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JDRXXX10.1177/0022034515586763Journal of Dental ResearchVisual Inspection for Caries Detection

Clinical Review
Journal of Dental Research
Visual Inspection for Caries Detection: © International & American Associations
for Dental Research 2015

A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/0022034515586763

T. Gimenez1, C. Piovesan1,2, M.M. Braga1, D.P. Raggio1, C. Deery3,

D.N. Ricketts4, K.R. Ekstrand5, and F.M. Mendes1

We aimed to perform a systematic review including a meta-analysis to evaluate the overall accuracy of visual methods for detecting
carious lesions and to identify possible sources of heterogeneity among the studies included. Two reviewers searched PubMed, Embase,
Scopus, and other sources through July 2014 to identify published and nonpublished studies in English. Studies of visual inspection were
included that 1) assessed accuracy of the method in detecting caries lesions; 2) were performed on occlusal, proximal, or free smooth
surfaces in primary or permanent teeth; 3) had a reference standard; and 4) reported sufficient data about sample size and accuracy
of methods. The data were used to calculate the pooled sensitivity, specificity, diagnostic odds ratio, and summary receiver operating
characteristics curve. Heterogeneity of the studies was also assessed. A total of 102 manuscripts (from 5,808 articles initially identified)
and 1 abstract (from 168) met the inclusion criteria. In general, the analysis demonstrated that the visual method had good accuracy
for detecting caries lesions. Although laboratory and clinical studies have presented similar accuracy, clinically obtained specificity was
higher. We also observed moderate to high heterogeneity and evidence of publication bias in most papers. Moreover, studies employing
widely recognized visual scoring systems presented significantly better accuracy as compared to studies that used their own criteria.
In conclusion, visual caries detection method has good overall performance. Furthermore, although the identified studies had high
heterogeneity and risk of bias, the use of detailed and validated indices seems to improve the accuracy of the method.

Keywords: dental caries, performance, oral diagnosis, sensitivity and specificity, ROC curve, evidence-based dentistry

Introduction visual inspection in the detection of caries lesions and explored

its possible sources of heterogeneity.
Caries detection in daily clinical practice is primarily performed Therefore, we aimed to carry out a systematic review includ-
by visual inspection (Bader et al. 2002) because it is a simple ing a meta-analysis to determine the overall diagnostic accuracy
technique with no additional costs. Nevertheless, visual exami- of visual detection for dental caries in primary and permanent
nation has some shortcomings, mainly related to its subjective teeth. Further, we investigated if the utilization of validated scor-
nature (Braga et al. 2010), since examiners can demonstrate ing systems could improve the performance of the visual method.
inconsistency in the interpretation of clinical characteristics of The presence of publication bias and other possible sources of
carious lesions (Bader et al. 2002). heterogeneity—such as study setting, type of reference standard
Several studies have evaluated the performance of visual
inspection in detecting carious lesions, and the range of
reported results has been extensive and contradictory. This dis- Department of Pediatric Dentistry, School of Dentistry, University of
São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil
crepancy may in part be due to the wide assortment of different 2
School of Dentistry, Centro Universitário Franciscano, Santa Maria,
classification criteria used for visual inspection and the varia- Brazil
tion in the conditions in which such examinations are carried 3
School of Clinical Dentistry, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK
out (Ismail 2004). To overcome these limitations, there has 4
Dundee Dental Hospital and School, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK
been a move to develop validated caries detection systems Section of Cariology & Endodontics, Section of Pediatric Dentistry
(Ekstrand et al. 1997; Nyvad et al. 1999; Fyffe et al. 2000; & Clinical Genetics, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health Sciences,
Ismail et al. 2007). As a result, studies are necessary to investi- University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
gate how accurate visual inspection really is. A supplemental appendix to this article is published electronically only at
Systematic reviews provide the best evidence on the effec-
tiveness of a procedure and permit investigation of factors that Corresponding Author:
may influence the performance of a method. To the best of our F.M. Mendes, Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paulo,
knowledge, no previous studies have performed a systematic Av Lineu Prestes, 2227, São Paulo, 05508-000, SP, Brazil.
review and meta-analysis to evaluate the overall accuracy of Email:

