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SPSS Advanced Models 10.

0 ™

formerly known as SPSS Advanced Statistics

Get more versatility with

the enhanced general linear
model (GLM) procedure.
The analysis of variance
table is only one of the two
tables of results. In this
example, the F value for
the interaction effect of
fat*surfactant treatment is
8.522, which is significant at
the p < .05 level.

Analyze complex relationships

with a high-end modeler’s toolkit
Determine which SPSS Advanced Models has the procedures

for each random effect in a mixed model. Follow up your
promotional materials you need to move beyond basic data analysis. GLM analysis, which gives you correct effects tests, with
have the greatest impact variance component estimation analysis to estimate
on interest level (low, Make your analysis more accurate and get more dependable variance of random factors.
medium, high) of buying a conclusions with procedures designed to fit the inherent
product using the new characteristics of your data. SPSS Advanced Models provides Apply more sophisticated models
PLUM procedure a powerful set of sophisticated univariate and multivariate Use SPSS Advanced Models when your data don’t conform
Win new business analytical techniques for real-world problems, such as: to the assumptions required by simpler techniques. SPSS
■ Medical research: analyzing patient survival rates Advanced Models has loglinear and hierarchical loglinear
Survival analysis identifies ■ Manufacturing: assessing production processes analysis for modeling multiway tables of count data. The
likely defectors, so you ■ Pharmaceutical: reporting test results to the FDA general loglinear analysis procedure helps you analyze the
can keep customers ■ Market research: determining product interest frequency counts of observations falling into each cross-
happy classification category in a crosstabulation or a contingency
Increase Build more flexible models table. You can select up to 10 factors to define the cells of
customer loyalty The state-of-the-art general linear model (GLM) procedure a table. Model information and goodness-of-fit statistics
gives you more flexibility to describe the relations between are automatically displayed. Display a variety of statistics
Use the GLM procedure a dependent variable and a set of independent variables. and plots, or save residuals and predicted values in the
to define segments based Models include linear regression, ANOVA, ANCOVA, working data file.
on product-specific, MANOVA and MANCOVA. GLM also includes capabilities
for repeated measures, mixed models, post hoc tests and Analyze event history and duration data
variables; then profile
post hoc tests for repeated measures, four types of sums You can examine lifetime or duration data to understand
those segments based
on background of squares, pairwise comparisons of expected marginal terminal events, such as part failure, death or survival.
characteristics means, sophisticated handling of missing cells and the You get state-of-the-art survival procedures, Kaplan-
option to save the design matrix and effect file. Meier and Cox regression. Use Kaplan-Meier estimations
cross-selling to gauge the length of time to an event, and use Cox
Easily model your ranked outcomes regression to perform proportional hazard regression
Determine variability Use the all-new polytomous logit universal model (PLUM) with time-to-response or duration response as the
in fraud amount as a procedure to predict ordinal outcomes with more than two dependent variable. These procedures, along with life
function of geographic categories. For example, determine what predicts customer tables analysis, provide a flexible and comprehensive set
location with variance interest level in the product (low, medium, high). of techniques for working with your survival data.
components analysis
Detect fraud Breakdown variance into components ®
The variance component estimation procedure provides
a number of methods to estimate the variance component
SPSS Advanced Models features*

Procedures ■ Cell weight and structural zero specification ■ Save variables to a file: baseline survival and hazard
■ Plots of adjusted residual vs. observed/expected counts functions and their standard errors, cumulative hazard
GLM – General linear model (GLM); models include: ■ Normal and detrended probability plots of adjusted function, dfbeta, log minus log of survival function,
■ Select univariate and multivariate lack of fit tests residuals residuals, survival function
■ Regression model ■ Likelihood ratio and Pearson chi-squares ■ Include plots of the one minus survival function
■ Fixed effect ANOVA, ANCOVA, MANOVA and MANCOVA ■ Contrasts: same as MANOVA
■ Random or mixed ANOVA and ANCOVA Macro library and matrix language
■ Repeated measure: univariate or multivariate HILOGLINEAR – hierarchical loglinear models for multiway ■ Create your own procedures or select a pre-written
■ Doubly multivariate design contingency tables procedure
■ Four types of sums of squares ■ Simultaneous entry, backward elimination methods ■ Canonical correlation and redundancy analysis;

■ Full-parametrization approach to estimate parameters ■ Parameter estimates and partial associations for same scores
in the model saturated models ■ Ridge regression: ridge trace plots and estimation

■ General linear hypothesis testing for parameters in ■ Criteria specification: convergence, maximum iterations,

the model probability of chi-square for model, maximum steps

■ Writes a covariance or correlation matrix of the ■ Specified cell weights and maximum order of terms System requirements
■ Plots of standardized residuals vs. observed and
parameter estimates in the model in a matrix data file
■ Plots: spread vs. level, residual and profile expected counts SPSS Advanced Models requires SPSS Base 10.0; 2.5MB
■ 19 post-hoc tests for observed cell means ■ Normal probability plots of standardized residuals hard drive space. Other system requirements vary according
■ User-specified error term in post-hoc analysis to platform.
■ Estimated population marginal means for predicted GENLOG – fits loglinear and logit models to count data
cell means approach
■ Save 10 temporary variables to the active file ■ Fits both loglinear and logit models How to order
■ Allows unlimited number of factors ■ Fits two models: maximum likelihood estimation under

■ Fractional numbers in Lmatrix, Mmatrix and Kmatrix Poisson loglinear model, multinomial loglinear models To place an order or to get more information, contact your
■ Exponential of the Beta nearest SPSS office or visit our World Wide Web site
■ Pairwise comparisons of expected marginal means ■ GLM approach handles “messy data” at
■ Linear hypothesis testing of an effect vs. a linear ■ Cell structure specification

