Rhetorical Analysis of Field Artifacts Racquelhughes

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Racquel Hughes

Professor B. Barron
ENL2135- SECTION 0046
July 13th, 2020

Rhetorical Analysis of Field Artifacts

Racquel Hughes
Professor B. Barron
ENL2135- SECTION 0046
July 13th, 2020

The writing processes. Within the discourse community of the Creative Writing Major

there are common issues within the community. After some research, a problem that most writers

face when writing their material is the writing process used by creative writing writers. Which

makes the writing process a common issue that has been expressed throughout the discourse

community. That is the topic I will be discussing, the issues that both instructors have with

students and their use of the writing process which includes the issues that students have with the

writing process when writing creatively. From creative writing major participants to just creative

writers. These participants have expressed their concerns of through different articles that

divulge in the teaching and learning the writing process specifically from the instructor the

student chooses. Simply the writing process can intel many different aspects, but specifically the

revision process is where the problem lies. As expressed to me, the way in that members of the

creative writing community rely concerns of issue, as expressed, is through different genres of

analytically rhetorical artifacts, the rhetorical artifacts that I will be discussing are a written

article by a teacher expressing the concern about revision of student assigned writing and a

poster found on the web of the writing process with electric trails that seems to appeal to that of

elementary students but could be targeted towards anyone learning of the writing process.

To understand the creative writing major there must be an understanding of creative

writing. Creative Writing is the use of imagination to creatively express oneself through the

graphic form of written word, which can be both used to define the art personally and

professionally however when expressing creative writing in collaboration with instructors the
definition becomes a little different than that of the usual. Creative writing is considered as any

writing that can expand outside of the bounds of the normal professional, journalistic, academic,

or technical forms of literature. That are expressed through different types of genres. The

different genres of creative writing are poetry, non-fiction, fiction, that are expressed through

short-story, and drama, which is another genre that creative writing is expressed through.

The writing process is the process used when determining the necessary revisions that a

writer’s written material needs to comply with the standards of “what is correct” according to the

instructor or whomever the instructor’s guide which is normally a philosopher. According to the

first artifact, the writing process is as follows: prewriting, writing, revise, rewrite, proofread,

publish. The first artifact, the writing process poster has somewhat of a modern appeal that

appeals to the viewers pathos. Pathos is appeals to values, visuals, and symbols. The audience

targeted for this artifact seem to be that of those seeking knowledge of the writing process. The

rhetorical situation of this artifact is to teach the reader or viewer the lesson of what the writing

process is. The writing process defined is prewriting, which is the brainstorming process where

the writer jots down ideas about what he or she will be writing about. Writing which is the

divulging of details that will be included within the paragraphs of the written material. Revisions

which is the reviewing of the draft and correcting of mistakes, rewriting is the process in which

the writer has collected most of the grammatical errors and began correcting the material that is

either wrong or does not belong within the written material. Proofreading is checking the written

material for errors before finally publishing the written material and allowing other writers or

peers to read the written material that has been thoroughly processed through the writing process.

The way that this advertisement or poster I should say has been created is like a directional

pathway visually expressing the order of the writing process as instructors use when assigning
written material and correcting the assignments that are submitted. The visual rhetoric of this

artifact is difficult to determine why the creator would decide to use this visual scheme to appeal

to the readers and viewers, however I believe that the creator is, through the use of color scheme

appealing to the pathos with symbols and, by ease of directional flow through using arrows.

Appealing to the readers or viewers logos by explaining each aspect of the writing process in

understanding words. What is questioning the reviewing process or the writing process itself?

Seems to be a topic that is not discussed as much as it should be.