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2 Journal of Dental Research 

method used, examiners’ experience, and type of teeth exam- examiners ranged from 0.83 to 1.00, depending on the categor-
ined—were investigated as secondary objectives. ical variable collected. Disagreement for numerical variables
collected occurred in 6% of cases. Discrepancies were resolved
by consensus.
Materials and Methods
The following information was extracted: reference stan-
The PRISMA guideline (i.e., Preferred Reporting Items for dard method, setting (clinical or laboratory), type of teeth (pri-
Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses; Moher et al. 2009) mary or permanent), surface evaluated (smooth, proximal, or
was followed to report this review, which is registered at occlusal), sample size, examiners’ experience (nonreported,
PROSPERO platform (CRD42013003718). experienced, intermediate with or without training, and nov-
ices with or without training), and accuracy data (sensitivity
Information Sources and specificity). Undergraduate students were considered nov-
ice examiners, and dental practitioners were considered to
Articles that reported accuracy of detecting caries lesions by have an intermediate level of experience. We also recorded
visual inspection published until July 31, 2014, were searched which visual scoring system the authors used in their research.
in PubMed, Embase, and Scopus databases. Unpublished lit- Based on the literature, an inventory of possible scoring/clas-
erature was traced through OpenSIGLE, annals of IADR/ sification systems was created: no scoring system reported,
AADR (International and American Associations for Dental authors’ own criteria, International Caries Detection and
Research), and ORCA (European Organisation for Caries Assessment System (ICDAS; Ismail et al. 2007), Dundee
Research) congresses from 2003 until 2014. References of Selectable Threshold Method (Fyffe et al. 2000), World Health
included articles were checked manually. Organization criteria (1997), British Association for the Study
of Community Dentistry system (Pitts et al. 1997), Universal
Search Visual Scoring System (Kuhnisch et al. 2009), ERK (Ekstrand
et al. 1997), and those systems described by Nyvad et al.
The search of electronic databases was based on an optimal
(1999), Nytun et al. (1992), Lussi (1993), Downer (1975), and
search strategy for diagnostic studies (Deville et al. 2000),
Marthaler (1966). Studies that did not report any criteria were
associated with the clinical situation (carious lesions) under
classified as “with no criteria.” If authors used criteria with no
investigation and the detection method (visual inspection). The
reference to previously published studies, we classified the
entire search strategy is shown in a previous publication
study as using their “own criteria.”
(Gimenez et al. 2015).
Values of true positives, true negatives, false positives, and
false negatives were also recorded when available, or the numbers
Study Selection and Eligibility Criteria were derived from sample size, caries prevalence observed at the
sample, and sensitivity and specificity values reported by studies.
All titles and abstracts of studies found were firstly assessed
If the study had evaluated performance of the method with >1
against the inclusion criteria: 1) have some mention of visual
examiner, we considered the values   of the first examiner. If the
inspection for detection of primary coronal caries lesions; 2)
same study had evaluated accuracy of visual examination in dif-
have been performed with primary or permanent human teeth,
ferent subgroups, data were recorded as different studies.
either laboratory or clinical, and on smooth, proximal, or occlu-
sal surfaces; and 3) have been written in English language.
Full papers of included studies were then read to ensure that Risk of Bias of Individual Studies
they presented a clearly defined reference standard and that
they reported absolute numbers of true positives, false posi- The QUADAS-2 checklist (i.e., quality assessment of studies
tives, true negatives, and false negatives or presented sufficient of diagnostic performance included in systematic reviews) was
data to calculate these figures. Histologic evaluation, operative used to assess the risk of bias of the included studies (Whiting
intervention, direct visual inspection after temporary tooth et al. 2011). Data were assessed and collected by 2 reviewers
separation, and radiography were the reference methods con- (T.G. and M.M.B.).
sidered appropriate.
Study selection was performed independently by 2 review-
Summary Measures and Synthesis of Results
ers (T.G. and C.P.). Disagreements were resolved by discussion
with a third researcher (F.M.M.). For studies with the same Statistical analyses were performed separately at 2 thresholds
data set, only the study considered most complete was included according to the reference standard assessment: initial caries
in this review. Articles were excluded that reported detection lesions (all lesions, independent of lesion depth or dental sur-
performance using artificial caries, root caries, or caries adja- face integrity) and more advanced caries lesions (including
cent to restorations. only lesions into dentin when lesion depth was assessed or
cavitated lesions when surface integrity was evaluated).
Analyses were performed in subgroups combining different
Data Collection Process
types of teeth, dental surfaces, and study setting.
Two reviewers (T.G. and M.M.B.) collected the data from First, we performed a qualitative description of included
selected papers onto structured tables. Kappa values between studies and reported their results of sensitivity and specificity

