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Dear Parents/Guardians,

Health Related Fitness Testing is a component of the Virginia Department of Education’s

physical education Standards of Learning curriculum. Assessments will be performed for these
health-related fitness components: aerobic capacity, flexibility, muscular strength and muscular
endurance. As required by the Virginia Department of Education, health-related fitness data will
be reported anonymously as pass/fail..

Aerobic capacity is evaluated using estimates of VO2max, also known as maximal oxygen
uptake. VO2max reflects the maximum rate that the respiratory, cardiovascular and muscular
systems can take in, transport and use oxygen during exercise. Additional information on aerobic
capacity and VO2max is available through the Cooper Institute.

In order to accurately calculate aerobic capacity, our teachers will need to collect your child’s
height and weight. This information will be used for no other purpose; however, we felt the need
to share this data collection point with you given this can be a sensitive subject. If you would like
to opt your child out of the height and weight data collection, please return the following opt-out
form to your child’s physical education teacher.

We look forward to continuing to collaborate with students and families to create healthy
lifestyles. If you have questions, please contact your child’s physical education teacher.


Student’s Name: ______________________________________________________________

Teacher’s Name: ______________________________________________________________

_________I would like my son/daughter opted out of the height and weight data collection.

Signature of parent/guardian: ____________________________________________________

Date ________________________________________________________________________

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