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the knitted shower-bath cap in zebra stripes of black and whit Materials: Of Patons Fuzzy coz, balls in Black and one 4-07. ball io. 11 “Bechive” needles. L-yard petersham ribbon. “Measurements: To fit an average head, ‘Tension: 8 sts. to an inch. V.B.—B.—black; W. =white Brim; With B,, cast on 32 sts. Isr now: right side facing, knit. 2vp now k, 2 tog., knit to last stitch, knit twice in last stitch, SRD RoW: purl twice in Ist stitch, p- 29, p. 2 tog. 4rH Row: P. 2 tog. p. 26, purl twice Ip last stitch.’ Leave B. hanging but carry it up the side edge until wanted again. Join in W. ‘OTH RoW: knit twice in y Angora, two White. A pair inch wide black k. 29, ke, 2 tog. 6x ow: k, 2'tog., K. 20, knit twice in last’ stiteh, Trit row: purl twice in Ist stitch, p. 29, p. 2 tog. ‘rH ROW: p. 2 tog., p. 29, purl twice in last stiteh, Change bacle to B. Qrit now: knit twice in Ist stitch, k. 29, I. 2 tog. Rows 2-9 inclusive form pattern, Repeat thom until band measures about 25 inches ending with a W. stripe; cast of. ‘With right side facing and B., pick up and k. 216s. along one edge of striped band. Work 5 rows stocking Stiteh, starting with a purl row. xexr Row: * k. 2, ke 2 tog.; repeat from ° fo end. Work 5 rows stocking-stiteh. Nnier Row: * k 1, 2 tog.i repeat from ® toend (108 sts.) NuXt RoW: pus, Change to k 1, p-1 rib for 8 rows, Cast off in rib loosely, using double wool. ‘This completes brim. Crown; With right side facing and B., pick up and WOOL CAPS WILL 216 sts. along other edge of striped band. Purl row. Continue in stocking-stitch, shaping as follows Isr zow: * K. 10, k. 2 tog.; repeat from * to end. 2xD AND EVERY ALTERNATE ROW: purl. SRD ROW: oie. 9, ke 2 tog; repeat from * to end, Sr Row: * kB, Kk. 2 tog. repeat from * to end. Tri How ie 7, ke 2 tog.; repeat from * to end. drm now: * k. 6, Kk. 2 tog Fepeat from * to end.’ 11TH xo ik. 5, Kk 2 tog.; repeat from * to ‘end, 12rH Row: purl (108 sts.) ‘Now repeat rows I-12 inclusive once ‘more (54 sts). 251 ROW: ‘ie 4, k. 2 tog ; repeat from * toend. 26ri1 now: purl. 27TH Row: * I. 3, kk. 2tog.; repeat from * to end. 2878 Row: purl. 29rm ow: * k. 2, k 2 tog. repeat from * to end. 30mm Row: purl, 3ist Row: * Ki, ke 2 tog repeat from * to end. "32ND Row: purl. S3RD Row: (k. 2 tox.) 9 times, Draw thread through remiain- ing stitches and fasten off TO MAKE UP Press only very lightly on wrong side under a damp cloth, Join sides of hat neatly on wrung Side. Cut petersham ribbon t0 At head with a Bit tospare. Place round edge of brim on toprof ribbing on right side and pin in position; turn in raw edges, hen stitch all round lower edge. BERET AND GLOVES Materials: Of Patons Bechive Kingering S-ply, Patonised, 2 ozs Black and i oz. Rust (71. A pair No. 11 “Beehive” needles; a set of four No. 12 needles pointed boti ends, A-No. 10 erachet hook. A circle of black canvas 1] inches in diameter 16

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