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Visual Inspection for Caries Detection 3

in a “paired forest plot” (RevMan 5.2, Cochrane Collaboration, We also performed a sensitivity analysis with the exclusion
Copenhagen, Denmark; Macaskill et al. 2010). of each study sequentially. If there was a significant change in
Statistical pooling of sensitivity, specificity, diagnostic odds pooled DOR, data were presented with and without this study.
ratio (DOR), and positive and negative likelihood ratios was
carried out using the DerSimonian Laird method (random
effects meta-analysis model), considering different types of set- Results
tings, teeth, and dental surfaces examined. Therefore, 8 analy- Study Selection
ses were performed on the basis of the subgroups: clinical and
laboratory studies in occlusal surfaces of permanent teeth, prox- Study selection flow diagram is shown in Figure 1. PubMed,
imal surfaces of permanent teeth, occlusal surfaces of primary Embase, and Scopus searches yielded 7,851 studies. After the
teeth, and proximal surfaces of primary teeth. Additionally, we removal of duplicates, the databases identified 5,808 unique
summarized these numbers in receiver operating characteristic studies. Then, 5,344 studies were excluded after review of the
curves based on the same subgroups (MetaDisc 1.4 Software, titles and abstracts. Following exclusions from remaining 464
Unidad de Bioestadistica Clínica del Hospital Ramón y Cajal, manuscripts (reasons detailed in Fig. 1), 102 papers were
Madrid, Spain). Within these groups, the areas under the curve included. A search of OpenSIGLE and abstracts from the
of summary receiver operating characteristic analysis provided annals of IADR and ORCA congresses yielded 478 investiga-
a more adequate description of study results. tions (Fig. 1), but only 1 was included. Others were excluded
Publication bias was checked through funnel plots based on mainly due to lack of full data about accuracy.
the DORs of the studies and their 95% confidence intervals (95%
CIs). Points located at the top of the graph represent studies with
Study Characteristics
a larger sample, while smaller studies are located in the lower
region. Points should be evenly distributed on both sides of the Publication year of included studies ranged from 1975 to 2014.
chart, thus resembling an inverted funnel. In the presence of pub- Thirty-six percent of studies were conducted by experienced
lication bias, the inverted funnel is asymmetrical. Two examiners examiners; 77% were laboratory based; 78% were on occlusal
performed this assessment and reached a consensus regarding surfaces; 68% were in permanent teeth; and 80% used a histo-
presence or absence of evidence of publication bias. Egger’s sta- logic reference standard. Characteristics of each study are pro-
tistical test was also performed (Comprehensive Meta-analysis vided in Appendix Table 1, with a summary of characteristics
Software, Statistical Solutions, Boston, MA, USA). in the footnote.
The presence of heterogeneity was analyzed via inconsis-
tency (I2) based on DORs of included studies (MetaDisc 1.4).
Possible sources of heterogeneity were investigated using meta Sensitivity and Specificity of Individual Studies
regression analysis. Paired forest plots summarizing sensitivities and specificities
We carried out metaregression analyses to compare the of the studies and their 95% CIs can be seen in Appendix
effect of methodological differences related to different vari- Figure 1a and 1b (for initial caries lesions) and Appendix
ables: primary or permanent teeth, clinical or laboratory stud- Figure 2a and 2b (more advanced caries lesions). Studies were
ies, type of reference standard method used (histologic, grouped into permanent or primary teeth, dental surface tested,
operative intervention, or others [tooth separation, radiogra- and reference standard method used. There was an observed
phy, etc.]), examiners’ experience (experienced, intermediate, tendency to higher specificity than sensitivity values in the
novice, and nonreported), and if authors had used validated detection of initial and more advanced caries lesions.
visual scoring systems or not. We identified the following sys-
tems that were compared with the reference category: ERK
Synthesis of Overall Accuracy Results
criteria, ICDAS, World Health Organization, Nyvad scoring
system, Nytun criteria, or other visual scoring systems (i.e., Pooled sensitivity, specificity, DOR, positive and negative
Dundee Selectable Threshold Method, Universal Visual likelihood ratios, I2, and summary receiver operating charac-
Scoring System, British Association for the Study of Community teristics curves were calculated separately for combinations of
Dentistry system, and criteria described by Downer, Marthaler, tooth type, dental surface, and study setting. Data concerning
or Lussi). The last criterion systems were grouped because of smooth surfaces were not pooled due to the limited number of
the small number of studies that used them. Studies using no studies. Results are presented for permanent (Fig. 2) and pri-
criteria or their own criteria were grouped and considered as a mary (Fig. 3) teeth.
reference category for the analysis. Then, we made compari- Analysis considering areas under the curve and DOR values
sons with studies that used validated criteria. For metaregres- showed that visual inspection had similar accuracy for all types
sion analysis, DOR values were used as the outcome measure. of tooth and surfaces. A tendency toward higher pooled speci-
Relative diagnostic odds ratio (RDOR) values and 95% CIs in ficity than pooled sensitivity could be observed—except for
relation to the reference category of the independent variables the initial lesions threshold on occlusal surfaces of permanent
were calculated for each condition to estimate the effect of teeth in the laboratory setting and on occlusal surfaces of pri-
each variable on the accuracy of the method; statistical signifi- mary teeth in the clinical and laboratory settings, where a
cance was set at P < 0.05. higher sensitivity value was found (Figs. 2, 3).