An article written by a teacher, Suzanne Greenberg, that explains the writing process of

students within a creative writing class. Her article expresses the meaningfulness of the writing

process, specifically revision. The brink of the research with her article is of student fiction that

she has trouble responding too and the pinpointing of the shortcomings of those students’ early

drafts, and how to approach those students. The teacher uses the how the student did not use the

writing process properly to express how the writing process should be used. This article appeals

to that of students and other instructors with concerns of the considerable writing process that the

teacher chose to use. When reading this article there was much of a active voice that from

reading I heard an urgency of wanting to inform readers of areas within revision that there is a

lack of efficiency that writers may have when creatively writing; Greenberg has a very active

voice within her article as she explains the connection between student responses to her revision

and her lack of ability to respond to some of her students work also. Expressed at the beginning

of her article and confirmed when responding to a students’ work within the text, Greenberg,

expresses. While I have clearly botched my attempts at encouraging students to revise their "way

altered State" stories, I have been only a partial failure in working with students who are writing

in clear genres.” (Greenberg 8) If there is no common ground between understanding the

evaluations that a teacher makes on student work and even constructive criticism, then the effort

to communicate within the creative writing community will not be affective. Creative meaning

the use of imagination, sharing of ideas from each other through the many different forms of

communication, and the physiological ideal that writing can be viewed as a three-dimensional

storytelling platform that merges writers theological ideas with writing and create material that

like the non-text based artifact selected. Creative writing is an artform that I compare to that of a

ladder-learning that is not just simplified to just those in college or in higher learning education

but also those who are younger in grade school. I say this to simply say that creative writing is an

art that has followed us throughout educational career path. The exigence or the main issue

highlighted by this artifact is the lack of proper use of the writing process that had been observed

throughout this instructors course by her students which created the juxtaposition that other

students or creative writing participants misused the writing process also.

The non-text based artifact; the writing process poster confirms my previously expressed

ideal that the pathos drawn from the poster is that of the play upon the viewers emotional mental

mind by using colors that elicit a pathological reaction from the audience of the poster. Therefore

to believe that writing can be viewed as a three-dimensional storytelling platform that merges

writers’ theological ideas with writing and create material that can be interpreted to produce

ideas that other discourse communities can use for their benefits. The poster image persuades us

that the teacher is correct about her steps of the writing process and how students should write

when using the writing process. The rhetorical constraints are the fact that the image conveys

the fact of the writing process as a writing technique used in creative writing. This contributes to

the fact that through different forms of graphic communication, the creative writing major

communicates through the use of visuals and due to this there are different organized
partnerships that discuss the use of these visuals and how they will be distributed and to whom

they’ll be distributed to.

The poster image is a modern and graphic way of explanation of the well-used writing

process. The very common process that is used by the community of creative writing. The poster

image itself is very broad when discussing the writing process, however the use of arrows

visualizes the directional progress of the process. Within the process you notice the inclusion of

peers during the revision process. The organization of the image very unified, enough to as stated

understand the directional flow if the postered diagram. The poster image also uses colors, I used

to be familiar with the use pathos through color imagery and specifically that is what is

happening within the image. During the process of revision by the instructor, expressed by

Greenberg, the lack of knowledge of knowing how to address certain students respectfully

without being offensive with revision comments. Therefore using poster images and color

imagery the approach could be explained that way.

Knowing that at times teachers sometimes have difficulties approaching a student work

logically without being passive aggressive or misunderstanding the ideas of that students’ work

is expression through an appeal to the readers pathos especially if that reader is a student. The

rhetorical situation of the postered image being a learning guide tool that explains the connection

of the writing process as used construct a reader and medium relationship. The reader being the

text-based artifact and the medium being the non-text-based artifact. In conclusion, the two

artifacts underlying message is that of making conclusions before thoroughly revising writer’s

material. The poster image artifact appears to be simply an outlining guide of what the writing

process is but after rhetorical analyzing the artifact, it is also a psychological guide for

instructors, instructing them how to approach a writers material during each process reviewing.
Composed these artifacts appeal to readers ethos that confirms the credibility of what

Greenberg discusses in her article about the use of the writing process.

Word Count: 1668

Text-Based: Greenberg, S. (1996). Let’s Get Personal: Responding to Creative Writing.
Non-Text based: Writing Process Poster

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