CSN 1 - 19 - 11 Issue

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FREE Year 26, No. 19

P H I L A D E L P H I A & T H E M A I N L I N E ’ S FAV O R I T E W E E K LY

Celebrating 26 Years of Community News January 19 – January 25, 2011

COMMUNITY BMFI Screens Smoke Signals Lansdowne Folk Club
NEWS HERE! Landmark indie gem will be introduced by Bryn Mawr College’s
Bethany Schneider, Ph.D. Presents Deep River
Alexie from his own
short story, Smoke
Signals tells the story
of Victor and Thomas,
two young Native
American men living
on the Coeur d’Alene
Reservation in Idaho.
After hearing the
news of the death of
See Who’s Victor’s estranged
Performing at father, the two unlike-
ly companions em-
World Café Live bark on a road trip
Page 6 to Arizona to settle
his affairs. The 1998
film, which was devel-
oped by director Chris
Eyre at the Native
American and Indige-
nous Program at the
Sundance Film Insti- Deep River, a power-folk trio from Virginia, will perform on
tute, won the Audi- Thursday January 27, at 7:30 p.m., at the Twentieth
ence Award for Dra- Century Club in Lansdowne.
matic Films at Sun-
dance Festival and

ansdowne Folk Club presents Deep River, a power-folk
was met with criti- trio from Virginia, on Thursday January 27, at the
MLK Day of Photo/© Buena Vista Home Entertainment cal acclaim due to Twentieth Century Club, 84 S. Lansdowne Avenue,
Service Adam Beach and Evan Adams co-star in the landmark 1998 film its honest portrayal Lansdowne, PA. Doors open at 6:45 p.m, event begins at
Page 8 “Smoke Signals,” the first feature to be written, directed, and of contemporar y 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $15 in advance and $18 at door. For
co-produced by Native Americans. Bryn Mawr Film Institute will host Native American life reservations or for information call 610-622-7250 or visit
a 35mm screening of the indie hit on Wednesday, January 26, both on and off a www.myspace.com/lansdownefolkclub, or email lfc.org@
co-presented by One Book One Philadelphia and introduced by Bryn reservation. The film rcn.com.
Mawr College’s Bethany Schneider, Ph.D. stars Adam Beach What do you get when you combine a charismatic actress
(Flags of Our Fathers, with a powerhouse voice, a multi-instrumentalist heartthrob-

ryn Mawr Film Institute will host Cowboys & Aliens), Gary Farmer (Dead Man), in-the-making and an introverted genius songwriter? You
a special screening of the award- Irene Bedard (Pocahontas), and Evan Adams, get the band Deep River. Deep River is Rachel Beauregard,
winning independent film Smoke who won an Independent Spirit Award for Bryan Dawley, and Luke Brindley, a power-folk trio from
Signals on Wednesday, January his performance as Thomas. Virginia who create their own brand of music they’ve termed
26 at 7:30 p.m. This feature, the Bethany Schneider is an Associate Profes- “Front Porch Pop.” It’s a fluid, sonic experience combining
first to be written, directed, and sor of English Literature at Bryn Mawr Col- elements of pop, folk, and blues with straight-up home-
co-produced by Native Americans, will be lege. She earned her Ph.D. in English Lan- grown sass.
Society’s introduced by Bryn Mawr College’s Bethany guage and Literature from Cornell Univer- Deep River will have you singing along, always wanting
Evening Hours Schneider, Ph.D. This 35mm screening is sity. Her areas of interest include early Ameri- more, and leave you curious about how their hair manages
Page 12 presented in conjunction with One Book can literature, gender and sexuality and to look so frickin’ good all the time. Deep River released
One Philadelphia in honor of their 2011 studies, and American Indian studies. She their new album; “Ten Mornings” in November 2010 to two
selection, War Dances by Sherman Alexie, the has written on these and other topics in sold out shows. Check the band out at http://deepriver-
writer of Smoke Signals. numerous scholarly journals and popular music.com.
Adapted by acclaimed author Sherman See BMFI Screens “Smoke Signals” on page 7 See Deep River Performance on page 3
Education News
Pages 8 - 11
Lower Merion High School to Host Benefit Screening of “Mirror Dance”
Find Great he Lower Merion High School audito- people who are affected by natural and
rium will be the venue for a 5th Anni- manmade disasters worldwide. One of
Events Inside! versary Benefit screening of “Mirror two community service projects under-
Dance,” the award-winning, internationally taken by the Interact Club of Lower Merion
acclaimed documentary about twin bal- High School every year, club presidents
lerinas born in Cuba but separated by pol-
Your Community itics, on Sunday, January 30, at 2 p.m. On Sunday, January 30, 2011 “Mirror
The documentary tells the story of Margarita Dance” will be shown followed by a Q&A
Newspaper de Saa, director of the Pennsylvania Acad- with key characters and the directors of the
CITY SUBURBAN emy of Ballet in Narberth, and her sister, documentary. The screening will be held at
NEWS Ramona de Saa, director of the Cuban Na- the Lower Merion High School Auditorium
tional Ballet School. Born identical twins, at 2 p.m.
610-667-6623 the sisters grew up to become acclaimed
www.Scribd.com/ ballerinas with the National Ballet of Cuba. Madelyne Gold of Bala Cynwyd and Danielle
CitySuburbanNews But their relationship deteriorated as one Moskow of Merion said that each “Shelter-
sister left for America and the other embraced box” their group funds will supply ten dis-
Find us on Facebook! the Cuban Revolution. placed or homeless people with a tent and
“Mirror Dance” is the story of two women other necessities.
E-mail: linked by birth and dance but struggling The screening is co-sponsored by the
CitySuburbanNews@mac.com to overcome a deep rift between sisters nonprofit Pennsylvania Academy of Ballet
and nations alike. Society (PABS), which was founded in 1985
Open to the public, the screening is a by Margarita de Saa White, one of the bal-
fundraising event for Shelterbox, a disaster lerinas featured in the film, and her hus-
relief charity which provides assistance to See LM High School to Host Film Screening on page 10
Page 2 CITY SUBURBAN NEWS January 19 – January 25, 2011

INSTANT AUTO TAGS & Orchid Extravaganza “Private Lives”
AUTO INSURANCE Longwood Gardens has acres of
reasons to visit this winter. The
S T R I N G Q U A R T E T R E C I TA L The Stagecrafters Theater will pre-
sent Noel Coward’s satiric and
The Philadelphia Art
horticultural showplace near Ken- sophisticated comedy classic, “Private
Instant Registration Renewals nett Square, PA, transforms its
Alliance announces the
Lives,” Fri.-Sun. Feb. 4 - 6, Thu.-
Notary • Prepaid Phones continued collaboration
majestic conservatory into an Orchid Sun. Feb. 10 - 13, and Thu.-Sun.
with renowned string
Money Transfers • Money Orders Extravaganza January 22 - March Feb. 17 - 20. All shows 8 p.m.,
quartet Liebesfreud for
27. The heated 4-acre conservato- except Sun. shows 2 p.m. In the
Utility Payments ry transports guests into a warm
another Last Friday
theater, 8130 Germantown Avenue
Recital. The next reci-
~ FREE PARKING ~ oasis featuring the “divas” of the
tal will take place on
(Chestnut Hill), Phila., PA 19118.
plant world with thousands of Tickets online $16 (no service
610-352-3733 • Fax 610-352-5840 orchid blooms, displays and special
Friday, January 28 at
fee), at the door $20; Thu. 2-for-
5:30 p.m. Admission
7305 West Chester Pike, Upper Darby exhibits. The award-winning Orchid $25 online & at the door. All major
to the event is free, and
(2 minutes from Overbrook Park across from Upper Darby Police Dept.) Curtain returns, fashioned this year credit cards accepted. Info: 215-247-
the Art Alliance will also
with Phalaenopsis ‘China Xen Queen,’ 8881, www.thestagecrafters.org.
be offering extended
in addition to stunning displays of Reservations-direct: 215-247-9913.
gallery hours for the
orchids in planting beds, window
current exhibitions DesignLab 2010
boxes, containers and other eye-
“Kickin’ Back: Design
catching exhibits. Find details at
for Leisure” in the at Moore
Advertise in www.longwoodgardens.org.

Second Floor Galleries,
and “En Route: Dylan
Beck and Diane Pepe” in the First Floor Galleries. Featuring vio-
“DesignLab: Sarah Van Aken + Brenna
K. Murphy” on exhibit February 7
- March 15, 2011; Window on Race,

City Suburban Drawings by Edwina Brennan will

continue to be in the Fireside Gal-
lery at Main Line Unitarian Church
thru January 23. Pat Boyer’s paint-
linists Geoffrey Michaels and Philip Kates, violist David Giles,
and cellist Charles Forbes, the Philadelphia based Liebesfreud is
an ensemble devoted primarily to the performance of great liter-
Moore College of Art & Design; free
and open to the public; 215-965-4027
or thegalleriesatmoore.org. The
ature for the string quartet. For information, call 215 545-4302 Closing Reception is Tuesday, March

News to ings will be shown from January

30 thru March 13. The public is
invited to a wine and cheese recep-
or visit www.philartalliance.org. 15, 6 - 8 p.m.; Reception follows
“Studio Conversations: Janine Antoni,”
presented by Moore’s Graduate

Reach Your tion on Sunday, January 30 from

2 to 4. Go to www.patboyer.com for
information. The Church is located
at 816 S. Valley Forge Rd., Devon.
Challenges/Chemistry Solutions.
Prominent leaders from industry
and academia will gather to discuss
2nd floor, Josh Morin will speak to Program in Studio Art in coopera-
the Narberth Area Garden Club on tion with The Galleries at Moore.
common insect pests from a horti- For details visit www.moore.edu.
and debate solutions to the press- cultural as well as urban forestry
Customers! www.mluc.org. Hours are 9:00 to
4:30 Monday through Friday and
9:00 to 2:00 Sundays. Call 484-341-
ing issues of energy, water, food,
and human health on February 1,
2011, from 10:00 a.m. to noon. The
perspective. His advice on strate-
gies for managing them in the
Valentine’s Day at
Longwood Gardens
landscape comes from a depth of Love is in the air this Valentine’s
8014 for information. event is free, but RSVPs are requir- experience and education. Mr. Day Weekend, February 12 and
CITY SUBURBAN NEWS – ed. A reception will follow. For Morin received a B.S. in Forestry 13 when Longwood presents the
Your Community Paper “Jenny Drumgoole: Real Woman of
information, or to reserve a seat, visit:
from Virginia Tech and is now a Love Blooms Valentine’s Brunch
certified arborist and professional and Dinner events. Saturday, Febru-
for 26 Years! Philadelphia,” January 29 - March 011panel. Chemical Heritage Foun- horticulturist in his 10th year with ary 12 and Sunday, February 13 –
15, 2011, Reception: Friday, Janu- dation Museum hours: Monday - Fri- Bartlett Tree Experts. He teaches Valentine’s Day Brunch in 1906.
ary 28, 6 - 8 p.m.; The Galleries at day, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.; First Fri- a course on diseases of trees and Seatings at 10 a.m., 12:30 p.m., 3
Moore, Levy Gallery for the Arts in days 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. Free admis- shrubs at the Barnes Foundation in p.m. Enjoy a 4-course, prix-fixe
Philadelphia, Moore College of Art sion. Merion and is a volunteer teacher brunch that includes a complimen-
NEED MORE SPACE? & Design, free and open to the
public. For info call 215-965-4027 or IYC Book Club
in the Pennsylvania Horticultural tary glass of Champagne. $99 per
Advertise Your Items for Sale in Our Classified Section! Society’s Tree Tenders course as well couple/Garden Pass Members $85
visit www.thegalleriesatmoore.org. CHF, The Chemical Heritage Foun- as in the horticultural program at per couple. Saturday, February 12
dation (315 Chestnut St., Philadel- Upper Darby High School. Admis- at 7 p.m. – Valentine’s Dinner in
ASK FOR STAR TREATMENT AT FELA! at BMFI phia, PA 19106; 215-925-2222), sion is free to members. Non-mem- Conservatory. Bring that special some-
FELA!, a provocative and wholly presents the inaugural meeting of bers are welcome with a $5 fee. one to an evening of elegance at
CITY SUBURBAN NEWS CLASSIFIED! unique hybrid of dance, theatre the International Year of Chemistry
and music, exploring the extrava- (IYC 2011) Book Club, in collabora- Chemistry Exhibit
Longwood from 7 - 11 p.m. Enjoy a
gourmet menu featuring Asian,
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
gant, decadent, and rebellious world tion with Head House Books. Parti- CHF, The Chemical Heritage Foun- Moroccan, and Italian Antipasto
1 col. x 1.5" deep of Afrobeat legend Fela Anikulapo- cipants will discuss “The Emperor dation (315 Chestnut St., Philadel- specialties as well as a Carving Sta-
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