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4 Journal of Dental Research 

Figure 1.  Flow diagram with the information through the phases of studies selection.

In general, although overall accuracy measured by areas values of I2 were high at the initial caries threshold (>64%) and
under the curve and DOR values was similar among studies moderate to high (51% to 57%) at the more advanced lesion
made in the clinical and laboratory settings, we observed a threshold (Fig. 2). With regard to occlusal surfaces of primary
trend of lower sensitivities and higher specificities when the teeth, I2 values varied from 53% to 69% (moderate to high het-
studies were performed in the clinical setting compared to the erogeneity), except for laboratory studies performed in primary
laboratory (Figs. 2, 3). Considering the 95% CI values, we teeth to detect more advanced caries lesions, which showed low
observed that laboratory studies presented higher sensitivity inconsistency (Fig. 3). Regarding proximal surfaces of perma-
values than those of clinical studies in the following condi- nent and primary teeth, the method showed high inconsistency
tions: more advanced occlusal caries lesions, initial and more (63% to 96%), except for clinical studies carried out to detect
advanced proximal caries lesions, all in permanent teeth (Fig. more advanced caries lesions in both primary and permanent
2), together with more advanced occlusal caries lesions of pri- teeth, which showed low heterogeneity (Figs. 2, 3).
mary teeth (Fig. 3). For specificity, clinical studies presented
significantly higher figures for all conditions in permanent
Risk of Bias within Studies
teeth (Fig. 2) and for more advanced proximal caries lesions in
primary teeth (Fig. 3). The overview of QUADAS-2 graphs for laboratory and clini-
Studies generally presented heterogeneity varying from mod- cal studies demonstrated differences in the risk of bias (Fig. 4).
erate to high. Regarding the occlusal surface of permanent teeth, Many laboratory studies present with a high risk of sample

