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Karent Alejandra Roa Martin

Cod. 1049796813

The train
This is a land transport system that began in the 6th century B.C., known as the diolkos, which did
not work with raised rails but excavated in rocks. In the 16th century, Transylvanian miners used
four-wheeled wooden rails to carry heavy loads through animal traction; in 1763, Richard
Reynolds replaced the wooden ingots with iron ones.

By the other hand, in 1802 Richard Trevithick built in England the first steam engine which was
able to drag 5 wagons loaded at a speed of 8 km/h. the steam was used as energy or fuel, the
steam engines had an iron boiler and a chimney being one of the main features as well as the rails
that could connect the big cities with the towns.
On September 27, 1825, George Stephenson inaugurated the first steam engine that could use the
rails of the public railways, these iron roads replaced the other ways of goods transport.

Rocket engines were able to move at over 40km/h. but in the 19th century the use of diesel
engines and electricity put aside steam engines and thus reach a speed greater than 100km/h. The
first railroad in Mexico was the first to reach Latin America in 1950.
Karent Alejandra Roa Martin
Cod. 1049796813

1. Do you know who invented the train?

2. Could you tell me when was the train invented?
3. Do you know in which city was the railway invented?

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