RECEIVE STAR ❏ $20.63 - 1 week Kuti, will be filmed live at the Na- of Scent” by Chandler Burr, in which phia, PA 19106; 215-925-2222), cele- tion and French Dessert station in
TREATMENT ❏ $76.52 - 4 weeks tional Theatre’s Olivier Theatre in the turbulent world of scent and brates the exhibit opening of “Ele- Longwood’s dazzling conservatory set-
London and broadcast to screens science meet. Chemist Joseph mental Matters: Artists Imagine ting. Special tickets are required
Place your Ad in an ❏ $144 - 8 weeks worldwide. Bryn Mawr Film Insti- Rucker will discuss the sense and Chemistry” with extended First Fri- and can be purchased online at
Attention-Grabbing 1 col. x 2" deep tute will feature HD screenings of sensibility of smell on February day hours. “Elemental Matters” fea- www.longwoodgardens.org or by
Star Border FELA! on Sunday, January 30 at 1 2, from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Partici- tures contemporary artists whose calling 610-388-1000. Ticket prices
❏ $27.50 - 1 week p.m. and Wednesday, February 2 pants need not have a chemistry artwork uses the elements as sym- are $150 each ($130 for Garden
Call 610-667-6623 ❏ $102 - 4 weeks at 7 p.m. FELA! runs 3 hours, includ- (or strong science) background. Free bol, material, or energy to trans- Pass Members) or $275 per couple
to place your ad!
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
❏ $192 - 8 weeks ing pre-show and intermission. For and open to the public. For info, form ordinary associations about ($235 for Garden Pass members).
Larger Sizes Also Available details visit www.BrynMawrFilm.org. visit: www.chemheritage.org/iyc2011. chemistry into something genuine-
Payable to: CITY SUBURBAN NEWS, in check, money order or charge. Chemical Heritage Foundation ly surprising and evocative. The Jazz on Sunday
Panel Discussion Museum hours: Monday-Friday, artists will be on hand for the open- Jazz vocalist Carolyn Nelson and
Category:_____________________and Ad Copy (please print): CHF, The Chemical Heritage Foun- 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.; First Fridays ing and available for informal con- her trio will perform at the Union
___________________________________________________ dation (315 Chestnut St., Philadel- 5:00 - 8:00 p.m. Free admission. versations about their work, on Febru- United Methodist Church, 200
phia, PA 19106; 215-925-2222), hosts ary 4, 2011, from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 Brookline Boulevard, Havertown,
___________________________________________________ the U.S. launch of the Interna- Narberth Area p.m. For info, visit: www.chemher- PA 19083 on Sunday, February 13,
tional Year of Chemistry (IYC 2011) Garden Club itage.org/iyc2011. Chemical Heri- at 7:00 p.m. A reception to meet
___________________________________________________ with the panel discussion Global On February 3, at 7:45 p.m., in tage Foundation Museum hours: Carolyn will follow.
the Narberth Borough Building at Monday - Friday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00
Say You Saw It in Thanks for Reading City
___________________________________________________ 100 Conway Avenue, Narberth, p.m.; First Fridays 5:00 - 8:00 p.m.
CITY SUBURBAN NEWS! Suburban News Every Week!
Free admission.
NOTICE: For general events that are free to the public (health related,
___________________________________________________ family oriented, for kids, concerts, happenings, etc.), please email
Must receive ad and prepayment by noon Friday. Something terrible happens information to:
Email your formatted events to:
All classified ads must be prepaid. Visa/Mastercard preferred.
FAX this to: 610-667-6624 & we will call you for credit card.
when you don’t advertise... CitySuburbanNews@mac.com
Events for consideration need to be submitted 2 weeks prior to
Name: publication date. Information submitted should include name of the
sponsoring group, the activity, time, location, reservation deadlines and
Address: phone number – all in full sentences, in paragraph format, (upper
City: State: Zip: and lowercase please). Short and sweet works well! Plus photos are wel-
NOTHING! come, but if they are snail mailed they can not be returned unless you pro-
Phone: vide a SASE. Call us if you have questions: 610-667-6623. Thanks!
❏ Payment Enclosed. ❏ Call me for credit card info. Call 610-667-6623. Emailed ready-to-use events & attached print quality
photos (jpg) 200 dpi min. preferred!
857 Montgomery Ave., 2nd Floor, Narberth, PA 19072
January 19 – January 25, 2011 CITY SUBURBAN NEWS Page 3

ARTS, CULTURE & SOCIETY EVENTS A l’Ecole Française welcomes New Students
registered between February 1 & March 13 with a
FREE TICKET to the Philadelphia Flower Show!
Contact us at: alecolefrancaise.com
By Rose Marie Riley efit The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Center for Autism Research.
For information visit phillyautoshow.com or 800-759-9533.
Academy of Vocal Arts
The Academy of Vocal Arts is presenting Giacomo Puccini Suor Angelica
The Academy of Music Concert and Ball
& Il Tabarro in Concert, two tragic one-act operas in concert sung in The Academy of Music 154th Anniversary Concert and Ball will be held
Italian with English supertitles. They will be performed January 21, at January 29. The Concert will be held at the Academy of Music at 7:30
7:30 p.m., and January 22, at 7:30 p.m., in the Perelman Theater, Kimmel p.m. The Philadelphia Orchestra will be performing a program featuring
Center, Philadelphia, and in Centennial Hall, The Haverford School, at soprano Reneé Fleming; special guest appearance by Paul Simon per-
7:30 p.m., January 26. Conductor is Christofer Macatsoris, The AVA forming a selection of his greatest hits with the Philadelphia Orchestra;
Opera Orchestra. For information call 215-735-1685. hosted by Lester Holt, Anchor, Correspondent, NBC News. The Concert
will be followed by the Champagne Supper and Ball at the Hyatt at the
Associated Services for the Blind Bellevue. Joanna McNeil Lewis is Chairman and CEO, Academy of Music.
Sandra G. Marshall and Charles P. Pizzi are Co-Chairmen, 154th Anni-
Associated Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired is presenting the
versary Concert and Ball. Proceeds from the gala benefit the Orchestra
51st Annual Braille Awards January 28, at the Union League of Phila-
and the Academy of Music. For information call 215-893-1978.
delphia, 140 South Broad Street, Philadelphia. Registration and Silent
Auction at 11:30 a.m.; Lunch at 12:00 p.m.; Awards Ceremony at 1:00 p.m. Tri-State Jazz Society Presents Mark Kramer
Honorees are: Honorary Chair Brian Tierney, CEO Brian Public Rela-
tions and Real Time Media Inc.; Individual Honoree Captain Scott Smiley, Tri-State Jazz Society presents Mark Kramer, internationally acclaimed
Command of the Warrior Transition Unit at West Point N.Y.; Corporate jazz pianist, on Sunday January 30, at 2:00 p.m. running 2-1/2 hours with Kimberly Garrison
Honoree 10 NBC, and Special Recognition Honorees are The Seeing Eye until 4:30 p.m. This concert will be held at The Porch Club, 4th and Howard specializing in women’s fitness
and Dr. Roy Fitzgerald, ASB Board Member. Proceeds of the event will Streets, Riverton, NJ 08077. The program, “From Jelly Roll to Dizzy Roll,”
benefit Associated Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired. For infor- will feature Mr. Kramer’s interpretations of early jazz. Half-price admis-
mation call 215-627-0600, ext. 3242. sion is $10 available for first-time attendees and members. Regular ad- • The Garrison Method TM • Family Fitness
mission is $20. High school and college students with IDs and children • Nutritional Fitness • Corporate Wellness
Black Tie Tailgate accompanied by a paying adult are free. Pay at the door; there are no ad- • Bridal Fitness • Fit After 50, 60 and
vance sales or reservations. The Porch Club is near the Delaware River, • Pregnancy Fitness Beyond
The 2011 Philadelphia Auto Show Black Tie Tailgate will be held Janu-
about three miles northwest of the Betsy Ross Bridge. For information • Breast Feeding Coaching
ary 28, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, from 7
call 856-720-0232 or visit www.tristatejazz.org.
p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Guests will enjoy cocktails and gourmet cuisine and
dance among the finest automobiles. Proceeds from the event will ben- 267-847-5733 G IFT C ERTIFICATES
“Sylvia” www.1on1ultimatefitness.com
Footlighters Theater, 58 Main Avenue, Berwyn, presents the comedy
Arts, Culture & Society Events Advertise Your Educational Programs & Open Houses
“Sylvia” on February 4, 5, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19 at 8 p.m. and February 6
Please email your formatted special PAGE 3 events for this in City Suburban News!
page at least two weeks prior to publication date. and 13 at 2 p.m. All tickets are $12.
Reservations call 610-296-9245 or
Academy of Notre Dame de Namur


arina Furman, Regional Director of Jewish National Fund, presents “The Journey from
Soviet Prison to the Jewish National Fund” at the Adath Israel Sisterhood and Men’s
Club Breakfast on Sunday, February 6, 2011 at 10:15 a.m.
Following the example of the great rabbis of the Golden Age, Soviet citizens Marina
Art Show & Sale Preview Party with Artists
Furman and her husband Lev studied Hebrew and Judaism despite the Soviet State’s ban.
Expecting her first child, Marina was sent to prison while Lev was exiled in Siberia, but they
Friday, January 28, 2011
persevered, drawing international attention to their struggle, and like the Hebrews in 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Ove
ancient Egypt, won their freedom. Today, Mrs. Furman is the regional director of the JNF. r 90
She will conclude her talk with an account of the recent devastating fire in Israel and what Wine and Catered Hors d’oeuvres ists
JNF has done to rebuild.
RSVP is required by February 2 to David Barol at DBarol@me.com or 267-421-8272. Cost $50 per ticket
for full breakfast and program is $10 per person, payable at the door, prior reservation
required. Adath Israel is located at 250 North Highland Avenue, Merion Station, PA Exhibition & Sale will continue through
19066. For details call 610-934-1919 or email info@adathisrael.org. Sunday, February 6, 2011
(no charge to view show after party)
DEEP RIVER PERFORMANCE Continued from front page 12:00 - 4:00 p.m. daily
The Provisions Market of Lansdowne will have dinner and desserts available for sale
before and during the show. Find info at http://provisionsmrkt.com.
The Lansdowne Folk Club, founded in 1993, is a 501(c) (3) all volunteer non-profit cor-
poration dedicated to presenting folk, acoustic and blues music.
Call 610.687.6538 or visit www.ndapa.org
The spring 2011 schedule also includes The Fox Hunt on February 24, Castlebay on for Information or Reservations
March 24, Joe Crookston on April 28, Wishing Chair on May 19 and John Flynn with spe-
cial guest John Wort Hannam on June 2. Discounted Season Series price for all six shows Academy of Notre Dame de Namur
is $75. 560 Sproul Road Villanova, PA


