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In April, COWlcilwoman Schipske age:ndize:d a City COWlcil itc:m to discuss making city

officials' communications dealing with the: public's busine:ss public rc:<:ords whe:n
conducted via conuncn:ial c:mail accoWlts (a practice: Schipske: says she: alrc:ady follows
by cc'ing such communications to he:r .gov address.) The: change: would locally plug a
loophole: in the: Public Rc:<:ords Act and has bc:c:n urged for yc:an; by the: First Amc:ndmc:nt
Coalition, a state:wide: open go\"c:rnmc:nt group. After making her motion to discuss the:
matter in a Committe:e:, not one: Council incumbent present [Andrews was absent, se:ve:ral
of those: pre:sent maintain the:ir own private:ly run intc:me:t domains] would se:cond he:r
motion. ( cove:rage: here:.)

In its re:lease:, the: \Vhite: House: state:s:

[White Hou.., ..,lease text] The White House ..,lease uy. Councilwoman Schipske "ha.
championed opel!, lJ:1IJ.'parent and accountable: local gOH'fDment since she took office in 2006
by being the fim elected official in Long Beach to disdo.., their calendar and to communicate
daily , ·ia blog. email, F acehock and Twiner. In January 20 12, she took public edoc:mon """
U3DSparertey eiforts one step further with her "Open Up Long Beach" initiati"e """ w"bsite
which pro,ide residents increased access to the city'. e, 'ery day affairs and documents, <md
includes oppommitie. for residents to "go behind the scenes" of city operation •.

The.., efforts w= lauded in California Fo .....·anJ. report: TIw Stateo/Transparency In

California: ]1)/3.

~rri" also brought tc3IlSparertey to the Medical &lard of Califomi.a on which she ..,n·", by
initiating the requirement thaI members di,dl>5e each medi!!g a:ny cODt3Cls they n.,·e had
with interested parties. Gerrie earned her ill from Pacific Cwst Uni"ersity School of La\\',
her lI<lA from George Washington Uni\'ersity, her BA from Uni,-ersity ofCalifomia, Irvine
and her RNP from Harbor UCLA Wom",,'. Health Care Nurse Practitioner Program. She i.
the author of thr"" books on the hi,tOf)' of Long Beach, Califomi.a.

Further to follow -- and a LIVE vide:o stre:am of the White: House: proce:e:dings coming
Tue:sday morning at 7:00 a.m PDT -- on

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