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3) Provide your views on Social Class and Crime in Tanzania.

Social class is a division of a society based on social and economic status. In Tanzania
there are three different social classes. These social classes existed as far as colonial error is
concerned, Crime is an act or Omission which contravenes the penal law.

The Upper Social Class in Tanzania is also known as the elite group it involves the
minority who are well educated and have best living standards. Normally dominated by the
ruling class, the upper social class is interlinked with a category of crimes like, Political crimes
such as Corruption especially Embezzlement of government Funds, Organized crimes where by
these involves those crimes which are planed out, structured, and with a certain form of
leadership example gangs, Mobs, bank robberies.

The Middle social class is another social class associated with crimes, this involves class
of people within the society who are in between the upper class and the lower class. Middle class
people are such as the senior civil servants, cooperate managers, professionals. The middle class
is interlinked with crime due to social conflict frequently referred as “class warfare” due to
socio-economic interest, example of crimes committed are property crimes it is the largest
category of crime involving dispute over estate between people and the state and other,
Cybercrimes are also crimes that are committed by this social class, Occupational crimes, and
Cooperate crimes.

The Lower Social Class involves the majority members of the society, it is the biggest
class in the society where people with low income level are found, this is a social class that exists
immediately after the Middle social class, Crime is very wide at this level. The rationale behind
crime in the lower social class in Tanzania is due to various factors such as poverty since people
in this social class have difficulties towards attaining their basic needs, it is therefore a survival
for existence, Urbanization to what is called THE AMERICAN DREAM people want to attain
things they can’t afford, the pretense leads to crimes such as violent crimes against a person
example assault, sexual crimes example rape, and property crimes example vandalism.

IN A NUT SHELL crimes are not only limited to these social classes, they are linked
with Age, gender, and the society in general.

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