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are people affected by genetic engineering?

As things like our genes can not be changed no matter what you do, just like the movie were he had all the skills and brains
but not the genetics.

How is society better off? Worse off?

It is better off because we can remove genetically transmitted diseases like sickle cell. Worse off as they can be cloning
done which is against the law of nature.

What knowledge questions can we pose based on this movie?

To what extent can cloning effect the present society

Is this society better than ours?

This society would not be any better as everyone is perfect there will be no value of being the best.

Was it unethical for Vincent to put himself in a situation in which he might endanger himself or others? Regardless of the
problems in this society?
It was unethical of him but if he did not take this step he would have never accomplished his dream of going to space.

Can society force you to behave unethically? Does that make your actions ethical?
Society does forces us to behave unethically as the rules they imply on us and the expectation they have from us.

Consider this situation from different ethical perspectives.

People can be saved from deadly diseases which have been coming over for many years

Should this be legal?

Yes, only for eliminating deadly and dangerous disease

Would you participate?

I would participate as society is there only to pull you away from your dreams and it’s your choices to follow the rules or
your dream.

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