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Weekly Ministry Opportunities From Your Pastor’s Heart
Melanie Gee, Ext. Session Coord.
Dorothy Posey, Church Secretary
Ryan Greene. Min. of Music & Youth
John D. Meyer, Pastor
Sunday, August 2 Dr. Jim Diehl, our Associational Director of
9:15a Sunday School Missions, and Dr. Harold Herd, our Associa-
10:30a Worship Service tional Prayer Coordinator, have asked all of
11:45a Property Committee Mtg. (FH) our churches to join together in a 24 hour

Your Church Staff

“Simultaneous Day of Prayer” for our nation
Wednesday, August 5 beginning at 6:00PM on Friday, July 31 and
6:30p Praise Team Practice (Sanct) continuing until 6:00PM on Saturday, August
1. They are asking us to focus on the pan-
demic and the national unrest. I am asking
you to mark your calendar and pray often for
our nation in that 24 hour period. I also want
Livestreaming Services to ask you to plan to join us for two prayer
July 30, 2020 • Vol. 43, Issue 27 will continue: times on Facebook live at 6:00PM on July 31
Prayertime - Daily and 12:00 noon on August 31 as we join our



(Mon - Sat. - 12:00pm) sister churches in our association in simulta-
neous prayer for our nation.
(Sunday @ 6:00pm) I read an article by Thom Rainer this week
Sunday School - 9:15am about the church’s response during this pan-
Worship - 10:30am demic. In that article, he cited “Ten Factors
on Sunday That Are Putting Your Church Members In
A Concerned Mood.” He said his research
Wednesday Prayer Mtg. - 7:00pm indicates church members are: Weary of the
cumulative toll of the pandemic, Confused by

Electronic service requested:

inconsistent information being released,

North Augusta, SC 29861-8168

P.O. Box 8168
Belvedere First Baptist Church
Answers: Fearful because of the bad news released
daily, Feel like they have lost their church
The disciples (Luke 22:45) because it may not return to its pre-pandemic
state, Weary of Cultural Fights, Stressed
Benjamin (Genesis 35:16-18) because it is a presidential election season,
See too much negativity on social media,
Miss gathering with friends at church, Have
Loss of outward focus because they’re so
self focused, Are Lamenting that their regu-
Within The Family lar patterns have been disrupted and routines
Assisted Living: have been lost. Perhaps you are experienc-
Virginia Cooper - Camellia Walk, #2002 ing some or all of these factors as you wade
Sarah Davis - 1026 Keystone Lane, through this pandemic. I want to encourage
Clemson, SC 29631 you to listen to the words of Solomon which
Mae Padgett - Rm 114, Edgefield Hospital were inspired by the Holy Spirit, and put them
Barbara “Ann” Weatherford into practice in your daily walk. “Trust in the
125 Wilkinson Place Lord with all your heart and do not lean on
Our Mission: We exist to obey Jesus Christ by Toccoa, GA 30577 your own understanding. In all your ways
Permit #20
Augusta, GA
US Postage Paid
Non-Profit Org.

continuously reaching out to create relation- Anne Welch - 1159 Lancaster Dr., acknowledge Him and He will make your
ships and share Christ’s story in order to make St. Charles, MO 63303
Barbara McDaniel - Brookdale #701 paths straight.” The Lord God has a purpose
mature disciples. and a plan, and He will be faithful to work it
Nursing Home: NHC out in His timing. Keep your eyes on Him!
421 Edgefield Road | PO Box 8168
Betty Bethune, Ruby McDaniel I love you and will see you Sunday!
North Augusta, SC 29861-8168
803-279-0415 | 803-279-0476 In the Sonshine! Bro. John
Who slept while Jesus prayed in Praise Team Practice Stewardship Report
Wednesday, August 5 Week of: July 26, 2020
Teens Reserved Unto True Holiness
6:30pm Weekly Needs $6,297.00
Who was the youngest of Jacob’s In the Sanctuary Weekly Tithe $7422.50
Needs/Date $188,911.15
twelve sons?
YOUTH Offering/Date $185,557.27
Sunday School @ 9:15am (includes on-line giving)
Answers on back:
Annie Armstrong #8040 $.25
In Room 110 Forward in Faith #8001 $20.00
Thank You
Memorials (Collins, Kendall) $120.00
Notes of appreciation have been
received from Betty Holton and SOAR
are posted on the bulletin board Kids Climbing in Faith
Earth has no sorrow outside the church office.
No Soar until further notice!
that Heaven can’t heal. Please note: one of the cards is
for the Victory Sunday School
Connie Maxwell
The Monday Night Prayer Group is tak-
Prayer List ing donations of feminine supplies to be Members In Service
Please Note!
delivered to Connie Maxwell Children’s Welcome Team
In the Hospital No Golden Age Club Meetings Home. (at a future date)
Lynn Stevens - University until the first of next year Community Ministries
Deacons will be filling in at this time
Dave Mulder - UH, Pacemaker on 7/29 (Jan. 2021) IS NOW FULLY OPEN
Our Church Family and is in need of non-perishable food Safety
Warren Smith - recovering @ home items, personal care items, etc. Mike Wilson, Everett Gregory
Betty Holton - recovering from surgery, Donations can be dropped off
Monday, 9:30am - 2:30pm Sound & Multimedia Team
@ home
Gail Willem - recovering @ home/doing Tues - Friday, 9:30a - 5:00p Scott Wilk, Phil Solesbee
well Sat., 9:30a - 3:30p
Property Committee Meeting (Or dropped off at the church) Deacons-On-Call
Sophronia McCabe - outpatient surg/
postponed until August 5th. Ministry hours for assistance Week of August 2
When: Sunday, August 2, Wed. - Fri., 9:00a - 2:00p Alan Hankins / 517-379-9817
Immediately following the morning Olin Boatwright / 803-221-1485
Thrift Store hours: Stephen Raines / 217-741-7076
Please pray for our church, its members Worship service Tues. - Fri., 9:30a - 5:30p
and our country in this time of need and Where: In the Fellowship Hall Sat., 9:30a - 4:00p Extended Session
if you have a prayer need/request,
please call the church office or email If you would like to make a monetary - No extended session at this time
Please make every effort to at- donation you may do so to:
me - Children are welcome to worship with their tend, there are a number of im- Community Ministries of NA parents in the Sanctuary
portant projects to discuss. (P.O. Box 7152,
NASC 29861 - 7152)

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