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Pillai HOC college of Engineering and Technology
Pillai HOC educational campus, HOC colony, Rasayani Via Panvel
Dist: Raigad Pin: 410207


Final Year Project Guidelines and Progress Record Booklet

Project Title: __________________________________________________________________

Group Members: _______________________________________________



Name of Guide: _______________________________________________

Name of Co-Guide /
Industry Guide: _______________________________________________

Academic Year:2018-2019
To establish a department of excellence in mechanical engineering encompassing design,
manufacturing, and thermal sciences by providing high-quality education through teaching-
learning process and research to meet the technological challenges.
To educate and prepare undergraduate students with theoretical and practical skills required for
the successful career in mechanical and allied discipline with ethics and respect to the
 To prepare students for advanced technologies available in the fields of finite element
analysis, robotics, materials, manufacturing, automobile and thermal engineering.
 To educate students in design and development of mechanical products and systems that
meet specified requirements by correlating theoretical and practical knowledge gained
through various modelling applications and machines.
 To train students in various interdisciplinary subjects including management and
communication to enhance interpersonal and leadership skills which will ultimately improve
 To provide opportunity for students to develop real time projects by participating in
professional bodies like SAE, e-Yantra, MESA.
 To motivate students for lifelong learning and pursuing their achievements, while retaining
high ethical values through project and business management.
 Students should be able to solve complex problems in the field of design, thermal and
manufacturing systems.
 Students should be able to analyse mechanical systems by conducting experimental studies
and performing simulations using software for design and validation.
 Students should be able to develop his/her ideas in the field of renewable energy sources and
contribute towards the society.
 Students should be able to apply technical and managerial skills to work as good team
players in diverse interdisciplinary projects.

Sr. No. Content Page No.

1 Scheme of Instructions and Evaluation 1

2 Schedule of Presentation and Demonstration 1

3 Objectives and Outcomes 2

4 Selection and Assessment process 3

5 Project Information Sheet 4

6 Semester VII Progress record 5-8

7 Semester VII Evaluation Scheme 9

8 Semester VIII Progress record 10 -13

9 Semester VIII Evaluation Scheme 14

Guidelines for preparation of Thesis / Dissertations / Project

10 16-18

11 Instructions for Project Report 19

12 Instructions for Project Presentation 19

1.Scheme of Instructions and Evaluation
Instructions Evaluation
Sr. Sem Subject Practical/Week Term Oral Total
No. work Marks
1 VII Project- I 6 50 -- 50
2 VIII Project- II 12 100 50 150

2.Schedule of Presentation and Demonstration (Sem VII & VIII)

Semester VII From: _________to ___________
Presentation- I and Submission
Date: __________________
of printed copy of project report

Semester VIII From: _________to ___________

Presentation- II and Submission
of spiral bound copy of project Date: ________________
Submission of Black book copy
of project report

Mr. Hemant Patil Dr. G. V. Patil

Project Coordinator Head of Mechanical Department

3.Objectives and Outcomes
1. To acquaint with the process of undertaking literature survey/industrial visit and
identifying the problem

2. To familiarize the process of problem solving in a group

3. To acquaint with the process of applying basic engineering fundamental in the domain of
practical applications

4. To inculcate the process of research

Learner will be able to…
1. Do literature survey/industrial visit and identify the problem
2. Apply basic engineering fundamental in the domain of practical applications
3. Cultivate the habit of working in a team
4. Attempt a problem solution in a right approach
5. Correlate the theoretical and experimental/simulations results and draw the proper
6. Prepare report as per the standard guidelines.

4.Selection and Assessment Process
Selection of Project:
 Team of maximum 4 members.
 Can be Design/Thermal/Manufacturing/Software simulation based.
 Based on courses learned during the program.
 Makes use of collage library and resources
 Approval of the topic by faculty
 Allocation of Guides

Semester-VII Assessment:
 Gather basic information.
 Define Scope of the project.
 Literature survey.
 Problem Definition.
 Designing of the system.
 Defining the Methodology.
 50% implementation of the project.
 Submission of the project report based on above.
 Assessment by Guide on presentation and demonstration.

Semester-VIII Assessment:
 Progressive implementation of the project
 Fabrication/ Testing/ Manufacturing/ Analysis of the project
 Submission of Final Project Report (Spiral bound copy)
 Assessment by Guide and External academic jury based on presentation and demonstration
 Black book copy submission after incorporating suggestions given by external examiners/
Internal committee members/ Guide

5. Project Information Sheet
1. Title of the project:


2. Nature of Project: In-house / Industry

3. Name and address of the Industry:

4. Brief information about the project:


5. Group Members:
Sr. Contact
Name Roll No. E mail Sign
No. number

6. Identified Probable Guide:

------------------------------------------- ----------------

------------------------------------------- ----------------

6. Semester VII Progress Record

Week Duration: From ______________To _______________

Expected Task:

Task achieved Remark by Guide

Task Planned for next week Remark by Guide


Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4.


