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SCRIPTURE # 451 • Paper

John 1:14 # 359 • Markers
John 14:6 • Crayons
John 15:12 YOUCAT • Scissors
1 John 4:8-9 # 76 • Large Wreath or decorative
Philippians 2:5-11 #9 pine that can be made to
Colossians 2:9 # 152 look like a wreath
Hebrews 2:17-18 • One large white candle
Hebrews 4:15 • Candles
2 Peter 1:4 • Christmas decorations
• 4 boxes and wrapping paper

CATECHISM • Handout: "Top 10 Ways to

# 456-463 Show God’s Love" (page 60)
# 432 • Pens/pencils

GOAL save us from our sins. In John 1:14, we are told, “the
The goal of this Edge Night is to help the middle word became flesh and dwelt among us.” Since
school youth understand the four reasons God we celebrate God becoming man at Christmas,
became man: to show us the love of the Father, to this night is going to be very Christmas centered.
give us a model of holiness, to unite our human The Catechism of the Catholic Church gives us the
nature with the divine nature and for redemption. four reasons for the Incarnation: 1) To show us
the love of the Father, 2) to give us a model of
holiness, 3) to unite our human nature with the
EDGE NIGHT AT A GLANCE divine nature and 4) to redeem us from sin.
The topic of this night is the Incarnation. The
Incarnation is a fundamental belief for us as
The night will begin with a game of “Follow the
Catholic Christians – that God became man to
Leader.” The Proclaim will help process the “Follow


the Leader” and then share with the youth about Incarnation. Use any other Christmas decorations
the Incarnation. During small groups, the youth that you have available and be sure to place a
will talk about these reasons for the Incarnation nativity scene front and center in the room.
and discuss God’s great love and mercy in sending
His Son to become man. Then they can play a MEDIA SUGGESTIONS
“Top 10” trivia game, and make Christmas cards If you have a projector and a screen, consider
to show love to someone they look up to. Finally, playing a classic Christmas movie like Charlie
they will be challenged to apply this to their lives Brown Christmas. Know that the movie will be
and live out what they learned. distracting if you just have it playing, so keep the
movie volume on mute and the Christmas music
BEFORE THE NIGHT filling the room. If you don’t have Christmas music
For the closing prayer, you will want either a large of your own, queue up a play list of Christmas
wreath or use pine needles that can be placed in music on the free online service
a large circle around the room, but made to look Type in a classic song like “Oh Holy Night” and
like a wreath. You will also need one candle per Pandora will take care of the rest.
youth during the closing prayer.

Since this night is about the Incarnation, the
environment is Christmas-themed. If you
can, have a Christmas tree with four presents
under it that represent the four reasons for the

Lord, when we seem so busy at Christmas, we
may forget that you became like us so that we can
become more like you. Help us to grow in holiness
tonight and have a deeper understanding of your

(10 min)
As the youth enter, have fun upbeat music playing (10 min)
in the background.


“Follow the Leader” is the classic game of placing
The youth minister should gather all the youth one person in front of a line and having others
together, welcome them to Edge Night, and lead follow him or her. Have the small groups stand
an opening prayer. He or she should introduce and get into single-file lines. Either choose one
any youth at Edge Night for the first time and of the Core Members or a youth in the group
present a brief overview of the session. to start as the leader. The leader begins to walk
around the room and at a spontaneous time,
You may use this opening prayer: does something like hop on one foot – the rest
“God, thank you for bringing us all here together of the youth in line must “follow the leader” and
tonight. Thank you for a chance to be with friends copy exactly what the leader is doing – hopping
and to grow closer together here at our parish. on one foot. After a few moments of leading,
Please send your Holy Spirit down upon us as we change the leader and encourage the new leader
learn about how the reasons why God came down to be creative (and safe) while leading the group
to earth. Help us to know and love you more.


around the room. Not all youth may get a chance you are and what you would say “belongs to you.”
to be a leader – the focus is more on how do we You have many gifts and talents – and these are
follow (to be explained in the Proclaim). a gift from God. What is the one thing that is truly
ours? Our sin. Sin is when we turn away from God
and say no to His grace and yes to our own will. If
we lie or steal or cheat, this is because we said no

PROCLAIM to God’s will to do what is right and you make the

choice to sin. In John 3:16, we get good news: “For
God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son,
that whoever believes in him will not die but have
SCRIPTURE PROCLAMATION eternal life.” Jesus came to take away our sins so
(5 min) that we can be reconciled with God.

