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Job Description

Directorate : Adult and Community Services

Job Title : Financial Assessment and Benefit Officer
Job Ref : SS 319
Grade : Dorset Grade 7
Reports to (designation) : Exchequer Services Manager

1. Job Purpose

(i) Working in partnership with the Local Pensions Service and Dorset Rural
Borough and District Councils, the postholder will be required to carry out
visits to people who require community care services with the aim of
gathering financial information and ensuring that they maximise income by
claiming all appropriate state benefits. (The range of visits may well increase
as the partnership expands to include more organisations).

(ii) Assessing and reviewing the charges for non-residential care services.

(iii) To promote the partnership with the local Pension Service, local Borough and
District Councils, and other organisations that may become involved, eg the
voluntary sector.

2. Job Duties and Responsibilities

(i) Have a knowledge and understanding of the Department of Health's charging

policy for all care services, (eg Residential, Fairer Charging, Supporting
People, and Direct Payments), keeping up-to-date with all changes to policy
and legislation.

(ii) Have a knowledge and understanding of all state benefits, keeping up-to-date
with changes to legislation.

(iii) Have a knowledge and understanding of all complementary services that are
available to pensioners in Dorset.

(iv) Obtain and verify the personal and financial information necessary to carry
out financial assessments for Adult and Community Services.

(v) Identify and instigate claims for state benefits, assisting with the completion of
all the appropriate benefit claim forms, obtaining and verifying all the
necessary personal and financial information. If necessary referring
unsuccessful claims to the appropriate organisation to challenge the decision.
Thus ensuring that all available benefits are paid and the maximum revenue
is collected by Dorset County Council as appropriate.

(vi) To provide comprehensive information on all state benefits to the whole

household as appropriate, and signpost to any other relevant services,
eg Age Concern, blind associations, support groups, household services etc.

(vii) Identify, and then provide a comprehensive report to enable an investigation
into, any possible deprivation of assets or income, for both state benefits and
Social Care and Health care service charges, and/or fraudulent claims to

(viii) Investigate and report any suspicions of financial abuse to the appropriate
person/organisation, ensuring that a comprehensive report is completed.
(ix) Follow up debts referred by Resources and take appropriate action to recover
monies owed to DCC. This may involve visiting the service user, liaising
with team manager and referral to Legal Services for formal recovery if all
other avenues have failed.

(x) Carry out visits for the Local Pension Service as required within the set
targets, ensuring that all relevant information is obtained and passed on to the
relevant office within two working days of the visit. Visits include claims for
benefits, general benefit advice, appointee action, centenarian visits,
non receipt of benefits, and visits to advise and recover overpayments of
benefits, and any other visits as agreed by the FAB Strategic Board.

(x) Carry out visits for Adult and Community services as required, within the set
targets, ensuring that all relevant information is obtained and either the
charge assessed or the information passed to the appropriate section within
two working days of the visit. Visits include financial assessments for
non-residential care services, residential care services, Supporting People,
Direct Payments, Delayed Hospital Discharge, and visits to recover
outstanding debts for care services, and any other visits as agreed by the
FAB Strategic Board.

(xi) Carry out visits for the Dorset Rural Borough and District Councils in relation
to housing benefit and council tax benefit as required, within set targets,
ensuring that all relevant information is obtained and passed on to the
relevant office within two working days of the visit.

(xii) Ensure that all visits are prepared for thoroughly. Ensure that a full benefit
check is undertaken and any potentially difficult or violent situations are
identified and an accompanied visit undertaken. Ensure that all relevant
literature and information is available for the visit.

(xiii) At the visit: show empathy for all customers, respecting their diverse and
individual needs and treating them with dignity at all times. Provide, gather
and verify information effectively using a variety of communication techniques
during the appointment to ensure that all relevant information is obtained in
relation to benefits, charges and any complementary services that may be
applicable. Assist the service user or their representative with the completion
of benefit claim forms.

(xiv) Ensure that any follow-up visit is arranged and the co-ordinator kept advised
of the outcome of all visits, and paperwork referred to all the appropriate
departments within the two day target.

(xv) When all financial information is obtained either by visit or post, carry out a
financial assessment for non-residential care services in accordance with
Department of Health and the Directorate's regulations and inform the service

user, Income Section and the Care Manager of the assessed charge within
the set time limits.
(xvi) Ensure that all benefit claims are followed up, changes to other benefits made
and re-assessments made to charges as appropriate.

(xvii) Deal with any reported changes to service users' circumstances in relation to
non-residential care services, re-assessing the charge and informing the
appropriate sections of the change.

(xviii) Liaise with, and provide information and support to, colleagues within the
partnership, Adult and Community Services, (local offices, day centres and
County Hall), and Income Section to ensure that a seamless service is
provided to all colleagues, service users and customers of the organisations
within the partnership.

(xix) Keep an accurate record of caseload, to include visits, benefits claimed and
the result of these claims, assessments made and any other work
undertaken, and supply management information when required.

(xx) Deal with routine correspondence relating to service users on the caseload.

(xxi) Support and assist the Partner Liaison Manager within the partnership with
the development of partnership agreements and participate in local and
national benefit take up campaigns if required.

(xxii) Train colleagues from Adult and Community Services and the Local Pension
Service with regard to DCC policy and procedures for charging for non-
residential care services as and when required.

(xxiii) Any other lesser or comparable duties as required by the Director of Adult
and Community Services.

3. Resources (job holder's responsibility for physical and financial resources)

(i) Laptop used at all times.

4. Working Environment

(i) 50% office based.

(ii) 50% visiting in service users' homes.

June 2007

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