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Acts of the Apostles # 1576 • Pens/pencils
Acts 2:1-13 • Poster board
Acts 2:42-47 YOUCAT • Markers
Acts 4:13-14 # 92 • Handout: "Lord, Help Me"
Acts 4:29-31 # 121-128 (page 77)
# 137
# 186 # 252
# 242-245 # 344
# 857-865 # 482

GOAL Acts of the Apostles and the Letters from St. Paul
The goal of this Edge Night is help the youth give us good insight. In the days following the
understand what life was like for the early Church Passion, one might think that that would be an
end. However, at Pentecost, with an outpouring of

– especially in the years that followed Jesus’

Ascension. The youth will also be challenged to the Holy Spirit on the world, the Church was born.
live out their faith boldly. This Edge Night will focus on what happened in the
early Church: the believers were bold and shared
their faith; the apostles preached with boldness;
EDGE NIGHT AT A GLANCE communities of faith were formed; people lived
This Edge Night will focus in on what life was
as Jesus taught and commanded. Because of
like for the early Church and the life of the early
this, extraordinary numbers were added and the
Christians. After Jesus rose from the dead,
Church began to grow and thrive.
there were 40 days before His Ascension where
Jesus was with the disciples. Ten days later they
Get the Edge Night started with a lot of energy –
experienced Pentecost, but what was next? The
the youth should have a feeling that your parish


is alive! After introductions, the youth will be ENVIRONMENT
challenged to answer the question: What next? Create an “upper room” feel at the front of the
The Proclaim will help the youth to understand room. Use wooden chairs and a rustic looking
what the early Church was like. Take some time wooden table. Have the chairs pushed away from
to discuss and challenge the youth in small group the table and maybe even one turned on its back
to live as those early Christians. The night will to show it has fallen over after someone left. If
conclude with a time of Adoration – be sure to you have the capability, create one wall with a
keep the beginning of the Edge Night tight as to wooden door. The key is – to make it look as if
allow time for Adoration. There will a short small everyone has left in a hurry. They haven’t left in
group activity as to allow more time for Adoration. a hurry to leave town, but to spread the Gospel.
However, if you are not able to do Adoration, see
the Adaptation section of the night.
Song: “No Greater Love” by Matt Maher (Alive
Again, Provident)
BEFORE THE NIGHT Song: “Be Lifted High” by Josh Blakesly (Waiting,
Be sure to ask a priest or deacon to be present spiritandsong records)
for Adoration. Also, ask your musician to help Song: “God of Justice” by Tim Hughes (You Have
provide worship music for the Edge Night. Shown Us, Kingsway)

Jesus’ time, what do they think should be done to
spread the faith. Help the youth to come up with
specific ideas as well – instead of “live like Jesus,”
ask them to specify what that means – feed the
WELCOME & INTRODUCTIONS hungry, go to Mass every Sunday, be kind to your
(10 min) neighbor, etc.

As the youth enter, have fun upbeat music playing

in the background.

The youth minister should gather all the youth PROCLAIM

together, welcome them to Edge Night, and lead
an opening prayer. He or she should introduce
any youth at Edge Night for the first time and SCRIPTURE PROCLAMATION
present a brief overview of the session. (5 min)

Acts 2:42-47
(10 min)
Point the youth to the “upper room” that you have BEYOND” TEACHING
(table empty, chairs not pushed in/fallen over) and (10 min)
let them know that it’s the day after Pentecost –
the day after the Holy Spirit was poured out on After Pentecost, Now What?
the world and the Church was born. What an amazing question – Jesus is gone, now
what? The disciples were sitting in the upper room
Give each group a poster board and markers. Ask probably asking the same question. We then read
them, “Now what?” The groups have five minutes in the Acts of the Apostles that they heard a loud,
to brainstorm and decide, if they were alive in


rushing wind and tongues of fire rested upon communities and held fast to what was handed
their heads – that would be the Holy Spirit. The down to them – the traditions and teachings
disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit and did as from the apostles. Each community may have
Jesus commanded, “Go!” They went out to spread developed local customs, but the core of their
the Gospel – the Good News! beliefs came from what was passed on to them
from the apostles.
The Apostles
“And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ Community was also important, because as
teaching…” What did the early Church do? One of St. Paul says, we are the “body of Christ.” We
the things Scripture tells us is that they took the come together to help one another, serve one
time to learn the faith. The apostles went out and another, and to worship Jesus as a family – not
began to share what they had seen and heard just as individuals. The early Church gathered
while they followed Jesus. With the guidance of together in community to be strengthened by
the Holy Spirit, the apostles boldly proclaimed one another, to learn and grow in faith, and to
the truth and because of that, many people worship together. St. Justin Martyr, around the
came to believe. As the apostles went out, they year 150 A.D. describes liturgy in the early Church
found people hungry for Truth. What do we know - Scriptural readings, prayers of intercession,
about Rome and even Greece during this time offertory, Eucharistic prayer, and communion.
period? They worshiped tons of gods like Zeus Just to drive home the point – they came together
and Poseidon. There was a god for this, a god for as a community for Mass, they did not celebrate
that – and if you angered the gods, good luck! The individually.
apostles preached about the One, True God. Not
a God of anger, but a God who loves us so much Holy Boldness
that He sent His Son to save us. It wasn’t easy, For almost 2000 years, the Catholic Church has
but the apostles were bold! They ran into people been active and effective throughout the world.
who came up with lots of weird “theologies” to Early Christians often suffered severe persecution
explain Jesus (these are called heresy by the way), and put to death for their faith. These martyrs
but the apostles did not back down and they did refused to deny their faith – they were bold and
not falter. As the apostles taught and preached, stood up for truth. The apostles and early Church
people’s hearts were turned and they came to Fathers preached and taught boldly to spread
believe. the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to protect and
defend the Catholic Church. We, too, are called
From the early Church, we also see established to be bold in our faith. Like the early Church, we
structure – a hierarchy. The faith was handed should devote ourselves to reading Scripture and
on to the believers from the apostles who were learning about our Catholic faith, we should be
at Jesus’ side as He preached and performed an active part of our community, and we should
miracles. There were also some men who taught boldly share our faith with others.

