Libertarian Party of Marion County 133 W. Market ST, #159 Indianapolis, IN 46204

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133 W. Market St, #159

Indianapolis, IN 46204

April 9, 2011

Dear Libertarian,

With the start of 2010 comes the start of a new election year. Tax protests, talk radio, and the
failures of the two-party system are leading more and more people to the Libertarian Party every
day. What we need now are Libertarian candidates for them to support…candidates who will
defend freedom and liberty.

YOUR HELP IS NEEDED. To run effective campaigns, we must have potential candidates
identified by the end of the year. We have a number posts to fill in Marion County, starting with
our first focus: township races.

 TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARD (or IPS): this election is in May during the primary
 TOWNSHIP TRUSTEE (one for each of our nine townships)
 Each township also has a race for CONSTABLE and SMALL CLAIMS COURT
JUDGE, if you feel qualified to run for either of those.

Additionally there are a number of county-wide races we need to have filled.

County Auditor County Sheriff County Assessor

County Recorder County Clerk (Election Board) County Prosecutor

Although the nominations for state-level races will occur during the LPIN State Convention, we
here in Marion County will slate candidates for our local State Legislature seats (Senate Districts
29 & 31; and House Districts 25, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99 & 100).
Your local county party will also slate a Federal candidate to challenge Rep. Andre′ Carson in the
7th District.

Finally, our State Party (LPIN) is still in need of a candidate for Secretary of State (our ballot
access race). If you or anyone you know is interested in running for this very important race,
please contact us immediately. Other state wide races include Indiana Treasurer and Auditor as
well as U.S. Senate.

Let’s make this a great year. To enlist as a candidate or follow up with an inquiry, please contact
me at the information below. The candidate committee will be calling you on November 14th if
we don’t hear from you first!

In Liberty,

Timothy Maguire, Chairman


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