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The connaissance

Anthem Book I
Commissioned by Jamesdrrr

2020 Edition
The Connaissance Anthem Book I
Commissioned by

Anthem Code Country Anthem Page
1-NatA-fr France La Marseillaise 3
2-NatA-es Spain La Marcha Real 6
3-NatA-pl Poland Mazurek Dąbrowskiego 7
4-NatA-br Brazil Hino Nacional Brasileiro 9
5-NatA-tr Turkey İstiklâl Marşı 11
6-NatA-il Israel Hatikvah 12
7-NatA-mc Monaco Hymne Monégasque 13
8-NatA-ph Philippines Lupang Hinirang 14
9-NatA-id Indonesia Indonesia Raya 15
10-NatA-ws Samoa O Le Fu'a o Le Sa'olotoga o Samoa 17
11-NatA-uk United Kingdom God Save the Queen 18
12-NatA-ma Morocco An-Našīd aš-Šarīf 19
13-NatA-lu Luxembourg Ons Heemecht 20
14-NatA-uy Uruguay Himno Nacional de Uruguay 21
15-NatA-ru Russia Gosudarstvenny Gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii 23
16-NatA-va Vatican City Inno e Marcia Pontificale 25
17-NatA-cymru Wales Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau 26
18-NatA-nz New Zealand God defend New Zealand 28
19-NatA-it Italy Il Canto degli Italiani 31
20-NatA-vn Vietnam Tiến Quân Ca 34
21-NatA-sk Slovakia Nad Tatrou sa blýska 35
22-NatA-scot Scotland Flower of Scotland 36
23-NatA-za South Africa Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika 38
24-NatA-ps Palestine Fida'i 40
25-NatA-cn China Yìyǒngjūn Jìnxíngqǔ 42
26-NatA-be Belgium La Brabançonne 43

27-NatA-kp North Korea Aegukka 45
28-NatA-jp Japan Kimigayo 47
29-NatA-us United States Star-Spangled Banner 48
30-NatA-tl Timor-Leste Pátria 50
31-NatA-ua Ukraine Shche ne vmerla Ukrayiny 52
32-NatA-in India Jana Gana Mana 53
33-NatA-kr South Korea Aegukga 54
34-NatA-kz Kazakhstan Meniń Qazaqstanym 56
35-NatA-gr Greece Hýmnos is tin Eleftherían 58
36-NatA-se Sweden Du gamla, du fria 59
37-NatA-ie Ireland Amhrán na bhFiann 60
38-NatA-no Norway Ja, vi elsker dette landet 62
39-NatA-fi Finland Maamme 65
40-NatA-mn Mongolia Mongol Ulsyn Töriin Duulal 68
41-NatA-np Nepal Sayaũ Thũgā Phūlkā 70
42-NatA-ro Romania Deșteaptă-te, române! 71
43-NatA-sg Singapore Majulah Singapura 73
44-NatA-ar Argentina Himno Nacional Argentino 74
45-NatA-cl Chile Himno Nacional de Chile 75
46-NatA-mx Mexico Himno Nacional Mexicano 76
47-NatA-ca Canada O Canada 79
48-NatA-pt Portugal A Portuguesa 80
49-NatA-nl Netherlands Wilhelmus 82
50-NatA-au Australia Advance Australia Fair 86
51-NatA-fj Fiji God Bless Fiji 87
52-NatA-dk Denmark Der er et yndigt land 88
53-NatA-md Moldova Limba noastră 90
54-NatA-bt Bhutan Druk Tsenden 92
55-NatA-sa Saudi Arabia An-Našīd al-Waṭanī as-Saʿūdī 93
56-NatA-de Germany Deutschlandlied 94
57-NatA-ch Switzerland Schweizerpsalm 96
58-NatA-af Afghanistan Millī Surūd 99
59-NatA-cu Cuba La Bayamesa 101
60-NatA-ec Ecuador Salve, Oh Patria 103

République Française
La Marseillaise
The Marseillaise

French Lyrics English Translation

Allons enfants de la Patrie, Arise, children of the Fatherland,

Le jour de gloire est arrivé! The day of glory has arrived!
Contre nous de la tyrannie Against us, tyranny's
L'étendard sanglant est levé, (bis) Bloody standard is raised, (repeat)
Entendez-vous dans les campagnes Do you hear, in the countryside,
Mugir ces féroces soldats? The roar of those ferocious soldiers?
Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras They're coming right into your arms
Égorger vos fils, vos compagnes! To cut the throats of your sons, your women!

Aux armes, citoyens, To arms, citizens,

Formez vos bataillons, Form your battalions,
Marchons, marchons! Let's march, let's march!
Qu'un sang impur Let an impure blood
Abreuve nos sillons! Water our furrows!

Que veut cette horde d'esclaves, What does this horde of slaves,
De traîtres, de rois conjurés? Of traitors and conspiring kings want?
Pour qui ces ignobles entraves, For whom have these vile chains,
Ces fers dès longtemps préparés? (bis) These irons, been long prepared? (repeat)
Français, pour nous, ah! quel outrage Frenchmen, for us, ah! What outrage
Quels transports il doit exciter! What furious action it must arouse!

C'est nous qu'on ose méditer It is to us they dare plan
De rendre à l'antique esclavage! A return to the old slavery!

Aux armes, citoyens, To arms, citizens,

Formez vos bataillons, Form your battalions,
Marchons, marchons! Let's march, let's march!
Qu'un sang impur Let an impure blood
Abreuve nos sillons! Water our furrows!

Quoi! des cohortes étrangères What! Foreign cohorts

Feraient la loi dans nos foyers! Would make the law in our homes!
Quoi! Ces phalanges mercenaires What! These mercenary phalanxes
Terrasseraient nos fiers guerriers! (bis) Would strike down our proud warriors! (repeat)
Grand Dieu! Par des mains enchaînées Great God! By chained hands
Nos fronts sous le joug se ploieraient Our brows would yield under the yoke!
De vils despotes deviendraient Vile despots would themselves become
Les maîtres de nos destinées! The masters of our destinies!

Aux armes, citoyens, To arms, citizens,

Formez vos bataillons, Form your battalions,
Marchons, marchons! Let's march, let's march!
Qu'un sang impur Let an impure blood
Abreuve nos sillons! Water our furrows!

Tremblez, tyrans et vous perfides Tremble, tyrants and you traitors

L'opprobre de tous les partis, The shame of all parties,
Tremblez! vos projets parricides Tremble! Your parricidal schemes
Vont enfin recevoir leurs prix! (bis) Will finally receive their prize! (repeat)
Tout est soldat pour vous combattre, Everyone is a soldier to combat you,
S'ils tombent, nos jeunes héros, If they fall, our young heroes,
La terre en produit de nouveaux, Will be produced anew from the ground,
Contre vous tout prêts à se battre! Ready to fight against you!

Aux armes, citoyens, To arms, citizens,

Formez vos bataillons, Form your battalions,
Marchons, marchons! Let's march, let's march!
Qu'un sang impur Let an impure blood
Abreuve nos sillons! Water our furrows!

Français, en guerriers magnanimes, Frenchmen, as magnanimous warriors,

Portez ou retenez vos coups! Bear or hold back your blows!
Épargnez ces tristes victimes, Spare those sorry victims,
À regret s'armant contre nous. (bis) For regretfully arming against us. (repeat)
Mais ces despotes sanguinaires, But these bloodthirsty despots,
Mais ces complices de Bouillé, These accomplices of Bouillé,
Tous ces tigres qui, sans pitié, All these tigers who mercilessly
Déchirent le sein de leur mère! Tear apart their mother's breast!

Aux armes, citoyens, To arms, citizens,

Formez vos bataillons, Form your battalions,
Marchons, marchons! Let's march, let's march!
Qu'un sang impur Let an impure blood
Abreuve nos sillons! Water our furrows!

Amour sacré de la Patrie, Sacred love of the Fatherland,

Conduis, soutiens nos bras vengeurs Lead, support our avenging arms
Liberté, Liberté chérie, Liberty, cherished Liberty,
Combats avec tes défenseurs! (bis) Fight with thy defenders! (repeat)
Sous nos drapeaux que la victoire Under our flags may victory
Accoure à tes mâles accents, Hurry to thy manly accents,
Que tes ennemis expirants So that thy expiring enemies
Voient ton triomphe et notre gloire! See thy triumph and our glory!

Aux armes, citoyens, To arms, citizens,

Formez vos bataillons, Form your battalions,
Marchons, marchons! Let's march, let's march!
Qu'un sang impur Let an impure blood
Abreuve nos sillons! Water our furrows!

Reino de España
La MarCha Real
The Royal March

Spanish Lyrics English Translation

Este himno nacional no tiene letra oficial. This national anthem has no official lyrics.

Rzeczpospolita Polska
Mazurek DĄbrowskiego
Poland Is Not Yet Lost

Polish Lyrics English Translation

Jeszcze Polska nie zginęła, Poland has not yet perished,

Kiedy my żyjemy. So long as we still live.
Co nam obca przemoc wzięła, What the foreign force has taken from us,
Szablą odbierzemy. We shall with sabre retrieve.

Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski, March, march, Dąbrowski,

Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski. From Italy to Poland.
Za twoim przewodem Under your command
Złączym się z narodem. We shall rejoin the nation.

Przejdziem Wisłę, przejdziem Wartę, We'll cross the Vistula, we'll cross the Warta,
Będziem Polakami. We shall be Polish.
Dał nam przykład Bonaparte, Bonaparte has given us the example
Jak zwyciężać mamy. Of how we should prevail.

Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski, March, march, Dąbrowski,

Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski. From Italy to Poland.
Za twoim przewodem Under your command
Złączym się z narodem. We shall rejoin the nation.

Jak Czarniecki do Poznania Like Czarniecki to Poznań

Po szwedzkim zaborze, After the Swedish annexation,

Dla ojczyzny ratowania To save our homeland,
Wrócim się przez morze. We shall return across the sea.

Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski, March, march, Dąbrowski,

Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski. From Italy to Poland.
Za twoim przewodem Under your command
Złączym się z narodem. We shall rejoin the nation.

Już tam ojciec do swej Basi A father, in tears,

Mówi zapłakany – Says to his Basia
Słuchaj jeno, pono nasi Listen, our boys are said
Biją w tarabany. To be beating the tarabans.

Marsz, marsz, Dąbrowski, March, march, Dąbrowski,

Z ziemi włoskiej do Polski. From Italy to Poland.
Za twoim przewodem Under your command
Złączym się z narodem. We shall rejoin the nation.

República Federativa do Brasil
Hino Nacional Brasileiro
Brazilian National Anthem

Portuguese Lyrics English Translation

Ouviram do Ipiranga as margens plácidas They heard, on placid shores of the Ipiranga river,
De um povo heróico o brado retumbante, the resounding shout of a heroic folk
E o sol da liberdade, em raios fúlgidos, And the sun of Liberty in shining beams
Brilhou no céu da pátria nesse instante. shone in the homeland's sky at that instant

Se o penhor dessa igualdade If the pledge of this equality

Conseguimos conquistar com braço forte, we managed to conquer with strong arm
Em teu seio, ó liberdade, In thy bosom, O Freedom,
Desafia o nosso peito a própria morte! our chest defies death itself!

Ó Pátria amada, O beloved,

Idolatrada, idolized homeland,
Salve! Salve! Hail, hail!

Brasil, um sonho intenso, um raio vívido Brazil, an intense dream, a vivid ray
De amor e de esperança à terra desce, of love and hope descends to earth
Se em teu formoso céu, risonho e límpido, If in thy beautiful, smiling and limpid sky
A imagem do Cruzeiro resplandece. the image of the (Southern) Cross blazes.

Gigante pela própria natureza, Giant by thine own nature

És belo, és forte, impávido colosso, Thou art beautiful, strong, a fearless colossus
E o teu futuro espelha essa grandeza. And thy future mirrors that greatness

Adored Land
Terra adorada, Amongst thousand others
Entre outras mil, art thou, Brazil,
És tu, Brasil, O beloved homeland
Ó Pátria amada! Of the sons of this ground
Dos filhos deste solo és mãe gentil, Thou art kind mother
Pátria amada, Beloved homeland,
Brasil! Brazil

Deitado eternamente em berço esplêndido, Eternally lying on splendid cradle

Ao som do mar e à luz do céu profundo, to the sound of sea and under deep sky light
Fulguras, ó Brasil, florão da América, Thou flashest, Brazil, crocket of America,
Iluminado ao sol do Novo Mundo! illuminated by the sun of New World

Do que a terra, mais garrida, Than the more garish land,

Teus risonhos, lindos campos têm mais flores; thy smiling, pretty prairies have more flowers
"Nossos bosques têm mais vida", "Our groves have more life"
"Nossa vida" no teu seio "mais amores." (*) "Our life" in thy bosom "more loves" (*)

Ó Pátria amada, O beloved,

Idolatrada, idolized homeland,
Salve! Salve! hail, hail!

Brasil, de amor eterno seja símbolo Brazil, of eternal love be a symbol

O lábaro que ostentas estrelado, the starred labarum which thou displayst
E diga o verde-louro dessa flâmula And say the laurel-green of this pennant
– "Paz no futuro e glória no passado." "Peace in the future and glory in the past"

Mas, se ergues da justiça a clava forte, But if thou raisest the strong mace of justice,
Verás que um filho teu não foge à luta, thou wilt see that a son of thine flees not from battle,
Nem teme, quem te adora, a própria morte. nor do those who love thee fear their own death

Terra adorada, Adored Land

Entre outras mil, Amongst thousand others
És tu, Brasil, art thou, Brazil,
Ó Pátria amada! O beloved homeland
Dos filhos deste solo és mãe gentil, Of the sons of this ground
Pátria amada, thou art kind mother
Brasil! Beloved homeland, Brazil

Türkiye Cumhuriyeti
İstiklal MarŞı
The Independence March

Turkish Lyrics English Translation

Korkma! Sönmez bu şafaklarda yüzen al sancak, Fear not; For the crimson banner that proudly ripples in
Sönmeden yurdumun üstünde tüten en son ocak. this glorious dawn, shall not fade,
O benim milletimin yıldızıdır, parlayacak; Before the last fiery hearth that is ablaze within my
O benimdir, o benim milletimindir ancak. homeland is extinguished.
For that1 is the star of my people, and it will forever
It is mine; and solely belongs to my valiant nation.

Çatma, kurban olayım, çehreni ey nazlı hilal! Frown not, I beseech you, oh thou coy crescent!
Kahraman ırkıma bir gül; ne bu şiddet, bu celal? Smile upon my heroic nation! Why the anger, why the
Sana olmaz dökülen kanlarımız sonra helal... rage?
Hakkıdır, Hakk’a tapan milletimin istiklal. Our blood which we shed for you shall not be worthy
For freedom is the absolute right of my God-
worshipping nation!

Medinat Yisra'el (‫)ִי ַא ְׂרשִ י ַת ינִדְמ‬
Hatikvah (‫)הָ ְוקִּ תַה‬
The Hope

Hebrew Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

‫הַ דיִתְׂ פ בְ בִבְׂ ב דֹונ לֹּ י‬ Kol ‘od balevav penimah As long as in the heart, within,
‫פּונִ דֶפֶ נ‬
‫פֹותמְׂפ ִַ י‬, ‫י‬ Nefesh Yehudi homiyah, The soul of a Jew still yearns,
ִ ִ‫הְׂ ינִתְׂ פ יתר ְַׂרמ ּויַ פְשפמ‬, Ulfa’ate mizrach kadimah, Onward, towards the ends of the east,
‫;ּיֹופי מְׂפ יַ ּיי מֹוע ןְִי ע‬ ‘Ayin leTziyon tzofiyah; an eye still gazes toward Zion;.

‫ּוהַ ְָׂמִ דּו שְׂ ַבנְׂ פ י ֹּש דֹונ‬,

‫י‬ ‘Od lo avdah tikvatenu, Our hope is not yet lost,
‫שְ יַ ְהִיא ַנדֹומ בְ מ פְ יּוהַ ְָׂפ‬, Hatikvah bat shnot ’alpayim, The two-thousand-year-old hope,
‫בשְ ַרּיִ דּו מְׂ פַ ינִ ןְא יי ַפִֹומ‬,ַ Lihyot ‘am chofshi be’artzenu, To be a free nation in our land,
‫ָי ִרּונְׂ יְִיא ּיי מֹוע שֶ ֶרא‬. ’Eretz-Tziyon virushalayim. The land of Zion and Jerusalem.