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Visual Inspection for Caries Detection 5

Figure 2.  Summary receiver operating characteristic curves and synthesis of the results obtained with studies of accuracy performed in occlusal and
proximal surfaces of permanent teeth. Each study is represented by a red dot, and the pooled result of all studies by means of the receiver operating
characteristic curve is represented by the central curve, while the confidence interval is represented by the upper and lower lines. AUC, area under

selection bias. The same pattern was seen for clinical studies as they did not clearly indicate if the spectrum of caries present
but was less pronounced. Moreover, while nearly 50% of labo- in the study sample matched the expected prevalence in the
ratory studies presented high or unclear risk of bias regarding target population. Concerns were raised in almost 50% of labo-
the reference standard, these figures increased to approxi- ratory and 70% of clinical studies, since the target condition as
mately 70% in clinical studies. Yet, most laboratory studies defined by the reference standard did not match the review
revealed a low risk of bias in application of the method, timing question. However, conduct and interpretation of the index test
of exams, and flow of patients or teeth, while 50% of clinical in all studies did not differ from the review question indicating
studies present a high risk on this last topic. that there were no concerns considering this topic. The indi-
Most studies (laboratory and clinical) raised concerns vidual classification of each included paper regarding the
regarding the applicability, when considering sample selection, QUADAS-2 is presented in Appendix Table 2.

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6 Journal of Dental Research 

Figure 3.  Summary receiver operating characteristic curves and synthesis of the results obtained with studies of accuracy performed in occlusal and
proximal surfaces of primary teeth. Each study is represented by a red dot, and the pooled result of all studies by means of the receiver operating
characteristic curve is represented by the central curve, while the confidence interval is represented by the upper and lower lines. AUC, area under

Evidence of Publication Bias among the Studies (Appendix Fig. 5). However, Egger’s test showed statistical sig-
nificance on occlusal surfaces of primary teeth in the clinical
Funnel plots were performed for each type of tooth and tooth setting at both thresholds: on the occlusal surfaces of permanent
surface at each lesion severity threshold and, separately, for lab- teeth in the laboratory setting at initial carious lesions threshold
oratory and clinical studies (Appendix Figs. 3–6). These demon- and in clinical and laboratory settings at more advanced carious
strate evidence of publication bias in the following: occlusal lesions threshold. Considering proximal surfaces, no statistical
surfaces of permanent (Appendix Fig. 3) and primary teeth at the significance were found. However, lack of significance should
more advanced carious lesion threshold in clinical and labora- be interpreted with caution, as a minimum of 10 studies would
tory studies and for occlusal surfaces of primary teeth at the ini- be necessary in the meta-analysis to have adequate power to
tial carious lesion threshold for clinical and laboratory studies detect a real asymmetry (Sterne et al. 2011).

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Visual Inspection for Caries Detection 7

Figure 4.  Graphic summary of risk of bias of clinical and laboratory studies based on the QUADAS-2 checklist (i.e., quality assessment of studies of
diagnostic performance included in systematic reviews).