Progress (Sem VII)

Week Duration: From ______________To _______________

Expected Task:

Task achieved Remark by Guide

Task Planned for next week Remark by Guide


Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Progress (Sem VII)

Week Duration: From ______________To _______________

Expected Task:

Task achieved Remark by Guide

Task Planned for next week Remark by Guide


Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4.


Progress (Sem VII)

Week Duration: From ______________To _______________

Expected Task:

Task achieved Remark by Guide

Task Planned for next week Remark by Guide


Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Progress (Sem VII)

Week Duration: From ______________To _______________

Expected Task:

Task achieved Remark by Guide

Task Planned for next week Remark by Guide


Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4.


Progress (Sem VII)

Week Duration: From ______________To _______________

Expected Task:

Task achieved Remark by Guide

Task Planned for next week Remark by Guide


Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Progress (Sem VII)

Week Duration: From ______________To _______________

Expected Task:

Task achieved Remark by Guide

Task Planned for next week Remark by Guide


Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4.


Progress (Sem VII)

Week Duration: From ______________To _______________

Expected Task:

Task achieved Remark by Guide

Task Planned for next week Remark by Guide


Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4.

7. Semester VII Evaluation Scheme

Student Student Student Student

1 2 3 4

Name of Student

Attributes Points

1 Quality of problem selected 10

2 Clarity of Problem definition 5

3 Feasibility of problem solution 5

4 Relevance to the specialization 10

5 Clarity of objective and scope 5

Breadth and depth of literature

6 10

7 Weekly reporting to guide 5

Total Points 50

8. Semester VIII Progress Record

Week Duration: From ______________To _______________

Expected Task:

Task achieved Remark by Guide

Task Planned for next week Remark by Guide


Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4.


Progress (Sem VIII)

Week Duration: From ______________To _______________

Expected Task:

Task achieved Remark by Guide

Task Planned for next week Remark by Guide


Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Progress (Sem VIII)

Week Duration: From ______________To _______________

Expected Task:

Task achieved Remark by Guide

Task Planned for next week Remark by Guide


Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4.


Progress (Sem VIII)

Week Duration: From ______________To _______________

Expected Task:

Task achieved Remark by Guide

Task Planned for next week Remark by Guide


Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Progress (Sem VIII)

Week Duration: From ______________To _______________

Expected Task:

Task achieved Remark by Guide

Task Planned for next week Remark by Guide


Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4.


Progress (Sem VIII)

Week Duration: From ______________To _______________

Expected Task:

Task achieved Remark by Guide

Task Planned for next week Remark by Guide


Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Progress (Sem VIII)

Week Duration: From ______________To _______________

Expected Task:

Task achieved Remark by Guide

Task Planned for next week Remark by Guide


Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4.


Progress (Sem VIII)

Week Duration: From ______________To _______________

Expected Task:

Task achieved Remark by Guide

Task Planned for next week Remark by Guide


Team members: 1. 2. 3. 4.

9. Semester VIII Evaluation Scheme (for 100 marks)

Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4

Name of Student

Attributes Points

Quality and Clarity of problem

1 5

Relevance to the specialization

2 5
/ Industrial trends

3 Clarity of objective and scope 10

Breadth and depth of literature

4 10
Quality of work attempted
5 25
and Level of achievement

6 Validation of results 10

Depth of knowledge and

7 5
Quality of Written
8 10
Presentation( Report content)

9 Quality of Oral Presentation 10

10 Questions and Answers 5

11 Publications 5

Total Points 100

Term Work (for 50 marks)
Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4
Name of Student

Attributes Points
Quality and Clarity of
1 5
problem definition
Relevance to the
2 specialization / Industrial 5
Quality of Oral and Written
3 Presentation( Report 10
Quality of work attempted
4 15
and Level of achievement

5 Validation of results 10

6 Weekly reporting to guide 5

Total Points 50

10. Guidelines for Preparation of Thesis/Dissertations/Project Reports

The content of the Thesis/Dissertation/Project report (hereinafter called as report) must be paid utmost
attention, which is being submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the Doctoral, Post-
graduation and Under-graduation degrees respectively. A Standard format is equally important and may be
prescribed by the University of Mumbai, which helps in bringing uniformity in all the reports and improves
aesthetics of report. The same format shall also be followed in preparation of the final soft copies to be
submitted to the library.