Principauté de Monaco
Hymne Monégasque
Monégasque Anthem

Monégasque Lyrics English Translation

Despœ̍i tugiu̍ sciü d'u nostru paise Historically, the same flag
Se ride au ventu, u meme pavayu̍n Floats happily in the wind of our country
Despœ̍i tugiu̍ a curu̍ russa e gianca Always the colours red and white
E stà l'emblema, d'a nostra libertà Have been the symbol of our freedom

Grandi e i piciui, l'an sempre respetà Great and small have always respected it!

Despœ̍i tugiu̍ sciü d'u nostru paise Historically, the same flag
Se ride au ventu, u meme pavayu̍n Floats happily in the wind of our country
Despœ̍i tugiu̍ a curu̍ russa e gianca Always the colours red and white
E stà l'emblema, d'a nostra libertà Have been the symbol of our freedom

Grandi e i piciui, l'an sempre respetà Great and small have always respected it!

Republika ng Pilipinas
Lupang Hinirang
Chosen Land

Filipino Lyrics English Translation

Bayang magiliw, Land of the morning

Perlas ng silanganan, Child of the sun returning
Alab ng puso With fervor burning
Sa dibdib mo’y buhay. Thee do our souls adore.
Lupang hinirang, Land dear and holy
Duyan ka ng magiting, Cradle of noble heroes
Sa manlulupig Ne’er shall invaders
Di ka pasisiil. Trample thy sacred shores.
Sa dagat at bundok, Ever within thy skies and through thy clouds
Sa simoy at sa langit mong bughaw, And o’er thy hills and seas
May dilag ang tula Do we behold the radiance feel the throb
At awit sa paglayang minamahal. Of glorious liberty.
Ang kislap ng watawat mo’y Thy banner dear to all our hearts
Tagumpay na nagniningning; Its sun and stars alight
Ang bituin at araw niya, Oh, never shall its shining fields
Kailan pa ma’y di magdidilim. Be dimmed by tyrants might!
Lupa ng araw, ng luwalhati’t pagsinta, Beautiful land of love, o land of light
Buhay ay langit sa piling mo; In thine embrace ’tis rapture to lie
Aming ligaya na ‘pag may mang-aapi, But it is glory ever, when thou art wronged
Ang mamatay nang dahil sa ‘yo. For us thy sons to suffer and die.

Republik Indonesia
Indonesia Raya
Great Indonesia

Indonesian Lyrics English Translation

Indonesia, tanah airku Indonesia, cherished land!

Tanah tumpah darahku 'Tis for thee we shed our blood,
Di sanalah aku berdiri On guard for thee we stand,
Jadi pandu ibuku In thee we put our trust

Indonesia, kebangsaanku Indonesians, our people!

Bangsa dan tanah airku Each other we do uphold,
Marilah kita berseru In declaration wholesale:
Indonesia bersatu! To each other be true!

Hiduplah tanahku, hiduplah negeriku Let her valiant people and her pure lands,
Bangsaku, rakyatku, semuanya Let her mighty peaks and prodigious sands,
Bangunlah jiwanya, bangunlah badannya In body, in spirit, let them all arise,
Untuk Indonesia Raya For Indonesia the Great!

Indonesia Raya, merdeka! Merdeka! Indonesia the Great, be free! Be free!

Tanahku, negeriku yang kucinta These isles of ours beloved dearly!
Indonesia Raya, merdeka! Merdeka! Indonesia the Great, be free! Be free!
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya! For Indonesia the Great!

Indonesia, tanah yang mulia Indonesia, land sublime,

Tanah kita yang kaya Fore'er bountiful and free,
Di sanalah aku berdiri Where our roots we shall plant,
Untuk selama-lamanya For millenia to stand

Indonesia, tanah pusaka Indonesia, land of inher'tance,

Pusaka kita semuanya Entrusted to us all,
Marilah kita mendoa For one thing we do ask,
"Indonesia bahagia!" Strengthened be our esperance!

Suburlah tanahnya, suburlah jiwanya Fertile are her fields, holy her soul
Bangsanya, rakyatnya, semuanya From Sabang to Merauke, hear the call!
Sadarlah hatinya, sadarlah budinya With hearts awakened, with goodwill served,
Untuk Indonesia Raya For Indonesia the Great!

Indonesia Raya, merdeka! Merdeka! Indonesia the Great, be free! Be free!

Tanahku, negeriku yang kucinta These isles of ours beloved dearly!
Indonesia Raya, merdeka! Merdeka! Indonesia the Great, be free! Be free!
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya! For Indonesia the Great!

Indonesia, tanah yang suci Indonesia, land so pure,

Tanah kita yang sakti A land mighty with resolve,
Di sanalah aku berdiri To thee we pledge allegiance,
Menjaga ibu sejati Our sole unending love

Indonesia, tanah berseri Indonesia, resplendent land,

Tanah yang aku sayangi Patriot love in us command,
Marilah kita berjanji Foremost in our hearts and minds,
"Indonesia abadi!" Indonesia, fore'er to stand!

Selamatlah rakyatnya, selamatlah putranya May her people, her land, may her peaks and her sands,
Pulaunya, lautnya, semuanya From sea to seas, in peace be,
Majulah negerinya, majulah pandunya May they all then advance, may they all then commence,
Untuk Indonesia Raya For Indonesia the Great!

Indonesia Raya, merdeka! Merdeka! Indonesia the Great, be free! Be free!

Tanahku, negeriku yang kucinta These isles of ours beloved dearly!
Indonesia Raya, merdeka! Merdeka! Indonesia the Great, be free! Be free!
Hiduplah Indonesia Raya! For Indonesia the Great!

Malo Saʻoloto Tutoʻatasi o Sāmoa
O Le Fu'a o Le Sa'olotoga o Samoa
The Banner of Freedom

Samoan Lyrics English Translation

Samoa, tula'i ma sisi ia lau fu'a, lou pale lea! Samoa, arise and raise your flag, your crown!
Samoa, tula'i ma sisi ia lau fu'a, lou pale lea! Samoa, arise and raise your flag, your crown!
Vaai 'i na fetu o lo'u a agiagia ai: Look at those stars that are waving on it:
Le faailoga lea o Iesu, na maliu ai mo Samoa. This is the symbol of Jesus, who died on it for Samoa.
Oi, Samoa e, u'u mau lau pule ia faavavau. Oh, Samoa, hold fast your power forever.
'Aua e te fefe; o le Atua lo ta fa'avae, o lota Do not be afraid; God is our foundation, our
sa'olotoga. freedom.
Samoa, tula'i: 'ua agiagia lau fu'a, lou pale lea! Samoa, arise: your flag is waving, your crown!

United Kingdom
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
God Save the Queen

English Lyrics

God save our gracious Queen!

Long live our noble Queen!
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
Happy and glorious,
Long to reign over us:
God save the Queen!

O Lord our God arise,

Scatter her enemies,
And make them fall:
Confound their politics,
Frustrate their knavish tricks,
On Thee our hopes we fix:
God save us all.

Thy choicest gifts in store,

On her be pleased to pour;
Long may she reign:
May she defend our laws,
And ever give us cause,
To sing with heart and voice,
God save the Queen!

Al-Mamlaka al-Maġribiyya (‫)المرغملة ال مم ل كة‬
an-NašĪd aš-ŠarĪf (‫)ال م غرب ي ال وط ني ال ن ش يد‬
Cherifian Anthem

Arabic Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

‫ م ن بت‬،‫األن وار م شغق األح غار‬ Manbit Allahrah Masriq Fountain of Freedom Source of Light
Alanwar Where sovereignty and safety meet,
‫ ال سؤدد م ن تدى‬،‫م ن تداه دمت وحماه‬ Munta da Alsu dad Wahamah Safety and sovereignty may you ever
‫وحماه‬ Dumt Muntadah Wahamah combine!
Isht Filawtan Lilala Unwan You have lived among nations
‫ ف ي ع شت‬،‫ع نوان ل ل ع لى األوط ان‬ Mil Kull Janaaan With title sublime, Filling each heart,
Thikr Kull Lisan Sung by each tongue, Your champion
‫ ك ل ملء‬،‫ل سان ك ل ذك غى ج نان‬ Bilrooh Biljasad has risen
Habba Fataak And answered your call.
،‫ م ال غوح‬،‫ هب م ال ج سد‬،‫ل بى ف تاك‬ Labbaa Nidaak For your soul and your body,
‫ن داك‬ Fi Fammee Wa The victory they have conquered.
Fi Dammee In my mouth and in my blood
‫ن ور ث ار هواك دمي وف ي ف مي ف ي‬ Hawaak Thar Your breezes have stirred both light
‫ون ار‬ Noor Wa Naar and fire.
Ikhwatee Hayyaa Up! my brethren,
‫ إخوت ي‬،‫س ع لا ل ل ع لى ه لا‬ Lilala Saayeea Strive for the highest.
Nushid Addunya We call to the world
‫ ن شهد‬،‫ن ح لا ه نا أن ال دن لا‬ Anna Huna Nuhayya That we are here ready.
Bisha aar Allah We salute as our emblem
‫م ش عار‬: ، ‫ هللا‬،‫ك ال مل ال وطن‬ AlWatan AlMalek. God, Homeland, and King.

Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg
Ons Heemecht
Our Homeland

Luxembourgish Lyrics English Translation

Wou d'Uelzecht durech d'Wisen zéit, Where the Alzette slowly flows,
Duerch d'Fielsen d'Sauer brécht, The Sauer plays wild pranks,
Wou d'Rief laanscht d'Musel dofteg bléit, Where fragrant vineyards amply grow
Den Himmel Wäin ons mécht: On the Mosella's banks;
Dat as onst Land, fir dat mer géif There lies the land for which we would
Hei nidden alles won, Dare everything down here,
Ons Heemechtsland dat mir so déif Our own, our native land which ranks
An onsen Hierzer dron. Deeply in our hearts.

O Du do uewen, deen seng Hand O Thou above whose powerful hand

Duerch d'Welt d'Natioune leet, Makes States or lays them low,
Behitt Du d'Lëtzebuerger Land Protect this Luxembourger land
Vru friemem Joch a Leed; From foreign yoke and woe.
Du hues ons all als Kanner schon Your spirit of liberty bestow
De fräie Geescht jo ginn, On us now as of yore.
Looss viru blénken d'Fräiheetssonn, Let Freedom's sun in glory glow
Déi mir sou laang gesinn! For now and evermore.

La República Oriental del Uruguay
Himno Nacional de Uruguay
National Anthem of Uruguay

Spanish Lyrics English Translation

¡Orientales, la Patria o la Tumba! Easterners, the Fatherland or the grave,

¡Libertad o con gloria morir! Liberty or with glory we die!
¡Es el voto que el alma pronuncia, It is the vow that the soul pronounces,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir! and which, heroically we will fulfill!
¡Que sabremos cumplir! Which we will fulfill!
¡Es el voto que el alma pronuncia, It is the vow that the soul pronounces,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir! and which, heroically we will fulfill.
¡Que sabremos cumplir! Which we will fulfill!
¡Sabremos cumplir! We will fulfill!
¡Sabremos cumplir! We will fulfill!
¡Libertad, libertad, orientales! Liberty, Liberty, Easterners!
Este grito a la Patria salvó. This cry saved the fatherland
Que a sus bravos en fieras batallas Which her brave warriors, in fierce battles
De entusiasmo sublime inflamó. with sublime enthusiasm filled.
De este don sacrosanto la gloria This Holy gift of Glory we have deserved
Merecimos: ¡tiranos, temblad! Tyrants: Tremble!
¡Tiranos, temblad! Tyrants: Tremble!
Libertad en la lid clamaremos, Liberty in combat we will Cry Out!
Y muriendo, ¡también libertad! And even dying, Freedom we shall also Shout!
Libertad en la lid clamaremos, Liberty in combat we will Cry Out!
Y muriendo, ¡también libertad! And even dying, Freedom we shall also Shout!

¡También libertad! Freedom we shall also Shout!
¡Orientales, la Patria o la Tumba! Easterners, our nation or the grave,
¡Libertad o con gloria morir! Liberty or with glory we die!
¡Es el voto que el alma pronuncia, It’s the vow that the soul pronounces,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir! and which, heroically we will fulfill.
¡Que sabremos cumplir! Which we will fulfill!
¡Es el voto que el alma pronuncia, It’s the vow that the soul pronounces,
Y que heroicos sabremos cumplir! and which, heroically we will fulfill.
¡Que sabremos cumplir! Which we will fulfill!
¡Sabremos cumplir! We will fulfill!
¡Sabremos cumplir! We will fulfill!

Rossiyskaya Federatsiya (Российская Федерация)
Gosudarstvennyy Gimn Rossiyskoy Federatsii
(Госудáрственный гимн Росси́йской Федерáции)
State Anthem of the Russian Federation

Russian Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

Россия—священная наша Rossiya—svyashchennaya Russia—our holy nation,

держава, nasha derzhava, Russia—our beloved country.
Россия—любимая наша Rossiya—lyubimaya nasha A mighty will, great glory—
страна. strana. These are yours for all time!
Могучая воля, великая Moguchaya volya, velikaya
слава— slava—
Твоё достоянье на все Tvoyo dostoyan'ye na vse
времена! vremena!

Славься, Отечество наше Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe Be glorious, our free Fatherland,
свободное, svobodnoye, Age-old union of fraternal peoples,
Братских народов союз Bratskikh narodov soyuz Popular wisdom given by our
вековой, vekovoy, forebears!
Предками данная мудрость Predkami dannaya mudrost' Be glorious, our country! We are proud
народная! narodnaya! of you!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся Slav'sya, strana! My gordimsya
тобой! toboy!

От южных морей до Ot yuzhnykh morey do From the southern seas to the polar
полярного края polyarnovo kraya lands

раскинулись наши леса и Raskinulis' nashi lesa i polya. Spread our forests and fields.
поля. Odna ty na svete! Odna ty You are unique in the world, one of a
Одна ты на свете! Одна ты takaya— kind—
такая— Khranimaya Bogom rodnaya Native land protected by God!
хранимая Богом родная земля! zemlya!

Славься, Отечество наше Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe Be glorious, our free Fatherland,
свободное, svobodnoye, Age-old union of fraternal peoples,
Братских народов союз Bratskikh narodov soyuz Popular wisdom given by our
вековой, vekovoy, forebears!
Предками данная мудрость Predkami dannaya mudrost' Be glorious, our country! We are proud
народная! narodnaya! of you!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся Slav'sya, strana! My gordimsya
тобой! toboy!

Широкий простор для мечты и Shirokiy prostor dlya mechty i Wide spaces for dreams and for living,
для жизни, dlya zhizni, Are opened for us by the coming years.
грядущие нам открывают Gryadushchiye nam otkryvayut Our loyalty to our Fatherland gives us
года. goda. strength.
нам силу даёт наша верность Nam silu dayot nasha vernost' Thus it was, thus it is, and thus it will
отчизне. Otchizne. be forever!
так было, так есть и так будет Tak bylo, tak yest' i tak budet
всегда! vsegda!

Славься, Отечество наше Slav'sya, Otechestvo nashe Be glorious, our free Fatherland,
свободное, svobodnoye, Age-old union of fraternal peoples,
Братских народов союз Bratskikh narodov soyuz Popular wisdom given by our
вековой, vekovoy, forebears!
Предками данная мудрость Predkami dannaya mudrost' Be glorious, our country! We are proud
народная! narodnaya! of you!
Славься, страна! Мы гордимся Slav'sya, strana! My gordimsya
тобой! toboy!

Vatican city
Stato della Città del Vaticano
Inno e Marcia Pontificale
Pontifical Anthem and March

Latin Lyrics English Translation

O felix Roma – o Roma nobilis: O happy Rome - O noble Rome

Sedes es Petri, qui Romae effudit sanguinem, You are the seat of Peter, who shed his blood in Rome,
Petri cui claves datae sunt regni caelorum. Peter, to whom keys of heaven’s kingdom were given.
Pontifex, Tu successor es Petri; Pontiff, You are the successor of Peter;
Pontifex, Tu magister es tuos confirmans fratres; Pontiff, You are the teacher, you confirm your brethren;
Pontifex, Tu qui Servus servorum Dei, Pontiff, You who are the Servant of the servants of God,
hominumque piscator, pastor es gregis, and fisher of men, are the shepherd of the flock,
ligans caelum et terram. linking heaven and earth.
Pontifex, Tu Christi es Vicarius super terram, Pontiff, You are the vicar of Christ on earth,
rupes inter fluctus, Tu es pharus in tenebris; a rock in the waves, You are a beacon in the darkness;
Tu pacis es vindex, Tu es unitatis custos, You are the defender of peace, the guardian of unity,
vigil libertatis defensor; in Te potestas. watchful defender of liberty; in You is the authority.