Sensitivity and Metaregression Analysis novice trained examiners did not present a significant differ-
ence (RDOR = 1.30; 95% CI = 0.05 to 30.98).
The sensitivity analysis did not detect any relevant change When studies that did not report any scoring system or that
when any study was excluded. used their own criteria were compared with studies using the
Regarding the metaregression results about reference stan- ICDAS, the latter presented better performance in detecting
dard at the initial carious lesion threshold, studies about visual initial and advanced occlusal carious lesions of primary teeth
examination of occlusal surfaces in permanent teeth (38 stud- and advanced carious lesions in occlusal surfaces of permanent
ies) that used operative intervention as the reference standard teeth (Table). Studies using the ERK and Nyvad systems also
method demonstrated a statistically better accuracy (RDOR = presented superiority in some conditions (Table). Other metare-
4.83; 95% CI = 1.35 to 17.34) than that of studies using histo- gression analyses did not present any statistically significant
logic examination (reference category), but other types of ref- differences; therefore, the data were not presented.
erence standard did not present any statistically significant
differences (RDOR = 3.20; 95% CI = 0.45 to 22.90). At the
initial caries lesions threshold, for occlusal surfaces of perma-
nent teeth (38 studies), examiners with intermediate experi-
ence presented poorer accuracy (RDOR = 0.21; 95% CI = 0.07 Health care professionals face significant demands when trying
to 0.61) compared to studies using experienced examiners (ref- to keep up-to-date with the literature; issues such as lack of
erence) as did studies that did not report the examiners’ experi- access to and time taken to keep abreast of the increasing scien-
ence (RDOR = 0.28; 95% CI = 0.09 to 0.84); those using tific literature are some of the factors that prevent professionals

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8 Journal of Dental Research 

Table.  Metaregression Analysis to Compare the Effect of Differences of the Studies Regarding the Utilization of Visual Scoring Systems.

Permanent Teeth Primary Teeth

Occlusal Advanced Caries Occlusal Initial Caries Occlusal Advanced Caries

Visual Scoring System Lesions (62 Studies) Lesions (28 Studies) Lesions (32 Studies)

Nonreported or own criteria 1.00 1.00 1.00

ERK 2.17a (1.05 to 4.48) 2.93a (1.41 to 6.09) 1.90 (0.56 to 6.45)
ICDAS 3.45a (1.54 to 7.72) 4.86a (2.76 to 8.54) 4.72a (1.51 to 14.71)
WHO 2.45 (0.28 to 21.01) 0.80 (0.38 to 1.70) —
Nyvad — 8.82a (3.10 to 25.05) 3.60 (0.79 to 16.48)
Nytun 0.26 (0.02 to 3.10) — 1.38 (0.44 to 4.39)
Othersb 2.09 (0.66 to 6.58) — 12.41 (0.48 to 322.79)

Values are presented as relative diagnostic odds ratio (95% confidence interval). Dashes (—) indicate that visual scoring system is not included in the
analysis due to lack of studies for that condition.
ERK, Ekstrand’s system; ICDAS, International Caries Detection and Assessment System; WHO, World Health Organization.
Statistically significant differences compared to the reference (P < 0.05).
Other visual scoring systems: Universal Visual Scoring System, British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry system, and criteria
described by Downer (1975), Marthaler (1966), or Lussi (1993).