Philippians 2:5-11; 1 John 4:7-11 Reason 2: So that we would know that God
loves us.
VIDEO TEACHING Think for a second of the many ways that Jesus
(10 min) could have come to earth – He could have come
as a ruler or king who demanded things of people;
As an alternative to a live teaching, show the pre- He could have come as a warrior who was strong
recorded teaching for this night found Edge Video and mighty in battle and conquered the world.
Support 8. But this is not how Jesus came into the world.
Jesus came, as a sweet baby, perfectly humble –
“JESUS CHRIST IS COMING just like you and me. This was the way that God
chose to reveal His great love for us. And love is
TO TOWN” TEACHING not just something we talk about; Love is Jesus – a
(10 min) person who shows us the love of God the Father.
Jesus shows us that God’s love is free, it is total
The Incarnation (He holds nothing back), it is faithful (it never goes
Incarnation is not a word we use that often in away), and it's fruitful. Pope Benedict XVI tells us
daily life. So when we hear something out of the in Deus Caritas Est: “Since God has first loved us,
ordinary, there is a temptation to just tune out love is now no longer a mere command; it is the
because it does not seem important. But the word response to the gift of love with which God draws
“Incarnation” is very important because it means near to us.” What Pope Benedict XVI is saying is
that God took on a human form as Jesus Christ. that we do not love because we are told to do
You see, at Christmas, we often focus in on other

so; rather, we love because when we experience

aspects of what is happening during that busy the love of God the Father, we cannot help but
time and we forget the miracle that occurred. On respond with love.
Christmas, we celebrate the Incarnation – that
God became man and became like us in all ways Reason 3: So that we would have a model of
but sin. But why would almighty God do this? The

Catechism of the Catholic Church tells us there are Let me take you back a minute to our game that
four reasons for the Incarnation. got us starter – “Follow the Leader.” We need a
good leader to follow – one we can really trust
Reason 1: Jesus came to earth to reconcile us and emulate without worry or fear of following
with God the Father. someone down the wrong path. Maybe during
Most of us are familiar with the story of Adam the game you had to do some very silly or even
and Eve – and the fall in the Garden of Eden. The risky things in order to follow the leader.
rest of the Old Testament tells the history of God
making covenants with His people and working to God did not want to give us just any kind of role
save us from the fall. It is, however, only the final model – He wanted to give us the very best. Jesus
Covenant that is made through Jesus’ suffering, is a true model of what it means to be holy. For
death, and resurrection, that we are able to be us to focus on any other person for our holiness
reconciled to God. Think for a second about who will leave us falling short. Think about those sport


stars or celebrities that people are trying to be like reconciliation, have a model of holiness, and the
– play soccer like him/her, sing like him/her, be in hope of being with Him forever in heaven.

the celebrity did something wrong. It is suddenly

all over the media and you begin to wonder who
you can trust. Here is what Jesus has to say about
that: "I am the way the truth and the life; no one
comes to the Father, but by me" (John 14:6).
We never have to fear when we follow Jesus. His
(15 min)
ways are perfect so we can trust to follow Him.
Jesus’ very life is a model of how we should live
As your small group begins, say a prayer for the
our lives – serving others, putting others before
group and the activities for that session.
us, and living a life of virtue. Jesus is the perfect
model of holiness for us.
Discuss the following questions:
Reason 4: To unite our human nature with
• What are the four reasons for the Incarnation
God’s divine nature.
of Jesus?
“It is the Spirit himself bearing witness with our
spirit that we are children of God, and if children,
• What did our game “Follow the Leader” have to
then heirs, heirs of God and fellow heirs with
do with tonight’s lesson about the Incarnation
of Jesus?
17). Jesus became man so that we could become
• Reason 1: “To reconcile us to God” – why do we
more like God. We cannot know God unless He
need Jesus in order to be reconciled to God?
reveals Himself to us. Jesus is that full revelation
(Because we cannot forgive our own sins – we
of who God is. Before the Incarnation – Jesus
cannot heal ourselves, we need Jesus to forgive
becoming man – we did not and could not know
our sins so we can be right with God again.)
God fully. It is in Jesus’ Incarnation that we come
to fully know God. Before Jesus, there was still
• Reason 2: “So we know God’s love” – How does
separation between God and us. Because of
Jesus reveal God’s love for us? (Jesus’ life, his
Jesus, that separation is gone. We can now know
and experience the fullness of God. Jesus did not
come only for us to experience God’s love and
• Reason 3: “Be a model of holiness” – How is Jesus