Tu Pontifex, firma es petra, et super petram Pontiff, you are the unshakable rock, and on this rock
hanc aedificata est Ecclesia Dei. was built the Church of God.

Pontifex, Tu Christi es Vicarius super terram, Pontiff, You are the vicar of Christ on earth,
rupes inter fluctus, Tu es pharus in tenebris; a rock in the waves, You are a beacon in the darkness;
Tu pacis es vindex, Tu es unitatis custos, You are the defender of peace, the guardian of unity,
vigil libertatis defensor; in Te potestas. watchful defender of liberty; in You is the authority.

O felix Roma – O Roma nobilis. O happy Rome - O noble Rome.

Gwlad Gyfansoddol Cymru
Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau
Old Land of My Fathers

Welsh Lyrics English Translation

Mae hen wlad fy nhadau yn annwyl i mi, The land of my fathers is dear to me,
Gwlad beirdd a chantorion, enwogion o fri; Old land where the minstrels are honoured and free;
Ei gwrol ryfelwyr, gwladgarwyr tra mad, Its warring defenders so gallant and brave,
Dros ryddid collasant eu gwaed. For freedom their life's blood they gave.

Gwlad! Gwlad! pleidiol wyf i'm gwlad. Home, home, true I am to home,
Tra môr yn fur i'r bur hoff bau, While seas secure the land so pure,
O bydded i'r hen iaith barhau. O may the old language endure.

Hen Gymru fynyddig, paradwys y bardd, Old land of the mountains, the Eden of bards,
Pob dyffryn, pob clogwyn, i'm golwg sydd hardd; Each gorge and each valley a loveliness guards;
Trwy deimlad gwladgarol, mor swynol yw si Through love of my country, charmed voices will be
Ei nentydd, afonydd, i fi. Its streams, and its rivers, to me.

Gwlad! Gwlad! pleidiol wyf i'm gwlad. Home, home, true I am to home,
Tra môr yn fur i'r bur hoff bau, While seas secure the land so pure,
O bydded i'r hen iaith barhau. O may the old language endure.

Os treisiodd y gelyn fy ngwlad tan ei droed, Though foemen have trampled my land 'neath their feet,
Mae hen iaith y Cymry mor fyw ag erioed, The language of Cambria still knows no retreat;
Ni luddiwyd yr awen gan erchyll law brad, The muse is not vanquished by traitor's fell hand,

Na thelyn berseiniol fy ngwlad. Nor silenced the harp of my land.

Gwlad! Gwlad! pleidiol wyf i'm gwlad. Home, home, true I am to home,
Tra môr yn fur i'r bur hoff bau, While seas secure the land so pure,
O bydded i'r hen iaith barhau. O may the old language endure.

New Zealand
God Defend New Zealand

Maori Lyrics English Translation

E Ihowā Atua, O Lord, God,

O ngā iwi mātou rā Of all people
Āta whakarangona; Listen to us,
Me aroha noa Cherish us
Kia hua ko te pai; May good flourish,
Kia tau tō atawhai; May your blessings flow
Manaakitia mai Defend Aotearoa

Ōna mano tāngata Let all people,

Kiri whero, kiri mā, Red skin, white skin
Iwi Māori, Pākehā, Māori, Pākehā
Rūpeke katoa, Gather before you
Nei ka tono ko ngā hē May all our wrongs, we pray,
Māu e whakaahu kē, Be forgiven
Kia ora mārire So that we might say long live
Aotearoa Aotearoa

Tōna mana kia tū! May it be forever prestigious,

Tōna kaha kia ū; May it go from strength to strength,
Tōna rongo hei pakū May its fame spread far and wide,
Ki te ao katoa Let not strife
Aua rawa ngā whawhai Nor dissension ensue,

Ngā tutū e tata mai; May it ever be great
Kia tupu nui ai Aotearoa

Waiho tona takiwā Let its territory

Ko te ao mārama; Be ever enlightened
Kia whiti tōna rā Throughout the land
Taiāwhio noa. Let envy and dissension
Ko te hae me te ngangau Be dispelled,
Meinga kia kore kau; Let peace reign
Waiho i te rongo mau Over Aotearoa

Tōna pai me toitū Let its good features endure,

Tika rawa, pono pū; Let righteousness and honesty prevail
Tōna noho, tāna tū; Among the people of God
Iwi nō Ihowā. Let it never be ashamed,
Kaua mōna whakamā; But rather, let its name be known
Kia hau te ingoa; Thereby becoming the model to emulate
Kia tū hei tauira; Aotearoa

English Lyrics

God of Nations at Thy feet,

In the bonds of love we meet,
Hear our voices, we entreat,
God defend our free land.
Guard Pacific's triple star
From the shafts of strife and war,
Make her praises heard afar,
God defend New Zealand.

Men of every creed and race,

Gather here before Thy face,
Asking Thee to bless this place,
God defend our free land.
From dissension, envy, hate,
And corruption guard our state,
Make our country good and great,

God defend New Zealand.

Peace, not war, shall be our boast,

But, should foes assail our coast,
Make us then a mighty host,
God defend our free land.
Lord of battles in Thy might,
Put our enemies to flight,
Let our cause be just and right,
God defend New Zealand.

Let our love for Thee increase,

May Thy blessings never cease,
Give us plenty, give us peace,
God defend our free land.
From dishonour and from shame,
Guard our country's spotless name,
Crown her with immortal fame,
God defend New Zealand.

May our mountains ever be

Freedom's ramparts on the sea,
Make us faithful unto Thee,
God defend our free land.
Guide her in the nations' van,
Preaching love and truth to man,
Working out Thy glorious plan,
God defend New Zealand.

Repubblica Italiana
Il Canto degli Italiani
The Song of the Italians

Italian Lyrics English Translation

Fratelli d'Italia, Brothers of Italy,

l'Italia s'è desta, Italy has woken,
dell'elmo di Scipio bound Scipio's helmet
s'è cinta la testa. Upon her head.
Dov'è la Vittoria? Where is Victory?
Le porga la chioma, Let her bow down,
ché schiava di Roma Because as a slave of Rome
Iddio la creò. God created her.

Stringiamci a coorte, Let us join in a cohort,

siam pronti alla morte. we are ready to die.
Siam pronti alla morte, We are ready to die,
l'Italia chiamò. Italy has called.
Stringiamci a coorte, Let us join in a cohort,
siam pronti alla morte. We are ready to die.
Siam pronti alla morte, We are ready to die,
l'Italia chiamò! Sì! Italy has called! Yes!

Noi fummo da secoli We were for centuries

calpesti, derisi, downtrodden, derided,
perché non siam popolo, because we are not one people,
perché siam divisi. because we are divided.

Raccolgaci un'unica Let one flag, one hope
bandiera, una speme: gather us all.
di fonderci insieme The hour has struck
già l'ora suonò. for us to unite.

Stringiamci a coorte, Let us join in a cohort,

siam pronti alla morte. we are ready to die.
Siam pronti alla morte, We are ready to die,
l'Italia chiamò. Italy has called.
Stringiamci a coorte, Let us join in a cohort,
siam pronti alla morte. We are ready to die.
Siam pronti alla morte, We are ready to die,
l'Italia chiamò! Sì! Italy has called! Yes!

Uniamoci, amiamoci, Let us unite, let us love one another,

l'unione e l'amore Union and love
rivelano ai popoli Reveal to the peoples
le vie del Signore. The ways of the Lord.
Giuriamo far libero Let us swear to set free
il suolo natio: The land of our birth:
uniti, per Dio, United, by God,
chi vincer ci può? Who can overcome us?

Stringiamci a coorte, Let us join in a cohort,

siam pronti alla morte. we are ready to die.
Siam pronti alla morte, We are ready to die,
l'Italia chiamò. Italy has called.
Stringiamci a coorte, Let us join in a cohort,
siam pronti alla morte. We are ready to die.
Siam pronti alla morte, We are ready to die,
l'Italia chiamò! Sì! Italy has called! Yes!

Dall'Alpi a Sicilia From the Alps to Sicily,

dovunque è Legnano, Legnano is everywhere;]
ogn'uom di Ferruccio Every man has the heart
ha il core, ha la mano, and hand of Ferruccio
i bimbi d'Italia The children of Italy
si chiaman Balilla, Are all called Balilla;
il suon d'ogni squilla Every trumpet blast
i Vespri suonò. sounds the Vespers.

Stringiamci a coorte, Let us join in a cohort,
siam pronti alla morte. we are ready to die.
Siam pronti alla morte, We are ready to die,
l'Italia chiamò. Italy has called.
Stringiamci a coorte, Let us join in a cohort,
siam pronti alla morte. We are ready to die.
Siam pronti alla morte, We are ready to die,
l'Italia chiamò! Sì! Italy has called! Yes!

Son giunchi che piegano The mercenary swords

le spade vendute: Are feeble reeds.
già l'Aquila d'Austria Already the Eagle of Austria
le penne ha perdute. Has lost its plumes.
Il sangue d'Italia, The blood of Italy,
il sangue Polacco, the Polish blood
bevé, col cosacco, It drank, along with the Cossack,
ma il cor le bruciò. But it burned its heart.

Stringiamci a coorte, Let us join in a cohort,

siam pronti alla morte. we are ready to die.
Siam pronti alla morte, We are ready to die,
l'Italia chiamò. Italy has called.
Stringiamci a coorte, Let us join in a cohort,
siam pronti alla morte. We are ready to die.
Siam pronti alla morte, We are ready to die,
l'Italia chiamò! Sì! Italy has called! Yes!

Cộng hòa Xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam
TiẾn Quân Ca
Army Marching Song

Vietnamese Lyrics English Translation

Đoàn quân Việt Nam đi Soldiers of Vietnam, marching onward

Chung lòng cứu quốc United in determination to save the nation,
Bước chân dồn vang trên đường gập ghềnh xa Our steps resound on the long and arduous road.
Cờ in máu chiến thắng mang hồn nước, Our flag, red with the blood of victory, bears the spirit of
Súng ngoài xa chen khúc quân hành ca. the country.
Đường vinh quang xây xác quân thù, The distant rumbling of guns mingles with our marching
Thắng gian lao cùng nhau lập chiến khu. song.
Vì nhân dân chiến đấu không ngừng, The path to glory is built by the bodies of our foes.
Tiến mau ra sa trường, Overcoming all hardships, together we build our
Tiến lên, cùng tiến lên. resistance bases.
Nước non Việt Nam ta vững bền. Ceaselessly for the People's cause let us struggle,
Let us hasten to the battlefield!
Onward! All together advancing!
For one eternal Vietnam.

Slovenská Republika
Nad Tatrou sa blýska
Lightning over the Tatras

Slovak Lyrics English Translation

Nad Tatrou sa blýska There is lightning over the Tatras1

Hromy divo bijú Thunders loudly sound
Zastavme ich, bratia Let us stop them, brothers
Veď sa ony stratia After all they will disappear
Slováci ožijú The Slovaks will revive

To Slovensko naše That Slovakia of ours

Posiaľ tvrdo spalo Had been sleeping by now
Ale blesky hromu But the thunder's lightnings
Vzbudzujú ho k tomu Are rousing the land
Aby sa prebralo To wake it up

Dùthaich na h-Alba
Flower of Scotland

English Lyrics

O Flower of Scotland,
When will we see
Your like again,
That fought and died for,
Your wee bit Hill and Glen,
And stood against him,
Proud Edward's Army,
And sent him homeward,
Tae think again.

The Hills are bare now,

And Autumn leaves
lie thick and still,
O'er land that is lost now,
Which those so dearly held,
That stood against him,
Proud Edward's Army,
And sent him homeward,
Tae think again.

Those days are past now,

And in the past
they must remain,
But we can still rise now,

And be the nation again,
That stood against him,
Proud Edward's Army,
And sent him homeward,
Tae think again.

Flower of Scotland,
When will we see
your like again,
That fought and died for,
Your wee bit Hill and Glen,
And stood against him,
Proud Edward's Army,
And sent him homeward,
Tae think again.

South Africa
iRiphabliki yomZantsi Afrika
iRiphabhuliki yaseNingizimu Afrika
Rephaboliki ya Afrika Borwa
Republiek van Suid-Afrika
Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika
Lord Bless Africa

Xhosa Lyrics English Translation

Nkosi Sikelel' iAfrika Lord bless Africa

Maluphakanyisw' uphondo lwayo, May her glory be lifted high,

Zulu Lyrics English Translation

Yizwa imithandazo yethu, Hear our prayers

Nkosi sikelela, thina lusapho Iwayo. Lord bless us, your children.

Sesotho Lyrics English Translation

Morena boloka setjhaba sa heso, Lord we ask You to protect our nation,
O fedise dintwa le matshwenyeho, Intervene and end all conflicts,
O se boloke, O se boloke setjhaba sa heso, Protect us, protect our nation,
Setjhaba sa, South Afrika, South Afrika. Protect South Africa, South Africa.

Afrikaans Lyrics English Translation

Uit die blou van onse hemel,' From the blue of our skies,
Uit die diepte van ons see, From the depths of our seas,
Oor ons ewige gebergtes, Over our everlasting mountains,
Waar die kranse antwoord gee, Where the echoing crags resound,

English Lyrics

Sounds the call to come together,

And united we shall stand,
Let us live and strive for freedom,
In South Africa our land.

Dawlat Filasṭīn (‫)ف ل سط لن دول ة‬
Fida'Ī (‫)ف دائ ي‬

Arabic Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

‫فِداادِي فِداادِي فِداادِي‬ Fidā'ī Fidā'ī Fidā'ī Warrior, warrior, warrior,

‫ري ااا‬ ِ ‫ال ججد جود أ ا ْرأ ااا أ ا ْر‬ yā ardī yā arḍal-judūd Oh my land, the land of the ancestors
‫فِداادِي فِداادِي فِداادِي‬ Fidā'ī Fidā'ī Fidā'ī Warrior, warrior, warrior,
‫ي ْعبِي ااا‬
‫ي ْعب ااا ا‬‫ال جُلجود ا‬ yā šaʿbī yā šaʿb al-xulūd Oh my people, people of eternity

‫اان اون ِاارو ِم اع ْزمِي‬ِ ‫ررو اوم ْجغك‬ ِ ‫ثا‬ Biʿazmī wa nārī wa burkāni With my determination, my fire and the
ِ ‫ري دامِي اوأ ا ْي اوا‬
‫ق‬ ِ ‫اودا ِارو ِأل ا ْر‬ thaʼrī volcano of my vendetta
‫ُ اعدْعج‬‫الج اب ااج ا‬ ِ ‫ض ااج او جخضْتج‬ ‫النَِ ا‬ Waʼašwāqi damī liʼarḍī wa dārī With the longing in my blood for my
‫ع اب ْغعج ال جم اح ااج ُا اه ْغعج‬
‫ال جحد جود ا‬ Ṣaʿadtu l-jibālā wa xuḍtu n- land and my home
niḍālā I have climbed the mountains and
Qahartu l-muḥālā ʿabartu l- fought the wars
ḥudūd I have conquered the impossible, and
crossed the frontiers

‫فِداادِي فِداادِي فِداادِي‬ Fidā'ī Fidā'ī Fidā'ī Warrior, warrior, warrior,

‫ري ااا‬ ِ ‫ال ججد جود أ ا ْرأ ااا أ ا ْر‬ yā ardī yā arḍal-judūd Oh my land, the land of the ancestors
‫فِداادِي داادِيفِ فِداادِي‬ Fidā'ī Fidā'ī Fidā'ī Warrior, warrior, warrior,
‫ي ْعبِي ااا‬
‫ي ْعب ااا ا‬ ‫ال جُلجود ا‬ yā šaʿbī yā šaʿb al-xulūd Oh my people, people of eternity

‫الغ اااح مِعا ْز ِع‬ ِ ‫ال ِس اَسح اون‬

َ ِ ‫اار‬ Biʿazmi r-riyāḥ wa nāri s-silāḥ With the resolve of the winds and the
‫ي ْعبِي اوإُِ اْغ ِار‬ ‫ال ِكِااح مِر ا ْرأ ا‬ Wa iṣrāri šaʿbi biʼarḍ al-kifāḥ fire of the weapons
( ‫)ن ِاارو فِلاسْطِ لنج دا ِارو فِلاسْطِ لنج‬ Filasṭīnu dārī wa darbu intṣāri