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Page 4 CITY SUBURBAN NEWS January 19 – January 25, 2011

Academy of Notre Dame to Hold 38th Annual Art Show & Sale
T he Academy of Notre Dame de Namur in Villanova is
holding its 38th Annual Art Show and Sale from Satur-
day, January 29, through Sunday, February 6, 2011. The
exhibition and sale will open with a catered preview recep-
tion with the artists on Friday, January 28, 2011, from 6
to 9 p.m. in the Academy Mansion.
The public is invited to attend both the catered reception
and the exhibition, which will be on display from 12 to 4
p.m. daily from January 29 until February 6. Over 100 art-
ists will be exhibiting works in a variety of mediums includ-
ing acrylics, oils, watercolors, sculptures, and ceramics.
Tickets to the preview reception are $45 in advance and
$50 at the door. There is no fee to view the exhibit follow-
ing the Friday evening preview party.
The 2011 featured artist is Valerie Craig. According to her
biography, Craig has drawn and painted nearly all her life.
Her oil and watercolor paintings are suffused with soft light
and convey a sensitive approach. Craig’s subject matter is
varied and includes still-life, landscapes and street scenes.
Honors include the Artists’ Choice Award in the 2010 Easton
Plein Air Festival, First Place in the 2009 Wayne Plein Air “Fields of Gold” by 2011 Art Show featured artist Valerie Craig.
Festival, Runner Up to Best in Show in the 2009 American
Women Artists Show, and Best in Show in the 2008 Wayne Chairing the art show is Audrey Clancy of Berwyn.
Plein Air Festival. For information, visit http://www.ndapa.org/artshow. For
New artists this year include Michele Byrne, Gail Grams, ticket information, contact Alicia Mendicino in the Office of
Elaine Lisle, Elise Phillips, William Ressler, Hal Robinson, Communications at 610-687-6538. The Academy of Notre
Genie Turner, Meg Walsh and Genevieve Willis. Dame de Namur is located at 560 Sproul Road in Villanova, PA.
Every Wednesday Pick Up Your FREE Copy
of City Suburban News!

Does your partner hit you? Threaten you? Control you? Magee Rehabilitation Hospital’s Post-Concussion SAY YOU SAW IT IN

Put you down? Keep you away from family & friends?
Are you afraid of what your partner might do to you? Clinic to be Recognized at Dinner
There is NO EXCUSE for ABUSE A n estimated 1.6 million sports-related concussions occur every year. Athletes of all
ages who are not fully recovered before returning to their sport are much more likely
Call the Women’s Center of Montgomery County.
to receive another – more devastating – concussion.
Magee Rehabilitation Hospital is determined to stop that from happening.
Our counselors will listen without judging and
In November, 2010, Magee’s Brain Injury Service Department created a post-concussion
clinic to help athletes, parents, coaches and teams determine when it is safe for an athlete
help you explore your options. to return to their sport, as well as to utilize Magee’s physical, occupational and speech Serving Suburbs and City
therapy expertise to address any complications that may arise as the result of a concus-
Abuse is NOT YOUR FAULT sion. The post-concussion clinic is being led by Tim Young, MD and Todd Lewis, PhD. Co-Publisher & Editor
24-hour hotline 1-800-773-2424 On January 31, The Philadelphia Sports Writers Association will acknowledge the work Leslie Swan
being done by Dr. Young and Dr. Lewis at their 107th Annual Publisher
Awards Dinner, being held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Robert M. Klein
Cherry Hill at 5:00 p.m. Magee will also have an information
booth at the dinner to discuss concussions and the post- Legal Counsel
concussion clinic. Herbert Robert Weiman Jr.
“I’m glad that Magee Rehab is participating in our banquet Account Manager
this year,” said Rich Westcott, president of the Philadelphia Joyce E. Engel
Sports Writers Association. “Its new post-concussion clinic Graphic Designer
is providing a vital medical service to teams and athletes Kathy Fitzgerald
in our area. Concussions are a major issue in sports these Staff Writer
days, and it’s extremely important that people get the prop- Jerry Bloom
er information in terms of learning how to deal with this
dangerous injury. I’m pleased that Magee will be present to Society Editor
do that.” Rose Marie Riley
The Philadelphia Sports Writers Association Awards Dinner
857 Montgomery Avenue
will also be honoring Phillies Roy Halladay (Pro Athlete of
2nd Floor
the Year), Shane Victorino (Humanitarian of the Year), and

Don’t Flyer Ian Laperriere (accepting the Flyers Team of the Year
Award) among others.
To learn more about Magee’s post-concussion clinic, call
855-587-BRAIN. To learn more about the PSWA Award Dinner,
Narberth, PA 19072
(610) 667-6623
Fax: (610) 667-6624

Break the visit PSWAdinner.com.

Host a Fresh Air Child in 2011

Make a New Year’s resolution that could benefit the entire family for
Display advertising deadline is
the previous Thursday. Classi-
fied deadline is Friday at noon.

Bank... years to come: volunteer with The Fresh Air Fund! Close to 5,000 New York
City children visit volunteer host families for up to two weeks every sum-
mer through The Fund’s Friendly Town program in communities from
Virginia to Maine and into Canada. In 2011, give your family a chance to
City Suburban News reserves
the right to edit, reject and
classify all editorial copy and
advertising copy.
spend time together, introduce your children or grandchildren to the im-
portance of volunteering and make a difference in the life of an inner- Any article or advertising that
city child. It might still be cold outside, but the time to sign up is now! appears in City Suburban News
For information on hosting a Fresh Air child, contact Anne Umbrecht at does not necessarily reflect the
610-527-3629 or The Fresh Air Fund at 800-367-0003. You can also visit view of the publisher or staff.
The Fund’s website at www.freshair.org to view photos and read testi- Please bring it to our attention
monials of families who have experienced the joys of hosting a Fresh Air if there is a typographic error.
child. The customer must bring it to
our attention if there is an
Thank You for Reading CITY SUBURBAN NEWS Every Week! error so it may be corrected.
We will not be responsible after
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City Suburban News & You... the Perfect Combination. Call 610-667-6623 today to reach your customers! year subscription.
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January 19 – January 25, 2011 CITY SUBURBAN NEWS Page 5

Philadelphia Auto Show Returns with New Features COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION ★ GIFT CERTIFICATES
and Manufacturers
Ear Piercing
EMILY, CPE Facial Waxing
610-896-6183 International
1430 Manoa Rd., Wynnewood Board Certified

Join the Main Line

YMCA Today! Join in Jan.
& Save!

Attending a Black Tie Tailgate menu tasting for the Philadel- Photos/Marc Barag
phia Auto Show, held January 6, at Tangerine, and catered by Scott Lustgarten, President of the Auto Dealers’ CARing for Kids
Stephen STARR events are, from left – Robert Schultz, Director Foundation and Bryn Mawr resident; Suzi Lustgarten, Black
of The Center for Autism Research at CHOP; Debra Dunn, Out- Tie Tailgate Committee Member and Bryn Mawr resident; Kevin
reach Director for The Center for Autism Research at CHOP Mazzucola, Executive Director of the ADAGP; Marc Brownstein,
and Ardmore resident; Scott Lustgarten, President of the Auto Black Tie Tailgate Committee Member and Gladwyne resident.
Dealers’ CARing for Kids Foundation and Bryn Mawr resident;
Stuart Sullivan, Executive Vice President and Chief Develop- biggest auto shows, the Philadelphia Auto Show has a proven NO JOINING FEE IN JANUARY
ment Officer of CHOP; Dom Conicelli, President of the ADAGP. track record of influence on consumers. In 2010, nearly 90
percent of attendees in the market for a new vehicle reported THIS IS WHY
that visiting the Auto Show influenced their next purchas- Membership benefits include:
T he Automobile Dealers Association of Greater Philadel-
phia (ADAGP) announces the return of the Philadelphia
Auto Show (www.phillyautoshow.com) to the Pennsylvania
ing decision, according to exit surveys.
In addition, since its inception in 2003, the Auto Dealers
• Full access to 11 YMCA of Philadelphia &
Vicinity locations
Convention Center from Saturday, January 29 to Sunday, CARing for Kids Foundation, the philanthropic arm of the • Priority class and program registration
February 6. The event’s Media Day and Black Tie Tailgate Philadelphia Auto Show, has made more than $3.5 million • FREE Adult Group Exercise classes
Preview Gala are scheduled for Friday, January 28. in contributions to worthwhile child-related initiatives and • FREE consultations with a Wellness Coach
One of the area’s premier social events of the season, the organizations. The ADAGP will proudly continue its chari-
Black Tie Tailgate Preview Gala returns on January 28 from table giving this year by donating $2.00 to the Foundation • FREE Babysitting Services • Guess Passes
7:00 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. at the Pennsylvania Convention Center. from every Auto Show ticket sold. These donations will be No contracts to sign!
Joining fee waived for the month of January. Offer ends Jan. 31, 2011.
The 2011 Gala marks the fourth year the Auto Dealers CAR- used to support a number of programs run by the Founda-
ing for Kids Foundation is partnering with culinary favorite
Stephen STARR Events in conjunction with ARAMARK/SFS
tion, including its Driving Away the Cold campaign, which
provides new winter coats to underprivileged children liv-
Main Line YMCA
610-649-0700 • www.philaymca.org
Food Services for the menu design. This year’s live enter- ing in the Greater Philadelphia area.
tainment portion will be provided by Jellyroll Dance Band. The 2011 Philadelphia Auto Show hours are: Noon to 10 100 St. George’s Rd., Ardmore, PA 19003
Tickets are $200 per person and are available for purchase p.m. on weekdays; 9 a.m. to
on phillyautoshow.com. Proceeds will benefit the Center for 10 p.m. on Saturdays; 9 a.m.
Autism Research at The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to 8 p.m. on Sunday, January
through the Auto Dealers CARing for Kids Foundation. This 30; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday,
event is open to the public. February 6.
“The buzz is back in the auto industry and we want every- “E-tickets” from www.philly-
one to be a part of it,” said Dominic M. Conicelli, chairman autoshow.com are: $10 for
of the 2011 Philadelphia Auto Show and president of Conicelli adults (ages 13 and older)
Autoplex. “The Philadelphia Auto Show has always been valid any show day; $6 for
known as one of the top auto shows in the country and is children (ages 7-12) valid
all about entertaining and educating the consumer. We pride any show day; Free for chil-
ourselves on this every year. For our 2011 event, key addi- dren 6 and under.
tions have been made that will really enhance the overall Box office admission is:
vehicle-researching experience for those who come because $12 for adults (ages 13 and
they are in the market as well as those who join us just to older) on weekends; $10 for
have a good time.” adults on weekdays; $6 for
Of those key additions are two special ‘Ride and Drive” children (ages 7-12) on any
events, which will take place on the last weekend of the show. show day; Free for children
Hosted individually by Toyota and Kia, these inaugural events
will allow Auto Show guests to test drive certain products
6 and under; Senior citizens
(age 62 and over) receive a We invite you, your friends and
during their visit. The 2011 Philadelphia Auto Show cele-
brates another first with the addition of Fiat to its display
special admission price of
$6 on weekdays only. family to be our guest at these
floor, which brings the total number of participating manu-
facturers this year to more than 40.
Weekday discount coupons
can be picked up at your new upcoming events.
“The show continues to thrive and increase its impact on car and truck franchised
the fourth largest media market in the U.S.,” added Conicelli. dealer. Coupons can be re- wednesday, january 26th | 11:30am – 2:00pm
“We’ve said it before but it has never been more true— deemed at the box office at Lunch & Learn: Aid and Attendance Veterans Benefits – Enjoy
there is something for everyone at the Philly Auto Show.” the Pennsylvania Convention
The nine-day Auto Show returns with a 550,000-square- Center for a $3 admission
a delicious, chef-prepared lunch on us while you learn about
foot display floor showcasing a range of vehicles including discount to the Auto Show. valuable benefits available through the VA.
pre-production and green models, concepts, exotics and For a partial list of partici-
antiques from all around the world. As one of the nation’s pating dealers, online visit thursday, february 17th | 11:30am – 2:00pm
www.adagp.com. Lunch & Learn: The 4 Ps of Downsizing – Learn the “4 Ps” and
Attending the menu tasting
bring your questions to make your next transition worry-free.
are, from left – Trish Harring- to attend either or both of the above events, please
ton, Black Tie Tailgate Com- rsvp to 1-215-478-6081 at least two days prior.
mittee Member and St. Davids
resident; Laurie Kilpatrick,
Ph.D., CHOP employee and
Penn Valley resident; Valerie
Bowman, Black Tie Tailgate
Committee Member and
Villanova resident; Suzi
Lustgarten, Black Tie Tailgate
Committee Member and Bryn Two Franklin Town Blvd | Philadelphia, PA 19103
Mawr resident. 1-215-478-6081 | www.watermarkcommunities.com
independent living | personal care
memory care | skilled nursing
Page 6 CITY SUBURBAN NEWS January 19 – January 25, 2011