1. Organization of the Thesis/Dissertation/ Project report

This report shall be presented in a number of chapters, starting with Introduction and ending with
Conclusions. It shall be ensured that all the chapters will have a precise title reflecting the contents of the
chapter. A chapter can be subdivided into sections, sub-sections and so on as to present the content
discretely and with due emphasis.

1.1 Introduction:

The title of Chapter 1 shall be Introduction. It shall justify and highlight the problem posed, define the
topic and explain the aim and scope of the work presented in the report. It may also highlight the
significant contributions from the investigation.

1.2 Review of Literature:

This shall normally form Chapter 2 and shall present a critical appraisal of the previous work published in
the literature pertaining to the topic of the investigation. The extent and emphasis of the chapter shall
depend on the nature of the investigation.

1.3 Report on the Present Investigation:

The reporting on the investigation shall be presented in one or more chapters with appropriatechapter titles.

 Due importance shall be given to experimental setups, procedures adopted, techniques developed,
methodologies developed and adopted.
 While important derivations/formulae should normally be presented in the text of these chapters,
extensive and long treatments, copious details and tedious information, detailed results in tabular and

graphical forms may be presented in Appendices. Representative data in table and figures may,
however, be included in appropriate chapters.
 Figures and tables should be presented immediately following their first mention in the text. Short
tables and figures (say, less than half the writing area of the page) should be presented within the text,
while large table and figures may be presented on separate pages.
 Equations should form separate lines with appropriate paragraph separation above and below the
equation line, with equation numbers flushed to the right.

1.4Results and Discussions:

This shall form the penultimate chapter of the report and shall include a thorough evaluation of the
investigation carried out and bring out the contributions from the study. The discussion shall logically lead
to inferences and conclusions as well as scope for possible further future work.

1.5 Conclusions:

This will be the final chapter of the report. A brief report of the work carried out shall form the first part of
the Chapter. Conclusions derived from the logical analysis presented in the Results and Discussions
Chapter shall be presented and clearly enumerated, each point stated separately. Scope for future work
should be stated lucidly in the last part of the chapter.

1.6 Appendix:

Detailed information, lengthy derivations, raw experimental observations etc. are to be presented in the
separate appendices, which shall be numbered in Roman Capitals (e.g.“Appendix I”). Since reference can
be drawn to published/unpublished literature in the appendices these should precede the “Literature Cited”

1.7 Literature Cited:

This should follow the Appendices, if any, otherwise the Conclusions chapter. The candidates shall follow
the style of citation and style of listing in one of the standard journals in the subject area consistently
throughout his/her report, for example, IEEE in the Department of Electrical Engineering, ASME in
Department of Mechanical Engineering. However, the names of all the authors along with their initials and
the full title of the article/monogram/book etc. have to be given in addition to the journals/publishers,
volume, number, pages(s) and year of publication.

Reference to personal communications, similarly, shall include the author, title of the communication (if
any) and date of receipt.

1.7.1 Publications by the candidate:

Articles, technical notes etc. on the topic of the report published by the candidate may be separately listed
after the literature cited. This may also be included in the contents. The candidates may also include
reprints of his/her publications after the literature citation.

1.8 Acknowledgements:

The acknowledgments by the candidate shall follow the citation of literature, signed by him/her, with date.

Kindly refer Project Report Format suggested by University of


11. Instructions for Project Report
All the BE students are advised to include the following points in Project Report.

1. Introduction
2. Literature Review
3. Problem Definition
4. Methodology (step by step procedure for work )
5. Experimental set up /Design/ Fabrication
6. Result & Discussion
7. Conclusion & Future scope
8. Bibliography/References

Report should be as per the guidelines given by the University of Mumbai. All the formats are also given in the
guidelines. Students are advised to use the same.

Students are advised to consult your guide well in advance.

Make 3 (Library, Department, Guide) copies of the report excluding individual copy.

Reports should be signed by the guide before coming for the presentation. The same should be submitted to the
guide and to the project coordinator.

12. Instructions for Project Presentation

1. Presentation slides should contain more of pictures (if possible) than words, and if words are present,
not more than 2-3 sentences per slide.

2. The slides may range from 5 to 25 as per the requirement, just enough to present in a time span of about
10-12 minutes only.

3. Presentation time is not expected to go beyond 15 minutes, leaving about the same time for question and
answer session.

4. Each group is expected not to cross beyond 30 minutes of time for the entire presentation session.

5. Every member of group is advised to present a short portion of the presentation.

6. Content of presentation should be as simple as possible and lucid in manner.

7. Presentation slides should not be fancy. Use white background for the slides.


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