directly from the apostles – we call them the

Church Father. When there were questions about
the faith or false teachers, the early Church went
back to the apostles or the early Church Fathers.
It was not left up to a single church to interpret a BREAK

teaching or a tradition, rather, that authority was

reserved for the apostles and the early Church
(15 min)
Community Life
As your small group begins, say a prayer for the
Another important aspect of the early Church
group and the activities for that session. Ask for
was the development of communities. Note that
an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in your small
in our Scripture Proclamation tonight, it doesn’t
group for wisdom and understanding of the faith
say that people went home and did everything
to share and courage to live it out.
on their own. Instead, it stresses the importance
Discuss the following questions:
of community life. The early Church formed


• Let’s read Acts 2:42 again: “And they devoted
themselves to the apostles’ teaching and
fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the
prayers.” What does this tell you about the early
(35 min)
• How did our “Now What?” poster compare to
what we heard during the Proclaim? What is Eucharistic Adoration?
The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches
• What does it mean, “they devoted themselves us, “Because Christ himself is present in the
to the apostles’ teaching”? How can we also sacrament of the altar, he is to be honored with
devote ourselves to learning our faith? the worship of Adoration. ‘To visit the Blessed
Sacrament is…a proof of gratitude, an expression
• Why is it important to live in community – why of love, and a duty of Adoration toward Christ our
can’t we just live our own lives and do our own Lord’” (1418).
thing when it comes to our faith?
We first adore Christ in the Eucharist when we
• What are some ways that you can share your receive Him at Mass during Holy Communion.
faith with others? Outside of Mass, we may also choose to adore
Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, when displayed
• What does it mean that they devoted themselves in a monstrance. The monstrance is a sacred
to prayer? What does it mean to be devoted? vessel used to hold the Blessed Sacrament during
How can you become more devoted in prayer? adoration. (Describe the monstrance used at
your parish and its significance.)
• How can you live your life so that others can see
your faith? What can we do during Adoration? The quote
from the Catechism gives us a start to know how
to adore Christ – gratitude or thanksgiving and
express love. After the Blessed Sacrament is
(5 min)
exposed, you will have a chance to pray quietly
and reverently. You can have your handout Lord,
Give each youth a copy of the "Lord, Help Me"
Help Me to help you focus your prayer tonight as
handout (page 77). Let your group know that
well. We are called to put all of our attention on
there will be a time of Adoration tonight and
Jesus who is fully present to us in the Blessed
remind them of the importance of reverence and
Sacrament. While the music is playing, you are
invited to sing – which is an expression of praise
to God. Allow the words of the song to be your

Allow the youth some time to write down some
prayer. During times when there is no music, take
thoughts and/or prayers to have before the
some time to give thanks to God. Keep your focus
Blessed Sacrament. The purpose is to help the
on Jesus – your eyes on Him. Say “thank you” to
youth examine their faith in light of the night’s
Him. After thanking God, express how much you
session and to help them have a focus during
love Him. If you have a lot on your mind, give that
to Jesus in prayer as well.

When the Blessed Sacrament is “processed” in,

we will all kneel in reverence of Christ coming
into our presence. After the priest or deacon
places the monstrance on the altar, there will be
a time to sing praise to God, to offer Him thanks,
and share how much you love Him. If you feel
yourself becoming distracted, re-focus your
eyes, attention and heart back to the Blessed
Sacrament. After a time of adoring Jesus, the


priest/deacon will then close with Benediction, • Why was it important that the apostles and
which is a special blessing, and then repose the disciples were “sent out”?
Blessed Sacrament. We should stay kneeling
during Adoration and reverent until Jesus has • How is our parish like one of the early
been reposed and placed back in the tabernacle. communities that you talked about tonight?

