Quiz 5 Mark Cuban 10 Rules Success 12 8 17

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Name _________________________Quiz 5: Mark Cuban 10 Rules for Success

Rule 1: Now is the time: Every time is the _________time to start a business
and requires___________________ to know when you’ll be ready to start

Rule 2: Be Passionate: Mark Cuban has always been passionate: circle the
one(s) he expressed most passion about?
stamp business read business books learn to program all of these

Rule 3: Don’t make Excuses: Mark believes every opportunity has potential to
turn into a business True False

Rule 4: Learn from History: Important to do extensive research about

businesses that failed over past 15 years to: Circle correct one
Avoid starting similar business Determine who already tried your idea

Rule 5: Enjoy Competing: What sports team does Mark Cuban own
_______________and what does he enjoy more than his sports team
_______________in business?

Rule 6: Know Your Business: Money is not as important as?

Effort Brains Industry Knowledge All of these

Rule 7: Be Brutally Honest with Yourself: Most business owners

Rule 8: Know your Strengths & Weaknesses: Mark is a detail person
True False

Rule 9: Be Unique: Know your ___________ & ______________ competing in

Rule 10: Be Yourself: Name Bank he worked for _____________ and major
decision made after being fired from last job in Dallas _________________?

11. What was the rule that had the biggest impact on you and why?

12: Rate Video: 1 2 3 4 5 (5 being the highest) & why

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