from implementing the best evidence into clinical practice In this study, visual inspection presented an overall accuracy
(Grimes and Schulz 2002). Hence, systematic reviews are essen- similar to that previously reported with radiography (Bader et al.
tial to distill the available literature. A previous systematic review 2002) and fluorescence-based methods (Gimenez et al. 2013).
examining visual inspection for caries detection did not perform These adjunct methods tended to present higher sensitivities and
a meta-analysis (Bader et al. 2002). Since that review, potentially lower specificities; consequently, the use of visual inspection
significant advances in visual detection of carious lesions have alone seems to be effective enough for caries detection, confirm-
been made (Pitts 2004; Ismail et al. 2007; Kuhnisch et al. 2009); ing the findings of primary clinical studies (Baelum et al. 2012;
as such, there was a need for an updated systematic review, Mendes et al. 2012).
including, for the first time, meta-analysis and metaregressions. Regarding the risk of bias, the main concern is that most
The most commonly used indicators of diagnostic perfor- studies present a high risk of bias in sample selection and raise
mance are sensitivity and specificity. A high sensitivity is nor- concerns regarding the applicability of research due to a sam-
mally obtained at the expense of reduced specificity, a situation ple not being representative. Authors should be careful in
that could lead to an increase in the number of false-positive selecting patients and teeth that represent an adequate spec-
caries diagnoses, which in turn could lead to overtreatment of a trum of disease in the target population. Most studies of caries
generally slow-progressing disease. Thus, it is more appropriate detection (Gimenez et al. 2013; Gimenez et al. 2015) did not
for a method of caries detection to have a high specificity even employ a sample with an adequate spectrum; hence, this affects
at the expense of a small reduction in sensitivity (Downer 1989). the transferability of results to clinical practice. More detailed
This was observed for the visual inspection in this systematic analysis of methodological quality and clinical relevance is
review, since we found a trend of pooled specificity being greater found elsewhere (Gimenez et al. 2015).
than the pooled sensitivity in the majority of the analyses. Exclusion of non-English-language articles could be seen
Another important point concerns differences among studies as a possible limitation of this review. However, the exclusion
performed under laboratory and clinical conditions. Although of articles published in other languages does not seem to bias
overall accuracy was similar, we observed that clinical studies systematic reviews (Moher et al. 2000; Juni et al. 2002).
presented higher specificities and lower sensitivities than those Another possible limitation was to consider only the results of
of laboratory studies. For proximal surfaces, the difficulties in the first examiner in each study. This strategy was based on a
simulating the proximal contact points under laboratory condi- previous medical systematic review (Nelemans et al. 2000),
tions could be a possible explanation (Braga et al. 2009). and it aimed to prevent duplication of sample data and not to
Moreover, the presence of bacterial plaque, acquired pellicle, privilege any examiner, therefore avoiding under- or overesti-
saliva, and soft tissues in clinical studies could reduce the detec- mate of the accuracy.
tion of caries lesions, leading to lower sensitivity values. Even when the results from laboratory and clinical studies
Considering DOR, which is a parameter that combines detec- were analyzed separately, the heterogeneity was still high in
tion values   of accuracy in a single parameter and does not suffer some analyses, possibly because of the high risk of method-
from the influence of the threshold effect among studies, we ological bias observed in most studies (mainly concerning the
observed similar accuracy in all subgroups. A trend for better sample selection), publication bias, and different methods used
accuracy in detecting initial occlusal lesions than advanced to perform the visual inspection. Actually, differences in the
lesions can be seen, and this may be explained by the reference studies due to disparities in the threshold for a positive result
standard used in the studies, since visual examination slightly for either the diagnostic or reference standard method used
underestimates deep lesions compared to histologic examination. have been pointed out as common reasons of heterogeneity in

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Visual Inspection for Caries Detection 9

systematic reviews of diagnostic methods (Lijmer et al. 2002; critically revised the manuscript; M.M. Braga, contributed to con-
Dinnes et al. 2005). ception, design, data acquisition, and interpretation, critically
Concerning the metaregressions performed in terms of the revised the manuscript; D.P. Raggio, C. Deery, D.N. Ricketts, K.R.
reference standard methods, at the initial carious lesion thresh- Ekstrand, contributed to conception and data interpretation, criti-
old, we observed a better performance in studies using opera- cally revised the manuscript. All authors gave final approval and
tive intervention as the reference standard on occlusal surfaces agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work.
of permanent teeth, probably due to incorporation bias (Lijmer
et al. 1999). Usually, the reference standard method in clinical Acknowledgments
studies of occlusal surfaces is operative intervention. The study was supported by the Conselho Nacional de
Consequently, this method could not be employed in the entire Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico, Fundação de Amparo
sample, because teeth thought of as being sound would not be à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (Process 2012/17888-1), and
opened by operative intervention to confirm that they were CAPES. The authors wish also to thank the participants of the
sound, for ethical reasons. Post-graduation in Pediatric Dentistry Seminar of FOUSP for the
The most important finding of this review concerns utiliza- critical comments put forth. The authors declare no potential con-
tion of validated visual scoring systems in the detection of cari- flicts of interest with respect to the authorship and/or publication
ous lesions, which has been proposed as a way of improving of this article.
sensitivity and reliability (Braga et al. 2010). We found that
studies using well-established scoring systems showed higher References
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