SUMMARY CHALLENGE • How can we as a family help to share our

Catholic faith?
Before the middle school youth are sent home,
they will be challenged to remember: ADAPTATION IDEAS

• After Jesus’ death, the disciples scattered in fear; • If you are not able to have Adoration, here is
at Pentecost, however, the disciples were ignited an idea for small group. Have the youth develop
in their faith and the Church was born. a plan to spread the faith in both the parish
community as well as in their families, with
• Reading the Acts of the Apostles and the Letters friends, and at school. They can take their ideas
of St. Paul, we know that the apostles went from the “Now What?” activity and add more
out preaching as Jesus did and many people specific details. Have them come back and
responded by coming in to the faith. share their ideas with the large group. Close
the night spending time praying for your parish
• Early Christians also saw the importance and community – especially your pastor.
need of living in community so as to support one
another and to grow in faith.

• This week, ask yourself, “Now what?” You’ve

heard about the early Church tonight, but what
will you do to help others know the love of Jesus?

Now what? Your child was challenged to think
of what happened after Pentecost. On the day
of Pentecost, the disciples were gathered in the
“upper room” and fearful. As the Holy Spirit came
upon them, however, their faith was ignited and
the Church was born. The apostles went out,

preaching and teaching as they had seen Jesus

do and as Scripture tells us, many believers were
added to the faith. We shared with the youth
tonight how important it is for us to learn our
faith so that we can both live it and share it. We

also are called to live in community so that we

can support one another and call each other to

Here are some questions to help start a

conversation with your youth about what he/she
learned during Edge:

• What do you think life was like for early





Read Acts 2:42: “And they devoted themselves to the apostles’
teaching and fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.”

Take some time to write down your thoughts – you can write them
as bullet points or you may want to write them out more as a prayer.
What things do you need to do in order to better follow Jesus? Do
you want to live your faith more boldly? Why? How can you live your
faith more boldly – at home? At school? With your friends? In the













___________________________________________________________________________ TO PENTECOST AND BEYOND









____________________________________________ ⃞ Turn in your notes for the Edge Night to the

youth minister. Allow the youth minister to
____________________________________________ give feedback and make necessary changes.

____________________________________________ ⃞ Create a list of needed supplies and materials.

Assign a person to be responsible for collecting
and/or purchasing the items needed.
⃞ Discuss with the youth minister who will be
____________________________________________ giving the Proclaim/witness for the Edge Night.
Be sure that this person is given the script and/
or teaching. Inform them of any practices, time
ONE MONTH PRIOR TO THE NIGHT: limits, and/or deadlines.

⃞ Give copes of the Edge Night to each of the WEEK OF THE EDGE NIGHT:
members of the planning team. Each person
should read the Scripture, Catechism, and ⃞ Person giving Proclaim checks in with youth
YOUCAT references as well as review the minister.
planning guide before the brainstorming
meeting. ⃞ Check that all supplies have been obtained/
⃞ Have the planning team meet for a
brainstorming meeting (this should last no ⃞ Create/collect items for environment. Have
longer than 1 hour). The team prays and volunteers ready to help if needed.
discusses where the youth are in their faith
journey in relation to this topic. Using this ⃞ Email Core Team an overview of the Edge Night.
planning guide as a starting point, the team
adapts the Edge Night to meet the needs of the DAY OF THE EDGE NIGHT:

youth and the parish.

⃞ Set up the environment. Make sure the room is
⃞ Assign the person responsible for the following: clean and presentable.

Environment ________________________________ ⃞ If needed, set up audio/visual equipment. Test

the video clips to make sure both picture and
Before the Night (when needed) _______________ sound work.

Audio/Visual Needs __________________________ ⃞ Pray! Pray for the youth attending the Edge
Night. Pray for God’s will to be done through
Opening Prayer ______________________________ the night. Pray over those involved.

Scripture Proclamation ________________________

Proclaim (discuss with YM) ____________________

Summary Challenge __________________________




Use the following questions to discuss and evaluate your Edge Night.

1. On a scale of 1-10, how well did this Edge 1. On a scale of 1-10, how well did this Edge
Night accomplish the goal we set? Explain. Night accomplish the goal we set? Explain.

2. What was the strongest aspect of this Edge 2. What was the strongest aspect of this Edge
Night? Night?

3. What kind of follow-up do we need to do 3. What kind of follow-up do we need to do

after this Edge Night? after this Edge Night?

4. What can we improve for future Edge Nights? 4. What can we improve for future Edge Nights?
How can we accomplish this? How can we accomplish this?

1. On a scale of 1-10, how well did this Edge 1. On a scale of 1-10, how well did this Edge
Night accomplish the goal we set? Explain. Night accomplish the goal we set? Explain.

2. What was the strongest aspect of this Edge 2. What was the strongest aspect of this Edge
Night? Night?

3. What kind of follow-up do we need to do 3. What kind of follow-up do we need to do TO PENTECOST AND BEYOND
after this Edge Night? after this Edge Night?

4. What can we improve for future Edge Nights? 4. What can we improve for future Edge Nights?
How can we accomplish this? How can we accomplish this?


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