TREE SERVICE O U T - A N D - A B O U T – Upcoming Food & Entertainment
Storm Damage? By Jerry H. Bloom, Staff Writer
On Stage
LIMBS • HANGERS • DEBRIS REMOVAL • Academy of Music in Philadelphia, presents In the Heights,
TREE REMOVAL • STUMP GRINDING through January 23, the story of a vibrant community in
Reasonable Rates • 100% Satisfaction Manhattan’s Washington Heights—a place where the coffee
from the corner bodega is light and sweet, the windows are
We’ll Beat Written Estimates
always open, and the breeze carries the rhythm of three
610-664-5052 ColemanTreeServices.com generations of music. For tickets ($20 to $100) or info, call
FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED 215-731-3333 or online at www.kimmelcenter.org/broadway.
• Merriam Theater in Philadelphia, presents Bethenny
Frankel, best-selling author and star of The Real Housewives
PATRICIA of New York and Bethenny Getting Married?, on Friday, Janu-
PSYCHIC CONSULTANT ary 21, at 8 p.m. Frankel will dish on life, her work, and her
For You, a Friend, a Group or Event. passion for living healthy and well. For tickets ($10, $25, $35)
Patricia McMonagle has been doing readings or info, call 215-893-1999 or visit www.kimmelcenter.org.
all her life. She has the ability to guide people • World Café Live, 3025 Walnut Street in Philadelphia,
in choosing a positive direction for themselves. hosts The Hooters’ David Uosikkinen on Tuesday, January
Experienced in helping detectives solve crimes, 25 from 7 - 10 p.m., with a party and a big Philly jam as he
she believes, “Change can alter an outcome if continues his web-based singles project, In the Pocket:
you have information!” Essential Songs of Philadelphia with the second song, Open
My Eyes. Originally recorded by Todd Rundgren and Nazz.
Call 267-241-8473, email patricia.paradox22@gmail.com The digital single is now available for 99 cents at http://songs-
inthepocket.org, along with a video documentary of the
or visit www.PatriciaMcMonagle.com & facebook. making of the song. A portion of the proceeds to benefit
Philadelphia’s Settlement Music School. The jam lineup David Uosikkinen of “The Hooters” jams at World Café Live,
features David Uosikkinen, Eric Bazilian, Richard Bush, Greg Tuesday, January 25.
Luxury Town Car Service Davis, Rick DiFonzo, Jeffrey Gaines, Rob Hyman, Jeff Thomas,
and William Wittman. For tickets (General Admission Seat- Art of Bread by Georges Perrier at 920 Montgomery Avenue
ing/Standing: $13 ($10 ticket + $3 processing fee) or info, in Narberth, in Spring 2011.
SAFETY • COMFORT • RELIABILTY call 215-222-1400 or visit http://tickets.worldcafelive.com/ • Trattoria San Nicola, 4 Manor Road in Paoli, PA. offers
eventperformances.asp?evt=3883. culture and cuisine with Italian Lessons over Lunch, every
• Airport Dropoff/Pick Up • Mauckingbird Theatre Company presents [title of show], Tuesday from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m., for $30. The once-a-week
LOWEST RATES TO: through January 30, the company’s first musical produc- sessions will include an hour-long Italian lesson taught by
Newark • JFK • Philadelphia tion, at the newly renovated UPstairs stage at The Adrienne Marie Jose Napier, language professor at Rosemont College,
Baltimore • Wash. D.C. Theatre, located at 2030 Sansom Street in Philadelphia. In and a three-course lunch. Guests can choose from a limited
• NYC Shopping homage to the grand tradition of backstage musicals, the menu of Chef Vito Giannandrea's special seasonal dishes.
musical comedy is about creative expression and taking risks. The weekly lessons cover grammar, vocabulary, and com-
For tickets ($25 adults, $20 seniors, $15 students) or info, mon Italian phrases. For reservations or info, call 610-695-
Call 610-368-7916 call 215-923-8909 or visit www.mauckingbird.org. 8990 or visit www.sannicola.net.
• Electric Factory, 421 North 7th Street in Philadelphia, Events
presents the Reggae Ensemble Giant Panda Guerilla Dub • Oyster House, 1516 Sansom Street in Philadelphia, com-
Squad, January 29, part of a four-show run with Umphrey’s memorates National New England Clam Chowder Day by
McGee. Doors open 7:30 p.m. Show at 8:30 p.m. All ages wel- serving their house-made version on the street in front of
Advertise in come. For tickets ($22.50 adv / $25 dos) or info, call 215-627-
1332 or visit www.electricfactory.info.
Dining Around
the restaurant, Friday, January 21, from 11:30 a.m. until 2
p.m., for $5, packaged in a take-out cup with a spoon and
oyster crackers. More info, call 215-567-7683 or online visit

City Suburban • JG Domestic, 2929 Arch Street in Philadelphia, located

in the Cira Centre, adjacent to 30th Street Station, is Chef
Jose Garces’ seventh Philadelphia restaurant serving an all-
• Haverford Township Free Library, 1601 Darby Road
in Havertown host Motown Sound: Live with Jon Turk, on

News to Reach American menu. In addition to their a la carte lunch selections,

the restaurant offers a daily-changing Blue Plate Special
lunch, Monday - Friday, for $12. For reservations or info,
Sunday, January 23 at 2 p.m., part performance and part
lecture as Jon Turk entertains with his expertise on the his-
tory of Motown, its artists, and its contribution to Ameri-

Your Customers! call 215-222-2363 or visit www.jgdomestic.com.

• Chef Georges Perrier, Owner/Chef of Le Bec-Fin in
Philadelphia, announced that “Le Bec-Fin will remain open
and Chef Elmi will now become my partner. I will remodel
can music. Light refreshments served – all ages welcome –
free program. Register online at www.haverfordlibrary.org
or call Mary Lou at 610-446-3082 ext 207. Additional park-
ing is available on Darby Road and at the Middle School.
UPCOMING SPECIAL ISSUES: both the Mezzanine and Le Bar Lyonnais in August and I E-mail releases two-weeks in advance to
will stay in the kitchen as long as you will have me.” Chef jerry@jerrybloom.com. Follow above format.
January 26 – Healthy Living, Senior Perrier also announced that he will open a new bakery The
Services & Sr. Back Page, Camp, Get
Ready for Valentine’s Day
February 2 – Education News, Get Ready
for Valentine’s Day
Philadelphia Parks & Recreation Announces 2011 Performance
February 9 – Healthy Living, Sr. Back Page,
Get Ready for Valentine’s Day, Bridal
Artists Contract Opportunity at Dell Music Center
process at www.phila.gov/contracts Applicants should
February 16 – Education News, Camp T he City of Philadelphia, through Philadelphia Parks &
Recreation will host the 2011 Essence of Entertainment
Summer Concert Series at the Dell Music Center. The con-
choose Contract Philly, once on the site.
Interested parties who fail to file complete applications
February 23 – Healthy Living, Senior cert series will take place during the months of June, July through the eContract Philly online application process will
Services & Sr. Back Page and August. Parks & Recreation is seeking performers and not be considered for the contract.
March 2 – Education News musical acts from various musical genres to perform during Questions concerning this request for proposal should
the concert series. be directed to Facetta Garrison, at 215-683-3590 or via
March 9 – Healthy Living, Sr. Back Page Artists and musical act acquisition began, January 12, email at Facetta.Garrison@Phila.Gov.
March 16 – Education News, Camp 2011 and will close on Thursday, January 27, 2011, 5:00 For technical assistance with using the eContract Philly
p.m. eastern time. All Proposals must be submitted elec- website, contact econtractphilly@phila.gov or 215-686-4914.
March 23 – Healthy Living, Senior Services tronically through the eContract Philly online application
& Sr. Back Page, Camp
March 30 – Jewish Culture
April 6 – Education News
Travels at Twelve: Gardens of Long Island at Swarthmore
so mark your calendar now for September 20-23, 2011 to
Find Dining & Entertainment News
Every Week!
J eff Jabco, Horticulture Coordinator and Julie Jenney, Edu-
cational Programs Coordinator for the Scott Arboretum,
will be leading a very special trip for Scott Associates next
be a part of this trip!
Free and open to the public, Travels at Twelve programs
Call 610-667-6623 for details. September to private and public gardens on Long Island. are an informal way to share what has been seen and dis-
Deadline previous Thursday. Join them Thursday, January 27, 2011, 12:00 p.m. for a covered in various gardens and natural spaces both in the
sneak preview as they share the inspiring gardens they saw United States and abroad. They are held from Noon to 1
CITY SUBURBAN NEWS – on a 2010 scouting trip: Long House Reserve, Planting Fields, p.m. in the Lang Performing Arts Center Cinema at Swarth-
vineyards, and several fantastic private gardens—some in- more College. Contact the Scott Arboretum Offices at 610-
Your Community Paper timate and detailed; others with beautiful views of the coast 328-8025 for information and parking.
for 26 Years! and sound beyond. You won’t want to miss the real thing

Find Great Upcoming Events Every Week in City Suburban News! Pick Up Your FREE Issue Every Wednesday!
January 19 – January 25, 2011 CITY SUBURBAN NEWS Page 7

D &E
Let Avril Cater Your Next Corporate or Special Event!
Chef/Owner Christian Gatti Can Customize a Menu for You.

