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The methodology to study this problem will be in task forms where the study will include the
vibration in SDOF and TDOF in un-damped and damped free and forces vibration respectively.
All inputs will be included to find the excitation, velocity, acceleration and displacement.

The input to the system from table 1 is:

Weight 3 kg (29.4N) 5 kg (49N) 8 kg (78.5 N) 10 kg (98.1N) 14 kg (137.3N)

Period T - - - - -
ω - - - - -
Freq f - - - - -
Kseq 50N/mm 100N/mm 100N/mm 150N/mm 200N/mm
Outputs of the system will be:

 Velocity of the Baby hammock which is V.

 Deflection of the suspension (Ks and Cs), in the middle and acceleration A.
 Extension of the spring U
 Frequency f,ω and period T.

Second low of Newton will be used to calculate the out puts of this system with derivation and
differential equations. The calculations will be converted into graphs and tables using
SOLIDWORKS, Matlab and Simulink software

First ‘baby hammock model in SDOF undammed free vibration:

The Ks and m will be calculated according to each mass and spring equivalence while Cs will
not be considered to derive the equation of SDOF of the car.

By applying the second law of motion to get the equation of this system and assuming it is
natural Un-damped vibration we will get:

m¨x + Ksx = 0 (1)

m¨x = -Ksx (2)

ωn=√ K / √ m, where m = 3,5,8,10,14 kg, K = 50,100,150,200 N/m


ωn1 = √ 5 000 0/ √ 3 = 129.1 rad/s, T1 = 0.0487 s, frequency f1 = 20.534 Hz

ωn2 = √ 1 0000 0 / √5 = 141.42 rad/s, T2 = 0.0444 s, frequency f2 = 22.523 Hz

ωn2 = √ 10 000 0/ √ 8 = 111.8 rad/s, T3 = 0.0562 s, frequency f3 = 17.794 Hz

ωn2 = √ 15 000 0 / √ 10 = 122.475 rad/s, T4 = 0.0513 s, frequency f4 = 19.493Hz

ωn2 = √ 2 0 0000 / √ 14 = 119.523 rad/s, T5 = 0.0526 s, frequency f5 = 19.011 Hz

w rad/s -Values








2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Graph1. ω Values vs mass

T period-Values






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Graph2. T period vs mass





2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

Graph3. Frequency vs mass

Weight 3 kg (29.4N) 5 kg (49N) 8 kg (78.5 N) 10 kg (98.1N) 14 kg
Parameters (137.3N)
Period T 0.0487 0.0444 0.0562 0.0513 0.0526
ω 129.1 141.42 111.8 122.475 119.523
Freq f 20.534 22.523 17.794 19.493 19.011
Kseq 50N/mm 100N/mm 100N/mm 150N/mm 200N/mm
Table2. Parameters of free un-damped vibration

Second SOLIDWORKS vibration simulation:

This simulation will be in TDOF damped forced vibration and it will focus in respond in Y axis.

1- Hammock design in solid works:

Figure1. Hammock design in SOLIDWORKS

1- For 3 kg mass (29.4N) with Ks = 50 N/mm

Figure2. excitation in 0.3 seconds

Figure3. Velocity in Y axis in 0.3 seconds

Figure4. Acceleration in Y axis in 0.3 seconds

Figure5. 3 kg mass Parameters of the system

2- For 5 kg mass (49N) with Ks = 100 N/mm

Figure6. excitation in 0.3 seconds

Figure7. Velocity in Y axis in 0.3 seconds

Figure8. Acceleration in Y axis in 0.3 seconds

Figure9. Parameters 5 kg mass of the system

1- For 8kg mass (78.5N) with Ks = 100 N/mm

Figure10. excitation in 0.3 seconds

Figure11. Velocity in Y axis in 0.3 seconds

Figure12. Acceleration in Y axis in 0.3 seconds

Figure13. Parameters 8 kg mass of the system

1- For 10kg mass (98.1N) with Ks = 150 N/mm

Figure14. excitation in 0.3 seconds

Figure15. Velocity in Y axis in 0.3 seconds

Figure16. Acceleration in Y axis in 0.3 seconds

Figure17. Parameters 10 kg mass of the system

1- For 14kg mass (137.3N) with Ks = 200 N/mm

Figure18. excitation in 0.3 seconds

Figure19. Velocity in Y axis in 0.3 seconds

Figure20. Acceleration in Y axis in 0.3 seconds

Figure21. Parameters 13 kg mass of the system

- The overall analysis for 3 seconds:

Figure22. excitation in 3 seconds

Figure23. Velocity in Y axis in 3 seconds over all

Figure24. Acceleration in Y axis in 3 seconds overall

Weight 3 kg (29.4N) 5 kg (49N) 8 kg (78.5 N) 10 kg (98.1N) 14 kg

Parameters (137.3N)
Period T 23.07 23.006 23.006 23.012 23.01
ω 0.27274 0.27311 0.27311 0.27304 0.27306
Freq f 0.043408 0.043466 0.043466 0.043455 0.043458
Kseq 50N/mm 100N/mm 100N/mm 150N/mm 200N/mm
Table3. Damped forced vibration parameters

-Third MATLAB/ Simulink simulation :

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