■ Model designs are specified via GLM model syntax

SPSS Inc. +1.312.651.3000
combination of effects Toll-free +1.800.543.2185
■ Option to save design matrix ■ Accommodates structural zeros

■ Prints chi-square goodness-of-fit statistics

SPSS Argentina +5411.4814.5030
■ Generalized log-odds ratio facility tests whether the
SPSS Asia Pacific +65.245.9110
PLUM – Polytomous logit universal model (PLUM) procedure SPSS Australasia +61.2.9954.5660
to predict ordinal outcomes: specific generalized log-odds ratios are equal to zero
Toll-free +1800.024.836
■ Seven options to control the iterative algorithm used for and prints confidence intervals
■ Cell statistics include the expected cell count; residual; SPSS Basingstoke +01256.355899
estimation, specify numerical tolerance for checking
standardized, adjusted and deviance residual SPSS Belgium +32.162.389.82
singularity and to customize output
■ Five link functions to specify the model: Cauchit, ■ Includes generalized residuals facility SPSS Benelux +31.183.636711
complementary log-log, logit, negative log-log, probit ■ Diagnostic plots include high-resolution scatterplots SPSS Brasil +55.11.5505.3644
■ Location subcommand to specify the location model: and normal probability plots of residual statistics SPSS Czech Republic +420.2.24813839
■ Prints parameter estimates, along with correlations SPSS Danmark +
intercept, main effects, interactions, nested effects,
multiple level nested effects, nesting within an and covariances of the estimates SPSS Federal Systems (U.S.) +1.703.527.6777
interaction, interactions among nested effects, covariates Toll-free +1.800.860.5762
■ Missing values: exclude both user-missing and system- SURVIVAL – analysis of life tables SPSS Finland +358.9.524.801
missing values; treat user-missing values as valid ■ Life tables for individual groups SPSS France +
■ Print: cell information, asymptotic correlation matrix of ■ Interval variable lengths
SPSS Germany +49.89.4890740
■ Plots: cumulative survival distribution on log or linear
parameter estimates, goodness-of-fit statistics, iteration SPSS Hellas +
history, kernel of the log-likelihood function, test of parallel scale, hazard function, density function SPSS Hispanoportuguesa +34.91.447.37.00
■ Comparisons of subgroups
lines assumption, parameter statistics, model summary SPSS Hong Kong +852.2.811.9662
■ Save casewise post-estimation statistics into the active ■ Include plots of the one minus survival function
SPSS India +
file: expected probabilities of classifying a factor/covariate SPSS Ireland +353.1.496.9007
pattern into the response categories; response category KAPLAN-MEIER – estimate the length of time to an event
using Kaplan-Meier estimation methods SPSS Israel +972.9.9526700
with the maximum expected probability for a factor/
■ Define factors and strata SPSS Italia +39.51.252573
covariate pattern
■ Customize your hypotheses tests by directly specifying ■ Plots: cumulative hazard functions, cumulative and SPSS Japan +81.3.5466.5511
null hypotheses as linear combinations of parameters log survival SPSS Kenya +254.2.577.262
■ Display marked, censored cases SPSS Korea +82.2.3446.7651
with the TEST subcommand (syntax only)
■ Save variables to a file: cumulative number of events,
SPSS Latin America +1.312.651.3539
VARCOMP – variance component estimation includes: hazard, standard error, survival function SPSS Malaysia +60.3.773.6477
■ Statistical display: cumulative events and survival, mean
■ Estimation methods: ANOVA MINQUE, maximum SPSS Mexico +52.5.682.87.68
likelihood (ML), restricted maximum likelihood (REML) and median survival times with standard errors, number SPSS Norway +
■ Type 1 and Type 3 sums of squares for ANOVA method at risk, requested percentiles, standard error
SPSS Polska +48.12.6369680
■ Choices of zero-weight or uniform-weight methods ■ Tests for equality of survival distributions: Breslow,
SPSS Russia +.
■ Choices of ML and REML calculations methods: Fisher’s logrank, Tarone
■ Specify a trend component for factor levels having SPSS Schweiz +
scoring method or Newton-Raphson
a metric SPSS Singapore +65.324.5150
■ Save variance components estimates and covariance
■ Include plots of the one minus survival function SPSS South Africa +27.11.807.3189
■ Estimation methods: ANOVA MINQUE, maximum likeli- SPSS Sweden +46.8.506.105.50
hood (ML) and restricted maximum likelihood (REML) COX REGRESSION – proportional hazards with time- SPSS Taiwan +886.2.25771100
dependent covariates SPSS Thailand +
■ Contrasts: same as logistic regression SPSS UK +44.1483.719200
LOGLINEAR – general models of multiway contingency
■ Define strata to estimate separate baseline functions
tables (syntax only) In addition to these offices, SPSS has a worldwide network of
■ Maximum likelihood estimation ■ Methods: backward and forward stepwise, direct entry distributors. Contact the SPSS office nearest you for assistance.
■ Models: saturated, hierarchical or non-hierarchical single ■ Plots: cumulative survival, hazard, log minus log plots Printed in the U.S.A. SAM10SPC-0799W
degree of freedom partitions, LOGIT models for each strata
■ Observed and expected frequencies ■ Removal of variables: change in likelihood ratio,

■ Raw and standardized residuals conditional, Wald

■ Parameter estimates ®

* Features subject to change based on final product release.

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