Art and Science Intersect on Feb. 4 in Philadelphia

nd & W
Husba am

The Main Line’s Newest BYOB
2011 marks the International Year of Chemistry (IYC2011) Now Serving Bagels, Breakfast Sandwiches,
Homemade Spreads, Salads, Soups & Sandwiches
from 29 states and 7 countries laid out in the familiar peri-
for Take-Out or Eat-In in Our Cozy Cafe.
odic grid, this project celebrates how chemical elements
link to everyday life. 134 BALA AVENUE, BALA CYNWYD • 7 AM - 10 PM
• Images of German artist Bridgitte Hitschler’s project 610-667-2626 • Fax 610-667-2633
Energy Field 1. Into the slagheap of an abandoned potash
mine, she planted battery structures of zinc, magnesium 10% OFF any Knish or Specialty Pot Pie Order. Exp. 5/31/11
and copper that reacted with the potash salts and moisture FREE COFFEE with Purchase of Bagel or Breakfast Sandwich.
in the earth to fuel 400 red LED lights. See from the air, the FREE SOUP with any Purchase of Salad or Sandwich.
lights are best described as “tiny mysterious dots on six-
teen poetic square meters. They symbolize the past and
future energy potential of the place.” LANSDOWNE FOLK CLUB PRESENTS
• Photos of Dove Bradshaw show the beauty of a human
figure juxtaposed with words listing the elements of the
human body. Herself in the Element depicts a seated woman,
poised and unclothed. On the model’s bare back, Bradshaw DEEP
has painted “CARBON HYDROGEN NITROGEN.” The words
decrease in size as they descend her spine. Elements in
great abundance appear in large letters, while the viewer
must squint to see
the minute letters A power-folk trio
that list trace ele-
ments in the body
from Virginia
The Elemental
“Periodic Table Printmaking Project, 2007,” 118 prints by 97 Matters exhibit is Doors open 6:45 pm • Show 7:30 pm
artists – woodcut, linocut, monotype, etching, lithograph, silk- part of the U.S. kick- Tickets $15 advance • $18 at door
screen, or in combination; Jennifer Schmitt, Curator, Concord, off of IYC2011 tak-
Massachusetts. Shown is Aluminum by Ellen Brooks. ing place in Philadel- 84 S. Lansdowne Ave., Lansdowne, PA • 610-622-7250
even contemporary artists explore the elements and per- are to increase the
S iodic table and through the process transform ordinary public appreciation
associations about chemistry into evocative works of art. o f c h e m i s t r y i n
A new exhibit called Elemental Matters: Artists Imagine Chem- meeting world needs,
istry opens Friday, February 4 at the Chemical Heritage to encourage inter-
Foundation (CHF) in Philadelphia, 315 Chestnut Street, dur- est in chemistry Tungsten by Viza Arlington.
Join Us for the
ing First Friday, a monthly public open house for local gal- among young peo-
The Elemental Matters exhibit marks the culmination of
ple, and to generate enthusiasm for the creative future of
chemistry. The year 2011 will coincide with the 100th anni-
Chinese New Year
a full week of activities highlighting 2011 as the International versary of the Nobel Prize awarded to Madame Marie Curie at Sangkee Asian Bistro
Year of Chemistry (IYC2011) as designated by the United —an opportunity to celebrate the contributions of women
Nations. All seven artists will be available to discuss their to science. The year will also be the 100th anniversary of
work from 5 p.m. and 8 p.m on Friday, February 4. The free the founding of the International Association of Chemical
exhibit will remain on display in CHF’s Hach Gallery through Societies, providing a chance to highlight the benefits of
Friday, December 9. international scientific collaboration. February 1 thru
Exhibit highlights: For information, visit CHF at www.chemheritage.org or
• Display of entire Periodic Table Printmaking Project IYC at www.chemistry2011.org. February 20
curated by Jennifer Schmitt. With 118 prints by 97 artists
See David Mamet’s Race and then Talk About It
A Community Dialogue About Race on January 31
An Eclectic Dining Experience • Dine-In/Take-Out

Garonzik. “We are very excited to be collaborating with WHYY,

P hiladelphia Theatre Company hosts a Dialogue About
Race on Monday, January 31 at 7 p.m. at the Suzanne
Roberts Theatre, Broad and Lombard Streets. This special
The Penn Project for Civic Engagement and NewCORE as
we take the opportunity of this production to contextualize 339 East Lancaster Avenue, Wynnewood, PA 19096
event will be a co-sponsorship with WHYY, The Penn Pro- the play for a broader community conversation.” www.sangkeeasianbistro.com
ject for Civic Engagement and NewCORE (the New Conver- Previews for Race begin Friday, January 21 with opening
sation on Race and Ethnicity). The evening will be a mod- night on Wednesday, January 26. Performances run Tuesday SAY YOU SAW IT IN CITY SUBURBAN NEWS
erated discussion about Philadelphia Theatre Company’s through Sunday until February 13. Tickets are $25 - $59,
Philadelphia premiere of David Mamet’s provocative new
play Race and the role of race in our daily lives.
with discounts for students, seniors and groups. Tickets
are available by calling the PTC Box Office at 215-985-0420 ADVERTISE YOUR RESTAURANT
Admission to this special Dialogue About Race is free but
reservations are required by calling the Philadelphia Theatre
or visiting PhiladelphiaTheatreCompany.org.
The New Conversation on Race and Ethnicity (NewCORE) OR ENTERTAINMENT RELATED BUSINESS
Company Box Office at 215-985-0420. Attendees must have
seen the Philadelphia Theatre Company production of Race
is a diverse organization established in the autumn of 2008
by Palmer Theological Seminary in partnership with the
before January 31 in order to participate. City of Philadelphia, Mayor’s Office of Faith Based Initiatives.
Pulitzer Prize Award-winning playwright and Tony nominee The Penn Project for Civic Engagement (PPCE) helps peo-
David Mamet tackles the biggest four-letter word of all… ple identify and address problems in their community or
race! Two lawyers, one black one white, are offered the chance
to defend a wealthy executive charged with a shocking crime
against a young black woman. When a new legal assistant
organization. PPCE works with community organizations,
government agencies and businesses to plan, conduct and
report conversations about important issues, and to create
Education News
gets involved, emotions bubbling just beneath the surface
explode! Race is running January 21 through February 13.
insights and solutions for those issues
Founded in 1974, Philadelphia Theatre Company is a
Advertise Your Educational
“In his speech at the National Constitution Center, then
candidate Barak Obama called for a national conversation
leading regional theater company whose mission is to pro-
duce, develop and present entertaining and imaginative
Programs & Open Houses!
on race and ethnicity as a way of moving ‘toward a more contemporary theater focused on the American experience Find everything from
perfect union’,” said PTC’s Producing Artistic Director Sara that both ignites the intellect and touches the soul. School News to Open Houses
to Educational Activities
and Services in the Philadelphia
BMFI Screens “Smoke Signals”
Continued from front page
and Main Line area.
magazines, including Newsday and The New York Times. Cur- Bryn Mawr Film Institute members. Advance tickets are Call 610-667-6623 to advertise in this popular section.
rently, Dr. Schneider is conducting an undergraduate semi- available in person at the Box Office and online at www.Bryn- Ask about our special rates!
nar on Native American Literature at Bryn Mawr College. MawrFilm.org. For a full schedule of upcoming events and
Tickets for Smoke Signals are $10 general admission, $7 classes, visit www.BrynMawrFilm.org.
for seniors (65 and over) and students with ID, and $5 for The first & third weeks of every month!
Page 8 CITY SUBURBAN NEWS January 19 – January 25, 2011


Find Summer Fun... G E T R E A D Y F O R C A M P!



Camp Small Feet NEW! Basketball Camp
Ages 3 (must be toilet trained) Ages 7 -12 year olds
to 5 years old. Half/Full Day. Hours: 8:30 am - 4 pm
Weeks: June 20 - August 22 1 Week: June 20 to June 24
YMCA Camp Cost for Full Day of above camps:
Ages 5 -12 year olds Full Day • 8:30AM-4PM
Hours: 8:30 am - 4 pm $230/wk Full Privil. Members
Weeks: June 20 - August 22 $255/wk Youth Prog. Members
YMCA Sports Camp NEW! Teen Trip Camp
Ages 8 -12 year olds Ages 12 -15 year olds
Hours: 8:30 am - 4 pm Hours: 8:30 am - 4 pm
Weeks: June 20 - August 22 1 Week: August 8 to August 12
Teen Camp $300/wk Full Privil. Members
$330/wk Youth Prog. Members
Ages 12-15 year olds GFS Middle School Community Action Committee members model their MLK Day of Service T-shirts, from left – Sophia Linguiti
Hours: 8:30 am - 4 pm Register Now ‘15 of Roxborough, Grayson Melby ‘15 of Wyndmoor, Schuyler Alig ‘15 of Chestnut Hill and Center City, Tori Clarke ‘15 of Andorra,
Weeks: June 20 - Aug. 1 & 15 at Main Line YMCA Abby Clausen-Wolf ‘15 of Mt. Airy and Chestnut Hill, Ann Carpenter ‘15 of Wyndmoor, Ariel Frank ‘15 of Blue Bell, and Kathy
Gymnastics Camp Membership Services Desk Paulmier, Director of Community Involvement, of Germantown.
100 St. George’s Rd., Ardmore
Ages 6 -13 year olds
and the Holsey Temple food ministry; peace and civil rights-
Hours: 8:30 am - 4 pm
Weeks: July 11 - August 1
For more information call
Heather Rago on the
O n Monday, January 17, Germantown Friends School
participated in the 16th Annual Greater Philadelphia
Martin Luther King Day of Service. In honor of the 25th
themed card making for residents of area retirement homes;
turning wooden bowls for the Northwest Interfaith Hospi-
Extended AM & PM care available. 610-649-0700, x1410 or anniversary of the King federal holiday, GFS students, par- tality Network’s Empty Bowl Dinner; collecting, sorting and
Financial Assistance available. visit www.philaymca.org ents, staff, alumni, neighbors, Meeting members and friends delivering men’s clothing to Holsey Temple CME church;
attended a variety of activities throughout the day, both on and creating books-on-tape for the Philadelphia Reads
100 St. George’s Rd., Ardmore, PA 19003 and off campus, followed by a celebratory luncheon. The Literacy Program.
day’s events were kicked off by a motivational speech de- “There’s such a great spirit to the day because the people
livered by activist and scholar Wende Elizabeth Marshall, who come out to volunteer come with such great attitudes,”
PLACE YOUR SCHOOL whose work centers on the study of race/class, medicine, says Kathy Paulmier, director of community involvement
ADVERTISING HERE! science and social change.
Afterwards, participants broke out into 31 projects that
(a record-breaking 500 volunteers showed up to last year’s
MLK Day of Service; Monday’s final number of attendees
Call 610-667-6623 for Great Rates and Advertising included sewing fleece hats, scarves and mittens for Ger- had not been tallied yet). “It’s really community building:
Ideas to Help Your Business Grow! mantown residents; pie, Everyone wants to get to know one other and they want to
cookie, cupcake, and bread help others. It’s a great reminder of King’s teachings, and

