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Kim Brand has been a member since 2001. He pledges $83.33/month to the State Party.

That's just enough to reach $1000 for the entire year! The three largest sums he has
given to the State Party are $621 in 2001,226.18 in 2002 and 276.18 in 2004. He made
two donations to National in 2002 of$379 each. However, it appears these were most
likely Convention packages for the Indy Convention. Before he joined the LP he was a
supporter of Lugar, giving a $250 contribution in 1998.

Suggested Amount: $500

Phone Number: 317-917-2260

Steve Dillon has been a member since 1988. He currently pledges $50/month to the
LPIN. His three largest contributions have been $300 in 2000, $735 in 2001 and $150 in
2003. He has not made a significant contribution to National since they began making
reports available on-line. In addition to having been both a Secretary of State Candidate
and Gubernatorial Candidate for Indiana, he donated $150 to Rebecca's campaign in
2002. I understand he is the National Chairman ofNORML, so he is likely a major
donor to the organization. Although, he has not donated to their PAC.

Suggested Amount: $500

Phone Number: 812-333-3037

Michael Laudick is a relatively new member who allowed his membership to lapse after
a single year in March. He doesn't stand out in any way except he made a $500 donation
in 2003 and has a history of donating to other cause. He gave $100 to O'Bannon for
Governor and made two donations totaling $450 to the Rainbow Alliance in 1998 and
1999. He seems to lean to the left.

Suggested Amount: $500

Phone Number: 317-634-5319

Dennis and Sharon Metheny has been a member since 1996 until allowing his
membership to lapse in March. Sharon has been a member since 2000 and still are
active. They donated $500 in January of 2002 and another $500 the next month. They
donated $220 in 2003. They donated $379 twice in 2002 on the same day but it appears
they were just convention packages.

Suggested Amount: $500

Phone Number: 219-879-6834

Jay and Jacquie Meisenhelder are only $10/monthly pledger, but in 2000 they made a
$500 donation to the State Party. Only Jacquie has ever been a member and she has been
current since 1996. They donated $100 to Rebgecca's campaign, $550 to Andy's, and
$50 to Steve Dillon's Secretary of State Race.

Suggested Amount: $250

Phone Number: 317-273-0424
Getting them back

The message concepts:

In our attempt to return our former members back to the fold we should pitch a series of messages
as follows;
A. We have a new administration with fresh ideas and an optimistic future.

B. We want and need your committed membership to continue our fight for freedom.
We are a small party everybody must participate. Look what we've done so far
highlight past and recent successes. Mass.Tax Initiative, Thompson Campaign,
Record number of candidates.
C. Information on the difference between membership and registration, and how to
(Some of our email addresses have gone to existing members and many are
confused by the registration vs. membership thing.)
D. Findings that 87.8% of former members still consider themselves Libertarians.
Acknowledge that it's normal for people to come and go. And, that some people
just don't buy the Libertarian cause. But we never loose their spirit.
E. Consistency of membership is important for it allows us to build with certainty.
Invite them to make the party what they want it to be. Get involved.
F. Personal Freedom doesn't come cheap. A political party needs to raise money to
accomplish its mission. If you don't have money when ask,just be glad we ask, it means
we are trying to do something. The only way to beat a bully who's trying to coerce you
is to smack him. With government it means we have to elect our people.

The methodology:
Given our current fmancial constraints direct mail may be too expensive and slow. Since we
have a list of former members that is relatively current we could expect a fair response of say
around 10%. I recommend an email campaign preceded by a recorded phone message from the
GeoffNeale. We should put a link (accessible to just these contacts) to the new brochure on the
LP web site as a sign of the new changes etc. Respondents could act on the spot via phone or via
the web site.

Five emails over a two week period would be necessary. Each email can have a different focus.

Email 1 Emphasis on A with a brief statement on the other points except for D
Email 2 Emphasis on F with a brief statement on the other points except for D
Email 3" B with a brief statement on the other points except for D
Email 4" D & C Summary of all points
Email 5" D & C Summary of all points

Assuming we have a phone number for each person a phone call from GeoffNeale inviting them
to come home would precede the email effort. We can record his message (up to 22 minutes) and
have an out bound service deliver it. The cost of that service would be around $.25 plus long
distance per call and set up fees as yet unquoted. The service could also have a remote
connection to the home office for a live operator to take the call and sign them up on the spot.
For answering machines we can leave an 800# to call for a recorded message from the National
Chair. I really like the personal touch and hope we can execute this part of the outreach. All the
calls could be done on a Sunday over a 7 hour period assuming we have 7,000 phone numbers.
The phone numbers would have to be provided in an .xIs file.
Richard Hart donated $400 to the State Party in 2000 and $100 to our first fundraising
letter. He is a $100/month pledger to National. He donated $20 to Rebecca and $300 to
Horning. His largest LNC donation was $400 in 2000 and his most recent was $200 in
2003. He is a basic life member of the Party so at some point he must have given
$1000. He has been a member since 1997.