‫ان ت صارو ودرب دا ِارو فِلاسْطِ لنج‬ (Filasṭīnu dārī Filasṭīnu nārī) And the determination of my nation in
‫ارو فِلاسْطِ لنج‬ ِ ‫ص جمود اوأ ا ْر‬
ِ ‫أ ثا‬ ‫ال م‬ Filasṭīnu thārī wa arḍi aṣ-ṣumūd the land of struggle
Palestine is my home, and the path of
my triumphal
(Palestine is my home, Palestine is my
Palestine is my vendetta and the land of

‫فِداادِي فِداادِي فِداادِي‬ Fidā'ī Fidā'ī Fidā'ī Warrior, warrior, warrior,

‫ري ااا‬ ِ ‫ال ججد جود أ ا ْرأ ااا أ ا ْر‬ yā ardī yā arḍal-judūd Oh my land, the land of the ancestors
‫فِداادِي فِداادِي فِداادِي‬ Fidā'ī Fidā'ī Fidā'ī Warrior, warrior, warrior,
‫ي ْعبِي ااا‬
‫ي ْعب ااا ا‬‫ال جُلجود ا‬ yā šaʿbī yā šaʿb al-xulūd Oh my people, people of eternity

َِ َ ‫سا مِ اح‬ ‫العالاا ِِّ َِل ت احْ تا السا ا‬ Biḥaqqi l-qasam taḥta ẓilli l- By the oath under the shade of the flag
‫ري‬ ِ ‫ي ْعبِي مِر ا ْر‬‫اار او ا‬ِ ‫األالاا اون‬ ʿalam By my land and nation, and the fire of
‫سر ا ْحلاا‬‫ضي فِداادِي ا‬ ِ ‫فِداادِي اوأ ا ْم‬ Biʼarḍī wa šaʿbī wa nāri l-alam pain
‫ضي‬ ِ ُْ ‫تاعجود أان إِلاى فِداادِي اوأ ا‬ Saʼaḥyā fidāʼī wa amḍī fidāʼī I will live as a warrior, I will remain a
Wa aqḍī fidāʼī ilā an taʿūd warrior,
I will die as a warrior - until my
country returns

‫فِداادِي فِداادِي فِداادِي‬ Fidā'ī Fidā'ī Fidā'ī Warrior, warrior, warrior,

‫ري ااا‬ ِ ‫ال ججد جود أ ا ْرأ ااا أ ا ْر‬ yā ardī yā arḍal-judūd Oh my land, the land of the ancestors
‫ِفداادِي ِفداادِي ِفداادِي‬ Fidā'ī Fidā'ī Fidā'ī Warrior, warrior, warrior,
‫ي ْع ِبي ااا‬
‫ي ْعب ااا ا‬‫ال جُلجود ا‬ yā šaʿbī yā šaʿb al-xulūd Oh my people, people of eternity

Zhōnghuá Rénmín Gònghéguó (中华人民共和国)


March of the Volunteers

Mandarin Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

起来!不愿做奴隶的人们! Qǐ lái! Bú yuàn zuò nú lì de rén Arise, we who refuse to be slaves;

men! With our very flesh and blood
把我们的血肉, Bǎ wǒ men de xuè ròu, let us build our new Great Wall!
筑成我们新的长城! zhù chéng wǒ men xīn de The peoples of China are at their most
cháng chéng! critical time,
中华民族到了最危险的时候, Zhōng huá mín zú dào liǎo zuì Everybody must roar defiance.
每个人被迫着发出最后的吼声 wēi xiǎn de shí hòu. Arise! Arise! Arise!
Měi ge rén bèi pò zhe fā chū
zuì hòu de hǒu shēng.
Qǐ lái! Q ǐlái! Qǐ lái!

我们万众一心, Wǒ men wàn zhòng yì xīn, Millions of people become one,

Mào zhe dí rén de pào huǒ, Braving the enemy’s gunfire, March
冒着敌人的炮火,前进! qián jìn! on!
冒着敌人的炮火,前进! Mào zhe dí rén de pào huǒ, Braving the enemy’s gunfire, March
qián jìn! on!
前进!前进!进! Qián jìn! Qián jìn! Jìn! March on! March on, on!

Royaume de Belgique
Königreich Belgien
Koninkrijk België
La Brabançonne
The Brabantian

French Lyrics English Translation

Noble Belgique, ô mère chérie, Noble Belgium; O, mother dear;

À toi nos cœurs, à toi nos bras, To you we stretch our hearts and arms,
À toi notre sang, ô Patrie! With blood to spill for you, O fatherland!
Nous le jurons tous, tu vivras! We swear with one cry, you shall live!
Tu vivras toujours grande et belle You shall live, so great and beautiful,
Et ton invincible unité And your invincible unity
Aura pour devise immortelle : Shall have for device immortal:
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté! The King, the Law, the Liberty!
Aura pour devise immortelle : Shall have for device immortal:
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté! The King, the Law, the Liberty!
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté! The King, the Law, the Liberty!
Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté! The King, the Law, the Liberty!

German Lyrics English Translation

O liebes Land, o Belgiens Erde, O, dear country; O, Belgium's soil;

Dir unser Herz, Dir unsere Hand, To you our heart, to you our hands,
Dir unser Blut, o Heimaterde, To you our blood; O, native land,

wir schwören's Dir, o Vaterland! We swear to you; O, fatherland!
So blühe froh in voller Schöne, So gladly bloom in beauty full,
zu der die Freiheit Dich erzog, Into what freedom has taught you to be,
und fortan singen Deine Söhne: And evermore shall sing your sons:
Gesetz und König und die Freiheit hoch! To Law and King and Freedom, hail!
und fortan singen Deine Söhne: And evermore shall sing your sons:
Gesetz und König und die Freiheit hoch! To Law and King and Freedom, hail!
Gesetz und König und die Freiheit hoch! To Law and King and Freedom, hail!
Gesetz und König und die Freiheit hoch! To Law and King and Freedom, hail!

Dutch Lyrics English Translation

O dierbaar België, O heilig land der Vaad'ren, O dear Belgium; O, holy land of the fathers,
Onze ziel en ons hart zijn u gewijd. Our soul and our heart are devoted to you!
Aanvaard ons kracht en het bloed van onze ad'ren, Accept our strength and the blood in our veins,
Wees ons doel in arbeid en in strijd. Be our goal, in work and struggle.
Bloei, o land, in eendracht niet te breken; Prosper, O land, in unbreakable unity;
Wees immer uzelf en ongeknecht, Always be yourself and serve no other,
Het woord getrouw, dat g' onbevreesd moogt Faithful to the word that you may speak boldly,
spreken, For King, for Freedom and for Law!
Voor Vorst, voor Vrijheid en voor Recht! Faithful to the word that you may speak boldly,
Het woord getrouw, dat g' onbevreesd moogt For King, for Freedom and for Law!
spreken, For King, for Freedom and for Law!
Voor Vorst, voor Vrijheid en voor Recht! For King, for Freedom and for Law!
Voor Vorst, voor Vrijheid en voor Recht!
Voor Vorst, voor Vrijheid en voor Recht!

North Korea
Chosŏn Minjujuŭi Inmin Konghwaguk

Aegukka (애국가)
The Patriotic Song

Korean Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

아침은 빛나라 이 강산 Ach'imŭn pinnara i kangsan May the morning shine on the rivers
Ŭn'gŭme chawŏndo kadŭkhan and mountains of this land,
은금에 자원도 가득한 Samch'ŏlli arŭmdaun nae Packed with the wealth of silver and
삼천리 아름다운 내 조국 choguk gold.
Panmannyŏn oraen ryŏksaë My beautiful homeland of three
반만년 오랜 력사에 Ch'allanhan munhwaro thousand Ri.
찬란한 문화로 자라난 charanan With a long history of five millennia.
Sŭlgiron inminŭi i yŏnggwang Brought up in a brilliant culture
슬기론 인민의 이 영광 Momgwa mam ta pach'yŏ i The glory of a wise people
몸과 맘 다 바쳐 이 조선 Chosŏn We devote our bodies and minds
Kiri pattŭse To supporting this Korea forever.
길이 받드세

백두산 기상을 다 안고 Paektusan kisangŭl ta anko Embracing the atmosphere of Mount

근로의 정신은 깃들어 Kŭlloŭi chŏngsinŭn kittŭrŏ Paektu,
Chilliro mungch'yŏjin ŏksen Nest for the spirit of labour,
진리로 뭉쳐진 억센 뜻 ttŭt The firm, allied with the truth,
온 세계 앞서 나가리 On segye apsŏ nagari Will set forth before the whole world.
Sonnŭn him nododo naemirŏ

솟는 힘 노도도 내밀어 Inminŭi ttŭsŭro sŏn nara The nation, created by the will of the
Hanŏpsi puganghanŭn i Chosŏn People,
인민의 뜻으로 선 나라 Kiri pinnaese Facing the furious waves with
한없이 부강하는 이 조선 thunderous force.
Let's glorify this Korea forever,
길이 빛내세
Infinitely rich and strong.

Nippon-koku (日本国)

Kimigayo (君が代)
His Imperial Majesty's Reign

Japanese Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

君が代は Kimigayo wa May your reign Continue for a

千代に八千代に Chiyo ni yachiyo ni thousand, eight thousand generations,
細石の Sazare-ishi no Until the tiny pebbles
Iwao to narite Grow into massive boulders
Koke no musu made Lush with moss

United States
The United States of America
The Star-Spangled Banner

English Lyrics

O say can you see, by the dawn's early light,

What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming,
Whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there;
O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,

Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:
'Tis the star-spangled banner, O long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

And where is that band who so vauntingly swore

That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion,
A home and a country, should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave

From the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave,
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.

O thus be it ever, when freemen shall stand

Between their loved homes and the war's desolation.
Blest with vict'ry and peace, may the Heav'n rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: 'In God is our trust.'
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

República Democrática de Timor-Leste
Repúblika Demokrátika Timór-Leste

Portuguese Lyrics Tetum Lyrics English Translation

Pátria, Pátria, Timor-Leste, nossa Pátria, Pátria, Timór-Leste, ita- Fatherland, fatherland, East Timor our
Nação. nia Nasaun. Nation.
Glória ao povo e aos heróis da Glória ba Povu no ba ita-nia Glory to the people and to the heroes
nossa libertação. eróis libertasaun nasionál. of our liberation.
Pátria, Pátria, Timor-Leste, nossa Pátria, Pátria, Timór-Leste, ita- Fatherland, fatherland, East Timor our
Nação. nia Nasaun. Nation.
Glória ao povo e aos heróis da Glória ba Povu no ba ita-nia Glory to the people and to the heroes
nossa libertação. eróis libertasaun nasionál. of our liberation.

Vencemos o colonialismo, Ita manán hasoru We vanquish colonialism, we cry:

gritamos: kolonializmu, ita hakilar: down with imperialism!
Abaixo o imperialismo. Hatuun imperializmu. Free land, free people,
Terra livre, povo livre, Rai livre, Povu livre, No, no, no to exploitation.
Não, não, não à exploração. Lae, lae, lae ba esplorasaun. Let us go forward, united, firm and

Pátria, Pátria, Timor-Leste, nossa Pátria, Pátria, Timór-Leste, ita- Fatherland, fatherland, East Timor our
Nação. nia Nasaun. Nation.
Glória ao povo e aos heróis da Glória ba Povu no ba ita-nia Glory to the people and to the heroes
nossa libertação. eróis libertasaun nasionál. of our liberation.

Pátria, Pátria, Timor-Leste, nossa Pátria, Pátria, Timór-Leste, ita- Fatherland, fatherland, East Timor our
Nação. nia Nasaun. Nation.
Glória ao povo e aos heróis da Glória ba Povu no ba ita-nia Glory to the people and to the heroes
nossa libertação. eróis libertasaun nasionál. of our liberation.

Avante unidos firmes e decididos. Báo in hamutuk, laran-metin In the struggle against imperialism,
Na luta contra o imperialismo no barani. the enemy of people, until final
O inimigo dos povos, até à vitória Halo funu hasoru imperializmu victory,
final. Inimigu Povu hotu-hotu nian, onward to revolution.
Pelo caminho da revolução. to’o vitória finál
Liu dalan revolusaun.

Ukrayina (Україна)
Shche ne Vmerla Ukrayiny (Ще не вмерла України)
Ukraine Has not yet Perished

Ukrainian Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

Ще не вмерла України і слава, і Shche ne vmerla Ukrayiny, i Nay, thou art not dead, Ukraine, see,
воля, slava, i volya, thy glory's born again,
Ще нам, браття молодії, Shche nam, brattya molodiyi, And the skies, O brethren, upon us
усміхнеться доля. usmikhnet'ya dolya. smile once more!
Згинуть наші воріженьки, як Zhynut' nashi vorizhen'ky, yak As in Springtime melts the snow, so
роса на сонці. rosa na sontsi, shall melt away the foe,
Запануєм і ми, браття, у своїй Zapanuyem i my, brattya, u And we shall be masters in our own
сторонці. svoyiy storontsi. home.

Душу й тіло ми положим за Dushu y tilo my polozhym za Soul and body, yea, our all, offer we at
нашу свободу, nashu svobodu, freedom's call
І покажем, що ми, браття, I pokazhem, shcho my, brattya, We, whose forebears, and ourselves,
козацького роду. kozats'koho rodu. proud Cossacks are!

Bhārat Gaṇarājya (भारत गणराज्य)

Jana Gana Mana (জন গণ মন)

Thou Art the Ruler of the Minds of All People

Hindi Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

जन-गण-मन अधिनायक जय हे, Jana-gaṇa-mana adhināyaka Thou art the ruler of the minds of all
jaya hē people,
भारत भाग्य धििाता! Bhārata-bhāgya-vidhātā. Dispenser of India's destiny.
पजं ाब-धिन्ि-गजु रात-मराठा, Paṁjāba-Sindh-Gujarāta- Thy name rouses the hearts of Punjab,
द्रधिड-उत्कल-बङ्ग Marāṭhā, Sindh,
Drāviṛa-Utkala Baṁga Gujarat and Maratha,
धिंध्य धहमाचल यमनु ा गंगा, उच्छल जलधि Viṁdhya Himācala Yamunā Of the Dravida and Odisha
तरंग Gaṁgā, and Bengal;
तब शभु नामे जागे, ucchala jaladhi taraṁga It echoes in the hills of Vindhya and the
तब शभु आधशष मांगे Taba Śubha nāmē jāgē, Himalayas,
taba śubha āśiṣa māṁgē Mingles in the music of Ganga and
गाहे तब जय गाथा।
gāhē taba jaya gāthā. Yamuna
जन-गण-मंगलदायक जय हे, Jana gaṇa maṁgala-dāyaka jaya and is chanted by
भारत भाग्य धििाता! hē, The waves of the Indian sea.
Bhārata bhāgya vidhātā. They pray for thy blessings and sing
जय हे! जय हे! जय हे!
Jaya hē, Jaya hē, Jaya hē, thy praise.
जय जय जय जय हे! jaya jaya jaya jaya hē. The saving of all people waits in thy
Thou dispenser of India's destiny.
Victory, victory, victory to thee.

South Korea
Daehan Minguk (대한민국)

Aegukga (애국가)
Patriotic Song

Korean Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

동해 물과 백두산이 마르고 Donghae mulgwa Baekdusani Until that day when Mt. Baekdu is
mareugo daltorok worn away and the East Sea's waters
닳도록 하느님이 보우하사 Haneunimi bouhasa urinara run dry, May God protect and preserve
우리나라 만세. manse. our country.

Mugunghwa samcheolli Roses of Sharon and three thousand Ri

무궁화 삼천리 화려강산
hwaryeo gangsan full of splendid mountains and rivers;
대한 사람, 대한으로 길이 Daehan saram, daehaneuro giri Great Koreans, to the Great Korean
보전하세. bojeonhase. way, always stay true.

남산 위에 저 소나무 철갑을 Namsan wie jeo sonamu As the pine atop Namsan Peak stands
두른 듯 바람서리 cheolgabeul dureun deut firm, unchanged through wind and
불변함은 우리 Baram seori bulbyeonhameun frost, as if wrapped in armour, so shall
기상일세. uri gisang-ilse. our resilient spirit.

Mugunghwa samcheolli Roses of Sharon and three thousand Ri

무궁화 삼천리 화려강산
hwaryeo gangsan full of splendid mountains and rivers;
대한 사람, 대한으로 길이
Daehan saram, daehaneuro giri Great Koreans, to the Great Korean
보전하세. bojeonhase. way, always stay true.

가을 하늘 공활한데 높고 구름 Ga-eul haneul gonghwalhande The autumn skies are void and vast,
nopgo gureum eopsi high and cloudless;
없이 밝은 달은 우리 가슴 Balgeun dareun uri gaseum the bright moon is like our heart,
일편단심일세. ilpyeondansimilse. undivided and true.