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T he Rare Book and Manuscript Library of the University of Pennsylvania Libraries will
present several free events during the final weekends of its exhibit Wharton Esherick
and the Birth of the American Modern at the Kamin Gallery in the Van Pelt-Dietrich Library
plus free consultation Center and the Kroiz Gallery of the Architectural Archives. The final day to see the exhi-
610-896-9798 • readinglearningcenter.com with this coupon. Not valid with other
bition will be Sunday, February 13. Both galleries will be open that day from 10 a.m. - 5
offers or prior purchases.
111 Sibley Avenue, 2nd Floor, Ardmore Offer exp. 2/19/11 CSN p.m.
On Saturday, January 29 beginning at 10:30 a.m., Paul Eisenhauer, director and curator
of the Wharton Esherick Museum, will give a two-hour tour of the exhibition. Later that
A College-Preparatory afternoon, from 2:00 - 4:00, the Library host a reception for the book release of a facsimile
School for Bright Children edition of Esherick’s hand-lettered and illuminated version of Walt Whitman’s poems Song
Who Learn Differently. of the Broad-Axe. Using his resemblance to Walt Whitman, Daniel Blaine Ford will present
a reading of Song of the Broad-Axe in the persona of the poet.
On Friday, February 11 from 3:00 - 4:30, Paul Eisenhauer will lead another special tour
of the exhibition highlighting Esherick’s long-term relationship with eurythmy and dance
in anticipation of the Pennsylvania Eurythmy Ensemble’s performance later that evening.
Reservations can be made by calling the architectural archives at 215-898-8323 or email-
ing nthorne@design.upenn.edu.
Pennsylvania Eurythmy Ensemble will present Unheard Voices at Harrison Auditorium
in the Penn Museum (3260 South Street) on February 11 at 7:30 p.m. This performance
Can the Summer make a features the Ensemble’s version of the Iroquois tale of The Wife of the Thunderer as well
difference in the school year? as music by Beethoven, Burghardt and Debussy and poetry by African-American poet E.
Ethelbert Miller. Eurythmy, whose name stems from the Greek word for beautiful rhythm,
At AIM, students enrich their vocabulary, is an expressive movement art developed in the early twentieth century by Rudolf Steiner.
Performed to music or the spoken word, the repertoire of eurythmic movements is con-
comprehension, and confidence! Come see nected to the tonal experience of music or the sounds and rhythms of language. Reser-
the difference a love of learning can make. vations are requested and can be made at http//www.library.upenn.edu/forms/eventsre-
Now accepting applications for AIM’s sponse8.htm.
Wharton Esherick and the Birth of the American Modern, the first major examination of
Summer Enrichment Program (July 5 - the artist’s work in over fifty years, surveys the remarkable range of this artist’s achieve-
29) and Fall 2011 (Grades 1 - 12). ment during the critical early years of his career through lively installations of furniture
and artwork. The exhibition presents over 100 of the artist’s works from the 1920s and
OPEN HOUSE for Parents and Professionals 1930s, including furniture, sculpture, woodblock prints, drawings, and paintings, as well
as period photography, correspondence, and ephemera that explore the rich contexts
Sunday, February 13 • 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. and friendships through which Esherick’s art developed and flourished.
The exhibition is organized by the Rare Book and Manuscript Library of the University
Summer 2011 Enrichment Program • July 5 - 29 of Pennsylvania Libraries, in collaboration with the Architectural Archives of Penn’s
School of Design, the Wharton Esherick Museum, and Hedgerow Theater.
Visit www.aimpa.org or call 215-483-aim1 Every Week Find Great Information in City Suburban News!
January 19 – January 25, 2011 CITY SUBURBAN NEWS Page 9

Academy of Notre Dame to Hold Sixth Grade
Scholarship and Entrance Exam Register now online at:

A cademy of Notre Dame de Namur in Villanova is hosting

a Sixth Grade Entrance and Scholarship Exam for prospec-
tive students for the 2011-2012 academic year.
The exam is scheduled for Saturday, January 29, 2011,
at 9:00 a.m. Pre-registration is required.
The Academy of Notre Dame de Namur is an independent,
Catholic college preparatory school for girls from the sixth

From left – Notre Dame sixth graders Bridget Pyott of Wayne,

Grace Smith of Malvern, Grace Leasure of Devon and Erin
Bruder of Newtown Square.

through the twelfth grades. Notre Dame’s strong tradition Tutoring and Test Preparation
of learning, both in and out of the classroom, broadens
students’ horizons and helps them acknowledge the respect Call Today for SAT & ACT
and responsibility that is an integral part of their service Course Scheduling!
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Notre Dame is located at 560 Sproul Road in Villanova, Pa. For information about the Academy, or to reserve your
• Personalized Feedback
place at the upcoming entrance exam, contact Mia Wesner, Director of Junior School Admissions (mwesner@ndapa.org),
at 610-971-0498. Visit www.ndapa.org.
950 Montgomery Ave. Narberth, PA
610-668-TEST www.chytennarberth.com
Immaculata University Holds Financial Aid Workshop Find Important Senior News Here Every Month.
Next Senior Issue is January 26. Ad Deadline is Jan. 20.
I mmaculata University will conduct two Financial Aid Workshops for prospective students, their families, and the com-
munity on Saturday, Janu-
ary 22, from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. in
Loyola Hall, room 127, on the
University’s campus.
One language or two?
Programs and activities for %LOLQJXDOSURJUDPIURP
the day will begin with reg- 3UHVFKRROWR*UDGH
istration and a welcome by 25 years
25 years
Robert Forest, director of ofofteaching
teaching the the I
financial aid. The workshop ‡'HYHORSPHQWDOSUHVFKRRO
will include “How to Apply joy
joyofof dance
for Financial Aid Using the ‡*OREDOIRFXV
2011 - 2012 Free Application ‡([WUDFXUULFXODUDFWLYLWLHV
for Federal Student Aid.” Ongoing  
The session will be a line-by- FULLRegistration

line instruction for filling out 2011 &

this form. The program will StartsPrograms
September 11, 2010  OPEN HOUSE
conclude with a question and Children
ages 3ages
to adults

answer session.      

Anyone wishing information  
and reservations should call  " 1RUWK+LJKODQG$YHQXH%DOD&\QZ\G3$ ‡ZZZHÀSRQOLQHFRP
the Financial Aid Office at 610-
647-4400, ext. 3028 or email    ! "#$
Immaculata University, a
It’s Simple. . . Advertise Your Business in ST. ALOYSIUS ACADEMY
Catholic, coeducational in-
stitution, is located 20 miles
City Suburban News to Reach Your Clients!
west of Philadelphia, south K-5 Elementary • 6-8 Middle School • Co-ed Montessori Pre-School
of the intersection of Routes 2008 No Child Left Behind –
30 and 352, between Paoli
and Exton.
Blue Ribbon School
Overbrook High Call for a tour or plan to
Reunion attend one of the following:
Overbrook High School class of
January 1956 is having a 55 year 9:30 a.m.
reunion on Sunday, May 22, 2011 Wed., January 19
at the Bala Golf Club. For info, con- Thurs., February 17
tact overbrookreunion56@comcast.net.
Tues., March 15
Class of January
1951 Reunion St. Margaret School, Narberth
West Philadelphia High School Class OPEN HOUSE 401 S. Bryn Mawr Avenue
of January 1951 is planning a 60th
reunion at the Bala Golf Club on
June 12. For information contact
Pre-K 4 Years to 8th Grade Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 FRIDAYS
Sunday, January 23, 2011 Established in 1895 by the Sisters, Jan. 21 • Feb. 11
mommomsandra@aol.com or call
12:30 p.m. - 2 p.m. Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
215-878-3633. March 18 • April 15
Thursday, February 3, 2011 Academic & Music Scholarships
9 a.m. - 2 p.m. For information call 610-525-1670
Advertisie every week in or click Admissions on our website available for students entering
City Suburban News 227 N. Narberth Ave., Narberth PA 19072 Grades 5 or 6.
to reach your community! www.staloysiusacademy.org
610-664-2640 • www.saint-margaret.org
Page 10 CITY SUBURBAN NEWS January 19 – January 25, 2011

Resolve to Learn at Main Line Main Line Health & Fitness Celebrates Grand Opening
School Night of Paddle Pool USA The United States’ First Paddle Pool Opens in Greater Philadelphia Area,
W hile many of us have already discarded our New Year’s
resolutions, Main Line School Night is keeping its 1938
original resolution: to encourage life-long learning for adults.
Providing Year-Round Training for Dragon Boat Community
to Main Line Health & Fitness’ offerings. The
On February 22, School Night launches its 72nd spring Schwabs were joined by State Senator, Daylin
semester at area sites along the Main Line. Enrollment be- Leach, who officially proclaimed January 10
gins January 17 online at MainLineSchoolNight.org. to be “Paddle Pool USA Day.” The Schwabs and
“You will find an enormous variety of classes at night and Senator Leach cut the ceremonial ribbon offi-
daytime, every day of the week, and multiple locations make cially opening Paddle Pool USA to the public!
learning on the Main Line convenient to all,” says Bonnie As the doors to Paddle Pool USA opened, cel-
McDairmant, Executive Director of School Night. “Whatever ebrants were treated to the traditional Chinese
resolution you made at New Year’s, there is a class that will drum playing and remarks about the vision be-
help you keep it. You will find many opportunities to en- hind the United States’ first paddle pool. Seat-
courage and renew yourself this year at Main Line School ed in the paddles pool rowing to the beat of the
Night.” drum were members of dragon boat teams
The re-designed catalog and E-Book online offer new across the region.
courses to enhance fitness—of mind and body. The Legacy Guests were then invited to try out paddling
of the Past: India and Pakistan, Reinvent Yourself in a Day, in Paddle Pool USA. Information stations were
China from the Inside, Power Tone & Tighten, Earrings Work- conveniently placed around the paddle pool so
shop: Dangling Dangles and Clusters, and Travel Free and Make that guests can learn more about paddle pool
Money Doing It, are samples of some of the new mind-stretch- training, Dragon Boat racing, and learn how to
ing classes. get involved in this exciting sport that is con-
You can also find classes from Collectibles to Computers, Photos/William A.Boyd Jr. sidered the world’s fastest growing team water
Investing to Inventions, Sports to Self-Improvement, and Dragon Boat race training with Dragon Boat teams from across the region sport.
Wines to Writing. Nia, a holistic-mind-body-spirit fitness at Main Line Health & Fitness’ Paddle Pool USA grand opening. “The very first U.S. Dragon Boat racing team
program, Introduction to Flamenco Dancing, and Golf are was assembled right here in the Philadelphia
three of over 50 fitness, dance and sports classes beginning region in 1983, and it is an honor to participate in another
each week. New and updated classes include: Tap Dancing first for the fantastic sport of Dragon Boat racing,” said
for Fun & Fitness, Ballet on the Barre, Hooping Yourself Fit, State Senator Daylin Leach. “It’s fantastic that Main Line
and Funk Fitness. Perennial favorites are duplicate bridge, Health & Fitness is supporting this truly inclusive sport that
golf, floral design, languages, investment strategies, and has such a rich tradition in our area.”
cooking. Catalogs are mailed to residents and distributed Studies show that people who exercise regularly are
to local libraries the third week in January. healthier, more relaxed, more confident, more creative,
Classes start every week throughout the spring, begin- accomplish more at work and enjoy life more. Paddle pool
ning February 22, and range from one-day workshops to training and Dragon Boat racing are for every fitness and
ten-week study programs. Daytime classes meet all week experience level.
long at the Creutzberg Center in Radnor and at neighbor- “Paddle Pool training is for everyone,” said Mary Hackett,
hood locations from City Line to Paoli. Evening classes meet Manager of Paddle Pool USA. “Our Paddle Pool offers
from Tuesday through Thursday nights at Lower Merion, unique fitness and training options for individuals. Whether
Harriton and Conestoga High Schools, and other Main Line you’re part of a dragon boat team, an individual looking to
venues. try out the sport, or a corporation looking to get involved
To register for non-credit classes, mail, walk-in, (to School in something new, we invite you to experience an innovative
Night headquarters, the Creutzberg Center, 260 Gulph Creek paddle pool workout that is one-of-a-kind in the United
Road, Radnor, PA,) or phone 610-687-8201. Register online States.”
starting January 17 at www.MainLineSchoolNight.org. For
information, call 610-687-0460.
Main Line School Night is a not-for-profit organization Ribbon Cutting at the Grand Opening of Paddle Pool USA at
serving the residents of the Main Line of Philadelphia, ded- Main Line Health & Fitness, from left – Elanna Schwab, Owner
icated to meeting non-credit educational and recreational of Main Line Health & Fitness; Daylin Leach, PA State Senator
needs of adults in the Main Line and adjacent neighborhoods. for the 17th District; Roger Schwab, Owner of Main Line Health
& Fitness; Carol Lee Lindner Founder & Executive Director, Phila-

