Veterans Homes Program Manager or designee NC State Veterans Homes: The NC State Veterans Homes, located in Salsbury, Fayettevile, Kinston and Black Mountain, NC and any and all additional North Carolinas’ Stale Veterans Homes that aro ‘opened for business during this contract period, ‘Salisbury Facility: NC State Veterans Home located in Salisbury, NC Fayotteville Facility: NC State Veterans Home located in Fayettevile, NC Kinston Facility: NC State Veterans Home located in Kinston, NC Black Mountain Facility: NG State Veterans Home located in Black Mountain, NC RFP: Request for Proposals to manage the State Veterans Homes State Veterans Homes Program Manager: State Veterans Homes Program Manager or designee. uspva: United States Departmentof Veterans Affairs vame: \Veteran Affairs Medical Center vso: Veterans Service Officer ‘RFP #207400844 tisnagemont/Cperaton of Licensed Nursing Facies Page 7 401 Definitions: cms: Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Contractor: The entity selected by NCVAC to manage the State Veterans Home ive-Star Rating: ‘The five-star rating system is comprised of three components: 1. Health inspections; 2. Staffing: and 3. Quality Measures, These three ratings are combined to calculate an overall rating by CMS. JCAHO: Join Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations Licensed Skilled Nursing Facility: Licensed nursing facility by the Department of Heath and Human Services, 2s defined by the North Carolina Division of Medica! Assistance NCDOA: North Carolina Department of Administration Nevac: North Carolina Veterans Affairs Commission is the govering authonty for the facities under ‘NC General Status 165.46, Establishmant. The State of North Carolina shail ‘construct, maintain, and operate vetoran's homes for the aged and infirm veteran's resident in this State under the administrative authority and control of the Division of Veterans (Affairs of the Dopartment of Administration. There is vested in such Division any and all powors and authority that may be necessary fo enable it to ostabfish and operate the homes and fo issue rules necessary fo operate the homes in compliance with applicable ‘Stale and federal statutes and regulations”. NeDvA: North Carolina Division of Veterans Affairs is a State agency authorized to carty out the day to day activities for NCVAC. NCDVA Representative: ‘State Velerans Homes Program Manager or designes NC State Veterans Homes: Tho NC State Veterans Homes, located In Salisbury, Fayetteville, Kinston and Black Mountain, NC and any and all additional North Carolinas’ State Veterans Homes that are ‘opened for business during this contract period. Salisbury Facility NC State Veterans Home located in Salisbury, NC Fayetteville Facility: NC Stale Veterans Home located in Fayetteville, NC Kinston Facitit NC State Veterans Home located in Kinston, NC Black Mountain Facility: NC Slate Veterans Home located in Back Mountain, NC RFP: Request for Proposals to manage the State Veterane Homes State Veterans Homes Program Manager: ‘State Veterans Homes Program Manager or designee uspva: United Stetes Department of Veterans Affairs vame: \Veteran Affairs Medical Center vso: Veterans Service Officer RFT gz0t400844 Managemenupertion ef Licnaed Nursing Facies Page 8.04 Organizational and Financial Stability A. Experience ... Reference, ‘Organization Profiles. Organization Capability, ‘Management Capability, Financial Stability, Vendor's Certifications... Clarification ZOo™mos0 6.05 6.06 Statement of Legal Action Vil. PROPOSAL EVALUATION 7:01 General 7.02 Proposal Evaluations ‘A. Evaluation Process. B. Two Step Process... C. Oral Presentations D. Evaluation Criteria Vill, COST PROPOSAL 8.01 General 8.02 Cost Proposal 8.03 Cost Proposa/Execution of Proposal, 8.04 Where Service To Be Performed 8.05 General Information on Submitting Proposals. 8.08 North Carolina General Contract Terms and Conditions 1X. APPENDICES - A,B, C, D,E,F Appendix A, Sample of Monthly Invoice, Appendix 8 through F are available through the enclosed URL ‘Appendix 8, Income Statement —NC State Veterans Home - Fayetteville ‘Appendix C, income Statement — NC State Veterans Home - Salisbury ‘Appendix D, Income Statement - NC State Veterans Home - Black Mountain ‘Appendix E, Income Statement — NC State Veterans Home - Kinston ‘Appendix F, List of State Policles/Procedures RFP #2014008¢4 ManagemendOperstion of Lcersed Nursing Facies Peges TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 4.01 Definition 1.02 Purpose... 4.03 Background, 1.04 Contract Terms, 1.05 Contract Administrator, STATEMENT OF WORK 2.01 202 2.03 2.04 208 2.06 207 2.08 Contractor Responsibilities, : 2 Maintenance Personnel for Each Facil, Equipment Responsibly, Responsibiity of NCDVA,, Offeror’s Point of Contact Ml, GENERAL INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS. 3.01 Limitations of offerors 3.02 Procurement Time Tabl 3.03 Confict between Guidelines and Regulations. 3.04 Reservation of NCDVA Rights 3.05 Procedure on Termination 3.08 Insurance 1. PAYMENTS: 4.01 General Provisions, 16 4.02 Incentives... 7 4.03 Penalties, 4.04 Star Ratings 4.08 Inspection of Facity V.. SCOPE OF PROPOSAL 5.01 General 7 VI PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS. 6.01 6.02 6.03 REP #201400846 ManagemortOperation of Licensed Nursing Feces ‘Technical Proposal, General Information ‘Minimum Proposal Submission Requirements ‘TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION 4.01 Definitions, 4.02 Purpose... 1,03 Background, 1.04 Contract Terms, 1.08 Contract Administrator, UL STATEMENT OF WORK 2.01» Contractor Responsilities, 2.02 Maintenance 2.03 Personnel for Each Facility, 2.04 Administration . 2.05 Safety 2.08 Equipment Responsiiity. 2,07 Responsibility of NCDVA, 2.08 Offeror’s Point of Contact... IW, GENERAL INFORMATION AND REQUIREMENTS 3,01 Limitations of Offerors 3.02 Procurement Time Table, 3.03 Conflict between Guidelines and Regulations 3.04 Reservation of NCDVA Rights . 3.05 Procedure on Termination 3,06 Insurance WV, PAYMENTS 4.01 General Provisions, 4.02 Incentives, 403 Penalties, 404 Star Ratings .., 4,05 Inspection of Facitt V. SCOPE OF PROPOSAL 6.01 General. VI. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 6.01 General Information. 6.02 Minimum Proposal Submission Requirements 6.03 Technical Proposal REP 8201400846 ManagemenOpercton of Liconsed Nursing Facies Pages THE PROCUREMENT PROCESS ‘The following is a general description of the process by which a firm will be selected to provide services. 1. Request for Proposals (RFP) is posted on the intemet via the State's Interactive Purchasing System. 