Articles From General Knowledge Today: Daily Current Affairs 2012 Quiz: August 17, 2012

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Articles from General Knowledge Today

Daily Current Affairs 2012 Quiz : August 17, 2012

2012-08-18 11:08:39 GKToday

1. The highest court of which among the following countries has recently upheld the
world’s toughest law on cigarette promotion? [A]Germany [B]Australia [C]Canada


Show Answer 2. A committee has been recently set up by Prime Minister

Manmohan Singh to review the taxation of development centres and IT sector. Who
among the following head this committee? [A]Partho Shome [B]Rashmi Sahani
Saxena [C]Anita Kapoor [D]N Rangachary

N Rangachary

Show Answer 3. As per the recently released Global Competitiveness Index

Report 2011-12, what is the rank of Indian Economy among the 140 countries
indexed? [A]40th [B]52nd [C]56th [D]62nd

56th Please note that the Global Competitiveness Index Report is compiled by
World Economic Forum.

Show Answer 4. The Polavaram dam project has been making headlines
frequently in recent times. The interstate dispute in context with this project has
been among which among the following states? [A]Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and
Maharashtra [B]Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Chhattisgarh [C]Andhra Pradesh,
Karnataka and Odisha [D]Andhra Pradesh and Chhattisgarh

Andhra Pradesh, Odisha and Chhattisgarh

Show Answer 5. The TMI e2E Academy, a partner of the National Skill
Development Corporation has launched the country’s first employability counselling
centre at which among the following places? [A]Hyderabad [B]Bangalore [C]Chennai

Hyderabad The centre will target the rural and semi-urban graduates and provide
them skill training so that they are employment ready. It will offer the candidate an
opportunity to take a Job Personality Fitment Test (JPFit Test) to find out what kind
of jobs will suit his/her personality at the centre itself.
Show Answer 6. How many countries are the members of the Community of
Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) a, regional bloc of Latin American
and Caribbean nations? [A]26 [B]29 [C]33 [D]36


Show Answer 7. India has recently announced to set up two manufacturing

hubs in which among the following countries? [A]Afghanistan [B]Myanmar [C]Sri
Lanka [D]Bangladesh

Sri Lanka

Show Answer 8. As per the latest Environmental Performance Index (EPI),

India's planning commission has placed which among the following states on top
slot? [A]Andhra Pradesh [B]Gujarat [C]Himachal Pradesh [D]Odisha

Himachal Pradesh According to Planning Commission, the EPI is a measure of

environmental well-being and with the efforts made by the State, the scores
assigned and the ranking would change year after year. The criteria on which the
index was ranked took into account 16 indicators under five categories of air
pollution, forests, water quality, water management and climate change. The
planning commission is considering the environmental performance index under the
performance criteria for states under the Gadgil Formula and to assign a 2 percent
weightage for environment conservation.

Show Answer 9. Which among the following global banking giant was recently
making news for money-laundering transactions involving Iran, followed by a
settlement with fine worth $340 million? [A]Barclays [B]Satander [C]Stan Chart
[D]Deutsche Bank

Stan Chart

Show Answer 10. What is the contribution of MSME sector to the country’s total
manufacturing output? [A]35% [B]40% [C]45% [D]50%

45% India has 30 million MSME units, which as the second largest source of
employment after agriculture, employs 70 million people. It contributes 45 per cent to
the manufacturing output and 40 per cent of exports.

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