Mugunghwa samcheolli Roses of Sharon and three thousand Ri

무궁화 삼천리 화려강산 hwaryeo gangsan full of splendid mountains and rivers;
대한 사람, 대한으로 길이 Daehan saram, daehaneuro giri Great Koreans, to the Great Korean
보전하세. bojeonhase. way, always stay true.

I gisanggwa i mameuro With this spirit and this mind, let us

이 기상과 이 맘으로 충성을
chungseong-eul dahayeo give all loyalty,
다하여 괴로우나 즐거우나 Goerouna jeulgeouna nara in suffering or joy,
saranghase. to love our nation.
나라 사랑하세.
Mugunghwa samcheolli Roses of Sharon and three thousand Ri
무궁화 삼천리 화려강산 hwaryeo gangsan full of splendid mountains and rivers;
대한 사람, 대한으로 길이 Daehan saram, daehaneuro giri Great Koreans, to the Great Korean
보전하세. bojeonhase. way, always stay true.

Qazaqstan Respýblıkasy (Қазақстан Республикасы)
MeniŃ Qazaqstanym (Менің Қазақстаным)
My Kazakhstan

Kazakh Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

Алтын күн аспаны, Altyn kún aspany, Sky of golden sun,

Алтын дән даласы, Altyn dán dalasy, Steppe of golden seed,
Ерліктің дастаны – Erliktiń dastany – Legend of courage –
Еліме қарашы! Elime qarashy! Take a look at my country!

Ежелден ер деген, Ejelden er degen, From the antiquity

Даңқымыз шықты ғой, Dańqymyz shyqty ǵoı, Our heroic glory emerged,
Намысын бермеген, Namysyn bermegen, They did not give up their pride
Қазағым мықты ғой! Qazaǵym myqty ǵoı! My Kazakh people are strong!

Менің елім, менің елім, Meniń elim, meniń elim, My country, my country,
Гүлің болып егілемін, Gúliń bolyp egilemin, As your flower I will be planted,
Жырың болып төгілемін, елім! Jyryń bolyp tógilemin, elim! As your song I will stream, my
Туған жерім менің — Týǵan jerim meniń — country!
Қазақстаным! Qazaqstanym! My native land – My Kazakhstan!

Ұрпаққа жол ашқан, Urpaqqa jol ashqan, The way was opened to the descendants
Кең байтақ жерім бар. Keń baıtaq jerim bar. By the vast land I have.
Бірлігі жарасқан, Birligi jarasqan, Its unity is proper,
Тәуелсіз елім бар. Táýelsiz elim bar. I have an independent country.

Қарсы алған уақытты, Qarsy alǵan ýaqytty, It welcomed the tests of time

Мәңгілік досындай. Máńgilik dosyndaı. Like an eternal friend,
Біздің ел бақытты, Bizdiń el baqytty, Our country is blessed,
Біздің ел осындай! Bizdiń el osyndaı! Our country is such!

Менің елім, менің елім, Meniń elim, meniń elim, My country, my country,
Гүлің болып егілемін, Gúliń bolyp egilemin, As your flower I will be planted,
Жырың болып төгілемін, елім! Jyryń bolyp tógilemin, elim! As your song I will stream, my
Туған жерім менің — Týǵan jerim meniń — country!
Қазақстаным! Qazaqstanym! My native land – My Kazakhstan!

Ellinikí Dimokratía (Ελληνική Δημοκρατία)
Hýmnos is tin Eleftherían (Ὕμνος εἰς τὴν Ἐλευθερίαν)
Hymn to Liberty

Greek Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

Σε γνωρίζω από την κόψη Se gnorízo apó tin kópsi I recognize you by the fearsome
Του σπαθιού την τρομερή, Tou spathioú tin tromerí, sharpness, of your sword,
Σε γνωρίζω από την όψη, Se gnorízo apó tin ópsi, I recognize you by your face
Που με βιά μετράει τη γη. Pou me viá metráei ti gi. that hastefully defines the land.

Απ’ τα κόκκαλα βγαλμένη Ap’ ta kókkala vgalméni From the sacred bones,
Των Ελλήνων τα ιερά, Ton Ellínon ta ierá, of the Hellenes arisen,
Και σαν πρώτα ανδρειωμένη, Kai san próta andreioméni, and valiant again as you once were,
Χαίρε, ω χαίρε, ελευθεριά! Chaíre, o chaíre, eleftheriá! Hail, o hail, Liberty!

Konungariket Sverige
Du gamla, du fria
Thou ancient, Thou free

Swedish Lyrics English Translation

Du gamla, Du fria, Du fjällhöga nord You ancient, you free, you mountainous north
Du tysta, Du glädjerika sköna! You quiet, you joyful beauty!
Jag hälsar Dig, vänaste land uppå jord, I greet you, loveliest land upon Earth,
Din sol, Din himmel, Dina ängder gröna. Your sun, your sky, your green meadows.

Du tronar på minnen från fornstora da'r, You are enthroned on memories of great olden days,
då ärat Ditt namn flög över jorden. When honoured your name flew across the Earth,
Jag vet att Du är och Du blir vad Du var. I know that you are and remain what you were,
Ja, jag vill leva, jag vill dö i Norden. Yes, I want to live, I want to die in the North.

Jag städs vill dig tjäna, mitt älskade land, I forever want to serve you, my beloved land,
dig trohet till döden vill jag svära. fidelity until death I want to swear to you.
Din rätt skall jag värna med håg och med hand, Your right I shall defend with mind and with hand,
din fana, högt den bragderika bära. the glorious ones carry your banner high.

Med Gud skall jag kämpa för hem och för härd With God I shall fight for home and for hearth,
för Sverige, den kära fosterjorden. for Sweden, the beloved mother soil.
Jag byter Dig ej, mot allt i denna värld Exchange you, I won't for anything in this world
Nej, jag vill leva jag vill dö i Norden. No, I want to live, I want to die in the North

Poblacht na hÉireann
La MarCha Real
Poland Is Not Yet Lost

Irish Lyrics English Lyrics

Seo dhíbh, a chairde, duan Ógláigh We'll sing a song, a soldier's song
Caithréimeach bríomhar ceolmhar With cheering, rousing chorus
Ár dtinte cnámh go buacach táid As round our blazing fires we throng
'S an spéir go mín réaltógach The starry heavens o'er us
Is fonnmhar faobhrach sinn chun gleo Impatient for the coming fight
'S go tiúnmhar glé roimh thíocht don ló And as we wait the morning's light
Fé chiúnas chaomh na hoíche ar seol Here in the silence of the night
Seo libh, canaídh Amhrán na bhFiann. We'll chant a soldier's song

Sinne Fianna Fáil, Soldiers are we,

atá faoi gheall ag Éirinn, whose lives are pledged to Ireland,
Buíon dár slua Some have come
thar toinn do ráinig chugainn, from a land beyond the wave,
Faoi mhóid bheith saor Sworn to be free,
Seantír ár sinsear feasta, no more our ancient sireland,
Ní fhágfar faoin tíorán ná faoin tráill. Shall shelter the despot or the slave.
Anocht a théam sa bhearna bhaoil, Tonight we man the "bearna bhaoil”,
Le gean ar Ghaeil, chun báis nó saoil, In Erin's cause, come woe or weal,
Le gunna-scréach faoi lámhach na bpiléar, 'Mid cannons' roar and rifles' peal,
Seo libh canaig' amhrán na bhFiann. We'll chant a soldier's song.

Cois bánta réidhe, ar ardaibh sléibhe In valley green, or towering crag

Ba bhuadhach ár sinsir romhainn Our fathers fought before us
Ag lámhach go tréan fén sárbhrat séin And conquered 'neath the same old flag
'Tá thuas sa ghaoth go seolta That's proudly floating o'er us
Ba dhúchas riamh dár gcine cháidh We're children of a fighting race
Gan iompáil siar ó imirt áir That never yet has known disgrace
'S ag siúl mar iad i gcoinne námhad And as we march, the foe to face
Seo libh, canaídh Amhrán na bhFiann We'll chant a soldier's song

Sinne Fianna Fáil, Soldiers are we,

atá faoi gheall ag Éirinn, whose lives are pledged to Ireland,
Buíon dár slua Some have come
thar toinn do ráinig chugainn, from a land beyond the wave,
Faoi mhóid bheith saor Sworn to be free,
Seantír ár sinsear feasta, no more our ancient sireland,
Ní fhágfar faoin tíorán ná faoin tráill. Shall shelter the despot or the slave.
Anocht a théam sa bhearna bhaoil, Tonight we man the "bearna bhaoil”,
Le gean ar Ghaeil, chun báis nó saoil, In Erin's cause, come woe or weal,
Le gunna-scréach faoi lámhach na bpiléar, 'Mid cannons' roar and rifles' peal,
Seo libh canaig' amhrán na bhFiann. We'll chant a soldier's song.

A bhuíon nach fann d'fhuil Ghaeil is Gall Sons of the Gael! Men of the Pale!
Sin breacadh lae na saoirse The long-watched day is breaking
Tá sceimhle 's scanradh i gcroíthe námhad The serried ranks of Innisfail
Roimh ranna laochra ár dtíre Shall set the tyrant quaking
Ár dtinte is tréith gan spréach anois Our camp fires now are burning low
Sin luisne ghlé sa spéir anoir See in the east a silv'ry glow
'S an bíobha i raon na bpiléar agaibh Out yonder waits the Saxon foe
Seo libh, canaídh Amhrán na bhFiann So chant a soldier's song

Sinne Fianna Fáil, Soldiers are we,

atá faoi gheall ag Éirinn, whose lives are pledged to Ireland,
Buíon dár slua Some have come
thar toinn do ráinig chugainn, from a land beyond the wave,
Faoi mhóid bheith saor Sworn to be free,
Seantír ár sinsear feasta, no more our ancient sireland,
Ní fhágfar faoin tíorán ná faoin tráill. Shall shelter the despot or the slave.
Anocht a théam sa bhearna bhaoil, Tonight we man the "bearna bhaoil”,
Le gean ar Ghaeil, chun báis nó saoil, In Erin's cause, come woe or weal,
Le gunna-scréach faoi lámhach na bpiléar, 'Mid cannons' roar and rifles' peal,
Seo libh canaig' amhrán na bhFiann. We'll chant a soldier's song.

Kongeriket Norge
Ja, vi elsker dette landet
Yes, we love this country

Norwegian Lyrics English Translation

Ja, vi elsker dette landet, Yes, we love this country

som det stiger frem, as it rises forth,
furet, værbitt over vannet, rugged, weathered, over the water,
med de tusen hjem, — with the thousands of homes, —
elsker, elsker det og tenker love, love it and think
på vår far og mor of our father and mother
og den saganatt som senker and the saga-night that lays
drømmer på vår jord. dreams upon our earth.

Dette landet Harald berget This country Harald united

med sin kjemperad, with his army of heroes,
dette landet Håkon verget, this country Håkon protected
medens Øyvind kvad; whilst Øyvind sung;
Olav på det landet malet upon the country Olav painted
korset med sitt blod, with his blood the cross,
fra dets høye Sverre talet from its heights Sverre spoke
Roma midt imot. up against Rome.

Bønder sine økser brynte Farmers their axes sharpened

hvor en hær dro frem; wherever an army advanced,
Tordenskjold langs kysten lynte, Tordenskjold along the coastline thundered

så den lystes hjem. so that we could see it back home.
Kvinner selv stod opp og strede Even women stood up and fought
som de vare menn; as if they were men;
andre kunne bare grede, others could only cry
men det kom igjen! but that soon would end!

Visstnok var vi ikke mange, Sure, we were not many

men vi strakk dog til, but we were enough,
da vi prøvdes noen gange, when we were tested sometimes,
og det stod på spill; and it was at stake;
ti vi heller landet brente we would rather burn our land
enn det kom til fall; than to declare defeat;
husker bare hva som hendte just remember what happened
ned på Fredrikshald! down at Fredrikshald!

Hårde tider har vi døyet, Hard times we have coped with,

ble til sist forstøtt; were at last disowned;
men i verste nød blåøyet but in the worst distress, blue-eyed
frihet ble oss født. freedom was to us born.
Det gav faderkraft å bære It gave (us) father's strength to carry
hungersnød og krig, famine and war,
det gav døden selv sin ære — it gave death itself its honour –
og det gav forlik. and it gave reconciliation.

Fienden sitt våpen kastet, The enemy threw away his weapon,
opp visiret fór, up the visor went,
vi med undren mot ham hastet, we, in wonder, to him hastened,
ti han var vår bror. because he was our brother.
Drevne frem på stand av skammen, Driven forth to a stand by shame
gikk vi søderpå; we went to the south;
nå står vi tre brødre sammen, now we three brothers stand united,
og skal sådan stå! and shall stand like that!

Norske mann i hus og hytte, Norwegian man in house and cabin,

takk din store Gud! thank your great God!
Landet ville han beskytte, The country he wanted to protect,
skjønt det mørkt så ut. although things looked dark.
Alt, hva fedrene har kjempet, All the fights fathers have fought,
mødrene har grett, and the mothers have wept,
har den Herre stille lempet, the Lord has quietly moved

så vi vant vår rett. so we won our rights.

Ja, vi elsker dette landet, Yes, we love this country

som det stiger frem, as it rises forth,
furet, værbitt over vannet, rugged, weathered, above the sea,
med de tusen hjem. with those thousand homes.
Og som fedres kamp har hevet And as the fathers' struggle has raised
det av nød til seir, it from need to victory,
også vi, når det blir krevet, even we, when it is demanded,
for dets fred slår leir. for its peace will encamp.

Suomen Tasavalta
Our Land

Finnish Lyrics English Translation

Oi maamme, Suomi, synnyinmaa, Our land, our land, our Fatherland!

soi, sana kultainen! Ring out, dear word, oh sound!
Ei laaksoa, ei kukkulaa, No rising hill, or mountain grand,
ei vettä rantaa rakkaampaa, No sloping dale, no northern strand,
kuin kotimaa tää pohjoinen, There is, more loved, to be found,
maa kallis isien! Than this — our fathers’ ground.

On maamme köyhä, siksi jää, Our land is poor, and so shall be

jos kultaa kaivannet To him who gold will crave.
Sen vieras kyllä hylkäjää, The strangers proudly pass, but we
mut meille kallein maa on tää, Shall ever love this land, we see,
sen salot, saaret, manteret, In moor, and fell, and isle and wave,
ne meist on kultaiset. A golden land, so brave.

Ovatpa meille rakkahat We love our rippling brooks, so bright,

koskemme kuohuineen, Our gushing streams, so strong,
ikuisten honkain huminat, The whisper of dark woods, at night,
täht'yömme, kesät kirkkahat, Our starry skies, our summer light,
kaikk'kuvineen ja lauluineen All, all that we, in sight and song,
mi painui sydämeen. Have felt and lived among.

Täss auroin, miekoin, miettehin Here fought our fathers, without fear,
isämme sotivat, With sword, and plough, and thought.
kun päivä piili pilvihin And here, in clouded times, and clear,
tai loisti onnen paistehin, With fortune in their front or rear,
täss Suomen kansan vaikeimmat Their Finnish hearts have beat, and wrought
he vaivat kokivat. And borne what bear they ought.

Tään kansan taistelut ken voi Who tells, of all the fights, the tale,
ne kertoella, ken? In which this folk withstood,
Kun sota laaksoissamme soi, When war did rage from dale to dale,
ja halla näläntuskan toi, When frost set in, with hunger’s wail?
ken mittasi sen hurmehen Who measured all their pouring blood,
ja kärsimykset sen? And all their patience good?

Täss on sen veri virrannut And it was here their blood was shed,
hyväksi meidänkin, For us, here, on this shore;
täss iloaan on nauttinut And it was here their joys were bred,
ja murheitansa huokaillut Here, that their sighs were heaved and fled,
se kansa, jolle muinaisin That people’s who our burdens bore
kuormamme pantihin. Before us, long before.

Tääll' olo meill on verraton Here it is sweet and good, we wot,

ja kaikki suotuisaa, All, too, is giv’n us here;
vaikk onni mikä tulkohon, However fate may cast our lot,
maa isänmaa se meillä on. A land, a fatherland, we’ve got.
Mi maailmass on armaampaa Will there a thing on earth appear
ja mikä kalliimpaa? More worthy, to hold dear?