2. URGED AND CAUTIONED PRE-PROPOSALCONFERENCE AND SITE VISITS: There is one (1) pre-proposal conference and 4 site visits; all Offerors are encouraged to attend. ‘The first location for the pre-proposal conference and first onsits visit is scheduled at the NC State Veterans Home — Kinston, 2150 Hull Road, Kinston, Notth Carolina on Wednesday, July 8, 2014 at 9:00 a.m, Additional site visits are schedule at each of the facilties on the following dates and all Offerors are encouraged to attend: Site Visit ~ NC State Veterans Home, 214 Cochran Avenue, Fayetteville Wednesday, July 9, 2014, 2:00 p.m, Site Vistt~ NC State Veterans Home, 1601 Brenner Avenue, Big, 10, Salsbury Thursday, duly 10, 2014, 8:00 a.m. Site Visit - NC State Veterans Home, 62 Lake Eden Road, Black Mountain Thursday, July 10, 2014, 2:00 p.m. 3, Prospectiv FS shall submit questions electronically, via e-mail, no later than Monday 14", 2014 ct on. i address: A summary of all questions and answers will be posted on the Internet as an addendum, located under the RFP #201400844 being modified, [tis the Offeror’s responsibilty to assure that all adclenda have been reviewed and, need be, signed and retuned, Response: The Offeror has reviewed ail addenda in relation to this RFP. 4. Submit two (2) signed paper originals, nine (8) photocopies, two (2) unredacted electronic copies on CD, DVD or USB Flash Drive and two (2) redacted electronic (Proprietary and Confidential Information Excluded) copies on CD, DVD or USB Flash Drive in two (2) separate (one Technical, one Cost) sealed packages — the Technical Proposal and the Cost Proposal must be submitted simultaneously. Electronic Copies of the Cost Proposal shall be included in the sealed Cost Proposal package. Proprietary and Confidential information shall be redacted in accordance with ‘Section 8.05, Paragraph 13. NCDOA, in responding to open records requests, will release the information on this disc, It is the sole responsibility of the Offeror to ensure that this disc complies with the requirements of Section 8.05, Paragraph 13. Each original shall be signed and dated by an official authorized to bind the firm. Unsigned proposals shall not be considered, NOTE: No technical information shall be contained in the cost proposal. No cost information shall be. contained in the technical proposal. If any cost information is included in the technical proposal and! or if any ‘echnical information is included in the cost proposal, the Offeror's entire proposal shall be rejected. '. All proposals must be received by the issuing agency no later than the date and time specified on the cover shest of this RFP. 6. At that date and time the package containing the proposals from each responding firm will be publicly opened and the name of each Offeror announced publicly. A notation will also be made whether a separate sealed cost proposal has been received. Cost proposals will be placed in safekeeping until opened at a later date. 7. This is a two-step evaluation. Technical proposals will be eveluated fret. When preparing your response, reference the requirements in your proposal by the reference numbers in the RFP 8, Upon competion of the technical evaluation, the cost proposals of those firms whose technical proposals have been deemed acceptable will be publicly opened. The foial cost offered by each firm will be tabulated and become & ‘matter of public record. Interested parties are cautioned that these costs and their components are subject to further evaluation for completeness and correctness and therefore may not be an exact indicator of an Offeror's pricing Position. 9% Offerors are cautioned that this is a request for offers, not a request to contract, and the State reserves the unqualified right to reject any and all offers when such rejection is deemed to be in the best interest ofthe State. i) 10. E-VERIFY: As required by G.S. §143-48.5 (Session Law 2013-418), the Bidder certifies that it, and each of its subcontractors for any contract awarded as a result of this solicitation, complies with the requirements of Article 2 of Chapter 84 of the NC General Statutes, including the requirement for each employer with more than 25 employees In North Carolina to verity the work authorization ofits employees through the federal E-Verify system. [RFP #201400868 ManagemontOpeaton of Lcented Nursing Facities Pages 8.08 NORTH CAROLINA GENERAL CONTRACT TERMS AND CONDITIONS 4. GOVERNING LAW: This contract is made under and shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of North Carolina, Response: The Offeror has read and understands. 2. SITUS: The place of this contract, ts situs and forum, shall be North Carolina, where all matters, whether sounding in contract or tort, relating to is validity, construction, interpretation and enforcement shall be determined Response: The Offeror has rend and understands. 3, INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR: The Contractor shall be considered to be an independent Contractor and 3s ‘such shall be wholly responsible for the work to be performed and for the supervision of its employees. The Contractor represents that tt has, or will secure at its own expense, all personnel required in performing the services under this agreement. Such employees shall not be employees of, or have any individual contractual relationship with the Agency. Response: The Offeror has read and understands. 4. KEY PERSONNEL: The Contractor shall not substitute key personnel assigned to the performance of this contract, without prior written approval by the Agency's Contract Administrator. The individuals designated as key personnel ‘for purposes ofthis contract are these specified in the Contractor's proposal. Response: The Offeror has read and understands, 6, SUBCONTRACTING: Work proposed to be performed under this contract by the Contractor or its employees shall ot be subcontracted without prior written approval of the Agency's Contract Administrator. Acceptance of an COfteror’s proposal shall include any subcontractor(s) specified therein. Response: The Offeror has read and understands 6. PERFORMANCE AND DEFAULT: 1, through any cause, the Contractor shal fail to fulfil in timely and proper manner the obligations under this agreement, the Agency shall thereupon have the right to terminate this contract by giving written notice to the Contractor and specifying the effective date thereof. in that event, ail finished or unfinished deliverable tems under this contract prepared by the Contractor shall, at the option of the Agency, become iis property, and the Contractor shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation for any satisfactory work completed on such materials. Notwithstanding, the Contractor shall not be relieved of liability to the Agency for damages sustained by the Agency by virtue of any breach ofthis agreement, and the Agency may withhold any payment due the