Free Sunday Mornings at the delphia International Dragon Boat Festival; Alexis Lindner.

Brandywine River Museum M

ain Line Health & Fitness celebrated the grand open-
ing of the first-ever paddle pool in the United States.
Located at Main Line Health & Fitness on 931 Haverford
Road in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, this innovative training
T he Brandywine River Museum will offer free admission
on Sunday mornings from 9:30 a.m. to noon, from Janu-
ary 16 through November 20, 2011.
center offers a stationary paddle environment giving up to
24 paddlers the chance to train together at once, with hands-
The Museum will expand its program of free admission on instruction provided by experienced international pad-
on Sunday mornings only in March, June and September. dlers and coaches. Through the new paddle pool, dragon
Among the exhibitions planned for 2011 are Romance in boat racers no longer have to deal with the lag time in train-
Conflict: N. C. Wyeth’s Civil War Paintings (January 22 - March ing practices that occur due to cold winters and difficult
20), Barry Moser: Bookwright (March 26 - May 22) and Farm weather conditions.
Work by Jamie Wyeth (June 11 through September 11). In “We are answering the call of the dragon boat community
the fall, the museum will celebrate the 40th anniversary of that desires uninterrupted, year-round training,” said Roger
its original opening. Schwab, owner of Main Line Health & Fitness. “We are proud Attending the Grand Opening of Paddle Pool USA at Main Line
The mission of the Brandywine River Museum is to collect, to be able to offer the dragon boat community the chance Health & Fitness are, from left – Roger Schwab, Owner of Main
preserve, exhibit and interpret for public benefit artistic to hone their paddling skills through targeted Dragon Boat Line Health & Fitness; Carol Lee Lindner, Founder & Executive
and historical objects with primary emphasis on the art of strength training programs.” Director, Philadelphia International Dragon Boat Festival; Alexis
the Brandywine region, American illustration and still life To celebrate this exciting new addition, Main Line Health Lindner, Bernadette Byrne, Philadelphia International Dragon
painting. Among the artists represented are Howard Pyle, & Fitness held a special Grand Opening celebration. On Boat Festival Race Director; Elanna Schwab, Owner of Main
N. C. Wyeth, Andrew Wyeth, and Jamie Wyeth. There is work Monday January 10, Roger Schwab and Elanna Schwab, Line Health & Fitness; Joann Fegley, Paddle Pool USA Coach
by hundreds of famous illustrators. Landscape, still life, owners of Main Line Health & Fitness, kicked off the cere- and Head of Schuylkill River Dragons; Mary Hackett, Paddle
portrait and genre painting includes work by Benjamin West, mony with brief remarks about this exciting new addition Pool USA Manager.
Gilbert Stuart, Asher Durand, W. T. Richards, William Harnett,
John Haberle, J. D. Chalfant, Horace Pippin, and many oth-
ers, while the major still life collection includes paintings
by William Harnett, John Peto, George Cope, John Haberle,
LM High School to Host Film ScreeningContinued from front page
Horace Pippin, and many more artists. band John White. The documentary was produced and 2 p.m. at Lower Merion High School, 315 E. Montgomery
(Note: Paid admission will be required on Sunday, May directed by Pew-Foundation honoree Frances McElroy of Avenue, Ardmore. Tickets will be sold at the door or can
29, during the 40th Annul Antiques Show. Admission fees Narberth and Maria Teresa Rodriguez. Proceeds from the purchased in advanced at Pennsylvania Academy of Ballet,
for this event benefit the Museum Volunteers’ Purchase Fund, benefit will allow young dancers to receive scholarships to 29 N. Narberth Avenue, Narberth, PA. Tickets are: adults $12;
which has contributed more than 200 paintings, drawings train for careers in classical ballet at PABS’s Narberth studio. students $8, free for children 5 and under. For information
and prints to the Museum’s holdings since 1975.) “Mirror Dance” will be shown on Sunday, January 30 at call 610-664-3455.
The Brandywine River Museum is located on U.S. Route
1 in Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania. The museum is open daily, Cheerleading Clinic at Eastern University bag lunch. The Cheer Clinic will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; the
except Christmas Day, from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Regular Eastern Cheerleader’s Game Warm-Up will be from 2 to 3 p.m.; and the
The Eastern University Cheerleading squad will present A Community Men’s Basketball Game will start at 3 p.m. At this clinic, the youngsters
admission is $10 for adults; $6 for seniors, students and Kid’s Cheer Clinic on Saturday, February 5, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in will learn cheers, several basic stunts, and have the opportunity to per-
children ages 6 to 12; and free for members and children the Gym on the campus at 1300 Eagle Road, St. Davids, PA. Registration form at half-time of the Eastern Men’s Basketball game. Register at:
under six. For information, call 610-388-2700 or visit is free and children ages 5 to 13 are welcome to attend. No cheerleading http://goeasterneagles.eventbrite.com.
www.brandywinemuseum.org. experience is necessary. Participants are encouraged to bring a brown
Thanks for Reading! Every Wednesday Pick Up Your FREE Copy of CITY SUBURBAN NEWS!
January 19 – January 25, 2011 CITY SUBURBAN NEWS Page 11



AIM Students Learn through Service to Our Communities

to reduce flooding and water
pollution, increases proper-
ty values, and lifts the quali-
ty of life in a neighborhood.
Philadelphia is greener and
healthier as a result of AIM’s
Later that month, 10th and
11th graders in line with AIM’s
service learning mission
began working with Project
H.O.M.E. (Housing, Opportuni-
ties for Employment, Medi-
cal Care, Education). Once
the students learned about
the organization’s mission to
empower people to break 98% OF DVFS GRADUATES
the cycle of homelessness,
address the structural causes
of poverty, and attain each
individual’s fullest potential Preparing students with learning differences
as members of society, they to succeed in college and life.
designed and ran a canned
food drive culminating in For more information call 610-640-4150 or visit dvfs.org
delivery of a van full of dona-
tions. The students continue $ELAWARE6ALLEY&RIENDS3CHOOLs0AOLI 0!
to work as a committee to
develop programs as they
continue their partnership
with Project H.O.M.E. Let Your Business Grow in City Suburban News!
And in December it was Call 610-667-6623 for Great Solutions to Reach Your Clients!
“Jammin’ for Jammies!” AIM
AIM students “Jammin’ for Jammies!” joined forces to collect pajamas, socks, and blankets for Lower and Upper School
homeless women and children. Over 100 items were delivered to Gloria’s Place of the People’s students (Grades 1-11 cur-
Emergency Center on Spring Garden Street in Philadelphia, PA.
rently, 1-12 in September)
joined forces to collect new A DVERTISING ERE H !
A t AIM~Academy In Manayunk, a college-preparatory pajamas, socks, and blankets for homeless women and chil-
school for children who learn differently, community dren. The over 100 items were delivered to Gloria’s Place
service provides many great lessons for students of all ages. of the People’s Emergency Center on Spring Garden Street
Call 610-667-6623 for Great Rates and Advertising
Ideas to Help Your Business Grow!

This past November, a dozen AIM families joined volun- in time to add warmth to the
teers from Pretzel Park, Friends of the Manayunk Canal holidays of people in need.
and the Roxborough/Manayunk/Wissahickon Tree Tenders AIM students and their fami-

Nurturing Excellence
group in planting two dozen trees throughout Manayunk. lies know the difference their
Sponsored by The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, AIM school and being able to
joined 50 other Philadelphia area Tree Tenders community learn differently is making in
their lives. They were so
happy that their donations
could make a difference for
On tap for January is Martin
Luther King Day of Service
with AIM students, staff, and
families working in our local
communities, and in February
students will be making
Valentine’s Day cards and
letters for troops overseas.
AIM~Academy In Manayunk
students travel from through-
out the Greater Philadelphia
region and South Jersey to
benefit from the latest re-
search-to-practice approach-
es for children with learning
disabilities. Learning through
service is just another example
of AIM’s full educational im-
Ms. Carrie Shankweiler (AIM’s Head of Upper School) helps mersion model. To learn more
deliver items to Gloria’s Place of the People’s Emergency about enrollment at AIM or
Center just in time to add warmth to the holidays. its Summer Enrichment Pro-


gram consider coming to a
groups in planting a total of 1,000 new trees in one weekend! Parents and Professionals
Both Lower and Upper School students and their families Open House on Sunday,
learned valuable lessons of how tree planting improves air February 13, or online visit “Nurturing Excellence in a Joyful Catholic Community”
quality, reduces heat-island effect, manages storm runoff www.aimpa.org.
Co-Educational | Nursery–8th | Independent | Extended Day Option

Adath Israel’s Center City Lunch ‘n Learn

R abbi Eric Yanoff leads the year-long Adath Israel Lunch ‘n Learn course, “Ripped from
the Headlines: What Jewish Law and Custom Says About Today’s Hot-Button Issues,”
which meets monthly and can be used for CLE Ethics Credit. Next session is Wednesday,
OPEN First Wednesdays
February 2, 2011. Participants bring a dairy lunch, beverages are supplied, and arrive HOUSES 9:00–11:00 a.m.
between noon and 12:30 p.m. for the discussion that begins at 12:30 p.m. and ends prompt-
ly by 1:30 p.m. at Reed Smith 24th-Floor Office, One Liberty Place, 1650 Market Street,
Philadelphia, PA 10103. Check in downstairs.
“Ripped from the Headlines” sessions: February 2, March 2, April 6, May 4, and June 1
are free and open to the public, require no reservation, and are sponsored by Adath Israel.
610-922-1010 | www.rosemontschool.org
For details call 610-934-1919 or email info@adathisrael.org.
Page 12 CITY SUBURBAN NEWS January 19 – January 25, 2011

By Rose Marie Riley

Awaiting guests at Art-Reach’s 19th Annual Jazz Brunch and

Silent Auction are co-chairs, from left – Karen Feeney of Oaklyn,
NJ; and Mia Meloni of Philadelphia.
At the Union League of Philadelphia for its New Year’s Day
Open House are – President Joan Carter and her husband,
John Aglialoro of Haddonfield, NJ.