Ja tässä, täss' on tämä maa, And here’s, and here’s this fatherland,
sen näkee silmämme. Here every eye it sees;
me kättä voimme ojentaa And we can stretch a pointing hand,
ja vettä rantaa osoittaa To show, with joy, its sea and strand,
ja sanoa: kas tuoss' on se, And say, “Behold this country, this,
maa armas isäimme. Our Fatherland it is.”

Jos loistoon meitä saatettais And if we once were made to rise

vaikk' kultapilvihin, To gold clouds, from below,
mis itkien ei huoattais, And if we moved in starry skies,
vaan tärkein riemun sielu sais, Where no one weeps, where no one sighs,
ois tähän köyhään kotihin To this poor lonely country, though,

halumme kuitenkin. Our longing hearts would go.

Totuuden, runon kotimaa Oh land, the thousand lakes’ own land,

maa tuhatjärvinen Of faith, and lay, and glee,
miss' elämämme suojan saa, Where life’s main sea gave us a strand,
sa muistojen, sa toivon maa, Our fore-time’s land, our future’s land,
ain ollos, onnees tyytyen, Shy of thy poorness, never be,
vapaa ja iloinen. Be calm, be glad, be free!

Sun kukoistukses kuorestaan Thy blossom, hidden now from sight,

kerrankin puhkeaa, Shall burst its bud ere long.
viel lempemme saa nousemaan Lo! from our love, shall rise aright,
sun toivos, riemus loistossaan, Thy sun, thy hope, thy joy, thy light,
ja kerran, laulus synnyinmaa And higher, once, more full and strong,
korkeemman kaiun saa. Shall ring Our Country’s song.

Mongol Uls (Монгол Улс)
Môngôl Ûlsiin toriin dûûlal (Монгол Улсын төрийн
National Anthem of Mongolia

Mongolian Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

Дархан манай тусгаар улс Darhan manai tûsgaar ûls Our sacred independent country
Даяар монголын ариун голомт Dayaar môngôliin aryûn Is the ancestral hearth of all Mongols,
Далай их дээдсийн гэгээн үйлс gôlômt May all of the world's good deeds
Дандаа энхжин үүрд мөнхжинө. Dalai ih deedsiin gegeen uils Will prosper and continue for eternity.
Dandaa enhjij, uurd monhjino.

Хамаг дэлхийн шударга улстай Hamag delhiin xûdarga ûlstai Our country will strengthen relations
Хамтран нэгдсэн эвээ бэхжүүлж Hamtran negdsen ewee With all righteous countries of the
Хатан зориг, бүхий л чадлаараа behjuulj world.
Хайртай Монгол орноо Hatan jôrig, buhii l qadlaaraa And let us develop our beloved
мандуулъя. Hairtai Môngôl ôrnôô Mongolia
mandûûlya. With all our will and might.

Өндөр төрийн минь сүлд ивээж Ondor toriin mini suld ibeej Our great nation's symbol blesses us
Өргөн түмний минь заяа түшиж Orgon tumnii mini zayaa tuxij And the people's fate supports us
Үндэс язгуур, хэл соёлоо Undes yazgûûr, hel sôyôlôô Let us pass on our ancestry, culture
Үрийн үрдээ өвлөн бадраая. Uriin urdee oblon badraaya. and language
From generation to generation.

Эрэлхэг Монголын золтой Erelheg Môngôliin jôltôi The brilliant people of the brave
ардууд ardûûd Mongolia
Эрх чөлөө жаргалыг эдлэв Erh qoloo jargaliig edleb Have gained freedom and happiness,
Жаргалын түлхүүр, хөгжлийн Jargaliin tulhuur, hogjliin The key to delight, and the path to
тулгуур tûlgûûr progress.
Жавхлант манай орон Jabhlant manai ôrôn Majestic Mongolia — our country, live
мандтугай. mandtûgai. forever.

Saṅghīya Lokatāntrik Gaṇatantra Nepāl (िङ्घीय लोकताधन्िक गणतन्ि नेपाल)

SayaŨ ThŨgĀ PhŪlkĀ (सयौं थुँगा फूलका)

Made of Hundreds of Flowers

Nepali Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

ियौं थुँगु ा फूलका हामी, एउटै माला Sayaũ thũgā phūlkā hāmī, euṭai Woven from hundreds of flowers, we
mālā nepālī are one garland that's Nepali
Sārvabhaum bhai phailiekā, Spread sovereign from Mechi to
िािवभौम भई फै धलएका, मेची-महाकाली। Mecī-Mahākālī Mahakali.

प्रकृ धतका कोटी-कोटी िम्पदाको आंचल Prakṛtikā koṭī-koṭī sampadāko A shawl of nature's wealth unending
ā̃cala, From the blood of the braves, a nation
िीरहरूका रगतले, स्ितन्ि र अटल। Vīrharūkā ragatale, svatantra ra free and non-moving.

ज्ञानभधू म, शाधन्तभधू म तराई, पहाड, धहमाल Jñānabhūmi, śāntibhūmi Tarai, A land of knowledge, of peace, the
Pahāḍ, Himāla plains, hills and mountains tall
अखण्ड यो प्यारो हाम्रो मातृभधू म नेपाल।
Akhaṇḍa yo pyāro hāmro Indivisible, this beloved land of ours,
mātṛbhūmi Nepāla our motherland Nepal.

बहु जाधत, भाषा, िमव, िस्ं कृ धत छन् Bahul jāti, bhāṣā, dharma, Of many races, languages, religions,
धिशाल sãskṛti chan viśāla and cultures of incredible sprawl
Agragāmī rāṣṭra hāmro, jaya This progressive nation of ours, all hail
अग्रगामी राष्ट्र हाम्रो, जय जय नेपाल। jaya Nepāla! Nepal!

DeȘteaptĂ-te, române!
Awaken thee, Romanian!

Romanian Lyrics English Translation

Deșteaptă-te, române, din somnul cel de moarte, Wake up, Romanian, from your sleep of death
În care te-adânciră barbarii de tirani! Into which you have been sunk by the barbaric tyrants
Acum ori niciodată, croiește-ți altă soarte, Now, or never, make a new fate for yourself,
La care să se-nchine și cruzii tăi dușmani. To which even your cruel enemies will bow.

Acum ori niciodată să dăm dovezi la lume Now or never let us give proof to the world
Că-n aste mâni mai curge un sânge de roman, That in these veins a Roman blood still flows,
Și că-n a noastre piepturi păstrăm cu fală-un nume That in our chests we hold a name with pride,
Triumfător în lupte, un nume de Traian! Victorious in battles, the name of Trajan!

Înalță-ți lata frunte și caută-n giur de tine, Raise your broad forehead and see around you
Cum stau ca brazi în munte voinici sute de mii; How, like fir trees, thousands of strong men stand;
Un glas ei mai așteaptă și sar ca lupi în stâne, Just waiting for a voice to pounce like wolves on sheep,
Bătrâni, bărbați, juni, tineri, din munți și din Elders, men, youths, boys, from the mountains and from
câmpii! the plains.

Priviți, mărețe umbre, Mihai, Ștefan, Corvine, Behold, great shadows, Michael, Stephen, Corvinus,
Româna națiune, ai voștri strănepoți, The Romanian Nation, your great-grandchildren,
Cu brațele armate, cu focul vostru-n vine, With weapons in their arms, with your fire in their veins,
"Viața-n libertate ori moarte!" strigă toți. "Life in freedom or death!" shout all.

Pre voi vă nimiciră a pizmei răutate You were vanquished by the evils of your envy

Și oarba neunire la Milcov și Carpați! by your blind disunity, at Milcov and the Carpathians
Dar noi, pătrunși la suflet de sfânta libertate, But we, whose souls were pierced by holy liberty,
Jurăm că vom da mâna, să fim pururea frați! Swear that for ever in brotherhood will join.

O mamă văduvită de la Mihai cel Mare A widowed mother from the time of Michael the Great
Pretinde de la fii-și azi mână d-ajutori, Claims from her sons today a helping hand,
Și blastămă cu lacrămi în ochi pe orișicare, And with tears in her eyes curses whomsoever,
În astfel de pericul s-ar face vânzători! In such great peril, a traitor would become.

De fulgere să piară, de trăsnet și pucioasă, Of thunder and of brimstone should they perish
Oricare s-ar retrage din gloriosul loc, Anyone who would flee the glorious place
Când patria sau mama, cu inima duioasă, When our land or our mother, with a sorrowful heart,
Va cere ca să trecem prin sabie și foc! Will ask us to cross through swords and blazing fire.

N-ajunse iataganul barbarei semilune, Didn't we have enough of the yatagan barbaric crescent
A cărui plăgi fatale și azi le mai simțim; Whose fatal wounds we still feel today;
Acum se vâră cnuta în vetrele străbune, Now the knout is intruding in our ancestral homes,
Dar martor ne e Domnul că vii nu o primim! But the Lord is our witness we shall not accept it alive.

N-ajunse despotismul cu-ntreaga lui orbie, Didn't we have enough of the blinded despotism,
Al cărui jug din seculi ca vitele-l purtăm; Whose yoke, like cattle, for centuries we have carried?
Acum se-ncearcă cruzii, în oarba lor trufie, Now the cruel ones are trying, in their blind arrogance,
Să ne răpească limba, dar morți numai o dăm! To take our language, but only dead will we surrender it.

Români din patru unghiuri, acum ori niciodată Romanians from the four corners, now or never
Uniți-vă în cuget, uniți-vă-n simțiri! Unite in thought, unite in feeling
Strigați în lumea largă că Dunărea-i furată Proclaim to the wide world that the Danube is stolen
Prin intrigă și silă, viclene uneltiri! Through intrigue and coercion, sly machinations.

Preoți, cu crucea-n frunte căci oastea e creștină, Priests, lead with crucifixes, for our army is Christian,
Deviza-i libertate și scopul ei preasfânt. The motto is Liberty and its goal is holy,
Murim mai bine-n luptă, cu glorie deplină, Better to die in battle, in full glory,
Decât să fim sclavi iarăși în vechiul nost'pământ! Than to once again be slaves upon our ancient ground!

Republik Singapura
Majulah Singapura
Onward Singapore

Malay Lyrics English Translation

Mari kita rakyat Singapura Come, we (fellow) Singaporeans

Sama-sama menuju bahagia (Let us progress) towards happiness together
Cita-cita kita yang mulia (May) our noble aspiration (make)
Berjaya Singapura Singapore successful

Marilah kita bersatu Come, let us unite

Dengan semangat yang baru With a new spirit
Semua kita berseru (Together) we all proclaim
Majulah Singapura Onward Singapore
Majulah Singapura Onward Singapore

República Argentina
Himno Nacional Argentino
Argentine National Anthem

Spanish Lyrics English Translation

Oíd, mortales, el grito sagrado: Hear, mortals, the sacred cry:

"¡Libertad! ¡Libertad! ¡Libertad!" "Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!"
Oíd el ruido de rotas cadenas Hear the sound of broken chains
ved en trono a la noble igualdad See noble equality enthroned.

Ya su trono dignísimo abrieron Their most worthy throne have now opened
las Provincias Unidas del Sud The United Provinces of the South.
y los libres del mundo responden: And the free people of the world reply:
"¡Al gran pueblo argentino, salud!" "To the great Argentine people, hail!"
Y los libres del mundo responden: And the free ones of the world reply:
"¡Al gran pueblo argentino, salud!" "To the great Argentine people, hail!"

Sean eternos los laureles, May the laurels be eternal

que supimos conseguir. that we were able to achieve
Coronados de gloria vivamos Let us live crowned in glory
¡O juremos con gloria morir! Or let us swear to die with glory!
¡O juremos con gloria morir! Or let us swear to die with glory!

República de Chile
Himno Nacional de Chile
National Anthem of Chile

Spanish Lyrics English Translation

Puro, Chile, es tu cielo azulado. How pure, Chile, is your blue sky
Puras brisas te cruzan también. And how pure the breezes that blow across you
Y tu campo de flores bordado And your countryside embroidered with flowers
Es la copia feliz del Edén. Is a wonderful copy of Eden
Majestuosa es la blanca montaña How majestic are the snow-covered mountains
Que te dio por baluarte el Señor That were given to you by God as protection
Que te dio por baluarte el Señor, That were given to you by God as protection
Y ese mar que tranquilo te baña And the sea that tranquilly bathes your shores
Te promete futuro esplendor Promises a splendor future for you
Y ese mar que tranquilo te baña And the sea that tranquilly bathes your shores
Te promete futuro esplendor. Promises a splendor future for you.

Dulce Patria, recibe los votos Beloved Homeland, receive the vows
Con que Chile en tus aras juró: That Chile gave you on your altars
Que o la tumba serás de los libres That you be either the tomb of the free
O el asilo contra la opresión Or a refuge from oppression
Que o la tumba serás de los libres That you be either the tomb of the free
O el asilo contra la opresión Or a refuge from oppression
Que o la tumba serás de los libres That you be either the tomb of the free
O el asilo contra la opresión Or a refuge from oppression
O el asilo contra la opresión Or a refuge from oppression
O el asilo contra la opresión. Or a refuge from oppression

Estados Unidos Mexicanos
Himno Nacional Mexicano
Mexican National Anthem

Spanish Lyrics English Translation

Mexicanos, al grito de guerra Mexicans, at the cry of war,

el acero aprestad y el bridón. ready the steel and the bridle,
Y retiemble en sus centros la Tierra, and the Earth trembles at its core
al sonoro rugir del cañón. to the resounding roar of the cannon.
Y retiemble en sus centros la Tierra, and the Earth trembles at its core
¡al sonoro rugir del cañón! to the resounding roar of the cannon!

Ciña ¡oh Patria! tus sienes de oliva Gird Oh Fatherland!, your temples of olive
de la paz el arcángel divino, by the peace of the divine archangel,
que en el cielo tu eterno destino for in heaven is your eternal destiny
por el dedo de Dios se escribió. which was written by the finger of God.
Mas si osare un extraño enemigo If, however, a foreign enemy would dare
profanar con su planta tu suelo, to profane Your ground with its sole,
piensa ¡oh Patria querida! que el cielo think, Oh beloved Fatherland!, that Heaven
un soldado en cada hijo te dio. has given a soldier in every son.

Mexicanos, al grito de guerra Mexicans, at the cry of war,

el acero aprestad y el bridón. ready the steel and the bridle,
Y retiemble en sus centros la Tierra, and the Earth trembles at its core
al sonoro rugir del cañón. to the resounding roar of the cannon.
Y retiemble en sus centros la Tierra, and the Earth trembles at its core

¡al sonoro rugir del cañón! to the resounding roar of the cannon!

¡Guerra, guerra! sin tregua al que intente War, war! without quarter to any who dare
De la patria manchar los blasones! to tarnish the coats of arms of the country!
¡Guerra, guerra! Los patrios pendones War, war! Let the national banners
En las olas de sangre empapad. be soaked in waves of blood.
¡Guerra, guerra! En el monte, en el valle War, war! In the mountain, in the valley,
Los cañones horrísonos truenen, let the cannons thunder in horrid unison
Y los ecos sonoros resuenen and may the sonorous echoes resound
Con las voces de ¡Unión! ¡Libertad! with cries of Union! Liberty!

Mexicanos, al grito de guerra Mexicans, at the cry of war,

el acero aprestad y el bridón. ready the steel and the bridle,
Y retiemble en sus centros la Tierra, and the Earth trembles at its core
al sonoro rugir del cañón. to the resounding roar of the cannon.
Y retiemble en sus centros la Tierra, and the Earth trembles at its core
¡al sonoro rugir del cañón! to the resounding roar of the cannon!

Antes, patria, que inermes tus hijos O, Fatherland, ere your children, defenseless
Bajo el yugo su cuello dobleguen, bend their neck beneath the yoke,
Tus campiñas con sangre se rieguen, may your fields be watered with blood,
Sobre sangre se estampe su pie. may their foot be printed in blood.
Y tus templos, palacios y torres And may your temples, palaces and towers
Se derrumben con hórrido estruendo, collapse with horrid clamor,
Y sus ruinas existan diciendo: and may their ruins continue on, saying:
De mil héroes la patria aquí fue. Of one thousand heroes, here the Fatherland once was.

Mexicanos, al grito de guerra Mexicans, at the cry of war,

el acero aprestad y el bridón. ready the steel and the bridle,
Y retiemble en sus centros la Tierra, and the Earth trembles at its core
al sonoro rugir del cañón. to the resounding roar of the cannon.
Y retiemble en sus centros la Tierra, and the Earth trembles at its core
¡al sonoro rugir del cañón! to the resounding roar of the cannon!