Contractor for the purpose of setoff until such time as the exact amount of damages due the Agency from such breach can be determined, In case of default by the Contractor, the State may procure the services from other sources and hold the Contractor responsible for any excess cost occasioned thereby. The State reserves the right to require performance bond or ‘other acceptable altemative guarantees from successful Offeror without expense to the State. In addition, in the event of default by the Contractor under this contract, the State may immediately cease doing business with the Contractor, immediately terminate for cause all existing contracts the State has with the Contractor, and de-bar the Contractor from doing future business with the State. Upon the Contractor filing a petition for bankruptcy or the entering of a judgment of bankruptcy by of against the Contractor, the State may immediately terminate, for cause, this contract and all other existing contracts the Contractor has with the State, and de-bar the Contractor from doing future business. Neither party shall be deemed to be in default ofits obligations hereunder if and 90 long as it is prevented from performing such obligations by any act of war, hostile foreign action, nuclear explosion, riot, strikes, civil insurrection, earthquake, hurricane, tornado, or other catastrophic natural event or act of God. Response: ‘The Offeror has read and understands. 7. TERMINATION: The Agency may terminate this agreement at any time by thirty (30) days notice in writing from the Agency to the Contractor. In that event, all finished or unfinished deliverable items prepared by the Contractor under this contract shal, at the option of the Agency, become its property. If the contract is terminated by the [RFP #201 400844 Managemen Operstion of Lcensed Nursing Facltios Page ) fequest must be received in the Division of Purchase and Contract within thity (30) consecutive calendar days from the date of the contract award. When an Offeror wants to protest a contract awarded by an agency or university resulting from this solicitation that is over $10,000 but less tnan $25,000 for any agency, or any contract awarded by a university, they must submit a written request to the issuing procurement officer at the address of the issuing agency. This request must be received in that office within thirty (30) conseautive calendar days from.the date of the contract award. Protest letters must contain specific reasons and any supporting documentation for the protest. Note: Contract award notices are sent only to those actually awarded contracts, and! not to every person or fim responding to this solicitation. Contract status and Award notices are posted on the Internet af, All protests will be handled pursuant to the North Carclina Administrative Code, Title #1 Department of Administration, Chapter 5, Purchase and Contract, Section 58.1619. (See Protest Information at WW. pdf for more information.) Response: The Offeror has read and understands. 16. TABULATIONS: The Division has implemented an Interactive Purchasing System (IPS) that allows the public to retrieve proposal tabulations electronically from our Internet web site: hitp/iwww us/pandc). Click on the IPS PROPOSALS icon, click on Search for Proposal, enter the RFP number. and then search. Tabulations will Normally be available at this web site not later than one working day afer opening. Lengthy tabulations may not be @vallable on the Intemet, and requests for these verbally or in writing cannot be honored. Response: The Offeror las read and understands. 17. VENDOR REGISTRATION AND SOLICITATION NOTIFICATION SYSTEM: Vendor Link NC allows vendors to electronically register free with the State to receive electronic notification of curent procurement opportunities for goods and services avaliable on the Interactive Purchasing System. Online registration and other purchasing Information are available on our Internet web site: htto:/wuw state Respoise: The Offeror has read and understands, 18. RECIPROCAL PREFERENCE: G.S. 143-59 establishes a reciprocal preference law to discourage other states from applying in-state preferences against North Carolina's resident Otferors. The “Principal Place of Business” is defined as the principal place from which the trade or business of the Offeror is directed or managed. Response: The Offeror has read and understands, Revised 10/25/2010 RFP #201400844 ManapemertiOperation of Licensed Nursing Facies Page 53 8 TITLES: Titles and headings inthis RFP and any subsequent contract ae for canvenience only and shal have no binding force or effect. Response: The Offeror has read and understands, & CONFIDENTIALITY OF PROPOSALS: In submiting its proposal the Otferor agrees nct to discuss or otherwise Tat ates gortents of the proposal to any source outside of the using of issuing agency. govemment or privat, authors enter of the Contract. | Only those communications wih the using agency or issuing Spency abilty or qualifications of other Otferors to perfor the advertised contract andlor the other Offerors' proposals. andlor prices at any time during the procurement process; or engage in any other communication oF Seat attempting to influence the evaluation and/or award ofthe contract that's the subject of tis REP Onions not Samprance wih this provision may be cisquaiid, at the option of the Stale, fom contact aad. Only ‘discassions authorized by the Issuing agency are exempt from this provision Response: ‘The Offeror has read and agrees, 10. RIGHT TO SUBHIITTED MATERIAL: All responses, Inquires, or correspondence relathg to orn reference to the Ar al other reports, charts, displays, schedules, exhibits, and other documentation submited by the Oerere shall become the property ofthe State when received. Response: The Offeror has read and understands. ‘1 OFFEROR'S REPRESENTATIVE: Each Offeror shall submit with ils propesal the name, address, and telephone Fameer ofthe person(s) with authority to bind the frm and answer questions or provide clarlication conceming he firm's proposal Response: The Offeror has read and agrees. SUBCONTRACTING: | Offerors may propase to subcontract portions of the work provided that thelr proposals Goan indicate what work they plan to subcontract and to whom and that al information required about the pre Contractor is also included for each proposed subcontractor. 2, Response: The Offeror has read and agrees. Please see attachment 30 for a summary of our subcontractors. 18. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION: Trade secrets or similar proprietary dala which the Offeror does not wish Cisclosed to other than personnel involved in the evaluation or contract administration wil be Kept confidential to he Cxtent permitted by NCAC T01:058:1501 and G.S., 132-1.3 if identified as folows: Each page shall be Wentiied in bokdtace at the top and bottom as “CONFIDENTIAL”. Any section of the proposal thal is to remain comtacctal shal also be so marked in bolaface on the tite page of that section, Cost information may not be deemed Confidential in spite of what is labeled as confidential, the determination as to whether or not It is shall be determined by North Carolina law, Response: The Offeror has read and understands, 4 HISTORIGALLY UNDERUTILIZED BUSINESSES: Pursuant to General Statute 143-48 and Executive’ Order Fironnes Slate invites and encourages participation in this procurement process by businesses owed by qumoities. women, disabled, cisabled business enterprises and non-profit work centers for the blnd and severely disabled. Response: The Offeror snot owned by minorities, women, disabled, disabled busines enterprises and non-profit work centers forthe blind and severely disabled. However, when possible the Offeror does contract with or purchase ‘from such enterprises, 15 PROTEST PROCEDURES: When an Offeror wanls to protest @ contact. awarded by the Secretary of perasistration or by an agency over $25,000 resuiting from this solicitation, they must submit vette request fo $55, tate, Fiurchasing Officer at Purchase and Cantract, 1306 Mall Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27608.1806, This REP #20140084¢ MsnagemenifOperaton of Learsea Nursing Facies Page's2 a, TITLES: Ties and heatings in his RFP and any usoquent contract are for convenience ony and shall have no binding force or effect response: The Offeror has read and understans 9. CONFIDENTIALITY OF PROPOSALS: "2 sulmiting ts proposal the offeror agrees nat 9 SRT cor otherwise corer ane contents of the proposal to any Sour ouside of the using of issuing agency, government oF private, reveal or tne. ard of the contract. | OM Tee side of Waons, with the using agency of See agency ut zed by this RFP are permited, Al OSE Oe mur hey are nat to have any commutes oe wth author rotor ssuing agency during the evaluaton, ate sev morals (ve, afer the puble opening ‘the proposals the roe the award of the contact), unless 1 irenaser contacts the OFfrors) (Porro, of seeking ang petgon. An oferor shall not, transmit fo seeing andlor using agency any information ‘cornmenting on the Samty or quaifieations of otner Offerors * Serform the advertised contract ansion father Offerors’ proposals ably oes at any time aun the procurerer! process; or engage in any offer ‘communication oF cond armpting to infuence the evaluation ance emer tne contract tat ie the subject of Wis RFP. Offerors not it ateance with this provision may be er awaifed, at the option of the State, fom contract award. Only comnptcions authorized by te Issuing agency 7° ‘exempt rom this provision. Response: ‘The Offeror has ead and agress 10, RIGHT TO SUBMITTED MATERIAL: At responses, Inquires, or correspondence. relating to or In reference to the REP andall other reports, chars, displays, eperjules_exhibts, and other documentation ‘submitted by the Offerors FFF become the property ofthe State when received. ‘Response: The Offeror bas read and understands. +1, OFFEROR’S REPRESENTATIVE: 592 offeror shall submit with its proposal the name address, and telephone OFFER Oe persone) wit autorty t Bin he steal suPtawer questions or provide clarfication ‘eonceming the firm's proposel Response: The Offeror has read and REFeSS: to, SUBCONTRACTING: offerors may Popes subcontract partons of the work proved thal Pe proposals sume Nate what work wey Pan 12 SUDO, pct and that alnfrmation required aboot We prime eal rg als included for each proposed ‘subcontractor. response: The Offeror bas read and nares: Please see attachment 30 for a summary of oH subcontractors, 49. PROPRIETARY INFORMATION: | Trae secrets of simiar proprietary deta wich 78 offeror does not wish PROPRIS w other than personnel involved ns et uation or contract administration vat Bs ‘Kept confidential tothe isc ited by NCAC TO1-068.180' 206 eraser 3 it identified as folows: Each Pade, shall be identified in Polatace at the top and bottom as 180 AG ENTIAL”. Any section of the propose! that ig to remain confidential borders eo marked in potalace on, he he rage of that section. Gost Information "Oy not be deemed shat ental, In spite of what 's labeled a the Bent, the determination as #0 wheter °F nat itis shall be Getermined by North Carolina law response: The Offeror has read and ‘understands. 44, HISTORICALLY UNDERUTILIZED, BUSINESSES: Pursuant to Genera! Stat 143-48 and Executive Ordet Fis0 the Stale invites and encourages, aricipation in this procurement, proce ‘by businesses owned by #180. Te, women, disabled, cieabled Business cipatonges end non-prft work centers forthe ‘blind and severely disabled. ‘Response: The Otferor i mot ownell WY minorities, women, disabled, dsabled busines enterprises and non-profit Respotgners forte bind and severely sable ‘However, when possible the Offeror does ‘contract with or purchase from such enterprises. 4g, PROTEST PROCEDURES: | When, offeror wants to protest @ contract ‘awarded by the Secretary of” Tauiministration of by an agency Over 92,000 resuting rom this sovctation, hey rnust submit 2 written request to ee purchasing office at PUTTERS Sms eaiam 1205 Mail Service Center, Rae, NC 27698-1305. This aaa ienaeren/opeatonerueenees Facile Page 32 2. CERTIFICATION: By executing the proposal, the Signer certfies that his proposal is submitted competitively and hae peor usion (G'S. 143-84) that none of cur otteers the go, Of ners of an unincorporated business crite 528, been convicted of any wolatons of Chapter Mary fe, General Statutes, the Secures Act of 1989 or Wee Saaciles Exchange Ac of 1894 (6.5, 143-58.) arate ‘We are not an ineligible vendor as set forth in GS. 143. 50:1. False certification is a Class I felony Response: The Offeror has read and understands, 3: ORAL EXPLANATIONS: The State shall not be ound by oral exelanations or instuctions given at any time ‘during the competitive process or after award. Response: The Offeror has rend and understands, 4 REFERENCE TO OTHER DATA: Onjy information that valusten, 4” (@8POnse to this REP will be evaluated: ‘eference fo infomation previously submited shall rete evaluated, Response: The Offeror has read and understands. 