Sigma New Features Quick Manual

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Quick Manual describing things that did not yet make it into the manual.

Subject to change.

1. How to use a centralized database

The Sigma ships standardly with a SQL Server Express installation.
Using a standardized SQL server database is, in principle, just a matter of altering the ‘database connection string’.

The ‘database connection string’ is currently defined in the file xyz-sigma.exe.config, in the installation directory
(usually ‘C:\Program Files (x86)\XYZTEC\Condor Sigma’)
This file can usually only be edited with an editor that ‘runs as administrator’.
(Or copy the file locally, change it, and copy it back to the original location’).

Within that file, alter the connection string named ‘SPCDatabaseEntities’:

<add name="SPCDatabaseEntities"
ovider=System.Data.SqlClient;provider connection string=&quot;data source=.\SQLEXPRESS;initial
catalog=SPCDatabase;integrated security=True;multipleactiveresultsets=True;App=EntityFramework&quot;"
providerName="System.Data.EntityClient" />

The system not only stores measurement result data in the database, but also the methods and users.
Therefore it is important to import the current SPCDatabase into the centralized database.

Also the user that operates the Sigma should of coarse have the proper rights to alter the database.

The system administrator of the company that wishes to use the centralized database probably knows more about these
things then we do.

Please note this file (xyz-sigma.exe.config) will be overwritten each time the software is updated.
So this change will have to be re-applied after each software update.
(Before updating, the installer makes a backup copy so that it is relatively easy to find the correct connection string).

2. Waferloader
The firewall should be configured right.
Windows will often ask to allow a program, which makes it easy:
Just press ‘allow access’ and everything is OK.
(This screen dump is from a quick-and-dirty test so the Name, Publisher and Path do not match).

You can check it with ‘Windows Firewall with Advanced Security’, inbound rules:

I get 2 entries. One of UDP, the other for TCP.:

3. Rotating shear sensor
The shear method now contains options to enable rotation.

First rotate the shear tool so that it aligns with whatever will be sheared.
When pressing the test button it will shear in the direction indicated by the rotation angle.

Optionally you can preset the angle in the method settings, enable rotation and set an angle:

Watch the status bar for the current angle

A rotating shear sensor has the following settings in addition to a regular shear sensor:
New are P-axis assembly (similar to those of a pull sensor) and the ‘Rotational offset’.

When rotating the tool to -90 [°] from the homing position, it will have the same angle as a non rotating shear sensor.
We would like to view this angle as 0 [°] and can achieve this by setting the ‘rotational offset’ to -90 [°]

When executing the method the tool’s rotational position will be corrected if needed.
Usually correction is not needed, since the tool will be rotated to the method’s position directly after changing the
sensor (after homing).
After change of the method’s tool rotation angle however, correction happens directly after pressing the test button.

4. Tweezer

4.1. How to install

To install a tweezer to a Condor Sigma, please proceed as follows:

If the tweezer comes mounted in a sensor, with a short USB cable:
1) Power down the system
2) Mount the tweezer to the sensor
3) Mount the sensor with the tweezer in position 3 of the RMU (position 3 has a USB socket).
4) Connect the tweezer’s USB connector to the USB socket of position 3
5) Power up the system

Else (tweezer with bayonet connection and relatively long USB cable):
6) Attach the tweezer to a pull-sensor and plug the USB cable in the PC (or a USB hub)

At power up, Sigma systems with PC software version 5.3.5120 and beyond diagnoses that it has been equipped with a
tweezer that has not yet been assigned to any sensor. It will add a ‘resolvable error’ to the error list, like so:
The green colored widget indicates that there is one resolvable error: it found a tweezer which has not yet been
associated with a tool.
7) Now logon as a supervisor, and click the ‘Resolve’ button.
It will pop-up with a message box listing all available pull sensors:

8) Select the right sensor and press OK.

The system will now associate the tweezer with the chosen sensor. Also some of the sensor’s properties will be
changed. From example the work area will be limited to -90° and + 90°.
(Note that the system will not automatically assume sensor 3, as some customers have more complex configurations)

Please note:
If you are using a tweezer plugged into the PC (or a hub) instead of the USB socket on RMU position 3, you should
enable the option ‘Ask confirmation prior to rotating the head’:
This helps preventing damage to the USB cable.

4.2. How to de-install

If you unplug the USB cable of a tweezer with a bayonet connector, the PC software will suggest to detach it from the
sensor the next time it is started.
If you press the ‘resolve’ button, the tweezer will be detached and the rotation limits will be cleared.

4.3. How to use

The pinch force, and optionally a test delay are configured in the ‘cold bump pull’ method settings, see below:
When using a tweezer for the first time, or after a change of the tweezer tips, the Sigma should learn about some
tweezer tip specific constants, such as the opening distance and the deflection.