¡Patria! ¡Patria! Tus hijos te juran Fatherland! Fatherland! Your children swear to you
Exhalar en tus aras su aliento, to breathe their last for your sake,
Si el clarín con su bélico acento if the bugle with its bellicose accent
los convoca a lidiar con valor. calls them together to battle with courage.
¡Para ti las guirnaldas de oliva! For you, the olive wreaths!
¡Un recuerdo para ellos de gloria! For them, a reminder of glory!

¡Un laurel para ti de victoria! For you, a laurel of victory!
¡Un sepulcro para ellos de honor! For them, a tomb of honor!

Mexicanos, al grito de guerra Mexicans, at the cry of war,

el acero aprestad y el bridón. ready the steel and the bridle,
Y retiemble en sus centros la Tierra, and the Earth trembles at its core
al sonoro rugir del cañón. to the resounding roar of the cannon.
Y retiemble en sus centros la Tierra, and the Earth trembles at its core
¡al sonoro rugir del cañón! to the resounding roar of the cannon!

Dominion of Canada
O Canada

French Lyrics English Lyrics

Ô Canada! O Canada!
Terre de nos aïeux, Our home and native land!
Ton front est ceint de fleurons glorieux! True patriot love in all of us command.
Car ton bras sait porter l'épée, With glowing hearts we see thee rise,
Il sait porter la croix! The True North strong and free!
Ton histoire est une épopée From far and wide,
Des plus brillants exploits. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
Et ta valeur, de foi trempée, God keep our land glorious and free!
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.
Protégera nos foyers et nos droits. O Canada, we stand on guard for thee.

República Portuguesa
A Portuguesa
The Portuguese

Portuguese Lyrics English Translation

Heróis do mar, nobre povo, Heroes of the sea, noble people,

Nação valente, imortal, Valiant and immortal nation,
Levantai hoje de novo Raise once again today
O esplendor de Portugal! The splendor of Portugal!
Entre as brumas da memória, Among the haze of memory,
Ó Pátria, sente-se a voz Oh Fatherland, one feels the voice
Dos teus egrégios avós, Of your distinguished forefathers,
Que há-de guiar-te à vitória! That shall lead you on to victory!

Às armas, às armas! To arms, to arms!

Sobre a terra, sobre o mar, Over land, over sea,
Às armas, às armas! To arms, to arms!
Pela Pátria lutar! For the Fatherland, fight!
Contra os canhões, marchar, marchar! Against the cannons, march on, march on!

Desfralda a invicta Bandeira, Hoist the undefeated flag,

À luz viva do teu céu! In the lively light of your sky!
Brade a Europa à terra inteira: May Europe cry out to the whole Earth:
Portugal não pereceu Portugal has not perished
Beija o solo teu jucundo Kiss your merry ground
O Oceano, a rugir d'amor, The ocean, roaring with love,

E teu braço vencedor And your victorious arm
Deu mundos novos ao Mundo! Gave new worlds to the world!

Às armas, às armas! To arms, to arms!

Sobre a terra, sobre o mar, Over land, over sea,
Às armas, às armas! To arms, to arms!
Pela Pátria lutar! For the Fatherland, fight!
Contra os canhões, marchar, marchar! Against the cannons, march on, march on!

Saudai o Sol que desponta Salute the Sun that rises

Sobre um ridente porvir; Over a gleeful future;
Seja o eco de uma afronta Let the echo of an offense
O sinal do ressurgir. Be the sign for a comeback.
Raios dessa aurora forte Rays of this strong dawn
São como beijos de mãe, Are like a mother's kisses,
Que nos guardam, nos sustêm, That keep us, sustain us,
Contra as injúrias da sorte. Against the injuries of fate.

Às armas, às armas! To arms, to arms!

Sobre a terra, sobre o mar, Over land, over sea,
Às armas, às armas! To arms, to arms!
Pela Pátria lutar! For the Fatherland, fight!
Contra os canhões, marchar, marchar! Against the cannons, march on, march on!

Koninkrijk der Nederlanden

Dutch Lyrics English Translation

Wilhelmus van Nassouwe William of Nassau, scion

ben ik, van Duitsen bloed, Of a Dutch and ancient line,
den vaderland getrouwe I dedicate undying
blijf ik tot in den dood. Faith to this land of mine.
Een Prinse van Oranje A prince I am, undaunted,
ben ik, vrij onverveerd, Of Orange, ever free,
den Koning van Hispanje To the king of Spain I've granted
heb ik altijd geëerd. A lifelong loyalty.

In Godes vrees te leven I 've ever tried to live in

heb ik altijd betracht, The fear of God's command
daarom ben ik verdreven, And therefore I've been driven,
om land, om luid gebracht. From people, home, and land,
Maar God zal mij regeren But God, I trust, will rate me
als een goed instrument, His willing instrument
dat ik zal wederkeren And one day reinstate me
in mijnen regiment. Into my government.

Lijdt u, mijn onderzaten Let no despair betray you,

die oprecht zijt van aard, My subjects true and good.
God zal u niet verlaten, The Lord will surely stay you

al zijt gij nu bezwaard. Though now you are pursued.
Die vroom begeert te leven, He who would live devoutly
bidt God nacht ende dag, Must pray God day and night
dat Hij mij kracht zal geven, To throw His power about me
dat ik u helpen mag. As champion of your right.

Lijf en goed al te samen Life and my all for others

heb ik u niet verschoond, I sacrificed, for you!
mijn broeders hoog van namen And my illustrious brothers
hebben 't u ook vertoond: Proved their devotion too.
Graaf Adolf is gebleven Count Adolf, more's the pity,
in Friesland in de slag, Fell in the Frisian fray,
zijn ziel in 't eeuwig leven And in the eternal city
verwacht de jongste dag. Awaits the judgement day.

Edel en hooggeboren, I, nobly born, descended

van keizerlijke stam, From an imperial stock.
een vorst des rijks verkoren, An empire's prince, defended
als een vroom christenman, (Braving the battle's shock
voor Godes woord geprezen, Heroically and fearless
heb ik, vrij onversaagd, As pious Christian ought)
als een held zonder vreze With my life's blood the peerless
mijn edel bloed gewaagd. Gospel of God our Lord.

Mijn schild ende betrouwen A shield and my reliance,

zijt Gij, o God mijn Heer, O God, Thou ever wert.
op U zo wil ik bouwen, I'll trust unto Thy guidance.
verlaat mij nimmermeer. O leave me not ungirt.
Dat ik doch vroom mag blijven, That I may stay a pious
uw dienaar t'aller stond, Servant of Thine for aye
de tirannie verdrijven And drive the plagues that try us
die mij mijn hart doorwondt. And tyranny away.

Van al die mij bezwaren My God, I pray thee, save me

en mijn vervolgers zijn, From all who do pursue
mijn God, wil doch bewaren And threaten to enslave me,
de trouwe dienaar dijn, Thy trusted servant true.
dat zij mij niet verrassen O Father, do not sanction
in hunne boze moed, Their wicked, foul design,
hun handen niet en wassen Don't let them wash their hands in

in mijn onschuldig bloed. This guiltless blood of mine.

Als David moeste vluchten O David, thou soughtest shelter

voor Sauel den tiran, From King Saul's tyranny.
zo heb ik moeten zuchten Even so I fled this welter
als menig edelman. And many a lord with me.
Maar God heeft hem verheven, But God the Lord did save me
verlost uit alder nood, From exile and its hell
een koninkrijk gegeven And, in His mercy, gave him
in Israël zeer groot. A realm in Israel.

Na 't zuur zal ik ontvangen Fear not 't will rain sans ceasing
van God mijn Heer het zoet, The clouds are bound to part.
daarnaar zo doet verlangen I bide that sight so pleasing
mijn vorstelijk gemoed: Unto my princely heart,
dat is, dat ik mag sterven Which is that I with honor
met ere in dat veld, Encounter death in war,
een eeuwig rijk verwerven And meet in heaven my Donor,
als een getrouwe held. His faithful warrior.

Niets doet mij meer erbarmen Nothing so moves my pity

in mijne wederspoed As seeing through these lands,
dan dat men ziet verarmen Field, village, town and city
des Konings landen goed. Pillaged by roving hands.
Dat u de Spanjaards krenken, O that the Spaniards rape thee,
o edel Neerland zoet, My Netherlands so sweet,
als ik daaraan gedenke, The thought of that does grip me
mijn edel hart dat bloedt. Causing my heart to bleed.

Als een prins opgezeten A stride on steed of mettle

met mijner heireskracht, I've waited with my host
van de tiran vermeten The tyrant's call to battle,
heb ik de slag verwacht, Who durst not do his boast.
die, bij Maastricht begraven, For, near Maastricht ensconced,
bevreesden mijn geweld; He feared the force I wield.
mijn ruiters zag men draven My horsemen saw one bounce it
zeer moedig door dat veld. Bravely across the field.

Zo het de wil des Heren Surely, if God had willed it,

op die tijd was geweest, When that fierce tempest blew,

had ik geern willen keren My power would have stilled it,
van u dit zwaar tempeest. Or turned its blast from you
Maar de Heer van hierboven, But He who dwells in heaven,
die alle ding regeert, Whence all our blessings flow,
die men altijd moet loven, For which aye praise be given,
Hij heeft het niet begeerd. Did not desire it so.

Zeer christlijk was gedreven Steadfast my heart remaineth

mijn prinselijk gemoed, In my adversity
standvastig is gebleven My princely courage straineth
mijn hart in tegenspoed. All nerves to live and be.
De Heer heb ik gebeden I've prayed the Lord my Master
uit mijnes harten grond, With fervid heart and tense
dat Hij mijn zaak wil redden, To save me from disaster
mijn onschuld maken kond. And prove my innocence.

Oorlof, mijn arme schapen Alas! my flock. To sever

die zijt in grote nood, Is hard on us. Farewell.
uw herder zal niet slapen, Your Shepherd wakes, wherever
al zijt gij nu verstrooid. Dispersed you may dwell,
Tot God wilt u begeven, Pray God that He may ease you.
zijn heilzaam woord neemt aan, His Gospel be your cure.
als vrome christen leven,— Walk in the steps of Jesu
't zal hier haast zijn gedaan. This life will not endure.

Voor God wil ik belijden Unto the Lord His power

en zijne grote macht, I do confession make
dat ik tot gene tijden That ne'er at any hour
de Koning heb veracht, Ill of the King I spake.
dan dat ik God de Here, But unto God, the greatest
de hoogste Majesteit, Of Majesties I owe
heb moeten obediëren Obedience first and latest,
in de gerechtigheid. For Justice wills it so.

The Commonwealth of Australia
Advance Australia Fair

English Lyrics

Australians all let us rejoice,

For we are young and free;
We've golden soil and wealth for toil;
Our home is girt by sea;
Our land abounds in nature's gifts
Of beauty rich and rare;
In history's page, let every stage
Advance Australia Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia Fair.

Beneath our radiant Southern Cross

We'll toil with hearts and hands;
To make this Commonwealth of ours
Renowned of all the lands;
For those who've come across the seas
We've boundless plains to share;
With courage let us all combine
To Advance Australia Fair.
In joyful strains then let us sing,
Advance Australia Fair.

Republic of the Fiji Islands
God Bless Fiji

English Lyrics

Blessing grant oh God of nations on the isles of Fiji

As we stand united under noble banner blue
And we honour and defend the cause of freedom ever
Onward march together
God bless Fiji

For Fiji, ever Fiji, let our voices ring with pride
For Fiji, ever Fiji, her name hails far and wide,
A land of freedom, hope and glory, to endure what ever befalls
May God bless Fiji
Forever more!

Blessing grant, oh God of nations, on the isles of Fiji

Shores of golden sand and sunshine, happiness and song
Stand united, we of Fiji, fame and glory ever
Onward march together
God bless Fiji.

Kongeriget Danmark
Der er et yndigt land
There is a Lovely Land

Danish Lyrics English Translation

Der er et yndigt land, There is a lovely land

det står med brede bøge with spreading, shady beech-trees,
nær salten østerstrand Near salty eastern shore
Det bugter sig i bakke, dal, Its hills and valleys gently fall,
det hedder gamle Danmark its name is ancient Denmark,
og det er Frejas sal And it is Freya's hall.

Der sad i fordums tid There in the ancient days

de harniskklædte kæmper, sat armoured giants rested
udhvilede fra strid Between their bloody frays
Så drog de frem til fjenders mén, Then they went forth the foe to face,
nu hvile deres bene now found in stone-set barrows,
bag højens bautasten Their final resting place.

Det land endnu er skønt, This land is still as fair,

thi blå sig søen bælter, the sea is blue around it,
og løvet står så grønt And peace is cherished there
Og ædle kvinder, skønne møer Strong men and noble women still
og mænd og raske svende uphold their country's honour
bebo de danskes øer With faithfulness and skill.

Hil drot og fædreland! Hail king and fatherland!
Hil hver en danneborger, Hail citizens of honour,
som virker, hvad han kan! who do the best they can
Vort gamle Danmark skal bestå, Our ancient Denmark shall remain,
så længe bøgen spejler as long as beech tops mirror
sin top i bølgen blå in waves of blue their chain!

Republica Moldova
Limba noastrĂ
Our Language

Romanian Lyrics English Translation

Limba noastră-i o comoară A treasure is our language that surges

În adîncuri înfundată From deep shadows of the past,
Un șirag de piatră rară Chain of precious stones that scattered
Pe moșie revărsată. All over our ancient land.

Limba noastră-i foc ce arde A burning flame is our language

Într-un neam, ce fără veste Amidst a people waking
S-a trezit din somn de moarte From a deathly sleep, no warning,
Ca viteazul din poveste. Like the brave man of the stories.

Limba noastră-i numai cântec, Our language is made of songs

Doina dorurilor noastre, From our soul's deepest desires,
Roi de fulgere, ce spintec Flash of lightning striking swiftly
Nouri negri, zări albastre. Through dark clouds and blue horizons.

Limba noastră-i graiul pâinii, Our language is the tongue of bread

Când de vânt se mișcă vara; When the winds blow through the summer,
In rostirea ei bătrânii Uttered by our forefathers who
Cu sudori sfințit-au țara. Blessed the country through their labour.

Limba noastră-i frunză verde, Our language is the greenest leaf

Zbuciumul din codrii veșnici, Of the everlasting codris,
Nistrul lin, ce-n valuri pierde Gentle river Dniester's ripples
Ai luceferilor sfeșnici. Hiding starlight bright and shining.

Nu veți plânge-atunci amarnic, Utter no more bitter cries now

Că vi-i limba prea săracă, That your language is too poor,
Și-ți vedea, cât îi de darnic And you will see with what abundance
Graiul țării noastre dragă. Flow the words of our precious country.

Limba noastră-i vechi izvoade. Our language is full of legends,

Povestiri din alte vremuri; Stories from the days of old.
Și citindu-le 'nșirate, Reading one and then another
Te-nfiori adânc și tremuri. Makes one shudder, tremble and moan.

Limba noastră îi aleasă Our language is singled out

Să ridice slava-n ceruri, To lift praises up to heaven,
Să ne spiue-n hram și-acasă Uttering with constant fervour
Veșnicele adevăruri. Truths that never cease to beckon.

Limba noastră-i limbă sfântă, Our language is more than holy,

Limba vechilor cazanii, Words of homilies of old
Care o plâng și care o cântă Wept and sung perpetually
Pe la vatra lor țăranii. In the homesteads of our folks.

Înviați-vă dar graiul, Resurrect now this our language,

Ruginit de multă vreme, Rusted through the years that have passed,
Stergeți slinul, mucegaiul Wipe off filth and mould that gathered
Al uitării 'n care geme. When forgotten through our land.

Strângeți piatra lucitoare Gather now the sparkling stone,

Ce din soare se aprinde Catching bright light from the sun.
Și-ți avea în revărsare You will see the endless flooding
Un potop nou de cuvinte. Of new words that overflow.

Răsări-va o comoară A treasure will spring up swiftly

În adâncuri înfundată, From deep shadows of the past,
Un șirag de piatră rară Chain of precious stones that scattered
Pe moșie revărsată. All over our ancient land.