Phone number: 317-353-1536

Suggested Contribution: $100/month

Richard Irish is a $25/month pledger to National. He has donated $100 to both of our
mailings. He has been a member since 1992.

Phone number: 317-842-8487

Suggested Contribution: $100/month

Phil Miller has given $525 to the LPIN in 2001, $265 in 2000, and $100 in 1999. His
most recent large contribution was $75 in 2003. He has donated $125 to Rebecca and
$490 to Horning. His largest contribution to the LNC was $339 in 2002 and $329 in
2004. However, these were likely convention packages. He has been a member since
1996 and is currently a $2S/month contributor to National and a $10/month contributor
to National.

Phone number: 317-462-3354

Suggested Contribution: $40/month

Dean Barkley gave $350 to the LPIN in 2003 from what was likely excess campaign
contributions. He is currently not a member.

Phone number: 317 -695-84 73

Suggested Contribution: $40/month

Rick Hodgin recently joined the LP this past month. He also signed up about three or
four of his family members. He is our 5th District Congressional Candidate for this

Phone number: 317-510-4083

Suggested Contribution: $25/month
Barbara Bourland has been a member of the party since 1988. She is currently a life
member. She pledges $100 a month to the State Party although has given substantial
sums at various times in our party's history. The three largest sums she has given are
$10,000 in 1999, $1080 in 2000, and $2745 in 2001. She donated $100 to Rebecca's
campaign but none to Andy's. Her largest gift to the LNC has been $1000 in 2000 and
her most recent was $500 in 2003. Other than her monthly pledge she has not made a
substantial contribution to the State Party. It is highly likely she may be prepared to
make another large gift.

Suggested Amount: $1000

Phone Number: 765-463-6601

John Griner lives in Bloomington and apparently owns his own Engineering firm. His
donor history covers the gambit. He has given $2000 in 2000 and $500 in 2001. He gave
$250 to Rebecca for SOS and $2500 to Horning for Governor. He has given a total of
$11,758 to the LNC including one donation of$10,000! His most recent contribution to
the LNC was in 2002. He has contributed to $200 to O'Bannon in 1998 and $500 to
McIntosh in 2003 for Governor. He contributed $500 to a local candidate David
Sabbaugh in 2002. He gave $1000 to Browne and Bush within a week. He also gave
$500 to Cloud in 2001 for Senate. He also seems to be a big fan of Hostettler and Lugar.
There are other BIG Contributions as well. Rebecca picked a winner.

Suggested Amount: $2,000

Phone: 812-332-0096 (Home Number - Recently found)
Referral: Rebecca Sink-Burris

John Taylor has been a member since 1996. He has given substantially to the LPIN
over the last couple years. He currently gives $85 a month. He has also given $525 in
2000, $1020 in 2001 and $320 in 2004. He only gave $75 to Rebecca's campaign and
$25 to Andy's. His only large LNC contribution was $379 in 2002. I believe an ask
would be successful despite the fact he already pledges monthly.

Suggested Amount: $500

Phone: 317-891-1677

Jessica and John - "Jack - Stefani are a Libertarian couple living in Fisher's.
Combined they have given the State Party $2175 in large contributions. The most recent
was $200 in 2003 from Jack but the largest was $1000 from Jessica. They contributed
$50 to Horning's 2000 campaign and $1000 to Rebecca's. In 2002 they made a $379
contribution to the LNC. Jessica donates more than Jack but Kole suggested Jack.

Suggested Amount: $1000

Phone: 317-570-9930
Referral: Mike Kale
Greg Sell has been a member since only 2002 but in that year he made his three largest
contributions to the LPIN. He donated $1000 in August and May and $300 again in
November. His most recent large contribution was $110 in November of2003. He is
currently a $25/month donor. He gave another $200 to the National Party that same year
and gave $1100 to Rebecca's campaign. I don't know if2002 was a good year for him
but he did demonstrate he was willing to give substantial sums of money to Libertarians
that year. I believe ifhe was asked he could make a significant donation.

Suggested Amount: $1000

Phone: 574-533-2151 or 574-533-3020

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