Abstract Reasoning Test: Marcus Delacor & Alexander Mirau Preparation For The EPSO Selection Process

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Marcus Delacor & Alexander Mirau

Preparation for the EPSO Selection Process




euphorum has produced a range of different booklets as Booklet 1

preparation for the selection process of the European The selection process for the EU institutions: Jumping
Personnel Selection Office (EPSO) the hurdles

Booklet 2
The pre-selection process: Computer-based tests

Booklet 3
Situational judgement test

Booklet 4
Verbal reasoning test:
Part 1: The principle of accordance

Booklet 5
Verbal reasoning test:
Part 2: Methodical considerations

Booklet 6
Numerical reasoning test:
Questions and approaches

Booklet 7
Abstract reasoning test

Booklet 8
Professional skills test: Accuracy and precision

Booklet 9
Professional skills test: Prioritising and organising

Booklet 10
The assessment centre

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The Tests guage selected by the applicant, generally the mother

tongue, provided this is one of the official EU lan-
The following tests must be passed as part of the selec- guages. The situational judgement test (d), and the pro-
tion process for administrators (AD): fessional skills tests in the assistant selection process,
must be taken in the second language; German, English,
1) Verbal reasoning test or French.
2) Numerical reasoning test
3) Abstract reasoning test There is a required minimum score for the logical rea-
4) Situational judgement test soning test and a (combined) required minimum score
for the numerical reasoning test and the abstract reason-
Since 2010 applicants for the assistant selection process ing test. The minimum scores needed are outlined in the
(AST) have also been required to pass the following ad- information provided on the different processes.
ditional tests:
All tests are in multiple-choice form:
5) Test to evaluate professional skills in accuracy and In test a) verbal reasoning, as well as in test d) situational
precision judgement, 4 possible answers are given. In all other
6) Test to evaluate professional skills in prioritisation tests there are 5 possible answers.
and organisation
There is always one correct answer!
The first three tests (a-c) will be taken in the main lan-

Number Points
Seconds per
Test of Total time Process Language minimum maximum
questions needed possible
1 Verbal reasoning 20 35 mins 105 AD 10 20
Numerical Main
2 10 20 mins 120 AD 10 from 10
reasoning language
Break (optional) 10 mins and
Main reasoning
3 Abstract reasoning 10 10 mins 60 AD 10
Situational Second
4 20 30 mins 90 AD 24 40
judgement language

Example for the computer-based tests AD 207/2011


Have you tried the EPSO program yet!

German: https://europa.eu/epso/application/cv_new/letters/annexes/epso_demos_de
English: https://europa.eu/epso/application/cv_new/letters/annexes/epso_demos_en
French: https://europa.eu/epso/application/cv_new/letters/annexes/epso_demos_fr

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The EPSO Abstract Reasoning Test

The difficulty of a question is dependent on a number
The EPSO abstract reasoning test measures understand- of factors:
ing of “analogies”. A geometric figure is changed and 1. The complexity of the transformation.
the applicant has to identify the logic behind the change. 2. The number of transformations taking place.
3. The number of basic elements comprising the geo-
The applicant is required to recognise (repeating) pat- metric shapes.
terns, draw logical conclusions, and observe details, 4. The likelihood of the false answers.
whilst remaining aware of the arrangement as whole
and, finally, staying focused under pressure. Background

The applicant has 10 minutes to answer 10 questions (1 “Abstract reasoning” describes orientation inside and between spa-
minute per question). It is hard to complete the test fully tially and temporally distinct categories, and the attributing of rela-
and correctly within this time and this pressure is one of tions to new material.
the key challenges. The test will be evaluated together
with the numerical reasoning test, with a combined min- Abstract reasoning tests are language-free tests that
imum score of 10 points required, from a possible 20 should minimise culture-specific differences.
They are testing so-called “fluid intelligence” which, ac-
Each question contains five images comprised of linear cording to theory, is a non-specific, primarily instinctive
and geometric figures. The order of these images in the capacity. (Compare intelligence theory and the 2 factor
series follows a particular logic or, as the case may be, model according to Cattell, 1957, 1965.)
multiple logics. There are 5 suggested answers for each
question. The applicant must determine which image “Fluid intelligence” describes the ability to orientate
would come next according to the logic of the series. oneself quickly in new situations, and to be able to for-
mulate viable solutions to problems rapidly, without
All images are two-dimensional and are in black and needing extensive teaching. This includes, amongst oth-
white. Spatial vision is not being tested. er things, the ability to get an overview of a situation
quickly, to separate important from unimportant, and to
The number of elements that make up the individual detect and organise as many relationships as possible be-
images can vary considerably. tween different pieces of information.

There is always one correct answer.

Examples of questions of differing complexity

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The “Art Historian” method:

Describe and compare

The key questions are:

What is shown?
What changes between the images?
How and in what ways do changes occure?

Description of
basic elements

Identification of repeating

Identify an additional Description of common

logic by comparing relationships betweeen images
differences in the
preselected answer
options and tracing them Recognition of repeating

Analyse the possible Continuation of pattern Analyse another

answers identifiable in answers? element
yes, no

yes, once

Select answer

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Example question:

Question: Which image comes next in the sequence?