The Sigma can determine these values as follows:

1) Press the button with the sensor image in it, left of the sensor name, “Pull 10 kgf”, in the screen below

This will pop-up the following dialog:

In this window press the tool change button:

Press the red colored ‘change’ button, to indicate you are changing a tweezer tip.
The system now opens the tweezer, allowing to change it.
After the change (if required) press the OK button.
The system will then calibrate the tip’s deflection and opening constant parameters.

If you need to limit the opening distance, teach it by using the buttons under ‘Teach mode’ and press the ‘Set’ button.
This changes the ‘Taught open distance’.

This dialog is exactly the same for the classic Condor or the Sigma.
More detailed explanation will be in the USB Tweezers User Guide for Condor Classic

If you ever need access to the full tweezer control application, expand the ‘USB devices’ entry in the service screen’s
Select the tweezer (it is possible to have more tweezers in a system) and use the right mouse button to display the
context sensitive menu with the ‘edit properties / edit manually’ entry:

(Note: This is similar to starting the stand alone application with the –service option, as described in the manual for the classic software)
5. Simulator
Initially the simulator has no head. Press ‘Simulate Attached’:

Now the simulator will simulate having a RMU.

Next restart the simulator (for now) and give it sensors:

The simulator will remember these settings the next time it is started.

The simulator now simulates a brand-new system, with sensors that have not yet been configured.
To configure a sensor, from the Sigma application press the ‘restore’ button

And select one of the pre-configured sensor configuration files that are shipped with the system (currently ‘C:\Program
Files (x86)\XYZTEC\Condor Sigma\Resources\Sensors’):
Enter a unique serial number check the force value, and press ‘store’.

Also the RMU should be referenced: Reference the rotation axis in manual mode, switch to the configuration screen and
press store.

The axes should be referenced as well. Login as XYZTEC user, press ‘reference all axes’ from the context menu on the
home button in the status bar (right mouse button click). Switch to the tester configuration screen. Give the tester a
serial number and press ‘store’.

Like a real system the simulator requires homing after startup (but performs it faster).

When performing a pull test, move z stage down. Initially (after homing) and after each head rotation, the head will be
in ‘rmu rotation’ position. There will be no room for pulling. In a real system you would move the head down using the
joysticks. Using the simulator you should move the head down manually, from the simulator’s UI:

So enter a position well below the max and press go. Or press the ‘demo’ button.
Frequently asked questions (simulator):

1) System warns that lower limit should have been set

If you enable Lower Limit (within auto hook), it needs a lower limit…

Either disable it in the method or set in (by pressing the corresponding key on the joystick (Either in the
simulator or from the ‘virtual’ joystick as displayed in the test screen of the Sigma)).

If you really want to set the lower limit, it may be wise to first lower the z-axis in the simulator as well.

2) System does not start a test because of a tool protection error

The simulator has send a force of 386 [gf], while the sensor’s force limit has been set to 102 [gf] (1 [N]).
The latter is logical, since you have selected a 100 [gf] sensor.

Please take a look at the rightmost section of the simulator window, ‘Force range while being sheared’ (should be
renamed to ‘while testing’):

Just lower the max value to 1 [N] and it should work.

Also lower the ‘force range in rest’.
6. Backup
The machine configuration may conveniently be backed up from the service screen:

Just press the backup button:

Now select a directory where to backup to and the system will backup all methods, sensors, the tester and RMU
configuration to the location specified.

Measurement results, log files and more data is stored in the C:\Users\Public\Documents\XYZTEC\CondorSigma
You could backup this directory as well (preferably compressed).

The program is stored in the d:\xyztec directory that may also be backed up.

The (SPCDatabase) may be backed up using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, which is installed on each system
(the procedure is described in
7. Save measurement file with comma-separated values
Use click the right mouse button with the cursor on the measurement you’d like to export and select ‘Export to CSV’.

8. Cleanup

The system stores detailed measurement data as a compressed .xml file in the Results directory, (usually under
C:\Users\Public\Documents\XYZTEC\CondorSigma). This file contains detailed information about time, position and
force during a measurement. Graphs can only be drawn when these files are available.

Each measurement will result in a file of several kBytes (the actual size depends on the sample frequency and the
duration of the test). If these files will never be removed the system’s harddisk will eventually be filled 100%.

The sysem may be configured to clean the files automatically by pressing the service screen’s ‘Clean …’ button:

Now fill out the dialog as you find appropriate.

By default logfiles will be deleted automatically after 14 days. Likewise one may choose to delete pictures and movies
9. Make ‘move to camera’ work.

The Sigma supports 3 camera’s: Left camera, microscope mount camera and right camera.
The system must be configured so that it knows where each camera is mounted. This may be configured under ‘Camera
mappings’ in the service screen, ‘Configuration tester’ tab:

With the camera connected, press the ‘Add new cameras’ option:

For each camera select the proper ‘position in frame’. This is where you set whether the camera is mounted left, right or
at microscope position.

Do not forget to press the ‘Store’ button, else the system will not remember any changes made to its configuration.