5 RLABORATE PROPOSALS: Elaborate roposals in the {rm Of brochures or other presentations beyond that necessary fo presenta complete and effective proposal are acs desired, Gea Stor to suppor the sustainability etfons ofthe State °F North Ceroina we soit your cooperation in this effort, {tis desirable that all responses meet the. following requirements: All Copies are printed double sided, 2 fubmitals and copies are printed on recycled set with @ minimum post-consumer content of 30% and indcate this information accordingly on the respance sinless absolutely necessary, all proposals and copies should minimize or eliminate use of non-recyctable & GOST FOR PROPOSAL PREPARATION: Any costs al rot cee pterers In preparing or submitting offers are the Sfferor's sole responsibly; ine State of North Covina ny "ot reimburse any Offeror for any costs incurred posto award, Response: The Offeror has read and understands, 7. TIME FOR ACCEPTANCE: Each proposal shall state EELS fim offer that may be accepted within a period of Finety (80) days. Although the contact is expectes ts he ‘awarded prior to that time, the ninety (80) day perod oo ‘requested to allow for unforeseen delays, Response: The Offeror has read and understands, REP #201400644 ManagomerOperaton of Licensed Musing Facies Pege st oH See Appendixes: ‘Appendix A, Page 35 Sample of Monthly Invoice Appendix B, Page 36 Income Statement-NC State Veterans Home- Fayetteville ‘Appendix C, Page 47 Income Statement-NC State Veterans Home- Salisbury Appendix D, Page 58 Income Statement-NC State Veterans Home- Black Mountain ‘Appendix &, Page 68 Income Statement-NC State Veterans Home- Kinston ‘Appendix F, Page 78. List of State Poiicies/Procedures ‘REP #20100848 ManagemonvOperstion of LiceneodNurelag Facies Page 26 ‘See Appendixes: Appendix A, Page 35, Appendix B, Page 38 Appendix C, Page 47 Appendix D, Page 58 Appendix E, Page 68 Appendix F. Page 79 2) ‘Sample of Monthly Invoice Income Statement-NC Stato Veterans Home- Fayetteville Income Statement-NC Siate Veterans Home- Salisbury Income Statement-NC State Veterans Home- Black Mountain Income Statement-NC State Veterans Home- Kinston List of State Policies/Procedures [RFP W201400864 ManagemenOperaon of LicsnseGNursing cities Page 28 YY permitted Management Fees along with facilty expenses shall be billed monthly on the form presented in Appendix A. Monthly invoices shall be submitted along with all financtal information after the month has closed. The invoice shal! be e-mailed to James A. Woodard approved. RFP #20140064¢ ManagementOperallon of Lcensed Nursing Facies Page 68 Posted Room Rates used to determine revenue for Management Fee, Medicare willbe actual RUG's Rate. Medicaid wil be payment rate of $196, unt next change by NCDMA Fayetteville ~ Census 142: Private Pays 72Residents Posted Room Rate $182 Medicare 11 Residents Average Rugs Rate $408 Medicaid 41 Residents Posted Room Rate $195 Hospice 3Residents Posted Room Rate $195+10 Other VA, 10Residents Posted Room Rate $356, Insurance SResidents Posted Room Rate $192 Part $112,000 Other income $6,000 Salisbury — Census 95: Private Pays 33 Residents Posted Room Rate $182 Medicare 12Residents Average Rugs Reto $465 Medicaic 30 Residents Posted Room Rate $195 Hospice ‘Residents Posted Room Rate $195+810 Other VA, 12Residents Posted Room Rate $340 Insurance S Residents Posted Room Rate $192 Part B $87,000 Other Income : $5,000 Kinston (note below) — Admissions 95 effective 12/1/2014; Private Pays 30Residents Posted Room Rate $225 Medicare 12Residents Average RugsRate $455 Medicaid 33Residents Posted Room Rate $195 Hospice 3Residents Posted Room Rate $195+$10 Other VA 42Residents Posted Room Rate $340 Insurance SResidents Posted Room Rate $225 Part B $87,000 Other Income ‘$5,000 Black Mountain ~ Admissions 96: Private Pays 30Residents Posted Room Rate $225 Medicare 42Residents Average Rugs Rate $455 Medicaid 33Residents Posted Room Rate $195 Hospice 3Residents Posted Room Rate §$195+S10 Other VA 12Residents Posted Room Rate $353. insurance SResidents Posted Room Rate $225 Part B $87,000 Other Income $5,000 The information is provided to assist in calculating the estimated revenue to determine percentage cf management fee. The information above is an example for calculation purposes only and is not guaranteed, ‘Whatis not included in the Management Fee? Interest, penalty, Administrator's cost, etc. ‘Actual revenue information shall be provided based on the past year. Use a disclaimer on information based on past history. [Note 1: ltformation above is given to help proposal in determine NCDVA estimates for census ‘and room rates. Census will change ftom month to month based on operations. It is not acceptable to meke changes from this information to assure all management fees ‘computations are equal. Note 2: Kinston is stl increasing patient to meet full capacity, current census is 60 residents. re woutcses Pazera RRETIREESEE AN, Ref, Percentage offered In ths RFP. No addtional ep wil be Posted Room Rates used! to determine revenue for Management Fee. Medicare will be actual RUG's Rate. ‘Medicaid willbe payment rate of $195, until next change by NCDMA, Fayetteville ~ Census 142: Private Pays 72 Residents Posted Room Rate $182 Medicare 11 Residents Average Rugs Rate $408 Medicaid At Residents Posted Room Rate $195 Hospice 3Residents Posted Room Rate $195+$10 Other VA 10 Residents Posted Room Rate $358, Insurance 5 Residents PosiedRoomRate $192 Part’ $112,000 Other income $5,000 Salisbury ~ Census 95: Private Pays 33 Residents Posted Room Rate $182 Medicare 12 Residents Average Rugs Rate $455 Medicaid 30 Residents Posted Room Rate $195 Hospice 3Residents Posted Room Rate $1954$10 Other VA 42Residents Posted Room Rate $340 Insurance S Residents Posted Room Rate $192 Part 8 $87,000 Other Income $5,000 Kinston (note below) ~ Admissions 95 effective 12/1/2014; Private Pays: 30Residents Posted Room Rate $225 Medicare i2Residents Average Rugs Rate $455 Mecicald 33 Residents Posted Room Rate $195 Hospice Residents Posted Room Rate _$195+$10 Other VA, 12Residents Posted Room Rate $340 Insurance ‘SResidents Posted Room Rate $225 Part B $87,000 Other Income $5,000 Black Mountain — Admissions 95: Private Pays Posted Room Rate $225 Medicare Average Rugs Rate $455 Medicaid Posted Room Rate $195 Hospice ‘3 Residents Posted Room Rate _$195+$10 Other VA 12 Re Posted Room Rate $363 Insurance 5 Residents Posted Room Rate $225 Part B $87,000 Other Income $5,000 The information is provided to assist in celoulating the estimated revenue to determine percentage of management fee. The information above is an example for calculation purposes only and is not guaranteed, What's not included in the Management Fee? Interest, penalty, Administrator's cost, ete, ‘Actual revenue information shall be provided based on the past year. Use @ disclaimer on information based on past history. Note‘: information above is given to help proposal in determine NCDVA estimates for census and room rates. Census wil change ffom month to month based on operations. It is not acceptable to make changes from this information to assure all menagement fees computations are equal. Note 2: Kinston is stil Increasing patient to meet full cagacity, current census is 60 residents. arp wzorencese wPlagenedf@RAGEM 9 ESSE al Bhs, Percentage offered in his RFP. No additonal fees, wil be \ ) larfication; therefore, all proposals should be complete and reflect the most favorable terms available from the Offeror, Evaluation Criter ‘The following is thé exteria of evaluation, listed in order of importance: 4. Experienci ‘& Offeror's experience in community long-term care and the ownership andlor management of a skilled nursing care facility, Experience managing any State or Federal healthcare facility. 