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Faculty of Engineering and Applied


Engineering: 7704 (Dr. S.M.R. Adluri) Design of Steel Structures

Final Examination Date: Aug. 06, 2011
3 hours exam

Instructions: No aids, materials, notes and formula sheets, except for the Handbook of Steel
Construction. Details of worked examples or other descriptions and notes must not be inserted
or written down in the handbook. For full credit, show all intermediate calculations. If any data
is not given, make a reasonable assumption and clearly state it with justification. Unless
otherwise specified, design tables for capacities, etc., must not be used.

1. For the following truss, all A

members are 2L102x89x7.9
(Long Legs Connected with ½”
gap) 350W steel. The
connections are all welded.
Assume that the connections and
gusset plates are strong and
sufficiently long and do not
influence the capacity. Height of
the truss is 3m while the width is
6m. The individual angles in all C B
members are interconnected at 2
intermediate points each. Find the
appropriate axial capacities of the
Using these capacities, find the
maximum value of P that can be
carried by the truss. (30%)

2. A W360x262 steel member has an effective length of 13 m about the

strong axis and 1/2 as much about the weak axis in a braced frame. It
has an axial compressive load of 3000 kN. It also carries a 500 kN-m
moment at each end about the strong axis of the member. Check case
(c) of either Clause 13.8.3 or 13.8.2, as applicable. (30%)

3. In a building frame, all the beams are W310x107 and are 9m long. All the columns are
W360x147 and 5m high (strong axis bending in the plane of the frame). All the connections
in the frame resist moments. Find the effective length (in the plane of the frame) for an
interior column and an exterior column in the third floor. (10%)
4. Eight meter long simply supported composite beams
spaced at 3m. The beams are made of W310x107 and
65mm thick 20 MPa concrete slab on 75 mm deck
(wd/hd=2) with 19 mm shear studs. Tensile strength of
the studs is the same as that of regular steel. The slab
carries 2.5 kPa live load 40% of which is long term and
2 kPa dead load (incl. slab wt.).

(a) Find the total number of shear suds to be placed for FULL composite action on each
interior beam and the minimum height of the studs. (15%)

(b) Find the contribution of creep to the deflection. (15%)

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