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Elements of Poetry

1. Lines of poetry are arranged into groups called:

a. similes
b. stanzas
c. settings
d. stories

2.Poetry doesn't have to rhyme.

a. True
b. False

3.Words that rhyme and occur at the ends of different lines of poetry create
a(n)                               .
a. internal rhyme
b. end rhyme
c. sight rhyme
d. rhyme scheme

4. It is the pattern of rhyme in a poem.

a. Imagery
b. Rhyme scheme
c. Symbolism
d. Metaphor



I opened my eyes
And looked up at the rain,
And it dripped in my head
And flowed into my brain,
And all that I hear as I lie in my bed
Is the slishity-slosh of the rain in my head.

I step very softly,

I walk very slow,
I can't do a handstand--
I might overflow,
So pardon the wild crazy thing I just said--
I'm just not the same since there's rain in my head.

Shel Silverstein

How many stanzas are in this poem?

a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4

6.The basic unit of poetry which may consist of a word or a row of words
is                               .
a. stanza
b. line
c. meter
d. sentence
The beat created by the sounds of the words in a poem is known as syllables.
a. True
b. False
What is the rhyme scheme of the following poem?

I went to the park

And I bought a balloon
It sailed through the sky
Like a large orange moon
a. abcd
b. abcb
c. abab
d. none of the above

III. Identify each of the following and write your answers in the space provided.

__________1. It shows a series of steps or events in the order in which they take place.
__________2. It used to identify the similarities and differences between two or more
__________3. It used when prioritizing elements from most important to least important;
relative position or standing; a series of things or persons; or orderly arrangement from 1 st
to last.
__________4. It shows how series of events interact to produce a set of results again and
__________5. It used to see changes over time , reveal sequence of step by step
__________6. It used to list facts, definitions, attributes or examples related to a single
topic, concept, or theme.
__________7. It is also known as “knowledge map.”
__________8. It is a type of literature where thoughts and feelings are expressed in
compact and imaginative ways.
__________9. It is the repetition of similar sounds either within a line of poetry or at the
end of lines of poetry.
__________10. The famous poet who developed several rhyme schemes.
__________11. It is the beat of the poem.
__________12. It is the use of a word or phrase over and over again in a poem.
__________13. The famous poet who used repetition or a refrain to point out important
ideas in his poetry.
__________ 14. He is a poet famous for breaking up lines and stanzas in unique ways.
__________15. It is when a poet uses a person, place or object to stand for something
beyond itself.

IV. Enumeration.

1-5. Give at least five(5) Famous poet.

6-8. Give at least three (3) usage of graphic organizers.
9-10. Give at least two (2) types of graphic organizers.

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