reconciliation here on earth, but He also came
the perfect model of holiness (He was without
so that we could be united with God forever in
sin, did the will of God the Father perfectly)
heaven. Right here on earth we can experience
God’s grace through the sacraments, but it is
• Reason 4: “Unite us with God’s divine nature” –
because of Jesus’ Incarnation that we have hope
Why does Jesus’ Incarnation make us “children


of living eternally with God in complete joy.
of God”? (Through the Incarnation, we become
the adopted sons and daughters of God and
thus heirs to God’s kingdom – heaven)
What’s important is that we don’t get confused
about why God became Man. Some people like to
• Remember the old saying WWJD (What Would
focus on one reason and not another. For instance,
Jesus Do) – how can we help be a model of
they see Jesus as a great teacher and model for
holiness for others?
holiness, but they ignore that Jesus reconciled
us with God so we can now go to heaven. So
whenever you think about Jesus Christ, remember
that He is God and that He came to earth for all
four reasons. Perhaps on Christmas Day, you can
say a prayer of thanksgiving that Jesus became
man so that we can forever enjoy God’s love, His


TOP 10 WAYS TO SHOW After the song, tell the youth about the Christmas
wreath and how it symbolizes God’s great love
GOD’S LOVE for us in two ways: 1) the circle is a symbol of
(10 min)
infinite love – without end; 2) the evergreen also
symbolizes God’s unending love. While these are
Give each youth a copy of the handout, "Top 10
only symbols, they point us toward Jesus Christ
Ways to Show God’s Love," (page 60) and a pen/
who is the true example of God’s love for us. At
pencil. Give the youth about 7-8 minutes to work
Christmas, we remember that God loves us so
on the handout individually. As time permits,
much, that He sent His one and only Son. Also at
have the youth share their Top 10 List with the
the top of the wreath is a large white candle – this
small group.
symbolizes that Jesus is the Light of the World.

CHRISTMAS CARDS Around the wreath are candles – one for each
(10 min) youth. After a brief explanation of the wreath and
candles, invite the youth to come forward and to
Provide paper, crayons, markers and any other light his/her candle from the large white candle
decorations you want to use to make Christmas and to place the smaller candle somewhere
cards. Give the youth a few minutes to decorate inside or by the wreath (you will have to adjust
the cards and then give several minutes for the based on the number in your group and the size
youth to write in the card to show their love to of your wreath). Once the youth light a candle,
someone they look up to, ie. parent, grandparent, have him/her kneel next to the candle and say a
teacher. short prayer of thanksgiving that Jesus became
like them so they can become more like Jesus.
The youth can also ask Jesus for help to live more
like Him.

SEND Once every youth has had the opportunity to

light a candle and pray, let the youth know that
LARGE GROUP PROCESS the Incarnation gives each of us a reason to sing
(5 min) – and a reason for joy. To close, sing “Joy to the
World” together – sing it with joy and festivity.
As time permits, allow youth to share one or
two items from their Top 10 List of Ways to Show SUMMARY CHALLENGE
God’s Love. If possible, use these as a part of your

Summary Challenge for the week. Before the middle school youth are sent home,
they will be challenged to remember:
(15 min) • The Incarnation is when Jesus became Man – He
took on human form and was like us in all ways

While the youth are in small group, set up the except for sin.
large wreath or pine, the large white candle, and
one candle per youth for the prayer. After a few • In the Catechism of the Catholic Church, we learn
youth have shared from their list (see Large Group that there are four reasons for the Incarnation.
Process), begin by singing a coming Christmas
carol such as “Silent Night,” or “Away in a Manger.” • Jesus became man so that: we could be reconciled
Invite the youth to join in with the song. Note, you to God, know God’s great love for us, have a
could also briefly draw the youth’s attention to model of holiness, and so we can partake in
the words that were sung and how these songs God’s divine nature.
help remind us of the true meaning of Christmas
– the Incarnation. • This week, go out and live as you wrote on your
Top 10 List of Ways to Show God’s Love. Do not


simply let that be a random list, but let others • What are some ways that Jesus is a model for us
see God’s love through you. through His actions and/or ways that He taught
and preached?
• Why was it important for God to become man –
Tonight at Edge we discussed the Incarnation. Jesus’ Incarnation?
Our goal was to help the youth understand God
taking flesh as far more than just baby Jesus in • Tell me about your Top 10 List and how can I
a manger, but a life-altering revelation of God’s support you in completing your list?
love “in the flesh.” We focused more on the “why”
of the Incarnation than the how. As outlined in ADAPTATION IDEAS
the Catechism of the Catholic Church, there are
principally four reasons that God took flesh. Jesus • For the “Follow the Leader” opening activity,
became man so that we could know the true you may want to have the youth go outside or
definition of love and how we should respond into various places to help spread them out.
to that love. The Incarnation of Jesus was also to
redeem us from our sins – we cannot forgive our • If you cannot do the wreath, consider using other
own sins. Thirdly, Jesus is the perfect example symbols for Christmas, but be sure to explain
of holiness – we can never falter if we follow to the youth the reason for those symbols and
Jesus’ example of true holiness. And lastly, the why we see them in our church.
Incarnation allows us to partake in God’s divine
nature – and to experience the true joy of His • Have your music minister come and lead
kingdom. The better our youth understand the the Christmas carols for the closing prayer
purpose(s) of Christ’s Incarnation, the more they experience.
will appreciate the significance of both Christmas,
Easter and, even, Ordinary Time!