'b._Offeror's history of contracting for management ofa skilled nursing care facilities. 2. Quality of Respons: Offeror’ technical understandingof the scope of work. b. Quality and comorehensiveness of Offeror’s plans and programs for providing the required services. 3. Financial Stability: @. Offeror’s financial stabilty,,resources, and ability to support a project of this size * Offeror must state the ability to meet cash flow demands of $9 to $10 milion in developing this proposal 4 References: . References,similarin size and scope to the requirements of this RFP. b. The State reserves the right to visit on Offeror’s site, prior to contract award, to view the operation and management ofthe facity. 5. Independent Verification of Offerors’ Qualifications: ‘The Evaluation Committee may conduct independent research, investigation, anc/or verification of publicly available information concerning the Offerors’ qualifications, including but not imited to verification of licenses, complaints filed against Offerors witht any regulatory or licensing agency, board or commission (federal, state-or local), debarments of Offerors by any agency (federal, state or local), payment or Ronpayment of tax obligations, news stories concerning any Offeror and/or such other publicly avaliable information concerning the Offerors. Vill. GOST PROPOSAL 801 Genera: A REP #201400046 Manageme ‘The Offeror’s Cost Pronosal submitied in a sealed package labeled “Cost Proposal", RFP number, entity's name, and opening date, Sea Cost Proposal Example, Cost Proposal Section 8:02, See Cost Proposal Section 8:02] Offeror shal! execute the Cost Proposal and return with proposal submission, Additional pages shall be attached to temize all costs. In addon to reimbursement for monthly expenses, the cost proposal shall be proposed on these parameters: Management Fees are computed on Net Income less reserves for Bad Debts Cost Reports Settlements will not be used in computing Management Fees ‘Administrators Salary and all related expenses are not to be included as claimed expense. Current Financial Statements do not represent all Charges at Net SSSES Te STEAM PostsssereUs OO Page st vu. 6.05 6.06 Response: The Offeror has read provision 6,04 H. of the RFP in relation to clarification and agrees to this provision, Staffing: The Offeror shall provide @ proposed organizational chart, classification of employees and number of each, minimum qualifications for each classification, and the number and classification of staff on each shift for each facity Response: A staffing organizational chart for each facility is provided in attachment 24, Employee ‘qualifications are provided in Attachment 15. Number and classification of staff hy shift for each facility are provided in Attachment 24. ‘Statement of Legal Action: The Offeror shall provide a statement as to any past or pending legal actions against the Offeror its ‘employees, andiorits subcontractors, Response: The Offeror has read provision 6.06 of the REP in relation to statement of egal action and has produced the past and pending legal actions against the Offeror ia Attachment 25. PROPOSAL EVALUATIONS 701 7.02 General: NCVAC may contract with: persons or other non-governmental entties to operate each facility. NCVAC may contract with the Offeror whose proposal is most advantageous to the veterans and the Stat {taking into consideration experience, past performance, excellence of program design, Otferar's resources, financial condition of Offeror, management plan, key personnel, program sultabilty, cost, and any other qualities deemed necessary by the NCVAC and set out in the solicitation for proposals. ‘The NCVAC is not required to select the Offeror offering the lowest cost proposal, but shall select the Offeror who, in NCVAC’s sole discretion, offers the proposal most advantageous to veterans of North Carolina. NC General Statutes, § 165-50, The Veterans Affairs Commission is no! requited to select or recommend the vendor offering the lowest cast proposal but shall select or recommend the vendor whe, in the opinion of the Commission, offers the proposal most advantageous fo the veterans and the Stato of North Carolina Proposal Evaluations: ‘A. Evaluation Process: NCDVA wil conduct comprehensive fe, and impartial evakiaion of proposals received in this soicitaon A Proposal Evaluation Commitee will be appointed to review all submitted proposes. The Evalualon Committe shall consider the Oferors compliance wth General Information and Requirements Scope of Proposel, General Section 5.01; Proposal Requirements Sectons 6:02 through 6:06. This ts a Two-Step Evaluation, Technical proposals wil be evaluated first. Upon completion of the technical evaluation, the cost proposals of those frms whose technical proposals have been deemed acceptable will be publicly opened. The total cost offered by each frm will be tabulated and become a matter of public record. Interested parties are cautioned that these ‘costs and their components are subject fo further evaluation for completeness and correciness ‘and therefore may not be an exact indicator of an Offeror pricing position. (Oral Prosontations {At thelr option, the evaluators may request orel presentations or discussion with any or all COfferors for the purpose of clarification or to amplify the materials presented in any part of the ar a2o1socsa ManogonerBEQSPRB or MEN Au ONEERR"e CAulloned that the evaluators are not required tg request vu. 6.08 Response: The Offeror has read provision 6.04 H. of the RFP in rolation to clarification and agrees to this provision. Staffing: ‘The Offeror shall provide a proposed organizational chart, classification of employees and number of each, minimum qualifications for each classification, and the number and classification of staff on each shift for each facility. Response: A staffing organizational chart for each facllty is provided in attachment 24. Employee ‘qualifications are provided in Attachment 15. Number and classification of staff by shift for each facility are provided in Attachment 24, Statement of Legal Action: ‘The Offeror shall provide a statement as to any past or pending legal actions against the Ciferor its ‘employees, andlor