If you now position the tool, and press ‘To L. camera’ the x and x stage will move to the camera offset (simultaneously).
While moving the z-stage will be moved to the park position, to prevent damage.
Use the joysticks for the z-axis to focus the camera image.
Use the joysticks for the x-y axes to move the crosshair on exactly the same spot as the tool.
Now press the ‘fine-tune offset’ button. The system stores the offset per sensor.

When you press the ‘To tool’ the system will move back to the original tool position, using a safe z-height.

The sensor-specific offsets are visible in the following screen:

Here the sensor specific offsets may also be cleared.
10. Production aids
Start a calibration run for the head rotation: tool protection will be disabled

Homing without tool protection:

- Logon as xyztec user
- Press right mouse button when selecting Home
- From context sensitive menu select ‘home unconditionally, without tool protection (!)
11. Storage of configuration settings
Sensor and Tool properties are stored in the sensor assembly’s eeprom (serial number, calibration settings etc.). Sensors
may be calibrated at the factory and send to a customer. Put any sensor in any SMU/RMU and it should work.

Measurement settings are stored inside the measurement unit’s eeprom (serial number, reference segments for RMU).
One may put any RMU/SMU on any Sigma and it should work.

Sigma settings are stored in the Sigma’s eeprom. Attach any Sigma to any PC and it should work.

Measurements are stored in a database. So are user settings.

When using a centralized database accessible by all systems running the Sigma PC application, one should only have to
enter user properties once. All measurements should be viewable from all systems.

Application specific settings will be stored in the application’s .config file (sigma.exe.config, which resides in the
installation directory). This file is read-only and can only be changed with elevated (administrator) privileges. This file
contains for example the (virtual) COM ports that should be used to communicate with the machine.

User settings will be stored in a user.config file. This file is located in

C:\users\xyztec\Local Settings\Application Data\ xyz_sigma\Local\XYZTEC\xyz_sigma.exe_Url_<Some hash>\<Version>

Some configuration items should be shared among all users. These are stored in Config.xml (Public
Documents\CondorSigma). Think of (sensor specific) offset from tool to camera. As well as configuration of automatic
cleanup actions.
Wafermap import

Define 2 reference points:

1) Move stage to reference die 1. Clearly look through the microscope that the shear tool is positioned exactly at
the lower left corner of the reference die. Now mark it as reference point 1.
2) Move stage to reference die 2, clearly look through the microscope that the shear tool is positioned exactly at
the lower left corner of the reference die. Now mark it as reference point 2.

To improve the accuracy it is possible to calibrate the machine axes using a wafer.

Calibration of axes with wafer maps is should only be done if the wafers and their maps are very accurately defined.
Else you would have to re-calibrate the axes for each wafer!

When logged in as a supervisor the wafer map screen now shows options to calibrate the axes:

The default calibrationFactor is 1.0. (You can set it back to 1 by pressing the Reset button).
3 values are shown per axis (use the mouse for explanatory tooltips):
1: The current calibration factor
2: The correction to be applied to the current calibration factor in order to get the ‘new proposed calibration factor’
(proposed compensation)
3: The new proposed calibration factor

(Once the software has settled a bit I will remove redundant information)

The procedure is as follows:

3) Log in as supervisor (or higher, like engineer or XYZTEC service engineer)
4) Load a wafer and wafermap
5) Align the wafer manually with the notch at the right position
6) Select a die reference position in the left most column as reference die 1
7) Move to a die on the same row in the rightmost column, select it as reference die no 2
8) Press the Calc button for calculation of the calibrationFactor for the x-axis. The proposed calibrationFactor for
the x-axis should be something like 1.0011042, i.e. correcting about a promille
9) Press the Set button to apply the calibrationFactor to the machine. It will be stored in eeprom so that next time
the machine is initialized, this calibration factor will be used.
Now do the same for the y-axis:
10) Select a die reference position in the upper row as reference die 1
11) Move to a die on the same column in the lower row, select it as reference die no 2
12) Press the Calc button for calculation of the calibrationFactor for the y-axis. The proposed calibrationFactor for
the y-axis should also be correcting about a promille (1/10th of a percent)
13) Press the Set button to apply the calibrationFactor to the machine.
If all wafers are equally precise this should only have to be done once.
You can double check the calibrationFactor used by peeking at the axes’ configuration as a Xyztec engineer, see at the
bottom of the screen dump below:

Next when testing any wafer, first go through the normal procedure (as operator) to Set ‘reference die 1’ and ‘reference
die 2’ to the dies you would normally have used.

The reset button resets the values back to 1, like shown for the y-axis below:
I will weTransfer a version that has this possibility incorporated soon.
The problem with the ‘V’ like shape not appearing should be solved too.

I have not fixed anything with respect to the missing ‘_xyztec’ suffix yet. I will once I see it happening.
A log file from you where you press the ‘save as’ button will possibly help me understand the context of the problem
(and tell me at what time so that I can easily find the occurrence in the many lines large log file).

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