Druk Gyal Khap (འབྲུག་རྒྱལ་ཁབ་)

Druk Tsenden (འབྲུག་ཙན་དན)

The Thunder Dragon Kingdom

Dzongkha Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

འབྲུག་ཙན་དན་བཀོད་པའི་རྒྱལ་ཁབ་ནང་།། Dru tsenden köpi gäkhap na In the Kingdom of Bhutan adorned

དཔལ་ལུགས་གཉིས་བསྟན་སིད་སོང་བའི་མགོན་།། Pe 'lû 'nyî tensi chongwei gön with cypress trees,
འབྲུག་རྒྱལ་པོ་མངའ་བདག་རིན་པོ་ཆེ་།། Dru gäpo ngada rinpoche The Protector who reigns over the
སྐུ་འགྱུར་མེད་བརྟན་ཅིང་ཆབ་སིད་འཕེལ་།། Ku jurmet tencing chap tsit pe realm of spiritual and secular
Chö Sanggä tenpa darshing gä traditions,
Bang deiki nyima shar war He is the King of Bhutan, the precious
sho. sovereign.
May His being remain unchanging,
and the Kingdom prosper,
May the teachings of the Enlightened
One flourish,
May the sun of peace and happiness
shine over all people.

Saudi Arabia
Al-Mamlakah al-ʿArabīyah as-Saʿūdīyah (‫سعج ْو ِدالة ْةل اع اغ ِمللة ْةل ام ْملا اكة‬
‫)ةل ل‬
an-NašĪd al-WaṬanĪ as-SaʿŪdĪ (‫)ال س عودي ال وط ني ال ن ش يد‬
National Anthem of Saudi Arabia

Arabic Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

‫ارعِي‬ ْ ‫س‬ ‫ا‬ Sārʿī Hasten

، ِ‫او ْال اع ْل الاء ل ِْل امجْ د‬ Li-l-majdi wa-l-ʿalyāʾ, To glory and supremacy,
!‫َ ام ِ َجدِو‬ ِ ‫س اماء ِلُاا ِل‬ ‫ْال ل‬ Majjidī li-xāliqi s-samāʾ! Glorify the Creator of the heavens!
‫ارفاعِي‬ْ ‫ضغ ْال اُِلاقا او‬ ‫ْاأل ا ْخ ا‬ Wa-rfaʿī l-xaffāqa ʾaxḍar And raise the green flag
، ‫ور اا ْحمِ لج‬ ْ
‫طغ النم ا‬ ‫س ل‬ ‫ْال جم ا‬ Yaḥmilu n-nūra l-musaṭṭar, Carrying the written light reflecting
!‫أ ا ْكباغ هللاج ار ِدَدِو‬ Raddidī: Allāhu ʾakbar! guidance,
!‫ام ْوطِ نِي ااا‬ Yā mawṭinī! Repeat: God is the greatest!
،‫ام ْوطِ نِي‬ Mawṭinī, O my country!
! ‫ْال جم ْس ِلمِلن فا ُْ اغ ِع ْشتا‬ ʿišta faxra l-muslimīn! My country,
‫اا‬‫ع ا‬ ‫ْال املِا ا‬ ʿĀša l-malik Live as the pride of Muslims!
‫ل ِْلعالاا‬ Li-l-ʿalam Long live the King
!‫طن‬ ‫او ْال او ا‬ Wa-l-waṭan! For the flag
And the homeland!

Bundesrepublik Deutschland
Song of Germany

German Lyrics English Translation

Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, Germany, Germany above all,

Über alles in der Welt, Above all in the world,
Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze When, for protection and defense,
Brüderlich zusammenhält. It always stands brotherly together.
Von der Maas bis an die Memel, From the Meuse to the Memel,
Von der Etsch bis an den Belt, From the Adige to the Belt,
Deutschland, Deutschland über alles, Germany, Germany above all,
Über alles in der Welt! Above all in the world!

Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue, German women, German loyalty,

Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang German wine and German song,
Sollen in der Welt behalten Shall retain in the world
Ihren alten schönen Klang, Their old beautiful chime
Uns zu edler Tat begeistern And inspire us to noble deeds
Unser ganzes Leben lang. During all of our life.
Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue, German women, German loyalty,
Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang! German wine and German song!

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Unity and justice and freedom
Für das deutsche Vaterland! For the German fatherland!
Danach lasst uns alle streben Towards these let us all strive

Brüderlich mit Herz und Hand! Brotherly with heart and hand!
Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Unity and justice and freedom
Sind des Glückes Unterpfand; Are the safeguards of fortune;
Blüh' im Glanze dieses Glückes, Flourish in the radiance of this fortune,
Blühe, deutsches Vaterland! Flourish, German fatherland!

Confoederatio Helvetica
Swiss Psalm

German French Italian Romansh English

Lyrics Lyrics Lyrics Lyrics Translation

Trittst im Morgenrot Sur nos monts, Quando bionda En l'aurora la When the morning skies
daher, quand le soleil aurora damaun grow red
Seh ich dich im Annonce un il mattin c'indora ta salida il And over us their
Strahlenmeer, brillant réveil, l'alma mia t'adora carstgaun, radiance shed
Dich, du Et prédit d'un re del ciel! spiert etern Thou, O Lord, appeareth
Hocherhabener, plus beau jour Quando l'alpe già dominatur, in their light!
Herrlicher! le retour, rosseggia Tutpussent! When the alps glow
Wenn der Alpenfirn Les beautés de a pregare allor Cur ch'ils munts bright with splendor,
sich rötet, la patrie t'atteggia; straglischan sura, Pray to God, to Him
Betet, freie Schweizer, Parlent à l'âme in favor del patrio ura liber Svizzer, surrender!
betet, attendrie; suol, ura. For you feel and
Eure fromme Seele Au ciel in favor del patrio Mia olma senta understand
ahnt, montent plus suol, ferm, That God dwelleth in
Eure fromme Seele joyeux cittadino Dio lo Mia olma senta this land.
ahnt, Au ciel vuol, ferm, That God, the Lord,
Gott im hehren montent plus cittadino Dio, si Dieu en tschiel, il dwelleth in this land.
Vaterland! joyeux Dio lo vuol. bab etern.
Gott, den Herrn, im Les accents Dieu en tschiel, il
hehren Vaterland! d'un cœur bab etern.

Les accents
émus d'un cœur

Kommst im Lorsqu'un doux Se di stelle è un Er la saira en In the sunset Thou art

Abendglühn daher, rayon du soir giubilo splendur night
Find ich dich im Joue encore la celeste sfera da las stailas en And beyond the starry
Sternenheer, dans le bois Te ritrovo a sera o l'azur sky
Dich, du noir, Signor! tai chattain nus, Thou, O loving father,
Menschenfreundlicher, Le cœur se sent Nella notte creatur, ever near!
Liebender! plus heureux silenziosa Tutpussent! When to Heaven we are
In des Himmels près de Dieu l'alma mia in Te Cur ch'il departing
lichten Räumen Loin des vain riposa: firmament Joy and bliss Thou'lt be
Kann ich froh und bruits de la libertà, concordia, sclerescha imparting!
selig träumen; plaine amor, en noss cors For we feel and
Denn die fromme L'âme en paix libertà, concordia, fidanza crescha. understand
Seele ahnt est plus amor, Mia olma senta That God dwelleth in
Denn die fromme sereine; all'Elvezia serba ferm, this land.
Seele ahnt Au ciel ognor, Mia olma senta That God, the Lord,
Gott im hehren montent plus all'Elvezia serba ferm, dwelleth in this land.
Vaterland! joyeux, ognor. Dieu en tschiel, il
Gott, den Herrn, im Au ciel bab etern.
hehren Vaterland! montent plus Dieu en tschiel, il
joyeux, bab etern.
Les accents
d'un cœur
Les accents
émus d'un cœur

Ziehst im Nebelflor Lorsque dans Se di nubi un velo Ti a nus es er When dark clouds
daher, la sombre nuit m'asconde il tuo preschent enshroud the hills
Such ich dich im La foudre cielo en il stgir dal And gray mist the valley
Wolkenmeer, éclate avec pel tuo raggio firmament, fills
Dich, du bruit, anelo Dio ti inperscrutabel Yet Thou art not hidden
Unergründlicher, Notre cœur d'amore! spiert, Tutpussent! from thy sons!
Ewiger! pressent encore Fuga o sole quei Tschiel e terra Pierce the gloom in
Aus dem grauen le Dieu fort. vapori t'obedeschan which we cower

Bricht die Sonne klar Dans l'orage et e mi rendi i tuoi vents e nivels With Thy sunshine's
und milde, la détresse, favori: secundeschan. cleansing power
Und die fromme Seele Il est notre di mia patria deh! Mia olma senta Then we'll feel and
ahnt forteresse. Pietà ferm, understand
Und die fromme Seele Offrons-lui de di mia patria deh! Mia olma senta That God dwelleth in
ahnt cœurs pieux Pietà ferm, this land.
Gott im hehren Offrons-lui de brilla, o sol di Dieu en tschiel, il That God, the Lord,
Vaterland! cœurs pieux verità, bab etern. dwelleth in this land.
Gott, den Herrn, im Dieu nous brilla sol, o sol di Dieu en tschiel, il
hehren Vaterland! bénira des verità! bab etern.
Dieu nous
bénira du hauts
des cieux.

Fährst im wilden Des grand Quando rugge e Cur la furia da Towards us in the wild
Sturm daher, monts vient le strepita l'orcan storm coming,
Bist du selbst uns Hort secours, impetuoso il fa tremblar il cor You yourself give us
und Wehr, Suisse! espère nembo uman resistance and
Du, allmächtig en Dieu m'è ostel tuo alur das ti a nus stronghold,
Waltender, Rettender! toujours! grembo o Signor! vigur, Tutpussent! You, almighty ruling,
In Gewitternacht und Garde la foi In te fido Ed en temporal rescuing!
Grauen des aïeux, vis Onnipossente sgarschaivel During horror and nights
Lasst uns kindlich ihm comme eux! deh, proteggi stas ti franc a nus of thunderstorms
vertrauen! Sur l'autel de la nostra gente; fidaivel. Let us childlike trust
Ja, die fromme Seele partrie Libertà, Mia olma senta Him!
ahnt Met tes biens, concordia, amor, ferm, Yes, we feel and
Ja, die fromme Seele ton cœur, ta Libertà, Mia olma senta understand,
ahnt vie! concordia, amor, ferm, That God dwelleth in
Gott im hehren C'est le trésor all'Elvezia serba Dieu en tschiel, Il this land.
Vaterland! précieux ognor bab etern. That God, the Lord,
Gott, den Herrn, im C'est le trésor all'Elvezia serba Dieu en tschiel, il dwelleth in this land.
hehren Vaterland! précieux ognor. bab etern.
Que Dieu nous
bénira des
Que Dieu nous
bénira du hauts
des cieux.

Da Afġānistān Islāmī Jumhoryat (‫)جمهورا ت ا س سمي اف ران س تان د‬
MillĪ SurŪd (‫) سرود م لی‬
Afghan National Anthem

Pashto Lyrics Latin Transliteration English Translation

‫دی اف ران س تان وطن دا‬ Dā watan Afgānistān dai, This land is Afghanistan,
‫دى اف ران هغ د عزع دا‬ dā izat dә har Afgān dai it is the pride of every Afghan
‫ د ك ور‬،‫ت ورې د ك ور سول ې‬ Kor dә sor, kor dә ture, The land of peace, the land of sword,
‫دى ُ هغمان ا ې م چى هغ‬ har bačai ye qahramān dai each of its sons is brave

‫دى ك ور ټ ول و د وطن دا‬ Dā watan dә ttolo kor dai, This is the country of every tribe,
‫ د‬،‫ازم كو د م لوڅو‬ dә Baločo, dә Uzbәko The land of Balochs and Uzbeks
‫هزاراو او پ ــ ښــ تــ نو‬ dә Pax̌tun aw Hazārawo, Pashtuns and Hazaras,
‫ د‬،‫ت اج كو د ت غك م نو‬ dә Turkmәno, dә Tāǰәko Turkmens and Tajiks

‫ سغه ور‬،‫دو ګ وجغ عغب‬ Wәr sara Arәb, Guǰәr di, With them, there are Arabs and Gujjars,
،‫ن ور س تان لان پ ام لغا ان‬ Pāmiryān, Nuristānyān Pamiris, Nuristanis
‫ م غاهوو‬،‫دو ُ زل باا دو‬ Brāhuwi di, Qizilbāsh di, Brahuis, and Qizilbash,
‫ ها‬،‫پ شاا ان ها اا ماق‬ ham Aymāq, ham Pašāyān also Aimaqs and Pashais

‫ځ ل ېږو ت ل م ه ه لواد دا‬ Dā hiwād ba tәl dzaleγ̌i, This land will shine for ever,
‫آ سمان ي نه پ غ ل مغ ل كه‬ lәka lmar pәr šnә āsmān like the sun in the blue sky
‫م ه آ س لا د ك ې س ل نې پ ه‬ Pә sine ke dә Āsyā ba, In the chest of Asia,
‫جاوا دان وو زړه ل كه‬ lәka zrrә wi ǰāwidān it will remain as heart for ever

‫ره بغ دى مو حَ د ن وع‬ Num dә haq mo dai rahbar, We will follow the one God

‫اك بغ هللا واا و‬ Wāyu Allāhu Akbar, We all say, "Allah is the greatest!",
‫اك بغ هللا واا و‬ Wāyu Allāhu Akbar, we all say, "Allah is the greatest!",
‫اك بغ هللا واا و‬ Wāyu Allāhu Akbar we all say, "Allah is the greatest!"

República de Cuba
La Bayamesa
The Bayamo Song

Spanish Lyrics English Translation

¡Al combate, corred, bayameses!, To combat, run, Bayamesans!

Que la patria os contempla orgullosa; For the homeland looks proudly upon you;
No temáis una muerte gloriosa, Do not fear a glorious death,
Que morir por la patria es vivir. For to die for the homeland is to live.
En cadenas vivir es vivir To live in chains is to live
En afrenta y oprobio sumidos. Mired in shame and disgrace.
Del clarín escuchad el sonido: Hear the sound of the bugle:
¡A las armas, valientes, corred! To arms, brave ones, run!

No temáis los feroces íberos, Fear not the vicious Iberians,

Son cobardes cual todo tirano. They are cowards like every tyrant.
No resisten al bravo cubano; They cannot oppose the spirited Cuban;
Para siempre su imperio cayó. Their empire has forever fallen.
¡Cuba libre! Ya España murió, Free Cuba! Spain has already died,
Su poder y su orgullo ¿do es ido? Its power and pride, where did it go?
¡Del clarín escuchad el sonido: Hear the sound of the bugle:
¡¡A las armas!!, valientes, corred! To arms, brave ones, run!

Contemplad nuestras huestes triunfantes, Behold our triumphant troops,

Contempladlos a ellos caídos. Behold those who have fallen.
Por cobardes huyeron vencidos; Because they were cowards, they flee defeated;

¡Por valientes, sabemos triunfar! Because we were brave, we knew how to triumph.
¡Cuba libre! podemos gritar Free Cuba! we can shout
Del cañón al terrible estampido. From the cannon's terrible boom.
¡Del clarín escuchad el sonido: Hear the sound of the bugle,
¡¡A las armas!!, valientes, corred! To arms, brave ones, run!

República del Ecuador
La MarCha Real
Poland Is Not Yet Lost

Spanish Lyrics English Translation

¡Salve, Oh Patria, mil veces! We greet you, Oh Fatherland, a thousand times!

¡Oh Patria, gloria a ti! ¡Gloria a ti! Oh Fatherland, Glory be to you! Glory be to you!
Ya tu pecho, tu pecho, rebosa, Your chest, your chest, overflows,
Gozo y paz ya tu pecho rebosa; Your chest overflows with joy and peace;
Y tu frente, tu frente radiosa And your radiant face, your radiant face
Más que el sol contemplamos lucir. is brighter than the shining sun we see.

Los primeros, los hijos del suelo, The first ones, the sons of the soil
Que, soberbio, el Pichincha decora, Which Pichincha adorns proudly,
Te aclamaron por siempre señora They declared you as their sovereign lady forever
Y vertieron su sangre por ti. And shed their blood for you.
Dios miró y aceptó el holocausto God observed and accepted the holocaust,
Y esa sangre fue germen fecundo And that blood was the prolific seed
De otros héroes que atónito el mundo Of other heroes whom the world in astonishment
Vió en tu torno a millares surgir. Saw rise up around you by the thousands.
¡A millares surgir, a millares surgir! Rise up by the thousands, rise up by the thousands!

¡Salve, Oh Patria, mil veces! We greet you, Oh Fatherland, a thousand times!

¡Oh Patria, gloria a ti! ¡Gloria a ti! Oh Fatherland, Glory be to you! Glory be to you!
Ya tu pecho, tu pecho, rebosa, Your chest, your chest, overflows,
Gozo y paz ya tu pecho rebosa; Your chest overflows with joy and peace;

Y tu frente, tu frente radiosa And your radiant face, your radiant face
Más que el sol contemplamos lucir. is brighter than the shining sun we see.


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