its subcontractors. Response: The Offeror has read provision 6.06 of the REP in relation to statement of legal action and has produced the past and pending legal actions agaiast the Offeror in Attachment 25. PROPOSAL EVALUATIONS 7.01 7.02 General NCVAC may contract with persons or other non-governmental entities to operate each facility. NCVAC ‘may contract with the Offeror whose proposal is most advantageous to the veterans and the State taking into consideration experience, past performance, excellence of program design, Offer’s Fesources, financial condition of Offeror, management plan, key personnel, program sutabilty, cost, and any other qualities deemed necessary by the NCVAC and set out in the solctation for proposals. The NCVAC fs not required to select the Offeror offering the lowest cost proposal, but shall select the Offeror who, in NCVAC's sole discretion, offers the proposal most advantageous to veterans of North Carolina NC General Statutes, § 165-50, The Veterans Affairs Commission Is not required to select or recommend the vendor offering the lowest cost proposal but shall select or recommend the vendor who, in the opinion of the Commission, offers the proposal most advantageous fo the veterans and the State of North Carolina, Proposal Evaluations: ‘A. Evaluation Process: NCDVA will conduct a comprehensive, fit, and impartial evaluation of proposals received in this solicitation, ‘A Proposal Evaluation Committee will be appointed to review all submitted proposals. The Evaluation Committee shall consider the Offerors’ compliance with General Information and Requiromnents,| Scope of Proposal, General Section 6:01; Proposal Requirements Sections 6:02 through 6:06. 8B, This Is a Two-Step Evaluation. Technical proposals wil be evaluated fst. Upon completion of the technical evaluation, the cost proposals of those firms whose technical proposals have been deemed acceptable will be pubicly opened. The total cost offered by each firm will be tabuiated and become a matter of pubic record, Interested parties are cautioned that these costs and their components are subject to further evaluation for completeness and correctness and therefore may not be an exact indicator of an Offeror’ pricing postion. ©. Oral Presentations At their option, the evaluators may request oral presentations or discussion with any ot all COfferors for the purpose of clarification or to amplify the materiale presented in any part of the ease RRR oc HONEA QTPDAT.R' Cautoned that the evaluators are not required te, request YS ‘continually full the contractual obligations as managers. Include financial statements, including notes, auditor's report, and summary. of significant accounting pé prepared by an independent CPA. Fallure to submit financial statements may be grounds for the rejection of Offeror's proposal. ts and espouse: A copy of United Health Services, Inc and Subsidiaries Consolidated Financial Statem Independent Auditor's Report is provided in Attachment 9. Financial Stability PruittHeaith Veterans Services, North Carolina, Ine. is the ideal candidate to operate the NCDVA facilities because it is part of a financially stable operation with a quality first philosophy. Our Organization is and has been financially stable for many years. UHS and its family of providers take pride in their financial performance. The Organization's performance can be characterized as stable with steady growth. For the most recent audited fiseal year, annual revenues from operations were approximately 850,000,000. Operating margins are in the middle of industry norms and have. been maintained tently at that level and the Organization has never lost money on a consolidated basis. The Organization has an excellent relationship with financial institutions and has developed 2 number of ‘operating lines of eredit to ensure smooth and consistent flow of cash unaffected by third party payment issues or short term third party reimbursement shortfalls Institutions such GE Capital, Synovus, SunTrust and the Department of Housing and Urban Developments have all demonstrated their faith in our Organization as lenders through recent transactions. ‘The financial stability and steady return on investment has allowed our Organiration to devote substantial resources to upgrading our health eare centers through an ongoing process of extensive renovation and refurbishment or replacement. This strong financial performance has also allowed UHS and its family of providers fo develop and implement enhanced services to our patients and programs and benefits to our partners. ‘The Organization relies on a Centralized Information Management System for cash management and has an experienced in-house accounting staff to carry out all ofits financial functions. The accounting department ‘manages payroll, 2ecounts payzble and accounts receivable and prepares all financial stateatents, cost reports, and coordinates the company’s annual audits. Audits are performed, annually by Deloite & Touche, LLP. The home office also processes all billing and manages the company’s public reimbursements. The ‘accounts receivable staff are specialized by stat, In part, by Stato and have developed the expertise and relationships required to respond to payment issues promptly and effectively. Iti our policy that ‘management of private accounts, from the consumer's point of view, is more sensitively and effectively ‘handled at the local level, ‘While the Organization anticipates continuing to operate ina relatively centralized fashion, it has developed ‘and is deploying its computer system to the facility level providing each facility with the capability to directly ‘access the financial system will improve efficiency and enhance the facilities’ ability ¢o effectively manage financial performance. G. Vendor's Certifications Offeror shall provide a statement wherein it responds to each of the limitations found in General Information and Requirements, Limitations of Offeror, Section 3:01 and a statement that it has or wil obtain the insurance specified in General Information and Requirements, insurance, 3:06. ‘Response: The Offeror has read provision 6.04 G. of the RFP in relation fo vendor's certifications and agrees to this provisios A arification ‘The NCDVA reserves the right o seek clanfication pursuant to RFP. RFP #201400846 Managemen¥Operston of Leensed Nursing Facies Page 58 located within Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. Ms, Harwell has over 20 years of experience within the long term care industry and isa licensed skilled nursing facility administrator within both South and North Carolina. Debra eurrently serves as seeretary on the Board of Directors for the South Carolina Health Care Association and is an active member of the