Attending the Open House are, from left – Dr. Russell Raphaely
and Marianne Raphaely, of Cherry Hill; Louis Scaglione, III,
Director, of Philadelphia.

Arriving at the Hyatt at the Bellevue, for Art-Reach’s Annual

Jazz Brunch and Silent Auction are, from left – Happy Craven
Fernandez, President, Moore College of Art and Design, mem-
Attending the New Year’s Day Open House are, from left – Mr. ber of the Host Committee, of Philadelphia; Michael Norris,
and Mrs. Edward Jones of Wynnewood; Mr. Thomas Pappas of Executive Director, Art- Reach, of Philadelphia; honoree Jean
Radnor; Mrs. James Lynch and Mr. James Lynch of Lafayette Canfield and Patrick Canfield, of Mt. Laurel, NJ.
Annual Jazz Brunch
and Silent Auction
Art-Reach’s 19th Annual Jazz Brunch and Silent Auction
was held November 7, 2010, in the Grand Ballroom, the Hyatt
at the Bellevue, Broad and Walnut Streets, Philadelphia. The
theme “In the Mood, A Celebration of Swing,” celebrated the
sound and romance of the Big Band era. The 2010 Art-Reach
Commitment to Cultural Access Awardees were: individual
Enjoying the Open House are, from left – Thomas Pappas of Jean Canfield and the organization Bancroft. Jean Canfield
Radnor; his daughter Suzanne Dunphy; her son Mikey and her is Senior Vice President, Director, Client & Community Rela-
husband Michael, of Malvern. tions at PNC, where she directs the bank’s nonprofit work.
PNC Arts Alive is a five-year $5 million investment that expands
audience participation and engagement in the visual and per-
Union League New Year’s Day 2011 forming arts. The organization honored at the event was
Bancroft, an active Art-Reach member agency which has been
The Union League of Philadelphia’s Board of Directors, providing programs and supports for children and adults with
Past Presidents and their spouses and guests met for a spe- intellectual and developmental disabilities, autism and acquir-
cial brunch on New Year’s Day in the League’s Library and ed brain injuries for more than 125 years.
At the New Year’s Day Open house, and by the Happy New Library Lounge to celebrate the new President of The Union
Year ice sculpture are, from left – Susan Haindl, Director, of Newtown League, Joan Carter. This was a historic day as Joan Carter
Square; Jerry Johnson, Director, of Bryn Mawr. is the first woman president of The Union League. Attendees
were able to enjoy The Union League’s festivities as well as
the Mummer’s Parade. For info visit www.unionleague.org.

View City Suburban News online:

Visit www.Scribd.com/CitySuburbanNews

Viewing the silent auction items are, from left – Hon. Phyllis
W. Beck, Honorary Co-Chair and Happy Craven Fernandez,
member of the Host Committee, President, Moore College of Art
and Design, of Philadelphia.


Call 610-667-6623. We can easily email info
In the receiving line at the Open House are, from left – Mr. and
and custom design your ad for FREE!
Mrs. Daniel Dilella of Gladwyne; President Joan Carter; Mrs.
& Mr. Frank Giordano of Morrestown, NJ.
January 19 – January 25, 2011 CITY SUBURBAN NEWS Page 13
Mail Payment to:

Friday by NOON 857 Montgomery Ave.
2nd Floor
Call: 610-667-6623 Narberth, PA 19072
Fax: 610-667-6624 Email your ad info, address & phone number to: citysuburbannews@mac.com We Get Results!

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remodeled, HW flrs., gourmet kitch. w/sub-zero fridge, new Drexel Hill, PA 19026 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$129,000.
carpets, fin. bsmnt. NEW PRICE $164,900. 73xx Haverford - 2 BR, clean/modern apt. for Rent. . .
GREEN HILL 1/19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$720/mo.
1 BR, 1 bath, close to elevator, stall shower. $96,500. Free Market Evaluation – CALL RON TOGNUCCI STORES & OFFICES AVAILABLE IN
Direct Line 610-853-8450 • Office 610-449-6006 OVERBROOK PARK/PHILADELPHIA/DREXEL HILL
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OVERBROOK 3 BR Duplex. Good 2/2

PARK condition. $179,900.
7524 Greenhill Rd.
1534 N. 62nd St. (Overbrook) – Rehabbed 4 BR. $99,900. 3 BR, 2 full baths, com-
For more info call Joe
2xx Burmont Rd. (Drexel Hill) – 3 BR, plenty upgrades, large pletely renovated basmnt., 610-357-6410 T/F
yard. $155,000. new heat & AC. Eager to Jack Creswell – a Realtor since 1989 – is ready,
sell. Seller will help with
5xx Bonsall Ave. (Yeadon) – 3 BR very nice. $134,900. closing costs. $139,900. willing and able to help with your Real Estate needs.
7xx Fern (Yeadon) – Fixer upper 4 BR, owner financing. Call Stacey
CITY SUBURBAN Interest rates are lower than ever!
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Sell Your Home for CASH Quick Settlement. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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mrtee11@yahoo.com • www.allstarrealtypa.com 2/2
(P.S. This space
could be yours!)
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, No. 19
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wil h t
Radio A ard
at ion wit contac

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Help Wanted Apartments for Rent Painting Hauling/Removal

D R I V E R S – $25 CASH each OV E R B RO O K PA R K - Large 1

night you’re in our truck! 40 cents
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We bring our samples to your home.
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INDEPENDENT HERBALIFE DIST 610-667-1122 Popcorn Ceilings $100 TV Service
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Reach Your Community! Call 215-939-1067 FREE ESTIMATES 215-468-3028 11/9/11
SALES PROS WANTED HI-RISE CONDO Cell 267-230-5875 - Dining room, BR, antiques, used
Part time $500/wk or more.
Full time OK. Work from NARBERTH, PA T/F
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ADVERTISE furniture, oriental rugs, bric-a-brac,
modern or antique. Clean outs avail-
able. 610-649-4123. 2/2
home while helping others
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3 BR, 1 bath house, W/W
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cond. Lower Merion School Dist.
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Doorman, free prkg. & cable,
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Shopping & transp. very close.
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Washer/Dryer in unit, gym, SAVE MONEY!
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NEED RESULTS? 610-667-1122 ext. 107 215-200-0808 1/26 COMMERCIAL EXTERMINATING -
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Room for Rent Clean & safe

rental homes
66xx Leeds St.
1 BR Apt. $530/mo. YOUR ITEMS FREE Kittens

SW, N, W. PHILA. AREA - move-in

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reach your My cat had kittens!
CALL US FOR GREAT ADVERTISING IDEAS FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Lovely 3 BR Apartment Thanks for Reading Call 610-755-7261
customers. City Suburban News! T/F
with garage. T/F
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ASK FOR STAR TREATMENT AT 610-357-6410 distribute 17,000
Business Opportunity
copies of City
1411 N. 76th St.
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
1 col. x 1.5" deep Extremely lg. 2 BR apt. W/W each week. Gold & Silver Eagle Coins?
carp., dishwasher, garb. disposal,
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RECEIVE STAR ❏ $20.63 - 1 week refrig., 3 ceiling fans. Avail.

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TREATMENT ❏ $76.52 - 4 weeks Also avail. lg. garage parking 610-667-6623 Home-based business shows you a unique
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Star Border
❏ $27.50 - 1 week
NEED RESULTS? Leni at 215-879-5687 1/19

Call 610-667-6623 ❏ $102 - 4 weeks

2 BR, freshly painted, 2
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Larger Sizes Also Available kitch. w/granite countertops,
Payable to: CITY SUBURBAN NEWS, in check, money order or charge.
W/D, central air. Great loca.!
$950/mo + utils.
215-689-0723 1/26
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Garage for Rent
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Vicinity of County Line Rd.
& Ardmore Ave. Enclosed
1 Full Year For Only $525
garage w/overhead door. (1 column by 1 inch deep ad ONLY $10.50 per week PREPAID)
Address: Avail. immed. $100/mo.
City: State: Zip: Starkman Palumbo Realty Let us custom-design your ad. Larger sizes available.
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Ethan Klenn (Radnor) holds an Iroquois False Face mask during a small group examination
of Native American artifacts in the 5th grade classroom. The group includes, from left – Jack

Advertise in Coogan (Wayne), Lucy Van Kula (Radnor) and Spencer Davis (Malvern).

City Suburban R
osemont School of the Holy Child’s Society Dancer – miniature replica made by
5th grade students are learning first- a member of the Six Nations; Iroquois False
hand about the cultures of the East- Face mask; Deerskin pelt; Iroquois lacrosse
ern Woodland, Plains, Southwest, and North- stick; Moccasins.
west Indians in social studies this year. The students also examined artifacts from
News to Reach Students have been enriched by a series
of in-school “field trips” to examine authen-
tic Native American items in the classroom,
Southwestern and Northwestern Indians.
Among the southwestern items were Hopi
moccasins, Hopi clay pots with designs, Hopi

Your Customers! thanks to the University of Pennsylvania

Museum of Archeology and Anthropology.
Teacher Maureen Josephsen has arranged
dolls and rattles, and Navajo sand paintings.
From the northwest arrived a box of Tlingit
masks, Makah baskets, Eskimo ivory carved
CALL 610-667-6623.

for “loan boxes” from the museum that con- seal figurines, and a water dipper made of
UPCOMING SPECIAL ISSUES: tain authentic artifacts from Native Ameri- bark.
can tribes across the nation. As part of the cultural studies, the 4th and
January 26 – Healthy Living, Senior Recently, the students were treated to a 5th graders were visited by a Native Ameri-
Services & Sr. Back Page, Camp, Get box of Woodland and Plains Indian artifacts. can storyteller, Namorah “Spiritkeeper” Byrd.
Ready for Valentine’s Day Children were given the opportunity to ex- A local professor of Cherokee and Chitimacha
February 2 – Education News, Get Ready plore, research, and write about the items. heritage, Namorah was dressed in her tribes’
Among the artifacts: Parfleche – a rawhide regalia and incorporated storytelling, music,
for Valentine’s Day
pouch; Roach – an ornament made of animal and a PowerPoint presentation to enrich
February 9 – Healthy Living, Sr. Back Page, hair; Beaded knife case; Ration ticket – used the class’s study of Native Americans.
Get Ready for Valentine’s Day, Bridal on reservations for acquiring goods; Paint The cultural visit concluded with children
pigment pouch; Porcupine quills – used for participating in a Native American “snake
February 16 – Education News, Camp decoration prior to the arrival of beads from dance” in the Rosemont School multi-pur-
February 23 – Healthy Living, Senior Europe; Bison horn; Iroquois False Face pose room.
Services & Sr. Back Page
March 2 – Education News Every Wednesday Pick Up Your FREE Copy of City Suburban News!
March 9 – Healthy Living, Sr. Back Page
March 16 – Education News, Camp
March 23 – Healthy Living, Senior Services
& Sr. Back Page, Camp
March 30 – Jewish Culture
Your Business &
April 6 – Education News, Getting Ready
for Passover and Easter
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