Approach: 3) Describe common relationships between the

Begin by looking at the row of images shown: same elements in different pictures and

1) Describe the individual basic elements 4) Identify repeating patterns

Image 1 contains geometric shapes – circles, triangles,
and a square. The shapes are black or white, and are of a) The most noticeable element here is the position in
different sizes. The arrangement of the shapes corre- the middle: It not only changes colour
sponds to the 5 on a dice, the shape in the middle is (white/white/black/white/black), but also shape (trian-
large and those in the corners are small. gle pointing down/circle/circle/square/triangle point-
ing up). But neither change appears to follow a logical
2) Identify repeating elements that do not change pattern in itself.
Images 1-5 contain the same basic elements – circles,
triangles, and squares. The arrangement in the form of b) Now systematically analyse the other elements:
the 5 on a dice is constant (looking at the row of an- - The small white circle at the top left of image 1
swers tells you this particular feature is included in all *appears in the same form, but in a different position, at the bot-
possible answers.) tom left of image 5. Since a logic must repeat itself throughout the
whole series, this link is irrelevant.
* from image 1 to 2 the circle remains in the same posi-
tion, but changes colour. If part of a logical sequence,
image 3 would have a white circle at the top left. This is
not the case.
* from image 1 to 2 the circle not only changes position

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but also size; it “wanders” into the middle and becomes If the examination of an element/a position for a possible answer
a big circle. In image 3 the large white circle has become produces a negative result, the same examination can be made for
a large black circle. If you consider the movement from the alternative answers. For time reasons it is recommended to an-
image 1 to 2 (top left moves to the middle and becomes alyse possible connections together, rather than individually.
large) in the reverse order, and apply this principle from
image 3 back to image 2, image 2 should have a small Answer B at the end of the row:
black circle at the top left. This is the case.

The principle identified – top left changes position to

the middle and becomes large – is also confirmed by the
remainder of the row:
- from image 3 to 4 the small, white square at the top Answer C at the end of the row:
left moves to the middle and becomes large. (correct)
- from image 4 to 5 the black triangle at the top left be-
comes a large black triangle in the middle. (correct)

5) Identify continuation of pattern in answer op- The white square is at the top left in answer B) and at
tions the bottom left in answer C). If we look back at the row,
When applying this pattern to the possible answers, the this image is neither in image 5 nor in image 4. There is
black square at the top left of image 5 must become a therefore no logical series within which this image fits.
large black square in the middle. This leaves two possi- The same applies to the black circle in both answers.
ble answers: B and C.
This therefore means that the position of the white tri-
angle is decisive in determining the correct answer.
In answer B the triangle is at the top right, in answer C
it is at the top left.

6) Analysis of the answers In the last image in the series, image 5, the triangle can
In addition to the black square in the middle, the white be found at the bottom right. In image 4 there is a white
circle at the bottom left is also the same in both. The triangle at the top right pointing down, and a black tri-
other three figures are the same in each of the three fig- angle at the top left. In image 3 there are 2 black trian-
ures (black circle, white square, white triangle), but their gles, and so on. There is no identifiable logic recognisa-
positions are different. ble for the individual movement of this particular shape.

The next step is to look for relationships by tracing the The next step is to compare the positions of the trian-
different positions of the elements in the two possible gles in the pictures next to one another; the position at
answers back to the row. This will enable identification the top right in answer B and at the bottom left in image
of the correct answer. 5. Do the basic elements in these positions match up in
the previous images?
It is not necessary to look again at the row from 1-5 to
find the second logic. Instead, start from the possible If answer B is correct, the black triangle at the top right
correct answers and analyse the row backwards. of image 5 should appear at the bottom right of image

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4. This is not the case. Summary

Logic 1: In each step, the shape at the top left moves to
If answer C is correct, the black square at the top left of the middle of the image and becomes large.
image 5 should appear at the bottom left of image 4. Logic 2: In each step, the shape at the bottom right
This is the case. Analysing back from image 4 to image moves to the top left.
3, the black triangle at the top left should move to the
bottom right. This is the case, and the “wandering”
principle also applies to the remainder of the row.

On account of it fitting with both logical sequences in

the row, answer C is therefore the correct answer.

Tips: The changes caused by the underlying logic must be completed fully at least one time within the range of im-

The following changes of the basic elements may also be combined with one another (as in the example above):
- Colour change (white/black)
- Size change (small/large)
- Rotation/mirroring
- Movement in a specific “path”
- Movement in relation to other shapes
- Change places (one shape is replaced by another)

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The most important rules and guidelines for the General

multiple-choice tests
Always choose an answer. There is no penalty for get-
ting an answer wrong and, with 5 possible answers for
each question, there is a 20% chance of getting it right.

Do not spend too long on any one question (a maxi-

mum of 45 seconds). You can always return to an unan-
swered question later, or try your luck with a guess. You
have an average of 1 minute to answer each question.

If you’re not sure which is the correct answer and would

like to move on to the next question, click your favour-
1 - ++ + - ite option and make a note of the possible answers you
7 ++ ++
are considering. If you come back to the unanswered
question, this will save time and energy – you only need
to look at the possible answers.

You will be notified when there 5 minutes remaining.

You should allow a minimum of 5 minutes at the end of
the test to go back over the unanswered questions.

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The most important rules and guidelines for the For Computer-Based Tests
multiple-choice tests
Familiarise yourself with the EPSO program and its
functions in advance!

You can mark different questions in the program and

can return to them later, but you cannot leave notes.
The entire test will be carried out on computer. For
writing, there will be 2 DIN-A4 laminated plastic sheets
and washable markers available (the tips can be quite
thick and thus difficult to write with).

A basic calculator is available on the computer, and

there should also be a calculator available in the room.

Check the pens and the calculator work before the test
Image: Screenshot from the EPSO test program begins. Please ask the invigilator if you need a replace-





Image: Screenshot from the EPSO test program

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