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1. The committee says the air quality is terrible .

due to public transportation.

2. The short-term effects may be throbbing pain
and long-term cancer or heart disease. We can
make small changes like stop using cars and
use bikes.
3. trying to walk or bike short distances and
mowing the lawn every two weeks.
4. Cambio Climático
5. La principal causa del cambio climático es el
calentamiento global y tiene múltiples consecuencias
negativas en los sistemas físicos, biológicos y
humanos, entre otros efectos.

- When we use more vehicles, more CO2

emissions are generated.
- Industries also affect global warming
due to the waste they generate

in some places the consequences are

already being experienced, such as drought,
hurricanes, thaw, etc.

We can recycle, try to use less water, less
electricity, plant a tree.
we should change our actions because it is our
planet, and we only harm ourselves.
Introduction: Everyone wants to reduce pollution.
You can do this using bicycles instead of cars or
public transportation.

Body: On the one hand, if you start using bicycles

instead of cars, you will be able to reduce
pollution and CO2 emissions. In addition, by
using bicycles, you will save energy and exercise.

Bottom Line: Now, you can try using another type

of transportation to decrease pollution and have a
healthier life.

Everyone wants to combat climate change. Now
you can do it in your daily activities. These
changes will decrease the CO2 emissions that
cause climate change.
For one thing, according to a report in England,
Peru is the third country most vulnerable to
climate change, but we can change this.
Also, if we start recycling, we will conserve our
forests that reduce pollution.
besides, by recycling rather than littering, our
waste will not accumulate in the waters of our
rivers and seas.
By recycling we will fight climate change.

I think climate change is a big problem around the world. If the problem continues, we will get
sick and become extinct. An example to illustrate my point is the over or under temperature.
Another example can be deglaciation and sea level rise. If nothing is done, people will feel
these temperature changes. Also, the planet will be destroyed. This is why I propose that we
start recycling, to conserve our forests that reduce pollution.

Finally, by recycling rather than littering, our waste will not accumulate in the waters of our
rivers and seas.

By recycling we will fight against climate change.


- I am going to the park next weekend.

- By 2022, there are going to be more pollution.

- I will send you a message tomorrow before I go to bed

- Within two years, the coronavirus will be eliminated.
2. pro
- There will be fewer cars on the streets, the streets will be less noysi.
- Pollution will decrease
- using public transport is cheaper than a private car.
2. cons
- foto
I think the most important environmental concern today is the pollution, because
it has serious consequences and effects on our health and on our environment.
Mostly in low-income children and ancients are the most affected, the
contamination causes respiratory and heart problems commonly.
Also, in the environment it causes disapperarance of animal and an increase in
global warming.
4. We all want to live in a better world and for a longer time. We must change our
habbits, and practice recycling to have a better life.
- If we want to help reduce energy consumption, the use of led bulbs is a good
Taking advantage of sunlight is amazing, we can do it using solar panels.

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