Here are a couple of questions you might want

to ask during the ride home from Edge or in the
coming week:













As we heard tonight, one of the main reasons that Jesus became man
(the Incarnation) was to be a model of holiness for us. Jesus lived His
life in such a way that we can follow His example in the way we treat
others and serve. On the lines below, create your own Top 10 List of
Ways to Show God’s Love. Be sure to include ways to show God’s love
to your family (including siblings), to your friends, at school, and in
your community.

1. ________________________________________________________________________

2. ________________________________________________________________________

3. ________________________________________________________________________

4. ________________________________________________________________________

5. ________________________________________________________________________

6. ________________________________________________________________________

7. ________________________________________________________________________

8. ________________________________________________________________________

9. ________________________________________________________________________

10. ________________________________________________________________________





____________________________________________ ⃞ Turn in your notes for the Edge Night to the

youth minister. Allow the youth minister to
____________________________________________ give feedback and make necessary changes.

____________________________________________ ⃞ Create a list of needed supplies and materials.

Assign a person to be responsible for collecting
and/or purchasing the items needed.
⃞ Discuss with the youth minister who will be
____________________________________________ giving the Proclaim/witness for the Edge Night.
Be sure that this person is given the script and/
or teaching. Inform them of any practices, time
ONE MONTH PRIOR TO THE NIGHT: limits, and/or deadlines.

⃞ Give copes of the Edge Night to each of the WEEK OF THE EDGE NIGHT:
members of the planning team. Each person
should read the Scripture, Catechism, and ⃞ Person giving Proclaim checks in with youth
YOUCAT references as well as review the minister.
planning guide before the brainstorming
meeting. ⃞ Check that all supplies have been obtained/
⃞ Have the planning team meet for a
brainstorming meeting (this should last no ⃞ Create/collect items for environment. Have
longer than 1 hour). The team prays and volunteers ready to help if needed.
discusses where the youth are in their faith
journey in relation to this topic. Using this ⃞ Email Core Team an overview of the Edge Night.

planning guide as a starting point, the team
adapts the Edge Night to meet the needs of the DAY OF THE EDGE NIGHT:
youth and the parish.
⃞ Set up the environment. Make sure the room is
⃞ Assign the person responsible for the following: clean and presentable.


Environment ________________________________ ⃞ If needed, set up audio/visual equipment. Test
the video clips to make sure both picture and
Before the Night (when needed) _______________ sound work.

Audio/Visual Needs __________________________ ⃞ Pray! Pray for the youth attending the Edge
Night. Pray for God’s will to be done through
Opening Prayer ______________________________ the night. Pray over those involved.

Scripture Proclamation ________________________

Proclaim (discuss with YM) ____________________

Summary Challenge __________________________




Use the following questions to discuss and evaluate your Edge Night.

1. On a scale of 1-10, how well did this Edge 1. On a scale of 1-10, how well did this Edge
Night accomplish the goal we set? Explain. Night accomplish the goal we set? Explain.

2. What was the strongest aspect of this Edge 2. What was the strongest aspect of this Edge
Night? Night?

3. What kind of follow-up do we need to do 3. What kind of follow-up do we need to do

after this Edge Night? after this Edge Night?

4. What can we improve for future Edge Nights? 4. What can we improve for future Edge Nights?
How can we accomplish this? How can we accomplish this?

1. On a scale of 1-10, how well did this Edge 1. On a scale of 1-10, how well did this Edge

Night accomplish the goal we set? Explain. Night accomplish the goal we set? Explain.

2. What was the strongest aspect of this Edge 2. What was the strongest aspect of this Edge
Night? Night?

3. What kind of follow-up do we need to do 3. What kind of follow-up do we need to do

after this Edge Night? after this Edge Night?

4. What can we improve for future Edge Nights? 4. What can we improve for future Edge Nights?
How can we accomplish this? How can we accomplish this?


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