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Evidence: The Cross River Gorilla

Parte A
Highly threatened animal: the Cross River Gorilla.

Parte B
what are the causes that are affecting this species:

The threats to the Cross River Gorilla are as follows:

1. If gorilla habitat is destroyed, they begin to die and become extinct.

2. When humans hunt for gorillas, they become extinct.

3.If people consume their meat, there will be demand and it will be extinguished faster.

4. If people continue to kill them for fun, gorillas will go extinct.

5.When humans build towns and highways, gorillas become vulnerable as they are affecting their
living environment.

6.If roads are built near gorilla populations, they could be run over.
Parte C
what would you do to help prevent the extinction of this specimen:

1. If I had money I would give a lot of money to foundations that fight for the protection of gorillas.

2. If I were part of the government of Cameroon or Nigeria, I would create strong laws against

3.If outside of a United Nations prosecutor, we pub strong measures of punishments to those who
harm the environment and affect the lives of animals.

4.If I lived in Cameroon or Nigeria, I would create a protection shelter for the River Cross gorillas.

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