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A Decline in Other Animals

Honeybees That Need Help

J ust like every other species,
bees are an important part
of our ecosystem. Without
S ea turtles have a diet the
relies on jellyfish as well
as other aquatic animals.
pollenators like them, the food They can often mistake plas-
we know and love wouldn’t tic bags for jellyfish, not
exist, and our world would be realizing that the plastic is
a whole lot different- and not poisonous. Make sure to pick
for the better. up litter!

U nfortunately, the popula-

tion of bees is decreasing
due to a few problems. For
M innows and other fish
suffer from overfishing,
as well as other problems.
one thing, harmful pesticides When fishing, make sure that
called neococtinoids have you know what species are in
been found to harm bees. Bees the water and whether or not
also have been negatively im- any of them are endangered.
pacted by changes in the envi- Sea turtles are also not the
ronment. Therefore this prob- only aquatic animals that are
lem is urgent as it is affecting effected by pollution, so pick-
the food and plants around us, ing up litter could quite likely
which in turn is effecting the save an animal’s life!
bees and other animals. So in
conclusion, less bees = worse
climate and worse climate =
less bees in turn. Don’t get too
W hales and other large
animals can get cut
and strangled on fishing nets
worried, however; there are meant to catch smaller fish.
things that you and your fami- A great way to help them is to
ly can to do help. only buy fish (tuna, primari-
ly) that was caught with safe

O ne fun thing you can do is

start a garden, whether
methods and not overfished.

it be of vegetables or flowers!
You’ll be sure to attract pol-
lenators and get a beautiful - ----
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M ammals, birds, and oth-
er animals can be found
and helped at wildlife shel-
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or delicious outcome. Doing ----- - - - - -- - - - ters. Wildlife shelters are
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things in general to help the places that care for animals


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earth like picking up litter, -- that have had injures or oth-


recycling, limiting packaging, --------- er problems and need help.


and buying organic are also The shelters rely on volun-
great ways to help the earth teering, so another great way
and all the species on it! to help is to volunteer at one!

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