North Carolina Health Care Facilities Assoctation. ‘Ms. Debra Harwelt received her business administration degree Appalachian State University and a Masters for Health Care Administration from The University of South Carolina Kevin Metz. Senlor Vice President of Post-Acute and Communtty Services Mr. Kevin Mets joined UHS and its family of providers in Octuber of 1989 and currently oversees the ‘operations of $6 skilled nursing facilities located within Georgia and Florida. His background includes over 31 years of experience in multhfuelity management with an expertise in financial, human resources, and operational management. Mr. Metz professional affiliations inelude Certified Fellow of the American College of Health Care Administrators, Past President of the American College of Health Care Administrators (Alabama), and current board member of the Georgia Health Care Association. Kevin received bis Bachelor's Degree in Health Care Management from the State University of New York in 1979, ‘Melvin Moses Area Vice President of Veterans Affairs ‘Mr. Melvin Moses has worked in the health care industry for over thirty years. He joined UMS and its family of providers in 1996 when our Organization was awarded the contract to operate the Georgia War Veterans Home in Milledgeville, Georgia. He served on the acquisition team and became administrator of| the Joe T, Wood Skilled Nursing Center on that campus for approximately two and half years. In 1998, Mr. Moses transferred to Lilburn Health and Rehabilitation Center where he served as Aduinistrator for three and half years and in 2007 he was promoted to Exeeative Regional Director and returned to the Georgia War Veterans Home. In October 2005, he was promoted to the position of Vice President of Community Services - Coastal and Veterans Affairs Division and isa member of the management acquisition team. Mr. Moses is responsible for the operations of some of the Organization's healtheare centers in North and South Carolina and the State VA Centers in Georgia (Milledgeville) and North Carolina. He is accountable for the implementation and management of the Division’s strategie plan, annual budget, and monitors the division/regional performance related to clinieal, financial and operational goals. He isa graduate of Georgia College and State University in Milledgeville, Georgia and holds a BS Degree in Peychology. He isa licensed Nursing Home Administrator in Georgia and a member of the American College of Health Care Administrators and the Americani College of Health Care Executives. F, Financial Stability: Provide financial statements prepared by an independent certified public accountant (CPA), as well as consolidated statements for holding companies and affliates with opinions, if applicable, for the last three (3) fiscal years of the business entity that Would have fiduciary responsibilty for this proposed contract. Include a full disclosure of all events, liabilities, tax obligations, financing arrangements/relationships, or contingent labilties that could affect your organization's financial ability to perform this contract. The financial statements shall. include balance sheets, Income statementiproft loss. statement, cash flow statement, and statement of retained earings and auditors notes regarding those statements. If audited financial statements have not been prepared for the current fiscal year, or have not been prepared in the six months preceding the issuance date of this RFP, Offeror shall provide its internally prepared financlal statements from the most recent avcited financial statements through June 2013. All financial statements will be kept ‘confidential, if Offeror complies with the General information in Submiting Proposals Proprietary information, Section 13. You mustindicate the abifly to maintain $9 mi dollars excess cash flow for the NC State Veterans Homes. Demonstrate your organization's financial status with information such as balance sheets, Income statement of changes in financial position, annual reports, and any arb #2014008 MaegenenlopeaioStIELEStERRENS Paseayment tat attest to your cryanization’s strength ard ably to located within Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina, Ms, Harwell has over 20 years of experience ‘Within the long term care industry and is a licensed skilled nursing facility administrator within both South ‘and North Carolina. Debra currently serves as secretary on the Board of Directors for the South Carolina Health Care Association and is an active member of the North Carolina Health Care Facilities Association. Ms. Debra Harwell received her business administration degree Appalachian State University and a Masters {for Health Care Administration from The University of South Caroling, Kevin Mets Senior Vice President of Post-Acute and Community Services Mr. Kevin Metz joined UHS and its family of providers in October of 1989 and currently oversees the ‘operations of 56 skilléd nursing facilities located within Georgia and Florida. His background includes over 31 years of experience in multi-faclity management with an expertise in financial, human resources, and ‘operational management. Mr. Metz professional affiliations include Certified Fellow of the American College of Health Care Administrators, Past President of the American College ‘of Health Care Administrators (Alabama), and current board member of the Georgia Health Care Association. Kevin received bis Bachelor's Degree in Health Care Management from the State University of New York in 1979, ‘Melvin Moses Area Vice President of Veterans Affairs Mr. Melvin Moses has worked in the health care industry for over thirty years. He joined UHS and its family of providers in 1996 when our Organization was awarded the contract to operate the Georgia War Veterans Home in Milledgeville, Georgia. He served on the acquisition team and became administrator of ‘the Joe T. Wood Skilled Narsing Center on that eampus for approximately two and half years. In 1998, Mr. Moses transferred to Lilburn Health and Rehabilitation Center where he served a3 Administrator for three and half years and in 2002 he was promoted to Executive Regional Director and returned to the Georgia War Veterans Home. In October 2005, he was promoted to the position of Vice President of Community Services - Coastal and Veterans Affairs Division and is a member of the management acquisition team. Mr. Moses is responsible for the operations of some of the Organization's healtheare centers in North and South Carolina and the State VA Centers in Georgia (Milledgeville) and North Carolina. He is accountable for the implementation and management of the Division's strategie plan, annual budget, and monitors the

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