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Plan of Intro Book Grammar Titles/Topics Speaking ql ‘What's your name? ‘Alphabet; greetings and leave takings; names and titles of address; humbers 0-10, phone numbers, and ‘email addresses ne Possessive adjectives my, your his, her, the verb be, affirmative statements end contractions ‘Introducing yourself and friends saying hello and good-bye; asking for names and phone numbers GSSSEEE Where are my keys? ‘Anticles @ an, and the; this/these, Possessions, classroom objects, itlthey; plurals; yes/no and where personal items, and locations in 2 ‘questions with Be; prepositions of place: in, in front of, behind, on, rnext to, and under Naming objects; aking for and giving the locations of objects PROGRESS CHECK _ PAGES 14-15 Taking about cies ond counivies, The verb be: affirmative nd negate win@tor and giving information statements, yesino question, shert sect place of origin, nationality, fst answers, and Wh-questions language, and age; describing people ‘Where are you from? Cities and counties; adjectives of personality and appearance; numbers 11-103 and ages ‘Is this coat yours? aking shout and describing dothing Possessives: adjectives our and the aang ars telking about the weather pronouns, names, and whose, present Clothing; colors; weather and seasons are cccwns; finding the owners of continuous statements and yes/no Questions; conjunctions and, but, and $0, placement of adjectives before objects PROGRESS CHECK PAGES 28-29 UNITS ‘What time Is it? Clock time; times of the day: everyday activities “Time expressions: o'lock, a. FM noon, midnight, in the morning! ‘shernoon/evening, at 200/night! midnight; present continuous Wh-questions Faking for and telling time; esking ‘about and deseribing current activities oe Ese Tride my bike to school. Faling for and giving information Simple present statements wi Transportation; family relationships; Sbouthow people go ‘workor_ _ regular and irregular verbs; simple aeewat talking about family members; present yes/no and Wh-questions: daily routines; days of the week Seetiking daly ond weekly routines time expressions: earhy late, veh) dday, on Sundays/weekends/weekdays PROGRESS CHECK PAGES 42-43 Simple present short answers, there is, there are; there's no, there ign'ta, there are no, there aren't any ‘Asking about and describing houses ‘Does it have a view? and apartments talking about the Houses and apartments; rooms; furniture ‘Simple present Wh-questions with do ‘and does, placement of adjectives after be and before nouns ‘Where do you work? ‘asking for and giving information bout work, giving opinions about Jobs and workplaces jobs: describing workday routines PROGRESS CHECK _ PAGES 56-57

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