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a) Choose a photo of someone from your Facebook. Imagine this was a school friend who
you ran into recently. Prepare notes about...

• She was my friend Angela. She had long hair, a thin body, was short, had thinner
eyebrows, had cheeks and a beautiful smile.

• In the school days, she was a friendly and sociable person, she liked to talk to everyone
and make many friends. She was very smiling and was always available to me anytime I
needed her.

• Now, my friend has changed physically. She's voluptuous and always wears her hair short.
Nowadays she is not so sociable, she has few friends but keeps good relations. She
became a very sentimental person.

• She is studying biology and chemistry teacher at the Universidad del Atlántico

b) Write an e-mail to a friend describing how this person has changed. Use Graham's e-mail
as a guide. Include some expressions from

Hey Angela,

How are you? As the years have passed, I'm Leandro, your ex classmate at school. I saw you a
couple of weeks ago at the supermarket, you've changed so much since those years.

You're so beautiful, you've grown so much since the last time we met. I don't mean to be
offensive, but you look voluptuous. I'm glad you still have that beautiful smile that
characterizes you. You look beautiful with short hair.

I want to think that you still remember me, I'm the one that you did homework all time and
we went on break together.

I hope you'll answer my message, I'd like to talk to you about a lot of things.

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